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all lowercase is not even close to as annoying as
StIlL nOt As BaD aS aLtErNaTiNg CaSe.
Oh man we're gonna need a restraining order on this one.
Reminds me of SMS on good old 3x4 keyboards.
@ChristopherPeart The main Criteria are listed in the question. As for features I don't think that more will help you, it might hurt you. I am looking for an interesting Esolang that doesn't simply patch a working esolang with a unsolved problem.
@Doorknob STIlL NoT AS BAd As a COmPLetLY InDESCerNIble PAtteRN!
CmC: given a string of unknown case, convert it to "AlTeRnAtInG CaSe"
V, 5 bytes: Vuò~l
@DJMcMayhem Starting with a specific case, or can I choose?
@DJMcMayhem @.lower=>(l,i)->i%2?l.upper:l.lower
@DJMcMayhem lambda x:"".join("".join(x)for x in zip(x[::2].lower(),x[1::2].upper()))
surprisingly verbose perhaps someone could do it better
@MistahFiggins It must work for arbitrary case inputs
I mean, can I always start it with uppercase?
@WheatWizard Could you do str instead of "".join?
@MistahFiggins oh, yeah that's fine
tried it
a little bit shorter: lambda x:"".join(x+y for x,y in zip(x[::2].lower(),x[1::2].upper()))
RProgN, 17 Bytes. ~`.{0#l#U?0!`0=}R
@WheatWizard f=lambda s:s and s[0].upper()+s[1:2].lower()+f(s[2:])
Much smarterer and also works
@ATaco I got this:
> --------------------
What's STDERR?
Regardless, 16 Bytes. ~S{0#l#U?0!`0=}R
That's a cool trick to use string slicing to avoid an index error. I've never used that before
Returning an array of strings.
um, here is one of the weirdest wikipedia articles I have found
The Euthanasia Coaster is an art concept for a steel roller coaster designed to kill its passengers. In 2010, it was designed and made into a scale model by Julijonas Urbonas, a PhD candidate at the Royal College of Art in London. Urbonas, who has worked at an amusement park, stated that the goal of his concept roller coaster is to take lives "with elegance and euphoria". As for practical applications of his design, Urbonas mentioned "euthanasia" or "execution". John Allen, who served as president of the Philadelphia Toboggan Company, inspired Urbonas with his description of the "ultimate" roller...
What the actual flippity frick?
> "... insurance against unintentional survival of particularly robust passengers"
referring to loops past the seventh
If you ever have to say "unintentional survival", you are probably doing something very, very, wrong
I'd disagree with you there. there are a fair amount of times things have to be killed with certainty
There are a lot of new people since I've last been here.
@DestructibleWatermelon You'd think it'd just be simpler to drop people from the high point
@HelkaHomba Turn it into a codegolf puzzle somehow.
@HelkaHomba um, what?
@DJMcMayhem Any characters other than letters and spaces?
Geez, It's really annoying how TIO treats ks in Befunge. As far As I'm concerned, this should print 1
@MistahFiggins idk
:!\#@~' %:!j;,;\2+' *+,#; Befunge-98, 25 bytes
:!\#@~' %\2+' *+, Befunge-98, 17 bytes, but doesn't work with spaces
Q: Maximal Skittle Enjoyment

Nathan MerrillYou've been given a bag of Skittles. Everybody knows that in order to appreciate the different flavors the most, you need to rotate between the flavors. Basics: You can only eat 1 skittle at a time The order that you eat your skittles must be periodic. Each period cannot contain a particula...

I'd be really impressed if someone did a brain-flak answer :)
Blue Skittles? What is this madness!
CMC: given a string of 1s, 0s, and +s, evaluate it in RPN. 11+ => 2, 10+ => 0, 111+0++ => 3. You do not have to handle popping from an empty stack.
@HelkaHomba yeah, it'd be even simpler to just shoot them
not the point
@ConorO'Brien How is 10+ 0 and not 1?
@DJMcMayhem it's a 1, typo >_>
@ConorO'Brien Retina, one byte: 1, works for all test cases
... clever.
Python: lambda s:s.count('1'), JS: '111'.match(/1/g).length
Same CMC, except replace + with the mcguffin operator m, which is (x, y) -> x * (y + 1). 11m => 2, 10m => 1
RProgN2, 1 Byte. C
Nine Bytes with McGuffing, {1+*}`m=C
@ATaco but + is replaced with m
i.e. no more +
Well, 11m and 10m both work as intended.
@ConorO'Brien JS, 55 bytes: f=s=>(g=(a,b=a.pop())=>b=='m'?g(a)*(g(a)+1):+b)([...s])
JS assuming array input, 37 bytes: f=(a,b=a.pop())=>b-2?+b:f(a)*(f(a)+1)
Edited JS, 52 bytes: f=s=>(g=(a,b=a.pop())=>b-2?+b:g(a)*(g(a)+1))([...s])
1 hour later…
sneaky sneaky rosetta stone advertising their own product inside their own product
@CheckOutTomato Well at least it's only one tier of Rosetta Stoneception
@ASCII-only yes, double Rosetta Stoneception would be hard to make out though since the letters are so small
@ATaco regarding your Forte quine: You should be able to golf it down now! The interpreter's author rewrote the implementation, and it allows backslash escape in strings. It's no on TIO yet, but you can grab the interpreter from the GitHub repo.
Hey guys!
Can anyone tell me why is Zeno of Elea believed to be Greek if he was born in Italy and met death in Italy too??
Anyone here?
@Arjun yeah
Can you answer my my question?
@Arjun Well he was born in a Greek colony (Elea) in Italy? His nationality here refers to his heritage, not his birth country.
Oh! Thanks!
That means that he lived in Italy only?
And never went to Greece?
@Arjun Well he did go to Athens once
@ASCII-only Do you actually know this or do you have Wikipedia open?
I suppose wikipedia does not have that information.
@Pavel I'm using Google
No wait, it has.
He went with Parmenides.
To visit Socrates.
@ASCII-only Do you know of any counterarguments to his paradoxes? The world still believes in Motion as if the paradoxes were never made!
Well, there are the Planck units, meaning that there is not an infinite number of units of anything (time/distance)?
OK Rubymine just loaded in ~5 seconds
woo ssds
@ASCII-only Do you believe in God?
Seems like I am being a little bit boring. Bye, then! Will come back soon, though.
I'm back! 🙌🙌🙌
And I'm gone!
Apperently }<code>{ implicitly runs infinitely. Neat
I had an idea for an esolang...
@flawr Took me longer to get than I want to admit…
1 hour later…
Q: Charlie, Oscar, Delta, Echo

sagikspA big part of in-flight communication is the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, which encodes letters as words to make them easier to understand over comms. Your job, if you wish to accept it, is to print them one by one. You must print this exact string to stdout: A: Alfa B: Bravo C: Charlie D: Delta E: ...

> We are currently offline for maintenance
It's gone now
I just accidentally dropped the entire users table in the application I'm writing.
With no backup.
Good thing that I had a schema backup though
LPT: Don't Rails at 1 AM.
Would there be a way in Python to wait for user input without breaking buffered input on stdin?
phahaha oh my
to enable some sort in debugging in an interpreter
Q: reflected arrray of T(1,1,2,2,3,3)

emmaWe have an array where each element is double. We need to create a reflected arrray, without any other array. ex:T(1,1,2,2,3,3) and after execute it should be T(1,2,3,3,2,1)

I have created an derivative of Brainfuck called HyperBrainfuck, for those who Brainfuck doesnt fuck your brain enough
Theres 3 characters. increment function pointer, decrement function pointer, and execution
is codegolf lagging for anyone or is it just my workplace firewall?
It's taking like 2 minutes to load the edit view
We had text output, graph output, 3d output, etc, but we forgot one thing
LaTeX output.
@ʰᵈˑ I wanted to ask the same thing, the site seems slower to me as well
can someone help me
Does anyone have an opinion on the discussion under this answer?
@Leo Conor is correct. With finite program size, at best you can simulate a LBA.
@Mego So implementing an interpreter for a turing complete language is not enough for a proof of turing completeness?
@Leo No, it is. However, in order for the TC language you are interpreting to actually be TC, it can't have a bounded program size.
ooh, I smell a kick
Next time I won't ask.
@Mego It seems it's more complicated than this: I've just found this article discussing the problem
@Leo That doesn't really have anything to do with the problem at hand, because it explores edge cases, of which this is not one. A TC language can encode any TM program. Because TM programs are unbounded in size, the TC language must allow for programs with unbounded size (by the pigeonhole principle).
unless you allow an infinite alphabet, that is
A programming language that only allows bounded-size programs can at best simulate a LBA. In order to simulate a TM, program size must be unbounded. Unbounded program size is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for TC-ness.
@Mego Actually, the debate explained in the article is whether there needs to be a mapping from TM programs to TC language codes, or from TM programs to (input,TC language code)
@Leo Yes, but that's entirely tangential to the discussion at hand. It's clearly proven that Betrothed is TC iff there are infinitely many twin primes or betrothed pairs.
almost done with debuggable ><>!
@Mego yes, I was not talking specifically about Bethroted. What I realized is that implementing an interpreter for a TC language is not a valid proof for turing completeness, even if it is usually believed it is
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinSort a vector using the least amount of reversals Take a vector of positive integers as input, and output the numbers of complete flips that are necessary to sort the matrix in ascending order. Suppose a vector has length n. You can reverse subvectors of your choosing until the vector is comple...

It is a valid proof, unless you want to change the definition of turing completeness
@Leo No, interpreting a TC language is a necessary and sufficient condition for TC-ness. There's no way that a language that is capable of interpreting a TC language could not be TC. The esolang in that article is exploring whether or not there is a computational class higher than TC (through much navel-gazing and unnecessary complication).
and really, there should be such a class
@WheatWizard ok cool
Otherwise, bubblegum + python eval would be turing complete just as good as actual Python
Wow cool another question of mine is a HNQ
Not a PPCG question but still.
@Mego Wait. There's a brainfuck interpreter written in befunge-93. The code length of befunge-93 programs is limited to 80x25 characters. So is it turing complete or not?
Finite memory say no
Unbounded memory
finite code size
I think that is still finite
unbounded memory is fine, as long as you can emulate a turing machine in the code you have
@JanDvorak how do i do the tiny writing
My point is that either a language doesn't need unbounded code size for Turing Completeness or imprementing an interpreter for another TC language is not a proof for Turing Completeness
Or anyone really, i need it for effect
fancy_l(python, "eval") is a perfectly fine turing complete language despite having only four bytes of code space
or fancy_l(golfscript, "~")
If you're not fine with that, you need a new complexity class. I could use a new complexity class.
@JanDvorak As I was saying before, there's :)
Yeah, I heard you back then
Hey does any one mind telling me how to do subscript text?
Or that really tiny text
I put two completely unnecessary bytes in my golf code. I'm ashamed. I'm going to fix that now.
And I can save more too, because the way I read the lines is stupid.
What challange?
nah, that doesn't help. exactly the same number of bytes when read in the sane way.
A: Shortest Game of Life

b_jonasPerl, 218 216 bytes ($,,$/)=$/;$b=pack('(A79)23',split/^/,<>)x6;$~=AX3AAAx76;{print unpack'(a79)23a0',$b;select$v,$v,$v,0.1;$b=pack'(A)*',unpack'((x7a/(x13)X4Ax!18)1817@0)4',pack'((a*)17xx!18)*',unpack"x1737(AA$~Ax$~AA$~@)2222",$b;redo} (No newline at the end of this code.) Reads the starting...

I have gotten the inspiration to make a new challenge
The challenge name: "What's my question record?"
btw I just thought of a brainf*ck derivative that f*cks your brain even harder than normal brainf*ck
How? It uses another pointer to point functions. Yes, its right, functions.
the end result would be that of brainfuck with subroutines. Nobody would dare to forget where their function pointer were.
So 3 chars, < (Function pointer decrement), > (Function pointer increment) and . (Run function)
You are only making things easier
@JanDvorak Uhh, Is that a good thing, or a bad thing
also note - how would you define the functions?
Normal Brainfuck functions
The only difference is you use another pointer to point these functions
Plot twist: you don't define functions per se. Instead the subroutine call jumps to the nth byte of your code where n is the current cell.
2 messages moved to Trash
help, I'm stupid
I installed Windows Driver Kit which is supposed to contain something called poolmon.exe
But now I can't figure out where it is or how to start it
I need it to find what's causing a kernel-mode memory leak.
aha, found an article that lists the installation path.
Silly me, thinking Windows search would be able to find something.
@MatthewRoh Posting garbage and immediately deleting it doesn't excuse you from the fact that you posted garbage
Think before you hit the "send" button, so that you don't have to delete messages
After some time of golfing on this site, one becomes better at it. Would going back to older answers and work on shorter solutions be worth the effort in terms of possible upvotes? Has anyone done so?
@seshoumara I've done that from time to time. I usually don't get much rep from improving old answers compared to posting new answers on new challenges, but rep isn't the only reason to do something.
Everything I've done was for juicy rep
The top three pool tags by memory shown by poolmon.exe are in the nonpaged pool and together use 3.2e9 bytes.
Unfortunately, the tags seem to be useless for telling which driver they came from.
@Mego Thought so, but I'll do it anyway since you're right, rep is not the only reason. Come to think of it, if it was then I would have stopped answering in sed a long time ago.
@seshoumara FWIW I enjoy your sed answers
@Mego Thank you! I'll keep posting.
Turns out one of the tags was the memory for VirtualBox, but after closing that I still have two non-paged tags with 2.3 GB, still indicating a leak.
OK, .7 GB are on a tag for "Synaptic Touchpad Enhacements"
Hopefully this is absoultely unnecessary crapware.
depends. Are you using the touchpad?
I am, but still hoping.
be sure to tell us what happens
@feersum IIRC that's stuff like gesture controls
Driver version is 2013 and no updates available, so no chance to update or rollback the driver.
I'll just try disabling the user-mode component and hope the problme randomly goes away.
Or maybe instead I could somehow free all the memory tagged SynT and just restart the driver periodically.
Of course that still leaves me with the 1.7GB tagged Irp
Conclusion: Installing Windows 10 was a bad idea.
Unfortunately the user-mode processes seem to actually do things.
If I kill them it changes the sensitivity and I can't use gesture scrolling.
Now I'll try stopping the driver entirely and using a USB mouse.
@Doorknob ;-;
Q: Intern trying to impress!

Richard Parnaby-KingI've recently started as an intern at Big Programmers Inc. and been tasked with adding a feature to our latest project! It's a function that takes a date string in, and outputs the day of the week! I know there are built-in functions to do this sort of thing, but I want to show the bosses that I...

Anyone up for an optimization challenge. I appreciate all comments! :)
Q: Enumerate unique Unary-Binary trees as related to Matzkin number

Guy CoderMy first question here, please correct if necessary. Simply enumerate unique unary-binary trees as related to Motzkin number (OEIS) (Wikipedia) Example M(1) t M(2) (u t) M(3) (u (u t)) (b t t) M(4) (u (u (u t))) (u (b t t)) (b t (u t)) (b (u t) t) M(5) (u (u (u (u t)))) (u (u (b t t))) (u ...

@Downgoat this is glorious
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I thouhgt you were minxomat lol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Guy CoderMy first question here, please correct if necessary. Simply enumerate unique unary-binary trees as related to Motzkin numbers (OEIS) (Wikipedia). Examples: M(1) t M(2) (u t) M(3) (u (u t)) (b t t) M(4) (u (u (u t))) (u (b t t)) (b t (u t)) (b (u t) t) M(5) (u (u (u (u t)))) (u (u (b t t)))...

Oh no, people keep upvoting that stupid puzzle.
wha'ts wrong with it?
@DJMcMayhem have you understood my point yet?
@MitchSchwartz probably seeing how it's been over a month
@Downgoat Why would someone steal a goat?
that's why
@AdmBorkBork so you could make GOAT pun
this is just more evidences why puns are bad
If anyone gave me a goat I'd say yes 100% of time
Better than stealing a lamb and saying "Would you SHEEP with me?"
can't argue with that
Goat puns are a surefire way to get a prom date
@AdmBorkBork mostly because that one is just creepy
@AdmBorkBork someone gets it
^ noise
For a long-time user of this chat I would have thought that you would know better. This is: 1) a gif which is distracting 2) completely irrelevant to the conversation
what conversation
there is none atm
So it's irrelevant then
I doubt you can start a conversation with a cat gif
These things belong to reddit, not here.
I mean, technically, he did start a conversation with a cat gif ...
@Fatalize I believe he just did
double ninja lel
Just create a chat room if you want to post cat pictures
@Fatalize <shrug> I found it amusing, chat didn't have any other current matters, and decided other people may find it amusing
PPCG: Programming Puzzles and Cat GIFs
There's already the Tavern on the Meta
.. can't argue with that one :p
@Riker This is the exact same reasoning some other chat-banned people had. My guess is you're under the radar because you were here before it got bad, and because people generally are more forgiving when they see cats
I don't care about cats so I'm not :p
I better go before someone decides that I don't chat anywhere anymore...
the 15 messages after the gif weren't noise though. carry on
great weather we're having today
What we have here isn't that great. Cloudy, a bit windy, and was raining just a few hours ago.
Not for me. Freezing rain last night and still drizzling today.
It was 65 and partly sunny yesterday afternoon. Then, 25 and snowing this morning.
Celsius, please
18 and -4
(or so)
Kelvins or get out!
Yeah, it's been swinging a lot in my area, too
@feersum 291.48 and 269.26
It's about 272 Kelvin right now
it's 60 degrees F outside
@Fatalize yeah, though I've made my dislike of the current status on no-noise pretty clear
it's not because I'm under the radar
it's because i don't consider that noise
noise for me isn't just off-topic chatter, it's things that actively degrade the current conversation
> Act welcoming to everyone, especially newcomers
Q: Game of Life arrowslits

ZgarbBackground This challenge is in honor of apsillers, who won the Not as simple as it looks category in Best of PPCG 2016 with their challenge Can my 4-note music box play that song? Congratulations! On their "About Me" page, this user has a really neat simulator for the Game of Life cellular aut...

I spawn in!
@Fatalize o_O did you stalk my profile or just find the site some other way
@ChristopherPeart o/
@Riker whats up?
not much
hallucinating due to some meds I took
so I'm pretty much just chilling trying to wait it out :(
Sound exciting and bad
only the latter
I wrote a language for WW challenge would it still be invalid for noncalc if it post dates the challenge?
@ChristopherPeart WW challenge?
Wheat Wizard
The write a esolang
yeah, it would be
you can post it, but it's non-competing
Still going to do it
@DJMcMayhem btw I still think this is amazing
A: Find the smallest file

DJMcMayhemV, 12 bytes :r!ls -S kdH Try it online! This only works on Linux.

Make it NC ofc
you outgolfed everybody else :p
Q: Roadmap to HTTPS: serving and uploading HTTPS-images only

m0saThis is a cross post from mSO, but affecting the whole network. 1. is already enabled network wide, 2. and 3. will be enabled shortly on mSE and another SE community (main site + meta) of our choosing for the first round of site-wide HTTPS testing. Read the full master plan! As requested by @pat...

> In the next 6-8 weeks, we'll be rolling out some changes to address the mixed content issue on the first page load, namely:

Imgur URLs are converted from HTTP to HTTPS. This will be a HTML baking change, so no Markdown will be affected. This has already shipped, and all the old posts were rebaked.
Prevent submission of posts that contain HTTP images. Instead of the HTTP image the markdown editor will show an additional error...
@Downgoat Neat! When are you planning to publish it to the app store?
TL;DR: remember that MSO -> MSE migration of links? yah, community's gonna come around and mass-edit a bunch of links
but if you have images in your posts, be prepared to edit them
If my language needs newlines but when typed you must do \n would it be 1 byte or two. You could use a newline but the way it is coded using a real newline errors the interpreter. I made it that way since I had to but it does just check for newlines
I am leaning at 2 bytes
But I can just change it to use like n alone to be a "newline"
@ChristopherPeart it would be 2
@ChristopherPeart that's fine, but \n is 2
Idk if I want to change it
so much work
@ChristopherPeart the current policy is that interpreters define languages, so just because the spec allows literal ones doesn't mean it works if the interpreter borks
@Riker grrrr I hate it
it makes sense though
Doesn't mean I like it
You can always write an interpreter that complys with the specs
> Idk if I want to change it
so much work
hey @HelkaHomba Your user page says your youtube channel is CalvinHomba but it's actually HelkaHomba
says helka for me
> Small-time Minecraft YouTuber (youtube.com/HelkaHomba) and common challenge writer on Programming Puzzles & Code Golf.
I need help with a TC proof for my language
TNB is quite

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