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I can't even type
How is everything a haiku now
protected static
        int factorial(int n) {
    if (n == 0) {
        return n + 1;
    } return factorial(n
            - 1) * n;}
Are we talking Unicode pronunciation? LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A and all that?
Even java does haiku
@AdmBorkBork That should be a thing
Anyway I am going to leave now. Class is ending lunch is starting and I am hungry
Q: Rules for importing when the result is an anonymous function

CarcigenicateFor the Friday the 13th challenge, I have some code that requires an import, but results in an unnamed function when golfed: (import '[java.time LocalDate DayOfWeek]) (defn count-friday-13ths [year] CODE HERE) When I compact this, it looks like it may be unacceptable: (import '[java.ti...

If an answer to a question is almost correct but the answerer missed a criterion in the question description, should I flag it, and if so, should I use NAA or VLQ?
@Pavel Custom mod flag
The general guideline is, give the answerer 24 hours from when the flaw was pointed out. After that, use a custom mod flag.
I don't necessarily agree with that guideline (I believe deleting sooner is better), but that's a different discussion
Ok. It's only been a couple of minutes since it was posted, so I was hoping that the poster would resolve that before that's necessary.
A few minutes is definitely too soon for a flag
Post in question is codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/111812/60042, which is almost valid but doesn't take into account the penalties described in the question.
Yeah. Give a comment and let them have a chance to fix it.
I usually wait 1-2 hours before flagging (unless it's attracted several downvotes already)
@Mego I wasn't going to flag it now, but I wanted to know what the procedure was.
If it's an issue with the byte count, I wouldn't flag it at all. I would just correct the byte count myself and leave a comment explaining what I did and why.
I can do that? K
Oh man, that binary is really long.
But given that it's only been a few minutes, I'd still wait for the author to do it first
No one would want to sift through there and count accurately.
I should write a script
You really should :P
How do I slurp input in Python again?
Is it just sys.stdin.read()?
Hmmm.... If I use regex, would that match 00000 as 2 matches, I wonder.
@Pavel raw_input()?
RIght binary doesn't have spaces
Oh wait to slurp it is sys.stdin.read()
According to the official docs, sys.stdin.buffer.read() is better, but I have no clue why
good to know
@WheatWizard raw_input() is just input() for Python 2
@DJMcMayhem Other way around
Uhhh, no?
I mean, in py2 raw_input is the equivalent of input in py3
Oh yes I read you wrong
So I ran tio.run/nexus/… on codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/111810/60042 and it gave me the wrong answer, can anyone help me out with why?
Wait, it might not be wrong, the submission might be wrong.
No, it's wrong. ;-;
I think you need to pad your format with zeros?
oic my code uses little-endian representation
Wait no, that's not it.
No, you're right.
Yay, it works now!
> This script might help you with your challenge, put your code in the input and it will give you your code's binary representation, it's length, your penalty, and the total score.
Pavel posted a tool just now
Q: Java Programming

user67138Missed a week and a half of class and need help with some assignments I missed for a computer science class. Program 1 is Write a program which prints the average of 3 integer values. The 3 integer value should be entered by the user. The average should be expressed as a real number. If someone ...

@LuisMendo for your clipboard challenge, does shutting down the system count? (optionalyl with reboot)
it clears the clipboard sooo
@Mego Found a post by your evil brother
it's got green eyes
the green-eyed penguin
Weeduin (sorry)
It's the day of the month were I try to setup any linux distro on my baytrail laptop and hope it finally works. Maybe today...
For reference, these are the issues: phoronix.com/…
@mınxomaτ I must hunt him down
Yes. That's the law.
What is this Intel Bay Trail, anyway?
A fairly large family of ultra-low power CPUs.
Tablets, small netbooks, dev boards. That kind of stuff.
So, atom 2.0?
It's actually not bad. I can get like 10h battery life during a heavy work day (CPU always >= 90 %) from a tiny battery. But I would like to use linux.
The only fix is to pin CPU power consumption at 100%, which makes no sense. The whole point of these CPUs is to prolong battery life.
Q: C# help for list items printing

LazyprogramerSuppose I have a list <string> with 1000 list items. Public List<string> myitems= new List<string>(); I have thousand of items inside this list "Car" "Bus" "Jeep" ...... so and so I want to print all these items 10 by 10 when clicks a button. Example: when I click button1 for print item...

@NewMainPosts At least they're honest about themself.
@Riker Sorry, that's not accepted
> The program should not have any side-effects like restarting the system, closing programs, [...]
then there's a non-answer
Which one?
A: I copied my password to the clipboard! Can you delete it?

RobRuby, 11 bytes. `reboot -q` How it works: Reboots the machine, clearing the clipboard on most systems. I suppose the Windows version could call `shutdown /r /t 0` and accomplish the same thing. You didn't say you needed your computer still functional after you did this ... remember, the ...

I commented
Yes, he actually did say that. "The program should not have any side-effects like restarting the system, closing programs, [...]" — Riker 36 secs ago
I just saw, thanks
Let's give the OP some time, and then flag if needed
Should we downvote?
feel free
I'm not going to because I see no point
Yes, we only need to remember to flag in a few days if the answer is still invalid
lol, somebody un-upvoted it
not downvote, but unupvoted
I did :-) I upvoted too hastily
Thanks for the heads-up about the answer being invalid
@LuisMendo np
I just realised, not being on SE for almost 24 hours made this day the most productive day ever since I came back to PPCG a few months ago
Do. Not. Do. This. — ChrisInEdmonton 22 hours ago
holy shit 199 upvotes
@KritixiLithos hahahaha
We need more questions
@flawr how many subs are you subscribed to?
hey, whoever voted to delete that bad answer to the clipboard challenge, give OP some time
yeah, he didn't read the question well and yeah it's a bad answer, but the comment telling him such has only been there for less than an hour
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/111780/60042 appears to be a snippet, not a complete function.
Also the bytes in the imports need to be counted
Yeah I commented and told them that
@MistahFiggins His tool is for UTF-8, not for ISO 8859-1
Here's a program to count penalties for ISO 8859-1 submissions. — mbomb007 1 hour ago
@Riker lol. Kudos to the OP for asking first.
Arch doesn't have 32 bit ISOs anymore
nuclear and unclear are anagrams.
Some country may have launched an unclear warhead. We're not sure.
> Unclear unknowns.
@Pavel finally got under 600 points...
your little python script is very helpful
@mbomb007 lol thx?
Challenge incoming
i dont like sleeping anyways
Ooh, fun
Q: Rotate a camera; save an Astronaut

DJMcMayhemNote: Minor spoilers for The Martian are in this challenge. Read ahead with caution The Martian is a Science Fiction novel about astronaut and botanist extraordinaire, Mark Watney, who has been accidentally stranded on Mars. At one point in the book, Mark tries communicating with NASA, but the...

> Since NASA prides itself on efficiency, your goal is to write the shortest code possible
@NewMainPosts Thank you
i'm not sure one implies the other ;)
That was really fast
@DJMcMayhem lol, I thought you were psychic for a moment
@Poke NASA were the original code-golfers.
uh huh...
@DJMcMayhem So, to clarify, all I need to output is an array of turns that must be made?
@AdmBorkBork Yeah, I was actually talking about your challenge. I forgot that I was going to post one before you, but I am definitely psychic
@Pavel yes
The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) was a digital computer produced for the Apollo program that was installed on board each Apollo Command Module (CM) and Lunar Module (LM). The AGC provided computation and electronic interfaces for guidance, navigation, and control of the spacecraft. The AGC had a 16-bit word length, with 15 data bits and one parity bit. Most of the software on the AGC was stored in a special read only memory known as core rope memory, fashioned by weaving wires through magnetic cores, though a small amount of read-write core memory was provided. Astronauts communicated with the...
A whopping 4K of RAM and 64K of ROM running at a blistering 2MHz
@Riker You're not the OP. This OP
wrong reply lol
*that I read
Q: ASCII Bookshelves

AdmBorkBorkYou know those stackable shelves that are basically just wooden boxes that can be stacked together? We're going to simulate building some bookshelves out of those with some ASCII art. Our books are all conveniently uniform in size, and all look like the following: |X| |X| |X| The bookshelves ...

thought that was replying to my meta.se question
Dang, 3 challenges in 20 minutes
@WheatWizard I only count 3?
Yeah I can't count
it doesn't show up on new questions sometimes (brand new ones)
but yeah, apparently only 3
The best way to convert a Java string to hexadecimal is to use BigInteger
Q: Find the Fibonacci Kernel

Wheat WizardYou've probably heard of the Fibonacci numbers; they're pretty famous. Each number in the Fibonacci sequence is the sum of the last two in the sequence with the first and second numbers being 1. The sequence looks like this: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10...

@JanDvorak yeah he only said 0's when he requested the program.
@Riker Woo, USA #1! 'Murica!
need the caps
Nah. It's just a forceful statement, not a shout.
isn't #11 the irish flag and not the italian flag >_>
uh idk
no that's italy, the shadow makes it look oranger tho, look at the others
look at switzerland: it's almost orange also
bad filter
@Riker what do you mean?
your new questions feed is a ticker
you can't have a ticker
tickers are what is wrong with the world
they cause global warmin
in The Reading Room, Jan 19 at 23:41, by Shog9
can we all just agree to pretend that the ticker doesn't exist and never discuss it again?
even shog agrees
@Riker -1 no france
@Riker I don't see how this is a history, and they got the swiss flag wrong.
@Riker Isn't Switzerland's flag a square?
@Riker btw the flag of Switzerland is wrong
It should be a square
triple ninja hahahahaha
Damn ninja'd
double ninja?
or ninja ninja
3*2 = 6, so sextuple ninja
@flawr yeah it's more like "summary of current affairs"
*sexy ninja
@flawr tl;dr; do you guys steal monies from muricans
@Riker 380
holy shit
@Riker No, they are all giving it to us voluntarily.
ah ok
(And after that they sue us for having it.)
you guys have a hypnoray then?
or you just make really really good pocketknives and people flock to buy them
ah, probably both.
a giant laser in space that hypnotizes people
...into buying pocketknives!
I've found your secret!
Yeah the bankgeheimnis doesn't exist anymore.
ps: I still don't get the ticker part.
your feed in that room (I assume it's for new octave and matlab questions) is in the form of a ticker
it's a little menu thing that drops down from the top
the other option for a feed is posted in chat, like newmainposts
oh now I see what you mean
Well we need that ticker to break the dupehammer records.
@flawr for fastest dupe?
@Riker :O BRB, changing TNB feeds to tickers
@DJMcMayhem do you want shog's wrath
But isn't a chat a ticker itself?
this is how you get shog's wrath
@flawr ??
@flawr that's deep :P
@flawr oh, pretty much lol
@Riker Well the newest messages just pop up like in a ticker.
Q: There's something thing wrong with my c++ program?

RonandosI've been having an issue with a script I have written, and I was wondering if anybody could help me, #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(){ string name; string weap; string start; string con1; int awn1; cout << "Hello adventu...

@NewMainPosts Whats that the fifth one today? Whats going on?
@WheatWizard Why'd you edit it?
Feb 24 at 2:01, by Dennis
That clashes with our general don't polish turds philosophy. It doesn't matter for a deleted post, but visible ones may get bumped to the front page by edits, which is not at all desirable.
So when they inevitably copy it over to SO it wont be formatted like shit
It was already number one on the recents so I didn't think it would be a problem to bump it
Oh, that's actually a good point
user image
@Riker Are you ... ticklish?
eyyy starz
thanks for appreciating my meme somebody
@Riker Hahaha, I love it.
thanks lol
One of them was me at least
that's one of my favorite memetexts
Damn imgur just bugs all the time...
@CheckOutTomato That's a 53MB GIF ... can you hide that behind a link, please?
@CheckOutTomato That's a 50 MB gif. Probably better not oneboxed
1 message moved to Trash
just trying to spare us mobile users
@flawr damnit
@Riker what, I didn't even rickroll you.
@CheckOutTomato better idea: post with the v on the end
doesn't onebox, but it makes a nice link
:35772774 lol
user image
@flawr Somehow every single picture or video I've seen you post in here is related to planes in some way or another haha
@DJMcMayhem some are about helicopter
Q: What does Hungary mean?

Ľubomír MasarovičWhat does Hungarian Horn mean in English or for English? It is one creature (a dragon) form books about Harry Potter. I'm from Slovakia and for me Hungarian or Hungary isn't just Hungary (country which you can find on map). In the past Hungary built many nations - there lived Slovak, Polish, Cze...

vtc: migrate to geography.se
That is one of the strangest questions I've read
I suspect a language barrier
I think today is the first time I can remember PPCG not having any bounties.
@mbomb007 Oh hey, the button goes away!
Time to fix that
@mbomb007 There's been bounties pretty constantly since the Best Of winners were decided
I didn't know that. The only experience I've really had is SO (where 400 bounties is common) and this site
A: Generate Pyramid Scheme code

Azor1Common Lisp - 2524 1890 bytes (defun f(i)(let((s(loop as r in i collect(g r)))(n())(output""))(loop until n do(setf n T)(loop as r in s do(if(cdr r)(progn(setf output(c output(e r))(cdr r)(cdr(cdr r)))(setf n()))(setf output(c output(b(car r))))))(setf output(c output(format()"~%"))))output))(de...

"Welcome to PPCG", and immediately has a 350 bounty.
@Mego I'm talking about years. I can't remember there being no bounties since I joined a couple years ago.
@mbomb007 Really? I can remember several periods without bounties
Specifically, I cannot remember ever seeing the community ad the way it currently is.
@ATaco I was about halfway through a befunge solution when I gave up for a while
Where instead of listing the total bounties, it says to add a bounty to a question.
@MistahFiggins Your avatar makes me wish that everyone here had such an avatar. Then it'd feel like entering/leaving the room is kind of like swiping left/right/up/down
@ATaco Crack my Js answer on anagram c&r quine
Then i will drop a 50 rep bounty
Link to the answer?
lol "if I have to get 'link'ed, I'm taking you with me"
@MistahFiggins tbf you just said "link" and he did say "link to the answer"
A: Anagram Quines (Cops' Thread)

Christopher PeartJavaScript 1701 bytes (933 chars) I am new at this whole cops thing so if I did wrong please tell me. !(eval(45454848121)df#$89#)-@$#(console.log($)748745function $() { console.log('!(' + 'eval(45454848121)' + 'df#$89#)-@$#' + '(console.log($)' + '748745' + $ + '444545454121344)' + 'f̸̀̑́̇̀͒̕...

Sorry it took so long. I was busy
@ATaco if you're interested: de-zalgoed source
console.log('!(' + 'eval(45454848121)' + 'df#$89#)-@$#' + '(console.log($)' + '748745' + $ + '444545454121344)' + 'fejhijr93090*#%)@$_)($2$@ikf3#$*()');\n}444545454121344)f
Hey the zalgoed is part
but it's just extra characters
and it's pretty simple to add those in wherever a string is
Ruining all the fun
Also anyway does he have to make my exact source code?
says the person who broke mobile with the onebox :P
@ChristopherPeart ....... yes?
anagrammed though
I shortened my vim quine. qqX"qpAq@q<ESC>q@q
:o nice!
My source AKA the one the made that code in the answer
wait ?
> Your challenge is to write a program that outputs an anagram of its source code but not the original source code itself.
> Once you have found such a program, include the output of the program as an answer omitting the program that generates it.
yeah, your answer is an anagram of the source
but basically the code I just posted in chat is the source, just anagrammed
@ChristopherPeart oh, no he doesn't, any code that works is allowed
that's a default for cnr
Just checking. Never done a cnr before
@ChristopherPeart that's made to disallow answers like yours that have a shitton of weird unicode and you have to get the precise order, which is like 1/(a couple million) of teh arrangements
:P I had no idea.
!(eval(45454848121)df#$89#)-@$#(console.log($j̸̺̀̇r̷̞͖̎͐͑̀͛̊͌̋̀̃̊̚͠9̷͈͖̪̠̱̟͎̖̱̲̯̥̯̐̑͊̓̄̇̀̌̑̿̿̽̾̑͜͝3̶̡̛̦̗͂̈́̂̐̾́̾̕0̸̱̓̎̈́͗̀̀̾͛̆̂̎̚̚͠͝9̶̨̗̩̠̹̱̲͙̜̦̃͐̍́̒̋̆̋̆̕͝0̸̛͈͔̖̲͕̻͚͈̳̫̻̈́̈́̈́͊͊*̶̮̖̘̰̹̭͔̦̦̬͉̮͐̋͑̈́̉̽̂͑̕͜͝͝ͅ#̴̧̢͔̉́͗́̿͘%̷̨̛̪̙̹͕̗̃̎̽́̈͗̓̄͝͝ͅ)̴̧͚̙͓̖͙͊)748745function $() {
  console.log('!(' + 'eval(45454848121)' + 'df#$89#)-@$#' + '(console.log($j̸̺̀̇r̷̞͖̎͐͑̀͛̊͌̋̀̃̊̚͠9̷͈͖̪̠̱̟͎̖̱̲̯̥̯̐̑͊̓̄̇̀̌̑̿̿̽̾̑͜͝3̶̡̛̦̗͂̈́̂̐̾́̾̕0̸̱̓̎̈́͗̀̀̾͛̆̂̎̚̚͠͝9̶̨̗̩̠̹̱̲͙̜̦̃͐̍́̒̋̆̋̆̕͝0̸̛͈͔̖̲͕̻͚͈̳̫̻̈́̈́̈́͊͊*̶̮̖̘̰̹̭͔̦̦̬͉̮͐̋͑̈́̉̽̂͑̕͜͝͝ͅ#̴̧̢͔̉́͗́̿͘%̷̨̛̪̙̹͕̗̃̎̽́̈͗̓̄͝͝ͅ)̴̧͚̙͓̖͙͊)' + '748745' + $ + '444545454121344)' + 'f̸̤̟̫͙̻͙̀̑́̇̀͒͐̓͊̄͒̍̕̚̚e̸
output for all of you people that need it
Is that you, Cthulu?
@TuxCopter puts on emo clothing, MCR blaring EDGY LANGUAGE IS BEST LANGUAGE
@MistahFiggins Nope, wrong demonic entity
@ConorO'Brien \m/ -_- \m/
yesss lol
I have a URL that will let anyone beat my answer
I kinda hope nobody cracks it so i can keep my rep
... you keep it either way
? you'll still keep your rep?
It's been sad.
@muddyfish what has been?
Recently I haven't had enough time to be active here :(
:( school?
well, 3rd quarter's almost up for me, which means 1 quarter left. so there's that
@ConorO'Brien if a cop is cracked, yeah
@DJMcMayhem yeah ik I was just voicing my confusion
26 mins ago, by Christopher Peart
Then i will drop a 50 rep bounty
@MistahFiggins oooh
Mistah knows why
If you want to keep your rep, don't offer bounties :P
@DJMcMayhem But then how do I commend absolutely brilliant solutions to puzzles?
Just realized that i messed up on specs in the question
wait answer
@DJMcMayhem Yeah but the rush :P
I just need 2 more votes to have broken even with my answer
After that make $$$. I need a currency symbol for SE rep
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienCommunistic Substring Normalization If a string T of length K appears K times in a string S, then it is potentially communistic. For example, 10 in 10/10 is potentially communistic, for it appears 2 times and is of length 2. Note that these substrings cannot overlap. A communistic transformatio...

I have a method to create a Single Command/Byte valid quine.
RProgN2 has a compile step prior to actually running any code which puts all the code into chunks known as "Concepts", this concept array cannot see the raw input text, and information such as whitespace and comments are lost.
When a function is created, it just takes a portion of those concepts and stores them in a variable. This variable can be stringified to return a guess as to what was used to make up that block. `{a b c}` will return `{abc}`, even if a, b or c are no-ops, or the same function.
@ATaco Just crack my quine. I am getting stressed out about someone cracking it but i need someone to just crack it
I have no idea how to crack that monstrosity.
I don't know where I'd start.
That is since JS has some clever ways to quine
just look for something that is out of place
(think ' marks)
it's easy to crack IMO but I have other things to do
Why is your site blocked... ;-;

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