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@ConorO'Brien Python 3, 28 bytes: lambda N:([N,0,0]+[1]*N)[:N]
Hmm eval is tough. In python i am trying to take the name of a function (passed in the variable a) and eval it with the arguments b and c. Would this work: eval(twoArgDict[a]+"("+b+c+")")?
It seems like it won't but idk
@ChristopherPeart It would be better to just store the function in a lookup table. Then you could do fn_table[name](b,c)
I agree with mego, but you could also do globals()[a](b, c)
@ConorO'Brien Or locals()[a](b,c), depending on the scope
TIL locals. That makes sense
@Riker No, I've just listened through it on Spotify several times. I do have Define the great line (10/10) and lost in the sound of separation (8/10) though.
also for my koth I still need to fix up how looking/seeing works
Do you like that band?
I am just writing my language people. It is not like it needs to be that fancy
Also i have no idea what you are saying i should do. o/
did... did you read the responses? Sure, there's more than one, but that's because you need to weigh your options. I would suggest Mego's, because it provides more control of what exactly you are doing.
@ChristopherPeart Let's say you have a function named foo. You should create a dict like so: fn_table = {'foo':foo}
Then you can do fn_table['foo'](arg1, arg2)
It's snowing HARD here in Sammamish.
@Pavel is it snowing in Redmond too?
@Mego thanks
@DJMcMayhem ah, okay
@DJMcMayhem ye
pain to google tho -.- (get creepy unrelated results)
wait how do I git again...
I forgot the commands
@DestructibleWatermelon git gud?
@ConorO'Brien but but reddit has god random nonsense too ;-;
@DestructibleWatermelon git push -f origin master
Alright really?
that doesn't deserve a flag
it's not bad language or a racial slur
Joke, dont do
(I actually ended up doing it today)
it's not funny
but it's not offensive
I don't even have the origin and master yet
first git init
@Riker >_>
then git add -A
then git commit -m "Commit message here"
@wat Inline commit messages <<<<<<< real commit messages
those git rhymes
@Riker :O really? That makes me super happy, it's rare to find fans of that genre hehe >_<
@DJMcMayhem i listen to them while playing tf2
pain to hear spies but idc I'm fine with being free spy fodder
If you ever want, I can definitely recommend more music in that vein, it's probably the majority of what I listen too
@wat git init; git add -A; git commit -m "first p0st"; rm -rf ./; echo "i give up"
@DJMcMayhem ooh what?
ok how do I remove all the invisible files
@Riker Uhm, first two quick questions. 1) Do you want Christian metal or just good netalcore? 2) does language in music bother you?
@Mego what's the difference?
@DJMcMayhem either & nope
I generally listen to a mix of christian and not,
@DestructibleWatermelon rm -rf ./
lol I accidentally deleted everything
good thing I already put it on github
that's exactly what rm -rf ./ does
you asked ot remove invis files
I gave you code to do that
it also nukes the non-invis files though
well, either way I should probably clone from the main repo
ok wait I just realized geobits left chat?
ninja'ed by 26 days
Feb 1 at 4:39, by DJMcMayhem
Speaking of RO's, I haven't seen geobits in a while
lol @DJMcMayhem
@Riker Beartooth is incredible. Thrice (not really metal) is probably my favorite band of all time. Norma Jean is pretty good but a little hard to appreciate at first. Wolves at the gate, crown the empire, and bless the fall are all pretty good too
@DJMcMayhem I'll try thrice after this playlist finishes
>CMCs are fun. Discussion about the latest tech news is fun. Random nonsense isn't really fun.

>if I wanted random nonsense I'd go to reddit.

> You have been quite a nuisance here lately. Please stop.

All of those were were about random noise. I made a random post and it was removed (rightly so). Then i made a joke and a _legit question_ and it was edited to remove the joke (it wasn't even that good of a joke) and was _kicked_. Yet when Mego posted a answer that was A) wrong, and B) a joke nobody cared.  It didn't even have any real content as a answer or anything constructive. Yet life 
@ConorO'Brien If you just do git commit -m, it opens up a text editor for you to write more-detailed commit messages
@ChristopherPeart Your "joke" was actually rude. One joke by itself isn't a bad thing. Lots of jokes/nonsense when others are chatting is a problem.
@Mego oh, right. vim doesn't work in my console so that's why I never use it lol
@Riker OK, they've been around for a while, so they're evolved a lot. Make sure you check out To be everywhere is to be nowhere (newer, mellower, more popular) and The artist in the ambulance (Their best album, a lot heavier)
hm, okay
Beggars and vheissu are both pretty awesome too
how do I pull from the github repo?
PS. hooray for already been put on github
Well i give up on TNB for tonight for real. o/
o/ night
@ChristopherPeart were you flag-kicked or manually
wait what joke thing are we talking about I feel left out
he got flagged for a rude joke iirc
@ChristopherPeart I kicked you for the Uphorse thing because it was literally the first message you posted after the first kick.
@Dennis I had no idea I was kicked the first time. I had left the computer for a few minutes and had no idea
@Riker I can infer that far...
@ChristopherPeart That's unfortunate. Chat is supposed to let you know...
@Dennis You only see it if you try and load up TNB
Git, how does it work...
@DestructibleWatermelon This is a good intro
@ChristopherPeart Perhaps not the best UX... Kicks are incremental in duration (the first one is just 60 seconds) precisely because the first one shouldn't be a big deal, but that's useless if the kickee isn't aware of the first kick(s).
I'm just trying to git add the hecksome files...
@Dennis I know you can't really know if i am telling the truth but i swear that i had no idea that i was kicked until the 2nd time and would have not said anything else like that if i had known
Oh no, Stack Overflow is offline for maintenance
Does anyone remember how to program? :P
I just loaded it up. Idk about you?
git status doesn't even show any of them...
@DestructibleWatermelon are they in your .gitignore
do I even have a .gitignore
prolly not
I'm tempted to just use the github UI instead of this crap
How to git:
how to add all files in a subdir?
@DestructibleWatermelon git add subdir
did you check .git/info/exclude, automated tools like Xcode tend to put things there too as alternative to gitignore
git init
git add .
git commit
git remote add origin <your GH repo URL here>
git push
Or, easier, after first creating the repo on GH and initializing it there:
git clone <your GH repo URL here> [local directory name (optional)]
cd <local directory>
(move stuff)
git commit -a
git push
@Mego even simpler: rm -rf ./git && git init && git add -A && git commit -m $RANDOM && git push -f origin
oh wait there it is
works well enough for Ches-v2
> git commit -m $RANDOM
@Downgoat haha very funny
> we are currently offline for maitenance
@Downgoat That makes me wonder how often you mess up your local git repos
but yes
Investigating an issue with our sites
I've actually been solid with git (excluding inital learning curve)
@Pavel it is a sad day
@ChristopherPeart It's OK, I don't have any reasons to doubt you.
Why is it that when SE goes down, chat remains consistent?
@Pavel They are hosted on different server I think
wait lol someone upvoted me in the time I posted my answer and SE going down
@DestructibleWatermelon The link didn't copy for some reason :P
Conor crashed SE!
@ConorO'Brien >_>
Oh hey, it's back up
back offline for me
it went up, then went back down
it goes on and off
IME SE is up
And it's out again ;-;
Kitten playing with a plug?
@Pavel is it snowing where you are?
@wat I don't think this is a matter of opinion >_>
@Dennis I blame @Riker
y u do dis
@ConorO'Brien <_<
@wat Like, a lot.
Juanita had it's own private snow storm this morning, like 2 inches by 5 AM
The snow just calmed down here
IMO Giraffe's are orange.
Oh yeah, huh
@ATaco wut
I meant to say IME
Snow in summer... Weird.
I think it's back now!
SE, that is
This is like the time TIO was down, but worse.
@Pavel It shows that you weren't familiar with TIO v1. Outages were the norm and usually happened when I was asleep.
seems to be back up
I live near the bay in California, and it snowed last night. This has not happened in over a 102 years where I live IIRC
i dislike mixing up two similarly named cities which are both really close to me
@Downgoat Where I am, it usually snows an inch, and it's 75. (west coast)
@Dennis PPCG didn't depend on TIO as much back then
Where I am, we measure the snow in feet rather than inches :P
@wat Seems interesting enough, 30 bucks for a 160 gigabyte hard drive might be worth it, I suppose.
Don't really need any other parts
@DJMcMayhem Where I am we measure snow by flakes and yet there is snowy mountain
@Pavel The laptops are actually really, really good.
I have actually seen snow in the summer before
I bought 3 last time
Sold one
@DJMcMayhem where I am we measure the liquid water in inches
but somehow we have snow soooo
(on the nearby mountains at least)
@wat Hmm... I can't find the specs online, and I've never had a Latitude.
@Pavel I can give you specs
Stack Overflow is currently under attack. Currently working on mitigation. Stand by for updates.
;-; don't attack our golfy code pls
Wait, found them, nvm
@Riker are you SoCal or like Bay Area
@Riker Colorado is pretty dang dry too. How much rainfall do you get in a year?
@Pavel Core i5-520M/540M/560M 2/4 GB RAM Nvidia NVS 3100M GPU 160GB 5400RPM HDD 1280x800 screen and Intel 802.11n wifi card
@DJMcMayhem Normally around 8 drops, but this year we have flood
Iirc, it's like 15-16 inches around here
about that in LA
@wat TY
I might look into that
It's actually really good though. They allegedly can survive drops off stairs and even balconies. Mine has a 7200RPM 120GB HDD with Mac OSX on it.
I'd probably just install Linux tbh
Might check out Arch
@Downgoat 2h inland of LA, near pasadena
It's pretty much equivalent to a Lenovo T410 Thinkpad, just better build quality. Has a magnesium shell.
> Arch
@wat That is how you spell arch, yes.
As shown in this address: archlinux.org
Everything works perfectly EXCEPT the display drivers. The default "nouveau" drivers have DPMS issues which end up causing white flickering horizontal lines on the screen. Install nvidia-340xx drivers and the problem will go away. For boot, use grub2 in mbr (NOT efi) mode to get full console resolution. In your /etc/default/grub set GRUB_GFXMODE to 1280x800
I have had experience with Nouveau, yes.
The default intel wifi card does not work with OSX if you want to install that. There's two open Mini PCIe slots. None of them support mSATA. One is half width and marked off for "Latitude ON" which is an embedded Linux system that you can start up with the push of a button
I can't think of a good reason anyone would want to attack SE, other than peacocking.
You need a special USB flash drive in mPCIe format for that, it's sold on eBay as "Dell Latitude On Flash"
Opening the laptop is extremely easy, one screw on the back. The hard drive is two screws. Keyboard is two screws. CPU + cooler are 4 screws. Battery just clicks out.
CPU is socketable, so you can actually replace or upgrade it.
The laptop has a magnesium shell.
A Laptop I can modify sounds like my kind of Laptop.
I hear you loud and clear m8
I'll think about it
I think SE is back up
:o yep
I'm just saying everything I know about the laptop.Oh yeah, it has an expresscard/54 slot, 4x USB 2.0 with one of the USB ports also being an eSATA port, FireWire, one VGA port, one DisplayPort, one Ethernet port, headphone and mic jack, wireless switch, smart card slot, and SD card reader.
I just got rickrolled by my smart alarm clock / wifi speaker.
@Riker Man your battle stations! -- some SE commander prolly
I forgot I uploaded that song and then set it to play all local music.
@DestructibleWatermelon cmd riker? ;p
Laptop has no webcam. It has an ambient light sensor that must be enabled in bios.
Has dual microphones.
@DestructibleWatermelon SE commanders prefer to be addressed by their proper title, Sudo.
@Pavel don't you mean Su?
Su is just 'Switch User'
Sudo is when someone is assuming higher authority because there was noone with that level of authority at that time
Technically it would be root, but that wouldn't be as poetic and grand.
I need a challenge called "Puppy Puzzles and Cat Games"
also you realise sudo is just su with do appended
I would have though Sudo is what the commander says to his men
Stop ruining it ;-;
Su doesn't sounds as cool
will, su sounds like sir kind of
and sudo is giving a command
Actually, I think the correct term is sudoer
@pavel how to format the viewing the bots get?
I've decided on it being a bunch of cells with no spacing for each angle, and each angle is separated by a pipe
but I do not know how to format the cells themself
Is their vision a square?
If so, 2d array.
well, I decided on how I will display the cells together, but not how I display them individually
Each cell is a char representing its contents
how does a char represent its contents
' ' for an empty space, '.' for a wall, 'e' for an enemy, 'a' for an ally, 'f' for flag.
also, I just realised there might be a big bug in my code...
@Pavel but some of those things can share a square
I think I might have accidentally allowed bots to shoot allies...
which is not meant to be...
That might be intresting tho
You have to program your bot to not shoot allies
its only if they are in the same square
also I don't feel like having that occur pavel
Then yeah, fix that then
by they, I mean the victim ally, and the enemy being shot at
@DestructibleWatermelon string, containing the chars that represent what's in the square?
su in sudo stands for "super user", not "switch user" :P
actually, wikipedia says it stands for substitute user :P
I was close
so much confusion
bad idea
I'd really suggest not linking that
It's not that bad
It can still cause problems
"There are 2 things I can't stand in this world: people who are intolerant to other people cultures and the removed." -Michael Caine in AP. I removed the name of the people so you may fill in the blank. (I also don't want to offend anyone)
Not if we don't start a discussion about this >_>
I was just posting a funny comment :P
I personally hate it when people remove
it's generally beacuse it's a bad idea
@Pavel honestly I'd flag it
I just did'nt beacuse I asked first
CMC: Given a list of integers, return its median value without the use of builtins. You don't need to handle even amounts entries.
These things only cause problems only when people say that they cause problems. I don't think anyone was offended.
@ATaco Can we assume every integer is distinct?
@ATaco is sorting a builtin?
You may use a builtin sort, you may not assume each integer is distinct.
@ATaco ehc2S
I uh, which language is that..?
prolly pyth
malty likes pyth methinks ;p
Did Malty write Pyth?
@ATaco n->{n.sort(Integer::compare);return(n.get(n.length()/2))}
Java 8?
@ATaco no, @isaacg did
Java 8
That's the one I meant.
@Pavel Don't confuse lack of people claiming to be offended and lack of people being offended. Especially with very charged matters like what you linked.
I know things.
The shy Tory effect is very relevant
Usually you can find a language's dev in here by searching for the name of the language and see who says it the most.
@DJMcMayhem That conversation is now over, there is no reason to throw your two cents in, thank you.

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