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@KritixiLithos your bash clipboard answer: : is a noop in bash
replace ls with : for 1 less byte (tested, works for me)
Q: Input number; Output line number

Albert RenshawPopularity Contest Totally real backstory: I'm a contractor working on a website www.Sky.Net and one of our tasks it to create some self-aware program or something, I don't know I wasn't really listening to the boss. Anyways in an effort to make our code more self-aware we need IT to be able to ...

can a mod clear the comments on this? ^
Agreed, thanks!
Code I am proud of:
String s = "";
String part;
	s = s + part;
what do?
It... extract the digits from the input, and puts them its own string?
I'm not sure what pushConceptFromWord is tho
That's my own little proc, don't worry about that
And't I'm not sure why you need regex, can't you use charAt() and compare if it's greater than or equal to 0 and less then or equal to 9?
I'm using regex because I've grown dependant on it
And I didn't entirely use regex because this code is already sitting inside a char by char parser, and regex wouldn't work as I need it to
ok, so I will make a github now, with the codes for my koth, and if anyone wants to help me make the first bots that would be great
for(char c:input.toCharArray()) {
    if(c>=0&&c<=9) s+=c;
@ATaco Why do you have a char by char parser and not a for-each loop?
Also what should I call the mazekoth?
It allowed me to control i, which I like doing.
also one of those random names was: "didactic parakeet"
@ATaco Which is fine, if there is a reason you would want to control i.
I suggest to call it "The great wall Maze"
Empires of the labyrinth?
EOTL - eeyotle
Just run your eyes through RProgN2's Compiler.java, there's probably better ways to do it, but I like how it is.
Oh right why did I forget the word labyrinth
Must. Resist. Urge. To. Submit. RPogN2. To. CR.SE.
Why did you make RProgN2?
@DestructibleWatermelon King of the labyrinth?
Because RProgN was written in Lua.
oh carry on!
@ChristopherPeart because why not. :P
@MatthewRoh well, kingdoms would be more appropriate
Q: Strange byte count for winforms

QwertiyHow to cout bytes for winforms programs? Just met a strange situation here: C#, 120 bytes using System.Windows.Forms;class P{static void Main(){var a=new Form();a.Controls.Add(new CheckBox());a.ShowDialog();}} This code assumes console application and contains full code that can be compiled. ...

I didn't like how most of RProgN was written, so I decided a full we-write would be nice.
Clans of the labyrinth realms?
I think that one is good
What exactly is the challenge like
I don't know but the name has the right amount of grandeur in it I think
finished naming it
Is this a KOTH or a F2P mobile game?
I was commenting on the name.
and I was ignoring it
Is this answer valid?
A: Input number; Output line number

DJMcMayhemVim, 7 bytes 1 2 3 4 Try it online! As far as I can tell, this complies with all of the rules. In vim by default, the empty program prints out all of the input. Since <N><CR> Is a noop, nothing changes the input text, and since each input matches the desired output, this same approach work...

It seems valid but feels cheaty
isn't the output usually all of the text though?
I mean, it works, so why not?
so this would output
if input was 1?
oh wait I got confused lol
yeah thats valid then isn't it
No, it would just print 1
replace N with number and it will be more clear maybe
Given that there needs to be at least four non-empty lines, that's the shortest possible answer
Remember, this isn't
Get Creative, do something interesting.
It is now
Objective Winning Criteria are for Narcs.
For this challenge, would lines that aren't run in a 2D language like Befunge be counted as comments?
comment isn't objective?
I'd say that if the code is stated in the program to not be evaluated, that makes it a comment
can anyone on OPPCGMCS come take a look at my base
Comment definitely isn't objective.
I mean, if I made this code, the last line wouldn't be a comment
while True: 1
grubsauce is valid code that does nothing in many languages. But it's a no-op, not a comment.
Does this call for a meta question?
hey, I might try and add befunge to the evolution of powers of two challenge
@DestructibleWatermelon I had considered that
I think I can make a string, then print out the ordinals
The Jolf solution is actually rather elegant, imo.
The fact that (int) '2' is 50 is neat.
@ConorO'Brien "Prepended ^2@2)" when code is ^2@2(
Sorry for nitpick
You know you could have edited that yourself
Oh yeah
Well, I did
Could we try and setup the playfield for a befunge answer?
Once flobnar is on TIO I might give it a shot, but it would require some serious setup
the only thing is is that when it is possible it'll be slightly trivial
Could you make use of existing digits to put together a string?
@Pavel A cast to int from string gets its code? Neat.
@Pavel not really
@ATaco Single quotes are for chars
a little bit before, but not really
(int) "2" is an exception.
In java, chars actually cast implicitly to ints.
ok, so, if we get the next two people to answer to cooperate, and they have enough chars, we can put down some output chars, . and ,
9007199254740992 is 2 ** 53
if we package all the 2 digit pairs we can, we end up with two ascii chars to print and some integers on the stack to print
it'll be .,......,@, then the string just before that
This is a bloody pain.
@DestructibleWatermelon remember implicit space printing... :(
I should have done n^2 instead of 2^n
@Pavel nah
otherwise would have been too trivial
just comment some stuff out, you wouldn't have to work for anything
maybe if you had made the levenshtein distance vary...
grow over time, maybe
maybe answer n gets n//2 +10
I almost regret answering in ><>
Why, so you could save it for later?
also I just realised one of the chars in my proposed string would be unprintable
@MistahFiggins yeh
You can squeeze out another ><> answer by using *><>
@DestructibleWatermelon That's acceptable, all of Unicode is open to you.
not sure befunge deals with unprintables though
should we go for befunge?
I was sort-of trying to go for C.
But sure, befunge is cool.
Does *><> have exponentiation?
maybe we could go for BF?
Or bitwise left-shift, for that matter.
@DestructibleWatermelon That would take a lot of bytes, no?
@Pavel yeah, thats part of the point
I mean, you can try
lol I just wrote r for right in a BF program
also the while loops look weird now
Woefully. Go for Woefully.
thats unpossible
well, mostly
me fail english? that unpossible!
if you did somehow manage to get woefully in there, it would be legendary
for two reasons:
one, the fact that you made a woefully program that big
two, woefully programs cannot have anything but newlines, spaces and pipes
so it could be possible, but each person would need to cooperate
The amount of answers needed, we would run out of langs.
so, we would need to both write in the program, and take out the leftover crud
we would need the last program that isn't woefully to be 10 characters or less, to make it into woefully
also I think I made a 2 ** some value program?
in BF
unbounded anyway
wait, still gotta figure out the printing part hah
Is BF allowed to output by charcode by default? I recall hearing that at some point.
can you output a number that high as a charcode?
CMC: Given an integer input, output the next biggest power of two, eg 5 => 8
also can someone find an unbounded BF interpreter?
wait... can I make...
a deadfish answer!!!!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardBuild the Chain Quine This is an answer-chaining puzzle. Each person will write a program that is not a true Quine but does output its source when given the source of the last program as input. The first program will be a true Quine. Rules Standard quine rules apply You may not write a subm...

Don't know how deadfish works
But try!
should be pretty simple, actually
as long as the answer is an even number
actually might be annoying to circumvent the if counter == 256 counter = 0 thing
Well, i'll ping you if another answer gets added.
I might try deadfish~
Asking again, can anyone join the Minecraft server?
actually now that I think about it it will be annoying unless the number is a power of two?
so, wait for 64?
That might be hard
Wait. I think I can fit Mathics in, BRB.
No, I can not.
deadfish ~ for 2**64
deadfish would be many longer
Is Deadfish even valid?
It's not TC.
Sure it is
It doesn't have to be TC
can deadfish decide primality, though?
@JanDvorak uuhhhhhhhh
True deadfish cannot be TC.
No one really minds Deadfish tho
The only functions it has purely set the value of its only buffer, or puts it.
So what is iissdss{{{{i}iiiii}d}i}isso doing?
(random poll) what email service do y'all use?
@Pavel That's not Canonical Deadfish.
@ConorO'Brien Gmail
@ConorO'Brien Gmail
deadfish~ i = increment, s = square, d = decrement, {<foo>} do <foo> 10 times, o = output
@ConorO'Brien Gmail
Pretty sure Deadfish can't decide primality, then
yeah, doesn't look good.
Not sure where {<foo>} came from, is that a derivative?
It sure can increment a number, though
Does it even take input?
Not canonically
you can modify the language to initialize the stack storage with input instead of zero
Still can't add two numbers.
but neither can HQ9+
and we can't use that language either >_>
Similarly not TC
But it sure can print a bunch of 9s
And yet we allow Help, Wardoq! and Bubblegum
Maybe the rules should change.
Bubblegum is TC
Just, not probably so
Not the point
only Google will tell if Bubblegum is Turing complete
No it will not.
you should use cinnamon gun
It definitely is PPCG-strong, though
@ConorO'Brien Why do you need automated tests for something that simple >_>
Only @quartata knows
Hey guys
Hash idea
Take potatoes. Make hash browns. Realize you're satisfied with life, and no longer need to hash numbers.
Basically you add the CRC32 of the input left shifted by 0..7 bytes
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
It's Ruby range notation
Why do you need to left shift by 0 bytes at any point during this?
also which of 0..7?
all of them
07R in RProgN2.
um, so sum(0..7)?
You take CRC32 of input, left shift, take the CRC32 of that, left shift, and so on
then you add all the CRC32s together
wait what is CRC32 lol
Left rotate**
@DestructibleWatermelon Checksum algorithm
C Hecksum
> hecksome - adj.: horrifying, awful
Hecksome is a thing now
sample usage:
> The hecksome warriors held the severed head high in the air
brb adding to wiktionary
it'll just get deltacoed
just try using the word hecksome around as many people as possible
@wat baleeted
makes me think of whales for some reason
its a homestar runner reference
Anyone heard of citogenesis?
@LuisMendo hey, mind me asking for your opinion on this spanish translation?
it's an answer with a spanish passage on literature.se, but I've tried to fix the english translation to be pretty accurate
how'd I do?
Well, I golfed the CMC down to 23 bytes:
2<. 012
I think this works...
When do you guys usually accept an answer in your code golf challenges? I have one approaching the one month mark
You don't have to at all, but one month is a good time. The suggestion is 1 week at the minimum.
ok I'm playing Town of salem, and the maf just voted the GF to the stand...
A: Evolution of Powers of Two

Matheus AvellarAnswer 51: HTML Distance 10 2.2e15<!--^2@2(#"#28@P2*Jp;math 2\^45#2^41 NB.`(expt 2 39); ^ exit @n.out (*2 32#e#a44******O@)//2 25)#e#2ej#printf("% $[2**43]bye'$/*#"A#327;N<."$"/class HelloWorld {static void Main() 0{;n***~ # System<.Console<.<.#1024 print(2**49);#0}}//4| #6904r"$2 #puts 16...

I don't think you need to worry about Deadfish not being a valid language.
You actually don't since it's a constant output challenge, which means non-programming languages are allowed.
It uses scientific notation, but not very precise scientific notation.
I don't think I can count that.
I don't think I will.
Imagine a 3 dimensional pascals triangle
no clue why there are spheres in it
...but imagine a 4 dimensions pascals hyperpyramid
I've just thought about it and I'm not certain the above rendering is correct... Wouldn't the center be an upside down pyramid? Right now it's more like a blossoming pyramid opening up with triangular channels/hallways
On the other hand how would it even look if the inner "hole" was just a pyramid? What would be on the edges where there are currently holes? hmmm
Ontop of that, these are pyramids with square bottoms; wouldn't it have a 3 sided pyramid with a triangular bottom? that's probably what's causing all of these issues
Jester; Got lynched day 2 in Town of Salem. Aw yea!
please don't redirect any game chatter into this room
be it nethack, DF, or tos
no offense
it's just kinda irritating
@AlbertRenshaw Why is it a square base instead of a triangular? shouldn't it be triangular?
@Pavel :P "Steve Bannon Marks Draft Of Executive Order He Likes With Noxious Pheromone Secretion"
Everything about that image feels off
There are a lot of pokes at bannon, haha
> That's illegal.
10/10 Cocoa errors are great
Please tell me that's the message displayed for SIGILL
holy shit @Okx nice job on that challenge
the evolution of powers of two
10 answers o-o
We're a bit stuck now though
I'll work on it tomorrow
Any ideas for a language?
We've been thinking about that.
can't be that hard to work in an "end program" thing somewhere
Befunge doesn't have exponentiation though.
then another 2d lang
Minkolang is in there already. ><> doesn't have it either.
We're a bit stuck.
Actually/Seriously could work!
â•™ is push 2**a
Which is perfect
@Pavel think I got one
Fire away.
A: Evolution of Powers of Two

RikerAnswer 51: Reticular, distance 8 2'51'Jo;^2@2(#"#28@P2*Jp;math 2\^45#2^41 NB.`(expt 2 39); ^ exit @n.out (*2 32#e#a44******O@)//2 25)#e#2ej#printf("% $[2**43]bye'$/*#"A#327;N<."$"/class HelloWorld {static void Main() 0{;n***~ # System<.Console<.<.#1024 print(2**49);#0}}//4| #6904r"$2 #puts 16...

2d language
explanation coming
@Riker Reticular is Answer 46
shit really?
That's why we keep the list of used languages.
I failed my cntrl-f
did "renticular" accidentally ;(
Too bad.
It would be great to get some form of print to the front.
There's one on line 3, I suppose.
I wonder if C is possible.
It will compile fine without the #include, and main is still there from C#
There's also a printf("% in line one.
@Riker Flag as NAA?
new answer!
A: Evolution of Powers of Two

nimiAnswer 51, Haskell, distance 10 --2@2(#"#28@P2*Jp;math 2\^45#2^41 NB.`(expt 2 39); ^ exit @n.out (*2 32#e#a44******O@)//2 25)#e#2ej#printf("% $[2**43]bye'$/*#"A#327;N<."$"/class HelloWorld {static void Main() 0{;n***~# System<.Console<.<.#1024 print(2^51)--;#0}}//4|#6904r"$2 #puts 16384 8*di ...

Gah, removed newlines again
i cri evry tim
I wonder how many answers of this challenge I can go through and still be able to convince some naiive person that it will still compile in C#
ok, on another note my plan to get befunge in there has failed for the moment
I wonder if the existing code contains anything usable by Befunge.
*.@ needs to go at the beginning for befunge
but it needs 2^26 pushed to the stack twice tho
not sure it's possible ;/
well, if we put down seventeen 8s, some multiplies, an integer print...
@Riker Why tho
> seventeen 8s
@MistahFiggins that's multiplication
has to be distance 10 or less from the prev answer
Actually, befunge 98 should be a breeze
just use the k command
@MistahFiggins why?
Considering how many answers have a distance of 10, and can't add anything new...
@MistahFiggins oh shit im a dumb
but you can change stuff if you have < 10...
@MistahFiggins What's that?
pop a, do following command a times

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