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I found a mistake in my Polyglot Anagram (the one I have an indefinite bounty of 200 rep on). It's fixed now.
Have a crack at it.
No cheating
mine also said no cheating and then it hit NaN and crashed
Is there anything I'm missing? It says "No Available Upgrades" but doesn't say "Because you unlocked them all"
You have to cheat to get upgrades :P
no you just need more monies
Well, that got me an Achievement. :D
@GabrielBenamy i think i finished it?
no, there's still more
@TimmyD i saw your post while uploading the image :/
@betseg it says "because you bought them all you sly dog" after the "no available upgrades" if you have bought them all
ah k
i did while true; do xdotool click 1; done, it didnt say no cheating
does it say after reaching a too high units?
It says Cheating if you use increaseUnits from the dev console
ah k
> PPCG Credits
@betseg and if you use the "click" second arg
Q: Error (or warning) quine that's also a regular quine

ais523(Inspired by this comment on an old question.) Background An error quine (also known as a "Kimian quine") is a program which, when compiled or run, causes the compiler/interpreter/runtime to print an error message that has identical text to the program itself, and nothing else. For the purposes...

ah right, just figured out why one of my answers is randomly getting upvotes
@ais523 Durr, I completely missed that you had already linked that.
it has the most upvotes on the question right now (and is also the shortest answer on a and is nontrivial, so luckily it's an answer for which I'm not upset that it's being upvoted), and the question hit HNQ
@TimmyD that's OK; the "related" comments are mostly to add the question to the "linked" section two ways, but some people possibly look at them specifically
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ what? you mean click 2?
@betseg increaseUnits(amount, "Click")
oh ok
@ais523 which answer are you talking about?
@Dada my Brachylog answer to the primes-starting-with-lots-of-2s question
right, thanks... that's quite neat indeed
Zalgo and my bot are on fire in BBM
It's mainly that Zalgo asks a lot of questions and your bot is getting angry at Zalgo
google maps is freaking out
Can I assume SmileBASIC source code is in UTF-8? SmileBASIC is proving to be a particularly unique case for this ... Here it talks about its UTF-16 character set. I began noticing that none of the commands seem to contain these characters, also it does save ordinary text files to UTF-8 (see save(2)). I don't think it's actually reading/writing source code in UTF-16, but I can't prove it either way...
The commands ofc contain ascii (I had to shorten my message)
@redstarcoder How are the files stored on disk? If they're stored in UTF-8, that's a valid character set to submit in
It's a 3DS program, I have no idea
I could probably hack the file out of SmileBASIC, but I haven't seen anyone else do it, and I'm not super motivated to do it just to prove character encoding :p
Like I think what it does is read the UTF-8 string, convert it to UTF-16, then display it.
I'll write up a meta post, this is too much information for chat I think.
Isn't there some theorem that says if you have a number x and you perform a certain operation on it like 2x, then that range is guaranteed to have a prime? My Google-fu is failing me.
@TimmyD there's always a prime between n and 2*n* (for sufficiently large n, where sufficiently large is pretty small; IIRC *n*=2 is enough)
that's a fairly old result, it's been made tighter since
Right. But what is that called?
The PrimeBetweenNand2N Theorem
I'm not the sort of person who normally memorizes theorem names
Neither am I -- hence why I'm struggling to find it
Something along these lines: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand%27s_postulate
FTR: found with google "primes between n and 2n"
Is it possible that someone check my test cases?
I'm not sure whether my own implementation is 100% correct
@Geobits Yes, thank-you.
I feel like the fact that we're having to make a bulleted list of what noise is is absurd and a sign of a much deeper problem re new meta post
@ais523 Could you chime in here?
It's pretty obvious and I feel that those who make noise know what it is
I hit return too early :/
Return early, return often.
yay, I received 2 hats for doing nothing
Don't we all
I've gotten 10 hats so far without posting anything
Yeah, I've gotten 8 without trying for any of them.
I used to be in the top three...
@quartata The thing is that is really isn't. On a personal level, we all have a very clear idea of what is noise and what is not, but those ideas vary wildly between two different individuals. There are folks who'd be happy to leave TNB as it is, those who'd be happy get get back to the noise level from 18 months ago, and those who'd prefer having on discussions/conversations that are actually related to PPCG in one way or another.
Well all I know is that making a list is not a good solution
Or really a solution at all. I think it would decreases the likelihood that people will comply when there's a ridiculous spaghetti mound of objective rules for something subjective as opposed to just asking people to use common sense
Furthermore I think those that make noise -- with maybe some exceptions -- agree that it's noise and move it when prompted, they just don't think of it themselves in the moment.
That's what I've observed at least.
What do you propose instead to determine what kind of conversations should be considered welcome in TNB?
Don't know but I think part of the puzzle is encouraging people to respect gaps in the conversation more. That's usually where I see noise, not in the middle of actual conversation which people can just join in on instead
Q: How should we score SmileBASIC programs?

redstarcoderSMILEBasic is a 3DS application that lets you run their own flavour of BASIC called SmileBASIC. It's a pretty cool language, and might have some potential for code-golf, but I don't think a lot. The issue in measuring its source-code stems from the fact that we don't know if SmileBASIC saves its ...

Apparently there is a comment vote limit too
How much it snowed last night:
re: TNB discussion: I have a strong feeling that the only reason that this site works (both PPCG and SE more generally) is that people disagree on what it does and what it's for, and TNB is likely similar
I didn't realise CMCs were considered noise. I thought they'd be pretty cool sometimes.
@DJMcMayhem Yikes.
That's what it looks like here too, it's awful
@redstarcoder its all about the gradient from noise to on-topic. Some people certainly could.
often the only way to get enough people into a room to keep it viable is for many of them to think it'd be a better fit for them than it actually is
@DJMcMayhem That's nothing. Look how much it snowed here:
@redstarcoder they're not. Elendia wrote "Which of these count as "noise", and why? ....... Chat mini challenges"
@ais523 I don't think this is true: when you get enough like-minded people together, you always find differences
I don't think anyone has complained about CMC's that I've seen
@DJMcMayhem Ah, I'll read more carefully
I guess now isn't a great time to complain about the light drizzle making my tabet screen all wet
I think that the disagreement is a result of lots of similar people, not that that the disagreement brings them together
at least it isnt snow
What are you talking about? Snow is amazing
I saw a few snowflakes today. But that's it.
Snow is great to play around in. It's not great to actually live with for months on end.
here in Utah, we've gotten a bunch of snow, but my uni (USU) only opened late (at 10). It's been some 10 years since they've actually closed due to snow
(not that I'm going to university, I just think its interesting)
I guess in a way I have the advantage of not really having much expectations of what this channel is for, so I just try to fit in with what the conversation's about (and/or start one which I suspect would be ontopic)
survey: to those talking about the chat meta post, do you find the snow discussion distracting?
@NathanMerrill I'm used to IRC, holding multiple conversations simultaneously in the same channel is standard there
It's fairly standard here also.
I personally think the conversation is offtopic and resent having to read it (and in fact went into the element inspector to delete at least one of the images, reducing the vertical space it takes up)
however, I don't think it's a distraction from the other conversations happening at the same time
...I don't know how to merge both of those sentences
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J843136028Calculate {n} with Restricted Code Where n is any real number, {n} is the greater of n and 1/n. For example, {1} = 1, {2} = 2, {1/10} = 10 and {-2} = -1/2. Input is any valid mathematical expression. This may contain numbers (in base ten -- including decimals) and the signs '+', '-', '*' and '/...

if it wasn't a distraction, then you wouldn't resent it, because you wouldn't be distracted by it
but you clearly were
maybe define what you mean by "distraction"?
(sorry, Internet went down for a moment)
a distraction is something that diverts attention, thus making it difficult to perform a task because you don't have enough attention left
in this case I had easily enough to participate in the TNB metadiscussion despite the other discussion involved
ah, so its a matter of time? like, if you had less time to chat in here, the snow conversation may end up requiring enough attention (to read/ignore it), that it would hinder you from participating in the chat conversation?
which matches why Phi doesn't like it here: he wants to quickly read through the day's conversation, and that's not feasible
@EriktheOutgolfer This is a professional site. So we can't just put whatever we want, and this isn't reddit. The point of this question is because all or most chat on TNB is supposed to be "a serious PPCG-related conversation". — mbomb007 2 hours ago
I can't disagree with this more.
@NathanMerrill That's not going to be all that feasible in almost any active chatroom.
Actually recently I've had no problems reading through the transcript. A year ago it was way way more dense
PPCG may be part of SE, which nominally is a place for professionals to gather and discuss code/whatnot, but there are literally zero people here who are professional golfers.
@Geobits right, but if you are interested only in math/programming related stuff, its not worth your time, even if you have it to spend
@TimmyD maybe we have a shot at e-sports, then we'd be professionals
@NathanMerrill I don't know of a single time in my years here that the chat has been, or supposed to have been, only math/programming stuff.
@quartata Yeah, a year ago the transcript would've been dominated by long caret chains, carrot.png chains, and images of carrots
@redstarcoder Actually, that might be interesting. Try to coordinate a real-time challenge in a particular language. First to post a correct answer under a certain size wins. Hmm ... I'm going to try and Sandbox that.
^ I'm excited :D
@TimmyD I once got paid for writing a program that did golf scoring (among other functionality that was probably more important, but golf scoring was part of the spec)
@Geobits well, 100% on-topic hasn't ever happen, but its all about efficiency. You try to find sites that have the least amount of fluff (stuff you aren't interested in), so you can find the stuff you are interested in
but I define fluff that way, because there are lots of people here who like various off-topic things (such as the snow conversation for me)
FWIW, my experience with chat channels is that they start ontopic, because everyone is new
but over time they become more and more offtopic as people get to know each other and what they like talking about
and often this isn't a problem because the offtopic discussion is often halted if it looks like ontopic discussion might start
the amount of ontopic discussion that happens also tends to reduce over time, but this is partly because a chat room for it is most likely to become necessary when it's near a peak
so nearly all online discussions become less ontopicly active over time
@TimmyD (responding to the quote) the way I see it is .. if the chat seems to be primarily focused on something very important (or multiple on-topic things), don't interfere with off-topic chatter. Otherwise I find the environment to be a lot more pleasant with the typical discussion I see going on here.
@ais523 I find that most important things are discussed and solved when a project is younger in life. When it grows and develops, new important discussions are fewer and further between because they're simply less necessary
So same conclusion, different thought process
Well, navel-gazing is one thing that seems both on-topic and distracting all the time ;)
@Geobits you haven't seen the elaborate rules for metatopicality that some communities come up with
I've seen enough to know I don't want this place to end up like that.
If it does I'll just give my italics back.
for example, Usenet has a standard rule that discussions about the topicality of the group you're in are always ontopic
but you can't post questions about Stack Overflow on itself (that's why Meta exists)
@Geobits what do you mean by "that?"
incidentally, I was amused by the question about whether ? is noise or not
For what it's worth, I'd like it if we could stop talking about how chat should be, and just chat
at least on IRC, it's a very well-known shorthand for "I'm not quite sure what you're saying, either because I'm too tired to parse it or because when I did, it ended up absurd; could you rephrase it so that I have a better idea of what you mean?"
@ais523 I've seen chat systems with elaborate rules, and some with no rules at all. Both are fairly terrible.
@ais523 not being a room owner anymore
Oh wait, Nevermind I didn't see which message you were replying too
It's been months. We're probably not going to reach a consensus at this point. I just want to chat with my friends.
@TimmyD That is not true, we have at least @Dennis
Heck, the motto for months was "Abandon all work ye who enter here" or close to it. Goofing off and discussing neat stuff was always kind of the point
But thats not what's happening
We already reached a consensus months ago we just have no idea how to enforce it at any rate
When do we get a cool favicon like the other sites?
6-8 weeks
@redstarcoder oh my sweet summer child
Or November first. Take your pick
@DJMcMayhem I know that means "maybe eventually" :(
Maybe if we made a really cool favicon and upvoted it on meta, we'd get one?
already tried that
a question that I should probably ask before it becomes a problem: if the maximum integer size in a language is proportional to the length of the program, can it be a programming langauge by PPCG's definition?
@quartata Fair enough, I suppose
(the problem is the "in principle this should work with unbounded integers" part of the definition)
At any rate, goodnight all
@redstarcoder No, it more means "definitely sometime in the future, but nobody knows when"
Ah thanks for the translation. Still makes me feel like we're neglected by the SE overlords :(
@flawr Most definitions of "professional" require compensation of some kind. If you know about a place that will pay me to shorten code, please do tell.
Well, there's a lot we asked the SE overlords to implement before all the decorative stuff
@Dennis embedded system engineering?
Q: Graduation Design Ideas

Helka HombaProgramming Puzzles & Code Golf will someday graduate out of public beta, and it will get a new site design. Stack Exchange employees generally do all the design work and make the design decisions, but that doesn't mean we can't nudge them in the right direction when the time comes. This meta po...

@wat Seriously?
@Dennis You get upvotes as compensation :D
I dislike how replies onebox but pings don't
wat is just trying to get his daily beta-carotene
@flawr As much as I like upvotes, they don't put food in my stomach.
@DJMcMayhem I threw in my votes, favourited, and crossed my fingers!
But it was at 42! You ruined it! :P
Maybe the SE overlords hate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and have been waiting for this exact moment o.o
Or I just like to ruin things :)
@Dennis Try downvotes. They're tasty.
@Dennis Just call it "refactoring" to get paid for it ;)
I'd still have to find a job as a coder.
True. I don't know what the job market there is like. Here, it's fairly terrible right now.
I have no idea. I never tried to find such a job. I'm also not convinced it's a good idea. Making short code is more or less my only coding skill.
@Dennis based on your answers to non- questions, I wouldn't agree with that
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TimmyDReal-time Golfing Challenge Inspired by a chat comment The goal is to coordinate a set time that a challenge would be posted. Ideally provide enough lead time (e.g., via this sandbox post) to let people know that this challenge is upcoming. The challenge itself is kept secret until posting, so ...

Then again, math prof sounds like a decent enough job as well :P
OTOH, you're better-positioned than most people to nkow what types of jobs you'd enjoy; and a key goal for jobs is normally that you both enjoy them, and are good at htem
@HelkaHomba can confirm, tried to order glasses today
it's not just you
hmm: observation: bad challenges get downvoted; mediocre challenges get upvoted; the best challenges tend to stay near zero
Is it really working only in IE, or is there another Edge case?
perhaps we should just automatically close challenges that get upvoted too quickly
@ais523 yeah
because they're really hard, so most people don't upvote them
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ you wear glasses?
but good so no downvotes
@DJMcMayhem starting to need them, yes
I'm wearing some right now
just for reading things, I'm a bit farsighted
actually HNQ causes problems here
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I tend to upvote things that look hard to me. But not things that look boringly hard. It's a fine line that I can't explain.
the HNQ algorithm sees a lot of answers posted in a short length of time as a good thing
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Take them off. How many fingers am I holding up?
@Geobits yeah, but you're in the minority I think
@ais523 Yeah, that's a known issue :(
@DJMcMayhem looking in your window, I'd say 4?
Holy shit, are you psychic?
No, he's looking in your window.
Oic. Why'd you do that? It looks cold out there.
it is
but I have a nice orangeish-yellow hat to keep me warm
@quartata I was actually expecting and hoping that people would answer the why question, not just the which question. I agree that making a giant list of what is and what isn't noise will never work.
Yeah, but it's -14C. That's not enough
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I got a well-received answer (net +1 votes) on 3 sites, yet I still did not get the hat :/
i have fur
@KritixiLithos polymath? :/
how long ago?
which sites?
SO doesn't count you know
~30 minutes on WorldBuilding
Maybe it's because the question has -2 votes
 ~ clip /?
ERROR: Invalid argument/option - '/c'.
Type "CLIP /?" for usage.
did you try capitalizing?
@KritixiLithos hm, I'm not sure. puzzling, ppcg, and WB, right?
try again on WB is my only advice, maybe the question has to be good also
I joined WB mostly to try to get the polymath and running ragegd hats
@mınxomaτ lol
alias maybe?
@DJMcMayhem interesting question:
Q: Realism of Solid light?

dsfisherIn the game Portal, there are glowing light platforms. These platforms are (supposedly) made of solid, compressed light. How can these realistically be made?

TL;DR: no hard light bridges :(
That's sad...
RPGs have been lying to me for years decades :(
yes it's very sad
we must join together and defy science and create light bridges
Try using aluminum. It's fairly light.
did somebody just upvote the grammar correcting comment
@KritixiLithos That's wrong and you should feel bad about it :P
@KritixiLithos Nope, for some obscure reason aluminum is correct
@TuxCopter What, you should be used to the unscientific american nature by now ;)
@TuxCopter Not you too
sry ;_;
@mınxomaτ stupid americans
Are you insulting yourself?
we should all just ditch and join germany, and we can even bring our very disturbing meat patties with us!
@DJMcMayhem apparently yes
Eh, blame Webster
Just did a thing. You can now use open $(curl -Ls git.io/c4 | shuf | head -n1) to view a random surveillance camera (given that URLs are being handled by your browser).
For some reason, my infinite loop challenge has a heightened activity today (6 new answers posted)
> just did a thing..... view a ... surveillance camera
@mınxomaτ shuf?
shuf randomizes a list
hm, isn't installed on my mac by default apparently
That's a bit stupid.
But it's coreutils o_O
oh, it's gshuf on mac
but why
Hmm. Next project, rig up a NN for visual recognition, then scan the list of cams for "interesting" things.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ sort -R is your friend.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That's like Apple thinking gcc is clang
@TuxCopter >_< that breaks 90% of C answers on this site for me
@Geobits "interesting"
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Defined by whatever you trained it to recognize ;)
@Dennis That is much, much slower on my PC.
well imma stop now, that last camera showed a very nsfw image >_>
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Which one?
@Geobits naked fat guy, not sure you want to see :P
Fair enough
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It says on my mac that shuf is not recognised, what do you have instead?
sort takes at least 3x longer to shuffle the list than shuf.
@KritixiLithos gshuf
just add the g in front of it
and if that doesn't work, brew install coreutils and try again with gshuf
given a world apocalpyse, I'm curious the furthest city you could make it to without getting lost
probably tijuana
like I think I could make it a 2 hour drive away
but I'd get lost much further than that
not sure tha'ts worth anything though, it's probably worse than where I started
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ais523Error (or warning) quine that's also a regular quine (Inspired by this comment on an old question.) Background An error quine (also known as a "Kimian quine") is a program which, when compiled or run, causes the compiler/interpreter/runtime to print an error message that has identical text to ...

Depends on the apocalypse really. Most types I can think of would leave major roads and signs intact, so all you need is a road map to not get "lost".
Oh and curl -Ls git.io/c4 | grep videostream | shuf | head -n1 | cut -d "/" -f3 gives you the address of a random admin control panel. Login with admin and no password and you can probably control the camera's movements.
@mınxomaτ Oh now see that's useful :D
@mınxomaτ why are you figuring these things out again?
also, any more feedback on this?
@ais523 I think this was the case a year ago. The population was small enough that people could easily suspend noise as needed. Since we had a population explosion, that's increasingly less the case.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Easterly IrkGenerate an ascii-art non-intersecting path This may be a dupe, seems too easy to not have been done, but I searched and no luck. Given 2 integer inputs representing the size of the field, x and y, output a path through the field. Example output for 5, 4: # # # ### ### # The whole f...

feels like a dupe to me, but I can't find one
hmmm...maybe I should reword it: Say you are teleported 10K years ago (to the same spot)
@mınxomaτ That it is. Two orders of magnitude.
@NathanMerrill Oh. Well yeah that's different :P
@NathanMerrill 10K? that's wilderness for me
what's the furthest location you could go to an make a "prophecy" about future civilizations :P
I don't live in europe or asia, I think most americans are in the middle of nowhere
10k years ago was around when people first started cultivating grains. So yeah, most people would be lost and alone. You can't make prophecy if there's nobody to prophecize to :(
you'd write it on some walll :P
oh, I read 1k
yeah, no hope
@NathanMerrill "I lost the game"
"The end is coming. 2012"
@mınxomaτ I really need to learn bash
@Dennis rep -> money
@KritixiLithos TL;DR: he made a list of open, unsecured camera/admin panel IPs and that picks a random one from the list
I made that list.
figured, just in case
It's about 30k cameras, which is the majority of open cams in IPv4.
that feeling when you manage to lose the game twice in about 2 minutes
@mınxomaτ so TL;DR: convenience store owners, get your shit together
Do hat changes appear in chat immediately?
Guess not still wearing 24
but I do see yours now
the epiphany
I think it looks cooler
I got polymath now
@ais523 I've grown to dislike ?-only messages because oftentimes, it's hard or impossible to know what the question is. Also, this isn't IRC. I've never used IRC and have no idea what the standard conventions are there. You can't make such assumptions here.
In an active stream with several people talking, I agree they're ambiguous at times. When it's less active, the intent is much more clear.
generally I've assumed that is what "?" means here, I personally don't use IRC though
SE chat and skype are my only messaging systems
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Still is 24 for me
not for me
I see epiphany also
Now it shows. Odd.
maybe it's your cache, because we didn't have your 24 showing?
Fits the pichu well
It doesn't match the shape of the head great
So I made it into more of a weird jacket thing
Better than it would fit mine.
It's also not as shiny as 24 but I feel like a change was in order
plus I want Trendsetter
wait did mbomb get chat suspended
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to rejoin all by the way
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ no. Why would you say that?
Q: Starring a chat message through dropdown while suspended says it is starred, when it's not

mbomb007While under a chat suspension, clicking on the star to star a message results in a notification saying that a user cannot vote while suspended. But while attempting to star via the dropdown, it says the starring was successful. You have starred and pinned this message. Refreshing the page ...

Apparently he was at some point. Not here, recently, that I know of though.
When you get a meeting invite and you are in both the "Required attendees" and the "Optional attendees" list, and the invite is from someone you don't really want to question, do you just go?
> Options are optional.
If it's really someone you don't want to question, then just go. The worst that happens is you waste a bit of time. The worst that happens if you don't go is you piss off someone you didn't even want to question, which probably won't turn out pleasantly.
@Rainbolt no you run and hide as fast as you can

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