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I'm for sleep, it's three AM. UTC-12 is uninhabited anyway
Cya guys
@Downgoat I now am back on all of the site, including meta and main.
Also, everyone thinks YADFPL is useless, hates it and its founder.
C'mon, that four stiristics lessons won't self-explain.
As a reward, I'm ready to give review permissions.
@TuxCopter Hallo
@TuxCopter Hello
@zyabin101 Review perms?
Proposal: for 2017 we should all append "goat" to our names
@Downgoat muddyfishgoat doesn't have a good ring to it
How about "muddygoat"
@Downgoat Then I'd be "wizzwizz4goat", which makes it seem like I'm for goats.
I am, but not that much.
@Downgoat Your pull request reviews will affect the pull request mergeability.
All PRs to YADFPL have to get a positive review to pass.
@zyabin101 jeez man
just stop it with that
> wizzwizzgoat4
Why would you want to be called Downgoatgoat?
@Downgoat zyabin101goat?
I love my nickname as it is now.
or zyabingoat101
@Downgoat GoatCopter?
zyagoat101 has a nice ring to it
@TuxCopter I can make you image for this if you like
No thanks
@trichoplax because two goat > one goat
@TuxCopter :(
How about replace last alphabetic syllable with goat or if your name is compound word replace last word with goat
TuxGoat still no
Still :(
Does anyone know Java/Processing here?
@Qwerp-Derp Me
@Qwerp-Derp Hello Qwerp-Goat
@Qwerp-Derp still yes
Sorry Java*
@Qwerp-Derp I know JavaScript!
I don't know hypertrignoquantum functions in processing however
Ummm I need halp with Java in general
final_set.equals(new HashSet<Integer>(-1, -2))
It says "Illegal initial capacity: -1" on that line
The first parameter is the initial capacity, then :P
@zyabin101 Thank you, Captain Obvious(!)
Plan ahead (just because HashSet() wants) and choose an initial capacity.
Remove Integer and see if Javas deduction works
@Downgoat That's because you need to take the reciprocal of the hypotrigonoquantum functions. Native hypertrigonoquantum functions aren't implemented.
@Downgoat it needs an initial capacity ._.
Oh wait hang on I know the bug
Yeah you gotta pass List object it seem
However you write it, HashSet(), HashSet<Integer>() or even HashSet<SuperMegaUltraAwesomeIntegralCombo>(). :P
The time for is over, @Dennis. Time to unpin the post.
Happy UTC-12 new year!
uh who pinned it
@Qwerp-Derp You can probably do something like new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(-1,-2))
@TuxCopter @wizzwizz4 was u?
@JamesHolderness That was the bug
@Downgoat Why did you append a QUESTION MARK to a Fragment (consider revising)?
@Qwerp-Derp I have come
Argh the draw function is really annoying
How do I execute a function only ONCE in draw after a mouse click?
@Qwerp-Derp You are using Processing?
It executes it multiple times and it's really annoying
@wizzwizz4 Yup
Use a flag.
@wizzwizz4 What
Or use mouseReleased
What mouse event are you using right now? @Qwerp-Derp
@Qwerp-Derp What?
Q: which is better and easier to learn? java or c++?

night_stalkerHey guys I just wanted to ask that should I learn java or c++ for ethical hacking.I'm about to go into college and I'm 14 years old and learning C. I want to do ethical hacking in the future and want to know which language to learn for exploit writing. I know python is very good and its on my wis...

But I think a flag would be the best
or mouseReleased
@NewMainPosts GUI App written on Visual Basic to track the killers IP address
@NewMainPosts Please make that go away.
@Downgoat Yes, I'm pretty sure HTML would be good for ethical hacking
Plus, ethical hacking is absolutely out of my jurisdiction.
@zyabin101 Is this good enough?
Although... you may not be able to get help on Stack Overflow... This sort of question is quite subjective, but definitely doesn't belong on this site. Please don't take it personally that we've put your question on hold, but you would not get useful answers here. Please read the tour. — wizzwizz4 1 min ago
@zyabin101 idk, your country seemed to find it OK to "ethically hack" our election :P
@wizzwizz4 its not on topic on SO either
@wizzwizz4 OK.
Sorry I forgot the disclaimer ":P"
@Downgoat At least someone agrees with me :)
How do I exit in Processing?
I think that Processing is the nicer cousin of Java
@Downgoat Please don't judge someone based on the actions of unidentified people who probably inhabit a nearby area of land as determined by arbitrary boarders.
What do you mean by exit?
Like quit a program
@wizzwizz4 no it was joke notice the :P
@Qwerp-Derp If using Python, exit() should do it. Otherwise: throw "food";.
@wizzwizz4 It doesn't necessarily mean Russia hacked the elections, any other country could have done that too
@zyabin101 hopefully I didn't offend you and if so, sorry
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ btw what's happening with the Coup game
@Downgoat wait... coup game?
@Qwerp-Derp Apparently a plain ol' exit(); works
@arda Coup - Overthrow (fictional) politics with a single command!
Orrite I think I have a Minesweeper class and a proper Minesweeper game thing
Soon on Screens!
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

int neighbours(int x, int y, int[][] array) {
  int w = array.length;
  int h = array[0].length;
  int[] out = new int[] {(x + w - 1) % w, (y + h - 1) % h, (x + 1) % w, (y + 1) % h};
  ArrayList<Integer> n_list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(array[out[0]][out[1]], array[out[0]][y], array[out[0]][out[3]],
                                                          array[x][out[1]], array[x][out[3]],
^ mineboard.pde
@zyabin101 triggered
MineBoard board = new MineBoard(20, 20, 200, 200, 20, 100);
// args for MineBoard: x_size, y_size, x_coord, y_coord, mines, size

void setup() {
  size(800, 800);

void draw() {
  if (board.checkClick()) {
@Downgoat speaking of which, why is the package released from a private repository?
^^ sketch.pde
@arda me and a couple other folks are working on a realistic coup simulator on the command line
Wait are you talking about the actual game of Coup
Like the one with characters and stuff
@zyabin101 which package?
@Downgoat well I guess have fun
@Downgoat The npm package.
@Qwerp-Derp no this is our own. It simulates real-life groups and world leaders andall
Did you finish the factor circle sketch @Qwerp-Derp?
@KritixiLithos I'm sad to say I gave up
(I have an inexplicable level of ptsd atm)
If anyone wants to help develop or design the game feel free to ask me and I'll add you to the development circle
Is the code for the minesweeper thing good
@zyabin101 It's not on npm yet. I also have no money to purchase npm private modules :(
@Qwerp-Derp :O there is mistake
you should have a class for the arguments to the MineSweeper class :P (not real mistake I'm just joking)
@Downgoat Where
@Downgoat Then how do you have private GitHub repos?
Education Pack?
GH education pack apparently works with my school
@Downgoat Is it on GH?
GH education pack is really good
@KritixiLithos Yes.
Yeah (to all above messages)
@Qwerp-Derp Can you add flags in the game?
@Qwerp-Derp Do they gather data on your real identity?
Working on that
If not, I'll activate mine.
:( I want to draw picture of ninja-unipants but I'm on phone so can't
@wizzwizz4 Ummm yes they do because it's for school
So you have to provide school and stuff
I think
I activated it a while ago so I forgot
Just check it out for yourself
@wizzwizz4 they just need your name and school email IIRC
@Downgoat Do they keep / share it?
And if I de-activated it, would it remain linked?
However with those two you can pretty much identify them
What do you mean by school? High school or uni?
@KritixiLithos Either, I think.
America is 3weird5me
@wizzwizz4 It's private, not displayed anywhere. Just kept on GHs servers AFAIK but I have no idea if they encrypt and all
And also perhaps the younger school in your education system, but 13+ people don't usually go to those.
Guns, imperial system, 3 parts of 4 years for school
America = hipster
@Downgoat Ok. That's fine. Thanks 4 teh inf0.
*mutter* stupid autocorrect "fixing" teh tpyogaot imitations *mutter*
:O you made typo??? Get ready for mods to berate and threaten to suspend you
@Downgoat I am of teh modz.
@KritixiLithos I registered with both .k12 and .edu mails to GH edu pack in the past
@Qwerp-Derp Hipster connotes a sense of progressiveness and America right now is just about the opposite :P
@wizzwizz4 mails community@
@arda intercepts mail, kicks originating user
How to check if right key is pressed in Processing
@wizzwizz4 yells abooz
Wait, that's the wrong link
What do you mean that's the wrong link
What do you mean by "right key"?
@StackExchange Seriously, @wizzwizz4, are you abusing edits?
Who starred that?
@zyabin101 I didn't.
@zyabin101 :-( I'll delete it.
@zyabin101 a little harmless fun isn't that big of a deal imo (cc @wizzwizz4)
'twas supposaid two bee fun-knee...
@wizzwizz4 you goat a good sense of humor
@zyabin101 I wanted it to look "official" while both being obviously fake and not actually kicking arda.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ais523A range of operations on the same inputs code-golfarithmetic Write a program or function that takes two integers as input (you may assume the first is nonnegative and the second is positive), and outputs each of the following values: The sum of those integers The difference of those integers ...

@Downgoat NO
@NewSandboxedPosts Ooh. Shinny.
@TuxCopter Waddle you do if I don't stop?
Too MOOny puns
@TuxCopter :( I hope I didn't wipe a pengrin off your face
@Downgoat Pens have grins?
... Penguin...
Hmm, just noticed there are no R entries here: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/69/…
I wonder, creating a function in R without assigning it to something, prints the function. So function()x would print function()x. But I'm not sure if that counts as a quine. Any opinions?
@zyabin101 You should include a guide on how to run C if you are making a tutorial
@KritixiLithos I can't, because the master branch is review-protected and I have no reviewers.
With write access, of course.
What should I do?
@zyabin101 I don't know what that means. Can't you edit your own repo?
I can't, because the review-protection applies for admins, too.
How is it review-protected?
It is protected, with a requirement:
All pull requests to this branch require one positive pull request review and all negative reviews addressed.
@zyabin101 Couldn't you just disable that? Or would that defeat the point of having it?
Oh, correct.
I removed review requirements for administrators, for now.
When I finish my things, the requirement will return back for administrators.
But you can edit it now, right?
Added setup instructions!
9 hours ago, by Dennis
Are you trying to tell me your timezone is /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles?
18 hours ago, by Eᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏ Iʀᴋ
@AndrewLi no, it's called "goddamnit dennis"
Stars without context make for fun discourses.
Now the review requirement for admins is back.
I'm going to learn C from your GH repo :)
And others would lead you by example.
Yes, others?...
I created my first program yay! \o/
Which is it? :3
@KritixiLithos Which is it?
Hello, World
CMC: Tell of the first program you've ever written
A batch script that echoed something.
I believe mine was a C# Hello World from several years ago
@LegionMammal978 IDK
@KritixiLithos So something like vv?
@LegionMammal978 Something in batch that echoed "Hi your_name"
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
@LegionMammal978 You forgot return 0; at the end.
@zyabin101 Not required
And I didn't have \n
@LegionMammal978 @Rogue1 GET /
sudo GET /
Anyy opposiiton to releasing this challenge now?
@zyabin101 wat
$ sudo GET /
<TITLE>Directory /</TITLE>
<BASE HREF="file:/">
<H1>Directory listing of /</H1>
<LI><A HREF="./">./</A>
<LI><A HREF="../">../</A>
<LI><A HREF=".CreationID">.CreationID</A>
<LI><A HREF=".Revision">.Revision</A>
<LI><A HREF=".VersionID">.VersionID</A>
<LI><A HREF=".rpmdb/">.rpmdb/</A>
<LI><A HREF="bin/">bin/</A>
<LI><A HREF="boot/">boot/</A>
<LI><A HREF="build/">build/</A>
<LI><A HREF="cdrom/">cdrom/</A>
<LI><A HREF="dev/">dev/</A>
<LI><A HREF="etc/">etc/</A>
@LegionMammal978 XD
ION, I just cloned awesome onto my Tiny Core machine!
@LegionMammal978 Yuck uppercase tags
Aww, firefox <(GET /) doesn't work :(
GET / > ~/index.html && firefox file:///index.html
Yeah, the /sec was an old mountpoint for a secondary SSD
@zyabin101 Why not temp?
Now, the SSD is mounted to /home
Also, I believe that firefox file:///index.html will still look for /index.html
@LegionMammal978 my a very first was a copy+pasted C++ hello world. My first real program was a multiplayer turtle game in processing. JS first program was a rubiks cube sim
@Downgoat but still, y u maek cheddar c++, legion do not c++
I've golfed me a quine for great good. I haven't one-boxed it, but please click the linky-link so that I can get a hat and you can get a quine.
@LegionMammal978 only the deepest darkest internals will become C++
@LegionMammal978 I take this as "written" as in "on my own", rather than copying from docs. In that case, it was a sort of 2D minecraft-ish game in QBASIC.
@wizzwizz4 You should probably state "Python 3 REPL"
@LegionMammal978 But it works as a statement anywhere.
And in the REPL it doesn't print the program, but a string containing the program (" marks around it).
@wizzwizz4 Then you need to add a print or similar
You can't run that by itself and get a result
What is the & in scanf("%d", &x);?
@LegionMammal978 It "returns" the statement. Plus, I can't add a print; the quine's built around post-string modification and print requires a print( before the string.
@KritixiLithos I hope you learn something else C and contribute to YADFPL! :D
@wizzwizz4 Specifically, your post would be a snippet, which is not allowed by default
@zyabin101 I tried running without & and it gives me an error, why?
@KritixiLithos &?
Yes, isn't it something like a reference or pointer?
Where is this?
Where is what?
You see, & gives scanf the pointer to (i.e., location of) x so it can write to it
@KritixiLithos This snippet
@KritixiLithos Yes, it's a pointer.
Then what is a reference? (I could never understand the difference between them)
A pointer to the location of x so that scanf has somewhere to write the input.
@KritixiLithos A reference is just a number telling where to find the actual value
So isn't a reference technically a location like a pointer?
How hard would it be to make an Atomas clone in Processing?
Question: How to infinity in Processing?
@KritixiLithos Yes, the three are synonymous AFAIK
Then why are they called differently? Why doesn't *x work but why does &x work? I don't understand it
@Qwerp-Derp I guess it would be easy and once you make it in Processing you can easily put it into an Android app
@TuxCopter carefully
@KritixiLithos *x is "the value at the address contained in x". &x is "the address of x".
Then what is x?
x is the variable.
What is the difference between x and *x?
@KritixiLithos If x is a pointer type, x is a memory address but *x is the value at that address.
I'll give you a program that explains the difference.
> x is a pointer type, x is a memory address
How to rotate an image in Processing?
But first you have to translate(x,y) to the centre of rotation
180 degrees is pi radians.
I'm cringing too hard at Elixir syntax
Eugh I want to drop my laptop
Like seriously, what the heck is this: for num <- 1..1000, do: spawn fn -> IO.puts "#{num * 2}" end
@KritixiLithos I tought rotate rotate the entire window
It does...
Oh pushMatrix popMatrix
@KritixiLithos Oh
Yup, that solves the problem ^^
@Qwerp-Derp I believe it asynchronously outputs 2, 4, 6, 8, ..., 1998, 2000
@KritixiLithos @wizzwizz4 @LegionMammal978 want to contribute to YADFPL?
@zyabin101 Repo link?
I don't know C, I'm still learning
I can review it, also, I'll grant review permissions if you contribute enough.
Yes, that's what I call initial lessons. It's kinda needed for stirring the vast environment of insert lang here.
char* pointer = "String";
int num = 1532;
int ber = -291;

void main() {
    logaddr(pointer); // An arbitrary memory address.
    logchar(*pointer); // 'S'
    logchar(*(pointer + 1)); // 't'
    logint(num); // 1532
    logaddr(&num); // An arbitrary memory address.
    logint(*(&num + 1)); // Probably -291, but Undefined Behaviour
@KritixiLithos Written the program. Does this clear things up?
Gross that forces the compiler to spill the integers into memory
@wizzwizz4 Thanks, it makes it much clearer now
@KritixiLithos :-)
@zyabin101 Sounds fun! :-)
Yes, it is! :-)
My GitHub is wizzwizz4
@Qwerp-Derp Yeah I never got Elixir. Try Erlang instead
Just make a pull request on YADFPL and I'll arrange something up! :D
Wait a second
Just realized, it's no longer 2016
@LegionMammal978 :-D or :'-C?
@wizzwizz4 The former :)
Can anyone take a glance at this challenge proposal?
A most interesting proposal @flawr
Q: Never-Ending Convertor Belt Simulator

Julian LachnietGoal: Given a ASCII art conveyor belt determine the last unique place the pointer will be at. Specification: Input through any reasonable means a CSV representing a conveyor belt. Each line is a separated by a comma, which functions as a line break. Conveyor belts can have up to 5 symbols: >...

@PythonMaster thanks!
How can you describe TIO Nexus in 64 characters?
This is no description.
@zyabin101 One sec
@zyabin101 61 bytes: TIO Nexus is the preferred site to use during the move to V2.
The longest word in any given language depends on the word formation rules of each specific language, and on the types of words allowed for consideration. Agglutinative languages allow for the creation of long words via compounding. Even non-agglutinative languages may allow word formation of theoretically limitless length in certain contexts. Words consisting of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of characters have been coined with the goal of being ranked among the world's longest words; technical scientific terms can run to hundreds of thousands of characters in length. Place names may not...
@LegionMammal978 I'll reword.
Go to Icelandic, the definition is so weird that it practically describes the TIO Nexus
How can you describe TIO as a whole in 64 characters?
@LegionMammal978 Add \r\n\r and you've got a platform-inspecific newline at the end.
@LegionMammal978 ^^
@zyabin101 63 bytes: TIO is a site dedicated to trying programming languages online.
@zyabin101 If you want to test a program, Try It Online!padpadpadpadpadpad\n
> Online interpreters
I golfed it :P
@LegionMammal978 Thanks! :D
@LegionMammal978 Add a \n to the end.
I'll use it in a link to TIO Nexus from YADFPL. :3
@LegionMammal978 Try adding a confused mood by replacing your period with !?
Արևաճաճանչաերկրափայլատակություն means "sunshine" in Armenian apparently
Can anyone take a glance at my submission
@PythonMaster First thing: Write the list as a bullet-point list, and not as one line of text:)
Yeah, how would I improve the wording of that @LegionMammal978
@LegionMammal978 I hope the repetition is gone now :)
Curse these duplicates!
There is no need to reword that.
Hmm, no PRs on YADFPL...
@zyabin101 I'd do a Mathematica one, but I have no idea where to start :P

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