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Could a mod or RO please give user SanBot write access in Beep Boop Maggot?
he doesn't have his own accoutn?
oh, he does
Q: How to find all the possible words using adjacent letters in a matrix

NestorI have the following test matrix: a l i g t m j e a I intend to create an algorithm that helps me find every possible word from a given minimum length to a maximum length. For example: Minimum: 3 letters Maximum 6 letters Based on the test matrix, I should have the following results: al...

@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ is your bot open source?
Any feedback for this?
@ETHproductions It wouldn't help, I don't believe.
@quartata I'm not sure what you mean... help what?
Should the bot have its own room to mess around in?
As in write access doesn't mean they can write if they don't have 20 rep
If a mod grants it that would happen though
Oh... never mind then
there's a meta.se feature request for that, but not for RO afair
I only just got online.
Why were you trying to talk to me three hours ago?
@ETHproductions where does it store the "learned words"?
Hi guys
@AshwinGupta We should probably talk in the other room
Never mind, that's filled with bot-speak.
can a mod give @SanBot write access to beep boop maggot?
@ETHproductions xD yeah. So anyway where does it put the stored words?
Are you looking at bot-template.js or ETHbot.js?
nah neither the bot said it learned a new word.
I figured that was some sort of debug message. Or maybe its just full of crap.
Oh, it stores them in an Object, then pulls items from that Object if you ask it something.
@AshwinGupta Learned these words: github')
@ETHproductions ah got you.
Oh, that one was just a random Markov chain
but its not persistant storage. Just stores for that one execution. If you close out of the window, and rerun the bot, it won't have remembered it right?
If he learned something, he'll say "Learned these words: word ('meaning')
@AshwinGupta Correct. I could use localStorage to change that though.
For the Futuristic Gun Battle, I might train a new bot on an enemy team filled with actually 'smart' bots.
@ETHproductions oh cookie or something?
@AshwinGupta you can use my template, which let's you use Python markov APIs and NLTK POS taggers
response code in python
@AshwinGupta It's like cookies but better structured and more official.
ok. I think I'm going to make one.
a bad one tho, not a complex one like yours.
I'm going to make a grammar based bot next
@AshwinGupta That's OK, I've spent probably around 100 hours on ETHbot ;)
He's really come a long way from when he was first released...
cool. Do the message objects have a username as one of their fields? I can't seem to find that.
@ETHproductions oh nvm I see, there is a username class I can get a list of
@AshwinGupta Yeah, that's how I do it apparently: github.com/ETHproductions/SE-chatbot/blob/master/…
@ETHproductions yeah they line up w/ the messages. I know I can use ur template, but I wanna write it myself sorta so I can get practice at examining webpages and figuring out how they work. Thats how I wrote my spotify puller application.
I started training bots against PlasmaBot, and as per my suspicions, they correctly all learned that firing on turn 2 is the best solution.
This is good news, as now I can train bots against all the current competitors, to make the general best win in any situation bot.
@AshwinGupta Yeah, that's fine. I don't mind either way :-)
With both Plasma Player, and GunClubPlayer, the bots just kind of get bullied.
@ETHproductions do you mind if I also test my bot in Beep Boop maggot?
	public FNum ln(){
		if(isNaN())return this;
		if(signum()<0)return NaN;
		if(n.equals(ZERO))return MINUS_INFINITY;
		FNum m=this,n=ZERO,t=ONE;
			t=new FNum(-1);
			int i=0;
			return new FNum(i).add(m.ln()).multiply(t);
		for(int i=1;i<30;i++){
			n=n.add(ONE.divide(new FNum(i)).multiply(m.pow(i)));
		return n.multiply(t);
The new natlog implementation.
Which I guess is fair.
It's a bit slower, but doesn't lose accuracy as quickly with large inputs
@AshwinGupta Not at all, though you may find it helpful to create a new room so it's not like trying to talk in a very loud crowd :P
@ETHproductions ty, I'll do that if I need!
@ATaco Which is why I recommend banning this approach when writing koths :/
I think you overestimate how effective my bots are.
GunClubPlayer is still winning... :\
But, at the same time, their brains have never been this complex.
Real opponents birth real challange.
I just mean training against the actual submissions, not training in general.
Yeah, probably.
But CoolDrBrainGeobots only fires when he has 1 bullet and his opponent 9, or when he has 3 and his opponent 6. Good on him.
@ETHproductions could you type random things in the other chatroom?
actually nvm ur bot is doing it
DeceiverPlayer seems to be preforming quite poorly, even against random bots.
@ATaco I would have expected it to do better
It sits at the lowest score, with 93 against my test gene pool.
The second lost is Opportunist, sitting at 6743.
My bot when posted beat all the other ones 100% of the time :)
It seems it plays far too defensively by default.
I'm not sure if doing srand(0) is cheating or not
As it determines the state of the random bots
@ETHproductions how often can you actually post a message without it being blocked?
The entire enemy team has been created, with 2 of my own genetic bots to increase the randomness of the pool. Testing against a team of 3 now...
do you know the number or do you aproximate?
GunClubPlayer still holds the highest spot against my bots...
@flawr That's planned, but it'll have to wait until I start working on v2 again.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ its the bot.
how do compilers identify statements that can be compiled away?
aka, differentiate 1+1 vs a+b vs 9**9?
you can't just do "attempt to run it", because you care about compile efficiency
@AshwinGupta ETHbot is on a separate account ;)
I'm going to make News Reporter SanBot!
three bots interacting with each other hear:

  Beep Boop Bingus Bin

two now :P
see, my news version talks about cuba :P
@ETHproductions dammit I made my bot an account but it needs more rep.
I've uploaded the now smarter bot to the Future challange.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ how did U get the rep?
ETH answered a question like a boss and got like 8 votes...
I didn't, it's running on my account
which won't happen for me.
oh xD
Just play CodeGolf, with your bot account.
@ATaco yeah too bad I suck at that and I'd be lucky to get a vote on my answer.
You just have to BELIEVE!!
I'm secretly a terrible coder
Don't tell anyone
review this sandbox answer (meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/11004/41088) so I can get rep for my bot on it
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ you don't need that much rep (i.e a whole question), just go post an answer
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ not good at golfing
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ -1 really annoying to read
I know it's supposed to be a man page, but its' a question
not a man page
Use a language that is a pain to golf in then! :D
I'm going to combine the "news" and "humor" corpuses
Brainfuck is normally upvoted due to the sheer inability to golf in it.
@ATaco I don't know any brainf*ck
I'll ask a question.
... Goodluck
@ETHproductions I'm switching models from markov chain to another thing for random text generation
Good luck!
@ETHproductions actually I just realized the example in the docs was a glorified one-layer deep markov chain
@Geobits ...what?
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Oh :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PythonMasterBurning Pancakes! code-golf The challenge was inspired by the actual pancake problem. The pancake problem describes a situation where n pancakes in a stack are needed to be ordered from largest to smallest (largest at the bottom, smallest at the top) with the burnt side on the bottom. The only ...

@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ CMC: Figure out what esolang my dog was using when he wrote that :P
" obviously isn't a string, so that rules out most golfing languages (and regular esolangs too)
CMC: number of suggested edits on SO you've made that were approved
92 for me, that's 408 before I can't earn rep from it
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ It would also stop when you hit 2k rep, which would be less than 408 edits from now.
@Geobits yeah...
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ He gained ~40k on him this year. So it'll take around ten years at that rate.
Can anyone review my post in the Sandbox?
How is the actual sorting required? It looks like you could just output the correct stack without really doing any sorting.
Well every time you flip, the burnt side is changed and the starting order of the inputs are random. You have to "flip" them so that the order of pancakes from top to bottom is smallest to greatest while keeping all the burnt sides on the bottom
What I mean is, input is a random stack of pancakes, output is a sorted stack of pancakes. My code could just output a sorted stack, right? It doesn't need to flip them around at all to get the right output.
There are no intermediate steps to output, etc.
The thing here is that it needs to work for all input. The examples are just test inputs to ensure that your code works
I get that. But if all you have is the final output to look at, you have no idea how I sorted it.
I think it would be better to show the intermediate steps, or output the number of steps required or similar.
I've changed the post where you have to return the number of flips made
Don't know what sorting algorithm this is but there's probably a closed form for the flips
Not sure. Maybe a closed form for the max given a stack size. I don't know how there could be a closed form for the minimum required for any given stack.
The Wikipedia article could help
Like I said, don't know what this challenge is. But sorting with a builtin and then calculating the exchanges is probably shorter
Yeah, probably.
In general you shouldn't make a chllenge that tries to force people to use one algorithm, especially if the problem is rather general
but you probably shouldn't ban faster ones
that said, feel free to restrict the complexity, so that people can't use a slower algorithm than the one you're thinking of
How would I allow a variety of algorithms then?
There seem to be multiple approaches and variations
in this particular case, I think it makes sense to just require a calculation of the number of flips
a closed-form solution to that would have the advantage of being interesting
so there's no real reason to ban it
Agreed. I don't even really think outputting the sorted stack is necessary or interesting at that point.
Instead of "sort this stack", it can be "how many flips until sorted"

  Beep Boop Bingus Bin

I'll fix it but it would take a while for the results to come in... I myself haven't solve this thing yet :(
Never mind, found a solution
@GabrielBenamy dies of leg warmer deprivation, as documented by the Mayo Clinic
This might interest some: google.com/…
I have edited my submission...
Say what?
Re: leg warmers
Oh. Then #TexasProblems with leg coolers as seen in my previous link
in Beep Boop Maggot, 16 mins ago, by noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ
@ETHbot <SanBot> My heart was not in style that year.
Well, it's 35 °C / 95 °F right now and it's midnight. I doubt Texas can beat that in December. :P
Where do you live? Well by country/state
in Beep Boop Maggot, 30 mins ago, by noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ
@ETHbot <SanBot> a lady drunk on her hands and knees who carries the hero around on her back while he throws pillow feathers in her face, and went in, and sat down on an old box and focused on the problem.
I wanna!
this instance uses bible.txt, singles.txt, pirates.txt, news.txt, and humor.txt corpuses
It was ETHBot and SanBot going at it for a while, all the time hilarious
Yeah it was... but how is Cuba a time?!
it's written in JS and Python, python server (because python has the natural language modules), and JS client to reply
So I assume the combination of the two is a bad idea?
@PythonMaster say something, it's restarted
Is there any way to retract a review? I hit accept when I meant reject
No unforunately
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Why don't you just use ChatExchange
Good night guys. Please please please review my entry in the Sandbox! I seem to be not getting the hang of this site unfortunately...
@quartata my thing works, ok... also try my bot (please?)
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ It's a Python module and it's super easy. Gives you a lot of things for free
Like cleaning the text, easy replies, hooks for basically every event. It's the right tool for the job
Then you can run it headless too
example code please
I'm on mobile but I'll do my best:
def handle(msg, client):
  if isinstance(msg, events.MessagePosted):

client = Client("stackexchange.com")
room = client.get_room(id)
while True:
thank you very much
Can't be bothered to include the imports
it's fine, on mobile and wrote code
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ That was just an example to show you what it was like don't use it >_> I'm sure I made typos
play with sanbot some?
I know
CMC: given two numbers a and b, yield an array of length b with the first a members being 0 and the rest being 1s.
e.g., 2 5 => 0 0 1 1 1
Or, 1 1 0 0 0. Whichever is shorter
@ConorO'Brien a->b->[1]*a+[0]*(b-a)
Jelly, 2 bytes: R>
Python: lambda a,b:(1<<a-1)<<b. Just a fun solution that doesn't really conform to the spec.
because it doesn't work? my best guess is that you're trying for a bit mask? in all cases the result seems to be a power of 2
The real solution would be lambda a,b:[0]*a+[1]*(b-a).
@ConorO'Brien Look at the binary expansion. Assuming I got it right.
@El'endiaStarman Brb adding a-> syntax to ccobra
>>> baseN(v(2,4),2)
>>> baseN(v(2,3),2)
>>> baseN(v(4,3),2)
>>> baseN(v(4,2),2)
Ah, son of a gun. Doggone operator precedence.
@El'endiaStarman That should be (1<<a)-1<<b or better yet, 2**a-1<<b.
Put another set of parentheses around 1<<a.
@Dennis Yeah, that.
that's a 1s then b 0s tho
Like I said, doesn't really conform to spec.
@El'endiaStarman ahh
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ I think it's safe to say people know about your bot by now.
@ConorO'Brien Ài1 <ESC>|Àñ<C-x>l
10 bytes
Would returning "00111" be acceptable?
Then you could do Àé1bÀr0
yeah that's fine
That solution is much better cause I can actually type it on my phone, haha
Oh huh. I just learned something new about V/vim
If you do <count>r and count is larger than the number of characters left on the row, it does nothing at all
Speaking of TIO & Vim, idk if I've already mentioned but I added Vim mode to TIO client
Also, Y doesn't work
O_o crap
Also macros don't work
Macro meaning recordings?
Yeah, and playback
Also <C-v> in insert mode doesn't work
@Downgoat What .vimrc do you have? I can tell you have ve=onemore
so, there's a quine challenge, but allows for reading its source code. Should it still be tagged quine?
@DJMcMayhem It's using a JS implemntation of vim commands I can locate the JS file if you want
@mbomb007 Not quite, there were 4 months between this site starting and the question being posted in the sandbox ;-) — Gareth 5 hours ago
holy shit
@Geobits your dog is using Pyth now?
@Geobits hi doggo!
@Downgoat Is it this one?
You should use that other one. It seems more complete
Speaking of dogs: What are your sentiments towards doggers?
@DJMcMayhem Will update when back to computer
@Downgoat Despite what you might gather from my avatar, I like dogs a lot. Cats are meh
No not dogs, doggers
@Downgoat I like dogs, as evidenced by me putting up with this one.
What's the difference?
A sailboat? Not interested.
@DJMcMayhem friend told me pupper = puppy, puppo = big pupper, doggo = dog, dogger = disgrace
I come into a conversation and it's about dogging
I do not agree with latter statement
What a place the nineteenth byte is
@Downgoat In that case, my family has one puppo and one doggo
Q: If your answer is acts differently depending on context, how safe do you have to be?

algorithmsharkThis is kind of a follow-up to / re-asking of "Should point-free function expressions be allowed when a function is asked for?" with specific reference to the only language I know how to golf in, j, where the issue is a little bit pernicious and involved. (Note that there was no final consensus i...

48 minutes... Were you already asleep, @NewMetaPosts?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Holy crap indeed.
@Downgoat -1 cats are better
@DJMcMayhem any particular reason cats are meh?
-1 cats are indeed better than most usual numbers of cats.
I need to be asleep. It's practically 5am here
@Downgoat should I become "downcat" for the rest of 2016?
The rest of 2017 is an awful long time.
I was thinking about updating my Turtlèd interpreter for efficiency
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ idk. Dogs are companions. They love you unconditionally and play with you etc. Cats are just there. They're interesting sometimes, and funny to watch, but they don't really give a crap about people
Not always, but generally
hm, my cat is pretty much the opposite
Oh yeah, and allergies. That too
she actually gives a shit about humans, and is pretty playful with people she knows
Yes but I don't know any cats that regularly post in TNB, so dogs get an automatic win.
Unless you're going by avatar
@Geobits ... Easterly is right above you & Dr. Car in Hat below
But they're not cats. They're furries.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ is that the one in your avatar?
her real name is heisenberg
@Geobits I'm slightly offended. Definitely not a furry
What is a furry
nothing wrong with furries (though I'm not one, just somebody who pretends to be a cat to people on the interblag)
furry is adjective not noun?
A person that identifies as a cat seems like the definition of furry :P
I meant no offense.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ wait what you are not cat, but you are cat in picture but if you are not cat what what wat
@DJMcMayhem psshhh who needs wikipedia
> Dr. Car in Hat
(Those were the longest two minutes of my life.)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ that's an awesome name. =D
yep, schrodinger is too cliche
@Dennis Goddammit :|
That would make for an interesting hat
can somebody downgoatify my avatar?‌​, don't have imagemagick or windows
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ use website?: vihan.org/p/downgoatify#50
wait wat cool
@Dennis can you refresh my chat profile?
hat didn't update yet but :D
night now y'all
Good morning!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ :D 100/10 beautiful avatar
@betseg goat morning
Nov 16 at 13:22, by betseg
@El'endiaStarman i've been going to school before sunrise since 2 weeks ago, because Erdogan decided to change Turkey's timezone
TFW class in the dark
someone please tell Erdogan how timezone work
One does not simply choose a timezone
I don't think there is a word to express the coolness of this.
I've been playing Antichamber for a little under a hour and boy is my brain tired
You think following an Escher painting is tiring, try walking around in one
:D all aboard the antichamber train!
Whenever I play antichamber, it runs for ~30 minutes and then crashes. Not just the game, my computer. Great game, wish I could play it.
Huh. Is it really cheap?
It doesn't have a Linux version :'(
What OS?
@DJMcMayhem $3
@DJMcMayhem wat
Steam sales?
I remember it being fifteen bucks.
The computer. Is it a really cheap/old computer?
@betseg I know that's not true. I've played it on Linux myself
Actually, i got a new computer since the last time i played anti chamber.
I should try again
It was a2004 laptop with Vista.
@DJMcMayhem oh then it's just they didn't write Linux PC specs
@Pavel Well that would explain it, haha
Nothing else caused the computer crash. Not a lot ran properly, but at least it didn't kill the entire comp.
I gtg. G'night!
Good night.
Woah. Google says $2.99 but it's ₺4.65 ($1.31)
You know, I had this idea that everyone here should downgoatify their profile. Weird everyone out in a few hours.
Wait. My new profile pic isn't appearing.
Can anyone see a downgoatified version of my profile pic?
I just did that.
Upload new pic.
It's updated on the main site, bit not here.
How would y'all define making your own language? I've never done it before but today I wrote an interpreter in Java for what I'd call my own language
@Zavada Define it? Most people here just create it a GH repo and call it a day
10/10 excellent docs
None yet, hah
@zyabin101 beautiful
I'll get started on the docs tonight or tomorrow @Geobits :P
Oh, don't do it for my sake. I'll most likely not read them anyway. Others may, but most esolangs don't interest me :P
Why do people hate looking into source code, I mean every feature is documented there :P
@Downgoat Exactly! No need for those silly JS docs, amirite?
:O no javadoc O_o
I'm not doing it for your sake necessarily, but I set up the repo and had to do something before I could write the docs
CS teacher would take of 5 points :P
Who needs javadocs when you have eclipse :^^^)

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