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Does anyone know how to make git push prompt me for a username and password? I set up my repo as a remote origin and now I want to push it. But every time I push it it says that github rejected it, I believe this is happening because I'm not logged in. But on my rpi when I do a push it asks for my username and password first. Right now, I'm using windows git shell.
basically I do git push --set-upstream origin master --force, but I need to also specify the user and password.
sorry, I'm bad at git :(
Uhm, just use an SSH key?
ok, I'll pretend I knew what that was before and look it up now ;)
@mınxomaτ already on it, ty
@AshwinGupta In Git bash on Windows it usually tries to pop up a GUI dialog first then fall back to the text prompt.
Check to see if anything is interfering with that
@quartata ill check the wait chain
its waiting for minty.exe
what the hell is that...
hm no that shouldnt be the problem
its the emulator.
@quartata ill try it w/ the graphical interface. I was using the shell interface but this one might work.
A: Surprising identities / equations

Luis MendoThis one by Ramanujan gives me the goosebumps: $$ \frac{2\sqrt{2}}{9801} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{ (4k)! (1103+26390k) }{ (k!)^4 396^{4k} } = \frac1{\pi}. $$ P.S. Just to make this more intriguing, define the fundamental unit $U_{29} = \frac{5+\sqrt{29}}{2}$ and fundamental solutions to Pell e...

@Mego I'm beating you in hats :P
sigh in the interest of moving on I'm going to just use the drag/drop upload. I'll solve this later, this is actually a sub issue of another issue. Im trying to get my apache virtual hosts to work and I got stuck because I was pushing some stuff to my repo while I waited for my rpi to restart.
I still haven't gotten Trendsetter. I must not have changed my hat on the 25th (UTC)...
@LuisMendo WTF...
How... But... It... What?
@DJMcMayhem :) Knowing about that equation and referring to it in that post got me my one gold badge in math.SE
...I take that back. Now I'm almost in the lead again :-)
Currently, Mathematica gives me this thing:
Now, let's try [1, 1; 1, 1] (Fibonacci numbers)
Seems to converge to 1.6981562788972284...
ISC finds nothing, of course
It's A119801 in the OEIS
Ha I have 11 hats for the moment!
@EriktheOutgolfer pff of course you can!
Huh. I got four downvotes yesterday. Strange
Forget to get someone presents?
That's why I hide my SE account from people I know IRL ;)
Hehe smart ;)
Actually that's not entirely true since I use the same username everywhere
> When the Walmart Corporation executed their buyout of the celestial plane formerly known as Hell, many of it's employees and residents welcomed the change in management.
@DJMcMayhem well then it's definitely someone out for present-revenge
Time to burn the ID, go into hiding
Wow. It's 364 days until Christmas and people already have their lights up. What are they thinking?
@DJMcMayhem ಠ_ಠ -1 for not thinking about kwanzaa
googles kwanzaa
god I'm uncultured
> Under VS2012, steady_clock (and high_resolution_clock) uses GetSystemTimeAsFileTime which has a very low resolution and is...
@redstarcoder Or change your real life username last name.
I just got +22 rep from old answers on SO! That's the most ever!
That's probably the more realistic option, keep the online identity, change your real life
Burn your friends too, literally.
Or hire someone to involve them as a witness to a crime then convince the police to Witness Protection Act them
"Happy New Year, my resolution is to start a life anew!" lights the building on fire, locking friends inside
Q: What if an interpreter update invalidates an existing answer?

James HoldernessI noticed earlier today that the Befunge interpreter on TIO no longer functioned in quite the same way as the old version (I guess this was caused by the nexus update). As a result, one of my old answers that relied on undefined behaviour that was specific to the TIO implementation is now no long...

12 hats now, 11 is short lived
This multiplicative partition question is showing a phenomenon I don't normally see on PPCG: people repeatedly outgolfing each other by one byte each
(admittedly, they're using different languages)
@FlipTack on your URL-Friendly Titles challenge, can you check and change the accepted answer if you deem applicable?
@ais523 That happened with one of my challenges once (between Haskell and T-SQL I believe), and it was hilarious because by the end of it the two were a convuluted obfuscation mess :)
Wish that would happen more
@feersum Would you happen to be in a puzzle hunt? There's a team name called "Feersum's", and I'm trying to work out if it's a common name for things
I'm trying to see if I can beat my own answer now
this involves outgolfing @Dennis in Jelly, which would be kind-of scary if I managed it
but I'm going to go for it anyway
@ais523 deficiencies in its specification [...] I don't really like Brachylog much I wonder what its creator will think of that :P
I guess I'm just frustrated
Prolog has such the potential to be a good golfing language, as it's more powerful in terms of what it can specify
its syntax is verbose, thus Brachylog
unfortunately, Brachylog's syntax is also somewhat verbose
I'm tempted to ask you not to ever approach MATL, just in case :D
by golfing language standards
@ais523 Yes, I see your point
Though I don't know any of those two languages
well, idiomatic Prolog involves describing the program and letting the interpreter find a solution from the description
although it tends to go into an infinite loop or crash if you do that
so real idiomatic Prolog involves putting in random extra bits of code in order to help guide it :-)
I see. Declarative languages!
Iteratino sounds like a loop that kills the rest of the code with unusual violence @flawr
A: Tips for golfing in MATLAB

flawrIteratino over vectors in matrices. Given a set of vector as matrix, you can actually iterate over them via a single for loop like for v=M disp(v); end while "traditionally" you probably would have done it like for k=1:n disp(M(:,k)); end I've only learned about this trick just now...

It sounds Spanish
Actually Tarantino is an Italian surname, and Italian is very close to Spanish
@flawr Is this Jelly or a cat walking over a keyboard that has a very large compose key?
This inequality shows itself when you graph the areas satisfying it:
A in mathematics!
(the output is flipped though, and it requires you to modify k)
k is a 543 digit constant, really a bitmap encoded into a form readable by mathematical equations.
that inequality, assuming it's the one I'm thinking of, just converts numbers to bitmaps
@ais523 yes, but
so it's not really a quine, any more than a program that requires you to provide its own source code on standard input is a quine
also, you can italicise a tag?
I guess. Kind of cheaty, really.
CMC: find a mathematical equation that is a proper/true quine
that might be better as a question on main than a CMC
also I think there'd be better formats than an image
Willard Van Orman Quine (/kwaɪn/; June 25, 1908 – December 25, 2000) (known to intimates as "Van") was an American philosopher and logician in the analytic tradition, recognized as "one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century." From 1930 until his death 70 years later, Quine was continually affiliated with Harvard University in one way or another, first as a student, then as a professor of philosophy and a teacher of logic and set theory, and finally as a professor emeritus who published or revised several books in retirement. He filled the Edgar Pierce Chair of Philosophy...
e.g. you could create an equation whose only solution is an ASCII encoding of the equation itself
@ais523 like...?
or, knowing me, DEC SIXBIT :-P
How could I define an objective format?
LaTeX, I guess.
Wait, no.
math has some pretty bad docs, where's the list of builtins??
I think that's the difficulty with building a math quine: it's all about ideas and ideas don't have a canonical representation.
I have a list of math funcs, going to freeze it and use it as a stdlib
@El'endiaStarman Format in TeX?
But then it's a TeX quine, not a math quine.
@El'endiaStarman let's say a wolfram alpha expression, when prepended with "evaluate" and appended with "as math" that produces the ASCII encoding of the equation itself
Hmm. This applies to programming quines too. It's a quine in that language. So you have to define some one-to-one mapping of math ideas/functions to specific, unchanging numbers.
In other words, Godel numbering.
Computer Engineering is math with a "download now" button. (sometimes you build the button, sometimes you press it)
solve y= + your program = your program in ASCII code
ayy the tf2 server is back
anyone want to play tf2?
in this question do we need to leap years?
Q: Merry Golfmas, Everyone!

FishProHDIt's Christmas everybody, and here's a code-golf challenge to celebrate. You need to make a program to print out a present. Specifically, the words "Merry Christmas". BUT, there is a catch: this program must only work if it is the 25th of December. If the code is run on any other day, then the pr...

wb @xnor
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆCreate an equation who's only solution is the numerical ASCII code of the equation itself code-golf quine Your equation will be run as a Wolfram Alpha query with Solve prepended to it. The equation must start with (spaces optional): y = f(x) g(x) h(x) Output is considered to be the string i...

Any last feedback on this sandboxed challenge? Been there for a week now, not much feedback; +1 only.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ i think it would be a bit more thematic if the program had to find if a number was bit primed
or perhaps a string
Ooh, good!
i think the explanation of bit-primed would be simpler saying that the bits in prime positions must alternative between 0 and 1, starting with 1
it took me a bit of effort to process "if the previous prime n was 1, the nth bit must be 0."
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ [meta-tag:status-completed]
Why would page 1 be in the middle of a book?!
@El'endiaStarman zero-indexed
That's quite a thick zero page.
it's not arranged linearly in memory
c array vs. python list
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TheBitByte(2048)^2 kolmogorov-complexity code-challenge code-golf We've had different kinds of challenges based the classic tic-tac-toe game. One such challenge was to represent a full tic-tac-toe game as efficiently as possible. And now, you're going to do it for the popular game 2048, among other thin...

> ...skills in coding, gaming, and ...
They probably mean beyond merely playing games.
game development ≠ gaming
I mean stuff like leadership, teamwork, cooperation, communication, etc. The kind of stuff you need to be a top-notch player in, say, League of Legends.
You can sell a bad thing like it's a Tesla Model S.
No wonder you got that job.
Lol, but seriously, what's bad in what I said?
It isn't, however, the default and typical meaning one would see.
@El'endiaStarman What they said.
Perhaps they also had research skills in mind. I think James of Extra Credits talked about that once, how he developed research skills in order to play a game the best he could that he could apply to writing a paper, with basically no modification.
Huh. I don't think they mean't that however, esp, if the average person doesn't see that meaning.
I mean, if you're playing Minecraft and you don't remember how to make a cake, what do you do? Immediately look it up online.
That ad isn't aimed at the average person though, is it?
Theory: English text means what people think it means.
Can santa prove P = NP, because TSP?
Nah, his slaves elves figured it out.
Eh, I'd call Santa an Oracle.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Thanks so much for the bounty on my polyglot!
@mbomb007 You're welcome!
Merry Christmas
I hunger for SO rep
@mbomb007 and a subpar new year
...*right?* RIIIIGGHHT...?
Also, that 200 rep was the sole cause of my first rep cap
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ They probably included it to pique the interest of those who are into gaming but not necessarily coding. Identifying as a "gamer" might make one think they have no serious computer skills, but they'd likely be wrong.
@HelkaHomba Ah, I see!
Until that bounty, I'd never hit the rep cap
I have only hit the rep cap on SO during docs, and it was all taken away
Bounties don't contribute to the rep cap.
@mbomb007 Congrats Mr. Bomb (007?)
You're the bomb! Run away!
Did anyone notice
2 mins ago, by noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ
@mbomb007 and a subpar new year
@Dennis I got the badge for it, though
So they may not be limited by the rep cap, but they count towards the badge
That's for 200 reputation, not rep capping. Poorly worded though.
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ subpar = below par = good in golf
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Eh. It was a mixed year for other stuff, but it was a personal best for me.
@mbomb007 joke failed
Golf. yeah.
One of the caveats of our title.
People usually say "and a happy new year", but I said "and a subpar new year"
Yeah. I didn't get it.
CMC: solve TSP in polynomial time
Hm, barely 11 answers to my two latest challenges combined. Wonder if that's just the season or if they don't appeal to the masses.
Oh, you're on vacation, so you don't have time to golf. :P Haha.
Yup. I'm not on my computer as much.
@mbomb007 Fired. Disassemble, team! It was great, we built an entire fake network called Stack Exchange to trick this guy
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ lel
isn't a factorial technically a polynomial?
pseudocode: while(variants.exhausted != true) tryVariant(); if(time < minTime) solution = curVariant;
your bitcoin address? one million dollars incoming
Q: Every prime bit must alternate

noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆA program is bit primed if bits in prime positions must alternate between zero and one, starting with one. For example, this is a template for a bit primed program with 47 bits. 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Create a bit primed program that takes as input a string and chec...

@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ 13dnsWwwNWZVEqV8G8HQWUh9BNX747fAGV
@wat million zimbabwe dollars
has been desposited
i know you were joking, but for anone who actually wants to send me bitcoin
rounded to zero
@wat Nope. The factorial grows faster than any polynomial (and exponential, for that matter).
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ That's about $34
@El'endiaStarman Right, that's some math BS! Pick any number and I can find a polynomial larger than it's factorial! :P
@El'endiaStarman Have you done data research on the average votes of ppcg posts? Like has there been more voting per post in 2016 than 2015 than 2014. (Or do you only get stasticy with chat?)
@HelkaHomba I haven't written many SEDE queries. That one might already exist though.
Q: A 2D Traffic Jam

qwrThe Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model is a self-organizing cellular automaton that models simplified traffic. It consists of a number of cars represented by points on a lattice with a random starting position, where each car may be one of two types: those that only move downwards (shown a...

hmmm, modifying my prime checker could make a solution to that factors challenge...
wait nvm it's prime factors
I'd expect that to be > 1000 bytes
Do we have a challenge about verticalizing the diagonals (viewed NW to SE) of a rectangle of text? Like:




That's not really related to diagonals, is it?
I guess it's also unwrapping the lower-right "borders" of the rectangle
Corners? w/e
Is there a name for "addition away from 0"? E.g., 3 +> 1 = 4 but -3 +> 1 = -4
hey I have an idea for an answer to this binary tree challenge in Turtlèd!
@ConorO'Brien Subtraction? -3 - 1 = -4, -3 + (-1) = -4. What's the +>?
symbollic op
let me rephrase: is there a name for "addition away from 0"? Call this operation f. Then, f(3, 1) = 4 and f(-3, 1) = -4.
sounds like a cool idea for one of those "trivial" challenges
oh dam. integer has to be base 10 not binary ;_;
if it was in binary that would have been fun
hey how do you make executing an interpreter a command like java some/file
or jelly some file
make an alias?
but then it resets everytime I launch my computer
does bash have the equivalent to a windows path variable
nevermind actually
yes that's my hdd's smart info
@ConorO'Brien erm wat
the variable is PATH
@DestructibleWatermelon alias in bashrc
also the binary forest would be so much easier if it was a binary tree instead
@wat now it's my turn to say "erm what" (btw your message is 34366666)
@DestructibleWatermelon Put this in your .bashrc: export PATH=$PATH:<path to java bin folder here>:<path to jelly bin folder here>
replace of course
I use zsh but it's the same
uhhhhhh, the java and jelly already are commands
@wat windows path variable.
@DestructibleWatermelon uh, then what did you mean?
@ConorO'Brien what do you mean by that?
you want the windows equivalent of $PATH in linux??
or the Linux equivalent of $PATH in windows?
@ConorO'Brien ok, I'll wait...
I think they're the same
PATH is an environment variable on Unix-like operating systems, DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows, specifying a set of directories where executable programs are located. In general, each executing process or user session has its own PATH setting. == History == Multics originated the idea of a search path. The early Unix shell only looked for program names in /bin, but by Version 3 Unix the directory was too large and /usr/bin, and a search path, became part of the operating system. == Unix and Unix-like == On POSIX and Unix-like operating systems, the $PATH variable is specified as a list of one...
where do you want to set it?
linux or windows?
I don't
I was trying to help the fruit
@Sp3000 are you doing the SUMS hunt?
1 hour later…
@Mego I've bought Factorio. Installing now
Can Python handle arbitrary precision integers?
With the Decimal module, right?
I've got a piece of code to interpret stuff for my challenge, this should be able to handle arbitrary precision, correct?
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
import math

getcontext().prec = 100

def factorial(n, amount):
    final = Decimal(1)
    while n > 0:
        final *= Decimal(n)
        n -= amount
    return final

def mathemania(code):
    start = Decimal(2)
    while len(code) > 0:
        current = code[0]
        code = code[1:]
        if current == "e":
            if len(code) > 1:
                if code[0] == "(":
                    start **= Decimal(mathemania(code[1:code.find(")")]))
                    code = code[code.find(")") + 1:] if code[-1] != ")" else []
@Qwerp-Derp No, arbitrary precision integers is the default integer type.
Oh wait yeah
Dammit forgot about longs
But arbitrary precision floats need Decimal right?
Decimal doesn't really give you floats, but yes.
For floats, there are gmpy and mpmath.
And finally, sympy for symbolic.
just use ruby
Btw, did you receive my message regarding Pyramid?
@Dennis Yup I did
The interpreter is borked though, I have to fix that first
OK. Just checking.
No rush on my part.
How to check if a file is there in Python?
The Pythonic way would be to open it inside a try block.
Can't I just use sys or something instead?
Sure, but it's allegedly better to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
Unless you don't actually intend to open the file, that is.
If you don't, there's os.path.isfile.
Well, 4:45 AM here. Should go to bed.
It's like 3:45PM here
11am heyy
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DLoscGolf a Sound Change Applier (Snappier title suggestions appreciated) code-golf interpreter parsing Background The pronunciation of human languages changes over time. Often, sound changes follow discernable rules, with the same change applied consistently across many words in a language. For...

@wat path /path/to/java1.8:/path/to/jelly:$PATH
Why ^^ has a downvote
It does? 0_0 I don't see one.
There's a still unresolved issue in the conlang project. :(
@zyabin101 Hm! Readme is not very informative, 2/10, needs work. :(
@DLosc Read other Markdown files.
The contents of the project are there.
@zyabin101 I did. Still not a lot there. I do like the one Cyrillic letter, though. ^_^
@DLosc reverted maybe? Dunno. There was one.
^ The Phaser Chronicles, blurb #2.
(Not a game screenshot.)
Q: Line up the Diagonals of a Grid of Text

Helka HombaGiven a rectangular grid of text, line up the diagonals that go from the upper-left to the bottom-right into columns such that the lowest-rightmost characters of all diagonals are on a level. Use spaces for indentation. For example, if the input grid of text is abcd 1234 WXYZ then you'd line ...

Is there any use for learning a low-level language anymore?
@redstarcoder Getting 11 hats will grant you the 011 hat which makes them 12. So no, you can't have 11 hats.
@Downgoat done! :)
@Dennis LOL what were you guys thinking about? It's summer there! Although I just read that summer is still VLQ in Paraguay (38°C??? deadly). Flagged it as VLQ...
@Qwerp-Derp Yes
Embedded systems, kernel programming, optimization, etc
So OS stuff?
Or high-performance stuff
This is coming from a person that only knows high-level langs well, don't judge pls
And a low-level language is not too hard to learn generally
But everything crashes too often with libraries and stuff
I think that's what put me off C++ (SFML)
Also does anyone want to play Fourtune? The room's going to freeze up soon
@Qwerp-Derp Segfaults?
I should probably learn C++ again
@Qwerp-Derp how is that trees thing going
@DestructibleWatermelon Probs going to make a Processing IDE instead
You know Processing right?
Processing is a language
And its IDE is ugly af
kk, well, doesn't seem to have much to do with trees
So I'm deciding to make a better IDE for it with a bunch of friends
@DestructibleWatermelon It's a new idea
Going to use HTML/CSS/JS with Electron to make an app
hopefully you don't abandon that idea as well?
wait, so you have friends that like to program
@DestructibleWatermelon Yup
I abandon too many ideas
Well this thing is actually useful
And it's going to be pretty cool
If I don't abandon it
Which is pretty unlikely tbh
Dude these anonymous downvoters are really annoying
They don't explain why they downvote either
I won a chess game
won on time though
I am making an esolang based on DNA
DNA encodes amino acids which encode proteins that interact with other proteins for the control flow
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ That's Why I'd only be impressed if you find a "mathematical" quine that this fully contained in itself=)
@TuxCopter ಠ_ಠ
@betseg :)
@LuisMendo :D fixed
Oh and randomly a base is modified in the original code so the program must be radiation-hardened
@LegionMammal978 what if you logarithmize first??? won't work either
@Qwerp-Derp actual f**k?
@TuxCopter s/must/should/
If it is not, however, surprises await. ;)
Now, to convert font glyphs to programs in the DNA lang thingy...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Frenzy Li The Futuristic Gun Duel king-of-the-hill Background In the year 2017, two players face each other off in a futuristic gun battle where only one player may survive. Are you experienced enough to defeat your opponent? Rules The rules of the gun duel are as follows: Each player owns an u...

I'll probably restate this when the room gets busier again, but the PPCG Discord server has a music bot now
@Sherlock9 :D
Get in, get in. Make some song requests. I put in some long songs because I don't have an idle playlist set up yet
Minecraft's background music
@Sherlock9 "Hello, Dolly" :3
The people in the server will like it, I think. :3
I meant on Discord itself :/
Do you guys want the link? @zyabin101 @KritixiLithos discord.gg/ByTwy2y
I'd like, but I'm too shy to the music.
@zyabin101 Sorry?
Yes? :/
I am not parsing that sentence
Too shy to the music?
I don't really want to hear the music, but I wanted to suggest some to make the server people happier. :3
Fair enough
It's only me and Tux on the Discord server at the moment, though
Wait Discord server?

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