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Years ago, I think
Welcome back @TanMath :D
no way...
Where have you been?
@Sherlock9 college... that's where... It has been busy...
@Sherlock9 how are you doing?
I've been at college too, but I drop by every few weeks or so
@Sherlock9 but when I was last here, this chatiquette thingy wasn't here!
I'm actually here more lately even though it's exam week
No, it was
@Sherlock9 yeah, I only come during breaks...
But there was a mess about spam, and the chatiquette got more enforced
Speaking of spam, no need for all the pings
@Sherlock9 it wasn't in the chatroom description...
No, but that doesn't mean it didn't exist
I like to reply to remind myself what I am replying to...
Not being in the description is different from not existing at all
i know...
No problem
but I didn't know it existed...
I don't particularly like a ping per message, though
Does anyone know why it's called The Nineteenth Byte?
It's exactly 19 bytes long
In golf, the nineteenth hole is a slang term for a pub, bar, or restaurant on or near the golf course, very often the clubhouse itself. A standard round of golf has only eighteen holes, so golfers will say they are at the 'nineteenth hole', meaning they are enjoying a drink after the game. The concept is similar to Après-ski in skiing. The 19th hole on miniature golf courses is often a hole in which if a hole-in-one is scored, one receives a free game. == References in media == The golf stories of author P. G. Wodehouse, which are narrated by his character, the Oldest Member, discuss the nineteenth...
The nineteenth hole in a golf course is the pub after the golf course
wait, really?
So like the pub, we gather here
Mutual ninja'd, I think
so, I see people still make jokes about Seriously...
On my screen, your onebox came before me explanation
Nah, we call it Actually a lot more now
> me explanation
BEEP wrong case
Also, Dennis is in the process of updating Try It Online!
@TanMath Actually.
Wait really
And I'm learning some Jelly
What is he doing with it
I need it to not be broken
Dec 9 at 13:04, by Fatalize
@Mego 5 stages of grief: Seriously, Actually, Usually, Really, Finally
Do you guys still abuse your stars?
@Pavel tio.run/nexus
Just making new versions
Only occasionally
Oh, nexus happened a long time ago.
@TanMath Yep
It has OVER 100 STARS
And v2 is coming soon
And it made a bug too
@TuxCopter I know about that... I was there then...
>100 stars is pretty recent
I have only been gone for a few months...
Only a few days/weeks
star wars!
To the onw who is abusing stars: STOP
someone is going to get into trouble...
No, no, no. No star abuse
I didn't know mods could clear stars
Mods can do everything
They can't change votes on main.

remember when people used to play with "^"?
@Pavel It's what they want you to believe
Right. Mods cannot see who voted or change the votes.
We used to go crazy with ^^^^^^^^
... and carrot.extension
carrots were amazing...
^ doesn't do anything
with @Dennis posting a few inverted carrot.pngs every now and then...
vvv this
MetaEd is stupid
I was going to do a loop @TuxCopter!
No more plz
Gents, we put in a productive discussion rule for a very good reason
Basically several months of unproductive discussion slowly grinding everyone else's patience into dust
That was a time when people used chains of ^ messages to disrupt the flow of chat. Nowadays they would just get kicked from the room.
nineteenth byte was known as the fun chatroom...no need to ruin that please...
Once in a while we can still have fun, can't we?
@trichoplax how many times have they disrupted things?
You'll be pleased to hear that fun is still permitted :P
When with friends, I have a lot more fun telling jokes than making silly noises. The same applies to chat
That's a good way of putting it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TimmyDBuild an ASCII Bridge code-golf ascii-art Randomly inspired by Cisco's textual representation of their logo: .:|:..:|:. Given an input integer n >= 1, output an ASCII art representation of a suspension bridge of distance n following the below construction rules: The start and end of the brid...

Holy dang, that was fast.
oh... hello @NewSandboxedPosts ...
long time no see!
With children, silly noises are more permissible, not least because my puns fly several meters over their heads
Just had a really short power outage
@ThomasWard I'm talking about times when the page would fill up with nothing else. It hasn't happened for a long time, as we're stricter about it now.
Internet is still kill
@Sherlock9 Bleep bloop pshewwe weeee loooshgsee
Using phone hotspot
@trichoplax Oh, I know. I meant that one guy.
Darn kids, not knowing pop culture references from several years before they were born
not the chat disruption with arrows, I'm used to stupid random disrupts in chat rooms. I tend to get annoyed and squish them in some domains when they get out of hand, but i'm still used to them :)
@TimmyD In moderation, good job. Not full pages of silly noises please
@ThomasWard I wasn't referring to any one user. People just get kicked as and when necessary to keep things friendly.
@Sherlock9 nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.
@Sherlock9 ?
@DJMcMayhem Did you catch that one?
@TanMath This connects to my statement about not telling puns to kids
@trichoplax indeed. well, if you don't mind i'mma stick around for if that guy comes back - multiple successive kicks tend to get on the 'disruptivity' radars pretty quick :P
@Sherlock9 why not?
Because the puns tend to use pop culture references that they don't know
@ThomasWard We have plenty of room owners to keep it under control, but you're welcome to stick around for the chat :)
Simple wordplay sure, but only starting around age 6 or 7
@DJMcMayhem I literally just watched that movie for the first time last night.
They're still learning whichever language they started with before that age. I don't want to confuse them with silly terminology
@trichoplax I'll lurk for about 15 more minutes before I disappear :)
@Sherlock9 Dr Seuss would disagree :P
Dr Seuss is more talented than I am :P
@TimmyD it's a good movie. I'm really excited for the sequel
@ThomasWard Can we tempt you into browsing our programming challenges...?
@trichoplax What makes you think i'm not? :P
(I'm actually working on SmokeDetector right now, trying to narrow down a headachey weirdness I saw in it a couple days ago - that in and of itself is a challenge ;P )
I see my reverse carrot 'joke' didn't pass through the kickmute
@ThomasWard My apologies - just checked your profile and seen you've been browsing for some time :)
@trichoplax No problem :)
@TuxCopter Any 'joke' you have to use quotes with is unlikely to avoid a kick :P
Right :)
Welcome back :)
What do you call a sad cup of coffee
............. ._.
@TimmyD Sorry, next time I'll try to berate you more
A bad joke, your grace
As I always say, it's more fun telling jokes than listening to them
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________
. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~.,
. . . . . . . .. . . . . .,.-”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“-.,
. . . . .. . . . . . ..,/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”:,
. . . . . . . .. .,?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\,
. . . . . . . . . /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,}
. . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`^`.}
. . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:”. . . ./
@Poke I thought it was sad because it was... roasted.
What a terrible Picard
Terrible Picard...
What is a cows favorite musical note?
ooo close
a beef-flat
Now that was a misteak...
here come the cowpuns
G# is not close to Bb
@Mego what is this discussion about some absolute zero?
Can we please moove the puns elsewhere?
@Poke Nah. They're too worn out to beef funny at this point.
......... ._.
Worn out like old leather
What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy?
It's the best way irl too
I learned that americans do not eat horse-meat, but is there still a dedicated word to it?
Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas?
@flawr Ikea
Because Oct 31 == Dec 25!
@Pavel Because DEC 25 is OCT 31
@Pavel I love this one :)
Oooh, cool
@Mego I don't get it?
Wofram|Alpha is great for this
@flawr ikea sells "horse meat"
you have ikea in switzerland, right?
The octal representation of 25 is 31.
@Geobits nah, to do that irl you just have to grab them by the [redacted]
@flawr I'm pretty sure there isn't one, or at least not in common usage. It's always just called horse meat in my experience.
@Pavel he was responding to the "ikea" joke
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I think you mixed up causation there.
How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yep
None, that's a hardware problem
@flawr Hippo.
@Mego ooh.
@Pavel 0, it overflowed
@Geobits WRONG
@trichoplax The only other reason I don't do the programming challenges? I am crap with coding. Sysadmin, not developer. I do like seeing the different challenges though and reading on how people achieve it :)
To understand what recursion is, you must first understand recursion.
ok everybody hide your socks it's a modfest
@Pavel s/recursion/recursion - 1/ftfy
my socks are generally covered by my pantlegs
@ThomasWard I also do a lot more reading than writing here...
@MetaEd Invalid flag: ftfy
I'd like to hear a programmer joke that isn't on the first page of google results or that one Q on stack overflow.
These are all just builtins
@Geobits Perhpas you remember it from last year: What did the three kings use to find baby jesus?
Aren't they all on that SO Q?
@trichoplax probably :P
@flawr I also love this one :)
I think that's where Wolfram Alpha gets them.
@Pavel Or vice versa.
@flawr I know I've heard it, but can't recall the punchline.
Why are Assembly programmers always soaking wet?
Oooh, A*
They work below C-level.
Why did the programmer quit his job
He couldn't get arrays :[
Please don't abuse stars
That's not abuse
throw new HumorNotFoundException();
Everything is abuse
It's just that the punchline isn't in a multiline comment so can't be starred all at once
@Geobits if you hold a Linux shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?
@TuxCopter raise Warning("Not Everything Is Abuse");
catch (HumorNotFoundException e) System.out.println("XAXAXAXA");
@TuxCopter Crying star abuse because two consecutive messages got starred is actually more disruptive than the stars themselves.
I just found this one:
bool startWar = false;
if(startWar = true){
@Mego as seen by the fact that the message dealing with the message about star abuse has more stars than the other recent starred messages
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I think I'd have to hear that one. I can't get the meter at all from reading it like I usually can.
Unless it's just ignoring meter :P
bool startWar = false;
if(startWar = true);{
@Pavel Four spaces to monospace
Not tabs
and it won't work with noncode added I believe
I was trying to do backticks
They don't work in multiline
@Pavel there is no markdown for multiline messages. the only thing you can do is indent the entire thing to make it a code block
> Highlander getSingletonInstance() // there can only be one.
(or I guess you can block quote the entire thing as well)
@Pavel they don't work in multiline. You would have to split your thing up into two posts
one for the code, one for not code
...and nobody reacts to the actual joke ... :(
I've decided it's not worth the effort to fix it anymore
And to be fair it wasn't a very funny joke
@flawr Hard to respond when you've been nuked
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ If the starboard wasn't already full of punchlines I'd be starring that...
thanks I guess?
Re: the "horse-meat" topic... Why does English have different words for most meats, but not fish? Deer -> Venison, Cows -> Beef, Pigs -> Pork, Chickens -> Poultry ... Fish -> ???
of course that gets stars
@TimmyD because of the 1066 Norman Invasion of Britain
@TimmyD N'Chips.
@TimmyD At the time the names arose, fish weren't farmed, is my best guess
@Pavel that includes clams, oysters, etc.
@TimmyD it does for most things because the rich people who ate the stuff spoke french and the poor people who worked with the living animals spoke english
French People Were Scared.
I could of sworn there was a name for fish though
I wrote an history essay on this last year for school, I'll see if I can find it
Maybe I'm thinking of another language
So many pings
They Knew That Fish Would Come Back To Haunt Them Eventually.
A JS programmer, a Haskell programmer and a Java programmer walk into a bar. The JS programmer pours beer into their hat, which promptly turns into a beer glass. The Haskell programmer throws a fit since their glass is not of the right color. When the Java programmer finishes ordering, the bar has closed already.
oh god the chat is moving too fast
pls guys
Probably because there's such a wide variety of "fish". There are different types of cow, but nothing as dramatic as the difference between, say, a minnow and a marlin.
@TimmyD Seems to be a romance influence for the meat names
@Pavel I also wouldn't call something like Walleye "seafood" since it's freshwater.
Good point
@Flp.Tkc Like Sebastian.
@MartinEnder Wait, really? That actually kinda makes sense.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Interesting. You seem to be making it worse :P
@Zgarb Wouldn't the JS programmer need to find a few more hats to mash together first, then pour the beer in that?
@Geobits Maybe. I don't actually know JS. :P
@Zgarb JS sounds like Python that way.
Well yeah. JS programmers are usually better at writing jokes than coding :P
Java isn't that slow. But I could see Java bringing an obscenely large glass and requests a shot.
variable = new Hat()
variable = new Mug()
@Pavel It's just slow to write.
@TimmyD maybe it's something to do with the fact that fish would be eaten on a "seafood" platter and therefore they didn't refer to the fish specifically? idk
@Pavel But everything has a ridiculously long name.
'cause you need a on of code for small tasks
@TimmyD Sorry - I skipped ahead in my explanation. I meant because of that fact (the people farming the animals couldn't afford to eat them). So animals that weren't farmed have the same name for the meat too. Like fish and rabbits. I don't know about chickens though...
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ he knows why. he's asking why it's not for fish.

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