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Vim (input is on the first line)
31? That seems frightfully lengthy.
the alphabet is 26...
20 bytes
nvm that's V
@ConorO'Brien I can't generate the alphabet in less than 20, and then I'd need another 19 to shuffle things around. I believe the above is the shortest approach (although it might be possible to golf off a few more bytes)
ah yeah, maybe
nope again, that'a actually V
yeah 22, I forgot that I added a stage type specifically for the last operation: retina.tryitonline.net/…
In V you can use the range operator to generate the alphabet (~5 bytes less than Vim)
@TimmyD 12 bytes in V (two added because TIO isn't updated yet) v.tryitonline.net/#code=w6lGRGnCrGF6G0AiZGIkcA&input=Zg
It should be éFD¬az@"db$p
@ConorO'Brien anyway, I challenge you to print the alphabet in Retina in under 26 bytes :P (it's possible, but there is no feature specifically design to generate character ranges)
oh no haha I was just observing
I don't know retina that well :P
could someone try this? tio.run doesn't work on IE
you might need to add an echo to the beginning
64 in PowerShell is the smallest I've come up with
hey @Dennis if you're the one developing TIO
Take a look at this


For general discussion and feature requests regarding tryitonl...
@KritixiLithos I think this is one shorter:
@ConorO'Brien what should it do, how does one add an echo (Trying it in FF)
(I might have counted wrong though)
@JonathanAllan it should output either fasd or sdfa, I forgot which. Prepend echo to the beginning of the program
literally echo ?
Ah, yes sdfa
I can do it in 35+1 in Perl, I can probably shorten it
@JonathanAllan thanks!
CMC: print the alphabet
Ruby: print *?a..?z
surely a dupe :p
alpha out
Jelly, 2 bytes Øa
down to 24+1
@wat ...or were we actually meant to do “ḃḅ8Ṃ»?
@JonathanAllan How did you compress it that much?
@wat What about it?
could you use it to provide client side execution (for TIO... v3 maybe?)
@wat Jelly has a dictionary of words loaded.
Client-side execution is exactly the opposite of what TIO is trying to achieve.
@Dennis Why not say @wat about it?
@Xanderhall so.. many.. things
...so in Python import jellyCompress as jc; jc.Compress().dictionary("the").dictionary(" alphabet").go()
@wat In case you haven't noticed, Browsix is excruciatingly slow, you have to download every program you are going to use, and the Unix terminal (plain sh, not even bash) has 23 external commands.
While I won't deny that it's pretty cool, it's not a good platform for an online interpreter at this point.
@DJMcMayhem It produces something random on my local V
Why was my question downvoted so much?
without comments even!
Q: Generate the first N superior highly composite numbers

watGenerate and print the first N superior highly composite numbers, where N is a number received as user input. The number will always be in the range from 1 to 30. From Wikipedia: A superior highly composite number is a natural number which has more divisors than any other number scaled relat...

@wat turns out that if you click the "more comments" button, you see more about why people downvote your question! Imagine that!
@Dennis It is. Thank you very much
@wat basically you've made a kc challenge, but with a list of numbers, and you're saying to "generate" them without specifying how
you can't just say "not hard-coded", that's pretty broad
At work we have funny nameplates on all of our rooms. One of them is says "Hugh Mann" but unfortunately the developer who owned Hugh Mann got fired, so we are talking about what to call the room. The room next to it is called (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ so the first suggestion was (ヘ・_・)ヘ┳━┳. You guys have any ideas?
@DJMcMayhem Can be shortened to "@wat are you talking about?"
@Rainbolt thinking of ideas, but why'd he get fired?
@Rainbolt No
10 mins ago, by Sherlock9
@Dennis Why not say @wat about it?
I can't talk about that probably. Even if I did know why.
@Sherlock9 found your sock
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Robots will eventually replace all Hugh Manns.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ uMM
what? that's what you did
@DJMcMayhem I changed it around, and I used your feedback
@Geobits but but what about hugh mungus?
It is now the first N numbers
well, there goes an answer
@Dennis wat edited the challenge, you'll need to fix your answer
yep, but I was getting terrible feeed back so I changed it around
@wat I didn't see that
No, 15 hours ago
and now that I posted it in chat I got downvoted 2 more times
for even mentioning it
Complaining about votes isn't generally the best way to get the votes you want
Q: What is the "meta effect"?

SMRI often hear the term "meta effect" on many meta SE sites. What is the meta effect? I have Googled it but can't find anything about it on any meta site.

Can someone who feels confident that they understand the difference between down votes and close votes maybe leave a comment on the question you guys are discussing to explain why you downvoted?
Because I'm reading it and it seems like a pretty cut and dry "generate this sequence". There are a ton of those and most of them at least stay at zero score or get upvoted.
Yeah, I'm not really understanding all the downvotes on wat's challenge.
I'm not either
I don't know when most of them got there, but the first revision didn't really describe anything at all. I haven't voted on it either way, though.
@wat I haven't downvoted, but my post here seems to capture a reason why people don't like it.
@feersum agreed, but it's been edited since the first revision
Editing doesn't apply backwards in time though...
Yeah... it's a pretty good example of why you should try to get it right the first time. It's much harder to get people to revert their downvotes than avoid them.
@feersum But it does apply to the two folks that saw the link in chat and subsequently continued downvoting it.
Oh, I just read the definition and noticed that it's completly unclear.
I read the yellow box and have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
That could be another reason.
I downvoted because I don't think it's particularly interesting and don't see any potential for golfing answers.
And now I noticed that the N input doesn't prevent hard-coding.
Since it is at most 30...
it doesn't?
wait what
So the non-observable thing still applies.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Really? I think there would be some if it was clear what the sequence was
After reading this more closely, I have come to the conclusion it deserves a downvote.
ok, whatever, i'll delete it
I know what the sequence is, but I agree with feersum, it's not explained very well
@wat "oh my question is unclear and getting downvotes" shouldn't necessarily mean "I'll nuke it now"
you should try to fix it first, and take the feedback people give (i.e. in the comments)
Well, who wouldn't want a fresh start after going so far down in a hole.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I can't; I don't understand the definition at all. I guess I'll just delete it.
Too late
I deleted it already
@Dennis was that a joke regarding wat's deletion or serious
I'm kinda hoping it was serious but it's unlikely
I would delete my challenge too if it had -7 score
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Joke? Why would that be a joke?
@Dennis Because mods don't usually delete other user's poorly scoring (but still valid) posts
No, I think he meant his answer
@Dennis "joke" was the wrong word, not sure how to phrase it
Anyone in here familiar with EventHandlers in C#?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I don't follow. In any case, I seriously don't understand the definition, and I was seriously going to delete my answer until I realized I no longer could.
I'm looking for a 6 months master internship, on things related to compilation or virtual machines.. Any ideas where I should look?
Can some peeps take a quick look at http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/103016/51785
I think my answer may not be valid. Thoughts?
what do you mean "only changes the pixel in the application window"?
the program opens an applet and changes the color of some text, essentially
so if you alt tab to something else that takes the foreground
as long as it's 1 pixel, I think it's fine
you won't see it
I think that's fair
what if you wrote a program to cycle a pixel so fast that it actually broke the pixel
is that in the spirit of the challenge
@Poke Seems to go against the You cannot make assumptions about what is currently displayed on the screen rule.
@TimmyD Yeah that's what I was thinking... My thought was that if you run it, it opens the applet window for you
so I don't need to assume it has focus
or is in the foreground
however If the color that originally should be displayed on that pixel has changed, your program should update in less than 0.5 seconds when the system is fast enough.
that part makes me wonder if i would need to do something if the applet ends up behind another window
basically i'm not flipping a pixel on the OS level; just the java applet level
@mbomb007 I saw you commenting on someone else's answer to that one. While I'm not sure the challenge specifies OS level explicitly do you feel the same way about my answer? I can delete if so
Oh no.... They're taking on "gif" vs "jif" on the SO podcast.
GIF is clearly pronunced /gɪf/
The above statement is false.
The above statement is false.
I feel like I should be able to shorten this answer. if I remove the return or the ?: it returns an undefined. codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/102864/61613
I could do f=s=>{r=/\ud83d[\ude00-\ude4f]/g;if(s.match(r))return s.match(r).length==s.length/2} but I feel as though I shouldn't need the return
@DJMcMayhem It's "jif" because the creators said so. Anyone who claims that it should be pronounced "ghif" instead is arguing in favor that anyone should be able to call anything whatever they want regardless of how it's supposed to be, which means that I can call you jimbobwe instead of your name.
From now I'm pronuncing it /gʒɪf/
So no problem
@GabrielBenamy No, it's an argument in favor of descriptivism. Which is essentially saying that "correct" is simply what people actually say rather than what an authority prescribes.
^ this.
@Doorknob Whatever you say, jimbobwe
@MetaEd hey, what brings you here?
When you invent something, you can dictate how it's pronounced.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I was hoping for peanut butter, but turns out it was a whole other jif.
My Overwatch avatar is peanut butter. masteroverwatch.com/profile/pc/us/MapleSyrup-1506
TIL they sell maple syrup in jars
what did you think they sell maple syrup in, bags?
Don't pay attention to my win rate. Your win plus loss rate doesn't add up to 100%
@GabrielBenamy Bundles.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Huh? It's common in France at least
they sell it in bottles here
like squeeze ones
@Rainbolt dang, what level are you?
269. Trying to get to around 299 before the Christmas event starts
You get special loot in the event boxes, and if I roll over to 301 at just the right time, then I get more special loot.
♫♫ Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear MATL, Happy birthday to you! ♫♫
@Doorknob But GIF is a proper noun, so surely the author should have a say in how it's pronounced. Pronouncing it /gɪf/ is just as wrong as spelling it GUIF.
This is why we need captions to go with oneboxes. Dennis just sliced that in half. (Edit: Found the feature request)
@Dennis Well, what's your definition of "wrong"? By the descriptive theory, anything that is widely used by people is considered "correct."
@Doorknob Let me get this straight - you're arguing it should be pronounced "ghif" not because it's better or anything, but just because a lot of people say it? By that token, "jif" is right because a lot of people pronounce it that way.
> Verifiers SHOULD NOT impose other composition rules (mixtures of different character types, for example) on memorized secrets. Verifiers SHOULD NOT require memorized secrets to be changed arbitrarily (e.g., periodically) unless there is evidence of compromise of the authenticator or a subscriber requests a change
@GabrielBenamy I'm not arguing for either side (I've always pronounced it with the <j> sound long before I even knew there was a debate). I'm just saying that "this pronunciation is objectively correct because this one guy said so" isn't a tenable argument.
@Doorknob I don't think descriptivism applies to proper nouns. People keep misspelling my last name. That doesn't mean it has changed.
@Doorknob Then your name shouldn't be pronounced the way you tell everyone it is just because you say so, right?
TIL my last name is wiggler, according to descriptivism
I guess that means my username is dr ham jam
Most people call me Rainbolt. So my name is Rainbolt.
(And my name is actually Rainbolt)
@DJMcMayhem wachtler == wiggler according to most people where I live
@Rainbolt TBF tha'ts a pretty cool name
And it's usually not taken in most games I play, which is nice.
You learn to appreciate weird last names when you get out of grade school. People see a name like that and remember it. And you never have to worry about the host at a restaurant saying "We already have a Smith. Can we get a different name?"
But in grade school you just become Rainbow, which is annoying.
Wait, rainbolt is your IRL last name?
That's actually pretty great
@Dennis Well, I wouldn't consider GIF a proper noun in the same sense that I would a name. I'm not even sure I would call it a proper noun at all; it feels just like a "normal" noun to me (although I can't explain why).
@Poke Idk. Ask the OP.
@Rainbolt I had a friend who's first name was Hurricane. He was told that he got a very interviews just because of his name.
@Doorknob Do you consider USA a proper noun?
@GabrielBenamy Well, in my dialect I pronounce "Andy" as [eəndiː]. Lots of people call me [ɑndiː], and I can't really say they're wrong in doing that, can I?
I have no idea what those sound like. :P
and ɑ sounds pratically the same
If you're Texan they do :P
@Doorknob 404/20
er, yeah, whoops, give it a second to uncache...
@Dennis Hmm... I guess so. But I can't really pinpoint what makes the difference here.
@Doorknob (working now, by the way :P)
@Doorknob Vowel sounds are more forgivable. If you use the wrong g when saying Greg or George, you can expect to be corrected.
(or Geobits, for that matter)
@Doorknob why didn't you just say "Andy" vs "Ondy"? :P
The G of Geobits is /g/ or /ʒ/ btw?
^^^^ Best argument so far.
@Geobits In which case a descriptivist would call you wrong too, because nobody says "Jreg."
@TuxCopter I don't know any word that starts with 'geo' with a hard g.
@DJMcMayhem Well, if you were saying it the second way, you would have no idea what I was talking about :P
Or "gorge", lol
@Geobits pretty sure geoffrey is a hard g
@Geobits Thanks, now I won't be able to see your name again without thinking of its pronunciation with a hard g. :P
@Doorknob I guess. I definitely say the first. The second sounds British to me
@Poke I've never heard that pronounced except just like Jeffery
well yeah that's how you hear it
but we all know
(drives one of my acquaintances a bit mad when i pronounce it with a hard g)
It's hard to deceive pronunciation over the internet
@Doorknob is that your voice?
@DJMcMayhem Yes, I just recorded that for the purposes of this discussion :P
@Doorknob Okay, Dorknoob ;)
I thought he was Rood Bonk?
Bork nood
@TimmyD That's harder to justify as alternative pronunciation lol
Not for Mr. Magoo.
@DJMcMayhem No noods.
Q: Count up from 0 to 2017 without numbers in your source

cascading-styleThis question was profoundly inspired by Joe Z's question. But, with a twist... So, now that it's almost 2017, it's time for a code question involving the number 2017. Your task is to make a program that counts up from 0, printing each number until it reaches 2017, where it stops. without usin...

woohoo, beat the bot to the punch for once
@NewMainPosts inb4 bf
@DJMcMayhem the many disadvantages of having a dupe hammer at your disposal
> in which numbers are valid tokens
I know, haha. I haven't used it yet
Would you agree though? It's barely different
Meh. Even something common like base64 has no "numbers" for 2017.
Jan 11 at 19:13, by mınxomaτ
user image
@mınxomaτ ...that was quick.
CMC: Take a screenshot of the wifi networks around you (the dialog box)
Easy, http://chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=img&Room=240&User=158822&page=1&pagesize‌​=50&sort=stars (replace User ID) for your most starred images.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ... Some of these "CMCs" are getting oddly personal.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC looks like you have a printer
@Poke These are the networks around me
yeah i understand
Yes, somebody really has named their network "FBI Van - 04". It's been there for quicte a few months.
i reiterate: looks like you have a printer
And he also receives signals from both Las Vegas and Paris. Wow!
@Poke Oh, I get it.
CMC: You're SE password.
CMC: Correct that grammar.
^ pls
@Geobits Huh?
I don't know why everyone is confused with your, you're, you-whatever
I am a non-native speaker and it's easy to differenciate
Besides, I have no idea at all what my SE password is. I'm also not an SE password.
@Downgoat do you know of any good bigint C++ libs?
(or anyone)
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Your* SE password
Oh, I have found that as I get older, my grammar deteriorates esp. if I'm not paying close attention
@TuxCopter Think about typos/"OOPS!" in french.
In french not many things are abbreviated
And I can't think of a bad typo
It's like a bork bork when your brain is tired
It's easy to differentiate, yes; just sometimes your mind slips
CMP: In what TZ are you in
@TuxCopter j'ai un contre-exemple
@TuxCopter EST
@ConorO'Brien donne
@TuxCopter c'est tout
dans "c'est" et "j'ai"
halp i no spekings les frenches
Oh well
"c'est" and "j'ai" are easy to typo that much
It's a 2 letter difference
a slip of mind - or slip of tongue - or slip of keyboard
/s/ and /ʒ/ are one place of articulation away
And /ʒ/ is voiced
j'allais, je avec tout verbe que commence par une voyelle...
It's pretty hard to pronunce a /s/ as a /ʒ/
you're and your have identical pronounciations
What is your GUID, madam?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC 'yer' doesn't sound like 'yor'
you say it yer?
@TimmyD In my region of America we say yor - NC
North Carolina
Also, that 2017 challenge was hammered into oblivion, wow.
Whenever I post any question on any site (not including PPCG) I get downvoted. And my questions aren't that bad. Even on meta.
Everyone gets downvoted. As long as you don't get excessively or exclusively downvoted, just listen to any feedback and don't worry about it too much.
On the flip side, it did get me the
@trichoplax 60% of questions
@trichoplax Even my +200 meta post got downvoted to -12 at one point!
On meta, downvotes are more artistic than scientific. Everyone has their own idea of what they mean.
Now everything looks like a dupenail.
You see, the bandwagoning on Meta is real.
Once my post reached +5, it just took off. Previously it was a contest between 1 and -1.
@TimmyD Congrats on your shiny new Mjölnir!
@DJMcMayhem MewMew.
Have a gold star to go with your gold hammer
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That question is literally "I want a free badge in addition to the association bonus".
Unless we're talking about different things.
Ahaha, someone actually makes plush MewMews -- geekalerts.com/u/Thor-The-Dark-World-Mew-Mew-Mjolnir-Kitty.jpg
@Geobits Yes, we're talking about different things. The one I'm talking about has +200 upvotes and was about documentation.
On which site? I'm not seeing a +200
meta SO
Q: Docs is broken: Writing Docs we actually need

noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹCThe current system rewards writing documentation that is already covered by the official docs. Meanwhile, popular libraries without good official docs are undercontributed. The system is broken, and it needs fixing. This result runs counter to how Docs was pitched: Q: What should be documente...

Well, I'm off for the evening. Night, folks!
Huh. I guess meta posts don't show up on your network top page: stackexchange.com/users/1572203/…
@TimmyD night!
@Geobits I put so much writing & counter-commenting
Yes, the age is faked
@DJMcMayhem Stereotyping
OK? I don't really see any reason to lie about your age. You could just not say
Instead your goal should be to blow people away by being a really good teen programmer. :)
Wait, why'd my SO rep just jump by 200? I really care about my SO rep
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I think so
@DJMcMayhem Good idea.
Started programming when 8, now 13. My programming skill has followed exponential growth.
At 10, I created a (shitty) forum platform that had no user accounts, but I somehow managed to do all that in one file. No dbs, just stored in memory.
Have fun restoring all that when you reboot
(I just realized started doing that to you, ****)
@DJMcMayhem That and the no user accounts thing is the problem
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Doing what to who?
> blow people away by being a really good teen programmer
**** has implied some bad stuff...
Q: A keyboard so real you can almost TASTE it

carusocomputingA keyboard so real, you can almost TASTE it. ... Not that you would, would you? The task is simple, output the following text: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ||` |||1 |||2 |||3 |||4 |||5 |||6 |||7 |||8 |||9 |||0 |||- |||= |||BS || ||__|||__|||__||...

@flawr Thanks also here :-)
@NewMainPosts The / key is strange to look at
@NewMainPosts oh man, that looks fun but hard. 100+ keystroke solutions are always a pain to test, but I can't resist
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC brb naming wifi router "NSA Surveillance Station - 421"
@ConorO'Brien GNU has one (link: gmplib.org)
@Downgoat it seems a little, uh, large
its only 1MB :/
about 2
idk it just seems large
Boost has a header-only one, which is convenient.

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