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Don't underestimate scanf
Never underestimate a stdlib string formatting function
@betseg scanf("%sx%s", ba, bb); int a = 0, b = 0; if (*ba) a = atoi(ba); if (*bb) b = atoi(bb);
Where ba and bb are buffers
@betseg This parsing code is overkill
A single for loop is sufficient to parse the thing
@betseg You're creating a program to do your math homework?
@KritixiLithos no that was just for fun
@TuxCopter how to parse -x^2-x+3=0 then
ah right
I once created a TI-BASIC program for calculating the unknown in suvat equations, although it took a long time to create the program, after it was finished, I was able to finish homework very fast
i just use wolframalpha
int i = b == '2' ? 2 : b == '\'' || b == toupper('i') ? 3 : 1; you like my coding style?
More seriously, it looks weird
nested ternary operators
I'm trying to create a c++ program for parsing quadratics
@intel plz add new asm instruction to parse quadratic funcs
Recursive nested ternary lambda.
@mınxomaτ wtf
CMC: When did you install your current OS (or if you didn't do a reinstall, when did you buy your device)?
2 years ago
I bought my computer 1 year ago IIRC
I have a habit of breaking things.
seems familiar
Q: Tips for golfing in Nim

trichoplaxWhat general tips do you have for golfing in Nim? I'm looking for ideas which can be applied to code-golf problems and which are also at least somewhat specific to Nim (e.g. "remove comments" is not an answer). Please post one tip per answer.

@NewMainPosts Nah, boring question, please do not show these.
The computer I'm using right now is a 5 year old laptop that is no longer portable, which is now hooked up to monitors and keyboard and mouse, pretending to be a desktop.
What model is it? Original or refurbished?
just pour coke over it. it'll be fine.
I'm still using it without any repair - I just can't move it anymore because the battery is dead and the screen is hanging off.
A 5 year old laptop o.O
How it runs modern OSs
It runs Windows 10 and Porteus just fine, and two monitors
i5, no GPU
I published TorGateway, a sort of free alternative to TunnelBear. Which is what I use for my experiments when I don't want to deal with the full Tor browser.
Q: Multi-lingual Challenge

steenberghAfter all the fun we've had with polyglot challenges in the (recent) past, how about a challenge where the output can be in two languages? Your answer needs to accept boolean input b and output the text "true" or "false". The same code needs to output, when run in another language, "waar" or "on...

intel integrated graphics?
that's right
@NewMainPosts @trichoplax What made you suddenly want to post that? :P
Anyone having this issue with pyth?
I've checked macros.py, there doesn't seem to be any errors on that line
@Sp3000 I've been very impressed with what I've read about Nim since you mentioned it - I've downloaded it and am working through the tutorial. It seems like it could do with some more visibility...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J843136028Proof Golf Please note that this is a completely different concept to code golf; I'm just posting it here because: a) I want to see what people think of it and b) it's 'golf' like code golf. You are given a set of axioms / theorems you are allowed to assume true. You cannot assume anything else...

Q: All the Xenodromes

ArtyerIntroduction A xenodrome in base 𝑛 is an integer where all of its digits in base 𝑛 are different. Here are some OEIS sequences of xenodromes. For example, in base 16, FACE, 42 and FEDCBA9876543210 are some xenodromes (Which are 64206, 66 and 18364758544493064720 in base 10), but 11 and DEFACED...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

dzaimaShooting range Print/output this exact text: /ˉ\ / \ / /-\ \ / / \ \ / / /-\ \ \ / / / \ \ \ / / / /-\ \ \ \ / / / / \ \ \ \ / / / / /-\ \ \ \ \ / / / /...

@PhiNotPi I read meta code bots, and a couple of thoughts: 1. Make the bots editable at the end of their turn. This dramatically increases the breadth of viable zapping. The other option is to have all bots edited at the same time (but run sequentially). 2. You should make it so bots have to drop off 10 or so gems in their base (one side of the board). This leads to strategies of theft, trying to modify opponents so they deliver to you, and the like
@NathanMerrill how would editable at the end of their turn help with zapping?
consider a bot that is programmed to go to the end of the board
and drop off the gem
you could zap them twice to make them go to your end
but if the owner was able to edit post-zap, then he could simply remove those commands
also, random language design question: Does it sound like a good idea to make classes also be an interface?
so I could say "A implements B", so that they don't inherit any of the member variables of B, but they need to implement all of the functions in B
What are the member variables for if none of the functions need/use them?
@ETHproductions Your golfing langs repo is great!
@Fatalize Thanks! Do you have any suggestions on how to make it better?
@flawr: Is there an analogue for linear functions but for multiplication, not addition?
@El'endiaStarman Not that I'm aware of. Just logarithmize all the stuff?
"linear" usually refers to homomorphisms in vector spaces which are abelian groups, which again usually use additive notation
but you can replace (multiply, add) with (take to the power of, multiply)
@flawr That's what I figured.
@flawr like x1^a * x2^b * x3^c instead of a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3?
If that has any meaning :p
Hmm, how would you go down a step. Like a+x1 ? b+x2 ? c+x3
@Calvin'sHobbies right=)
Silly exponents and lack of commutativity
@Calvin'sHobbies u ? v := log(exp(u)+exp(v))
or something like that=)
@Calvin'sHobbies (x^u)^v = (x^v)^u ?
I mean x^y != y^x
(is that one associativity?)
associativity is more like a&(b&c) = (a&b)&c
associativity is unparenthesizableness
a^(b^c) != (a^b)^c anyway
Particularly easy to see if c=0
@ETHproductions not if ^ = xor
But we were using it as exponentiation, not xor
good point:)
CMC: Find a nontrivial associative operator on the reals.
Less trivial than multiplication?
@flawr x,y => x^2 + y^2
@El'endiaStarman (a,b),c = (a^2+b^2)^2 + c^2 != a,(b,c)
@trichoplax yep=)
What about x,y => sqrt(x^2 + y^2)?
...I think I found a new sequence
@ETHproductions better
I doubt it, but I can't find it on OEIS
@NathanMerrill what does it look like?
Or are you going to save it for a ?
take (n^x-n) for all x and n, where x and n are positive integers, then order them
maybe that isn't interesting enough
on the other hand there are a lot of sequence on OEIS which aren't particularly interesting either=)
@NathanMerrill OEIS has constant sequences.
Interesting, they're all even... I guess that's because n^x is always of the same parity as n
but perhaps you're right, I think most of them are either fundamental to some topic or have popped up somewhere in research
@NathanMerrill Try searching for this sequence with elements divided by two.
hmmm, even when I search doing diagonals
no results
@El'endiaStarman already tried
It might be interesting for a golf if it isn't clear whether there is a closed form solution
But btw: I'm still working on the one I asked you to send to the superseeker=)
@NathanMerrill did you also check for an unordered search?
oh, good idea
(or check superseeker?)
the idea for the sequence obviously came from numberphile
@ETHproductions A showcase for each language... :p
Yeah, that's not gonna happen :p Though maybe I can link a showcase for each language
The table's already pretty crowded though
I guess it would be cool to be able to order languages on columns, search etc etc
but you can't do that in a markdown file
a github page maybe?
New Meta Posts is taking ages so
Q: Can a challenge be closed as a duplicate when it is not currently a duplicate?

Calvin's HobbiesShowcase what makes your programming language different from all others is currently closed as a duplicate of Showcase your language one vote at a time, which is currently locked. The reasoning is that once the proposal here is applied to Showcase your language one vote at a time, answers to Sho...

There's probably a JS plugin that allows super-functional tables like that
<JQuery joke here>
@Calvin'sHobbies too much orange, didn't read
@flawr Hey, no posting interesting graphs without explanation!
@El'endiaStarman Not really that interesting, but answer coming soon in a sandbox challenge
(No, it is not the track of a snail.)
(It is the minimum ploted against the maximum of some sequence of images. but what I wanted was to plot the minimum and maximum seperately in the same graph:)
@Geobits I can't believe I missed this! If you use the class as an actual class, then the member variables will work. But lets say I want to implement a class totally differently (and there isn't an interface), you could say "B implements A", which basically uses A as an interface (and not a class)
@ETHproductions I used sorttable.js for TNBDE.
Cool, thanks!
Yes but you are slow
TIL a bigger monitor, zooming in, and sitting farther away is a great substitute for working out why my computer no longer does antialiasing on any browser except that one
@Calvin'sHobbies I'm sick of people downvoting any meta post about the showcase
At least only downvote the "No", it's a legitimate question ;_;
Yeah exactly.Disagreement doesn't mean you downvote the question
Sometimes people seem to downvote the question rather than wait for an answer to vote on, but you put an answer there right from the start this time so maybe it's disapproval of the question itself
I downvoted the discussion because this situation is such an edge case that the meta thread will most likely not be useful in the future.
I didn't downvote but to be fair I'm getting tired of all those showcase meta-questions
Nothing to do with liking or disliking the showcase.
@Dennis I edited the title to make it specific
@Dennis Isn't meta for dealing with edge cases? I don't see why every discussion on meta has to be about general policy or anything
OK, I'll read it again.
Is there a difference between [policy] and [rules] meta tags?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin EnderFigure and Ground code-golfwhitespacesource-layout For this challenge you should create two programs which print figure and ground, respectively. However, the two programs will be closely related. Here is how to construct them: Write a base code consisting of N non-whitespace characters. This...

@quartata It doesn't. There's a tag for a reason.
@Dennis I used that tag
^ Radon transform?
that's gonna show up in a new challenge=)
@Calvin'sHobbies I know; I just was answering quartata's questions.
I upvoted the original showcase meta questions and downvoted the new ones because I don't think they are productive
this is independent of my agreement
@Sp3000 :D
also, lol, I remember that part
Do people still use BBCode?
On some forgotten internet forums
Yes, if they need to. BBCode sucks for sure >:(
I know, it's pretty bad, but that's beside the point. I want TIO to have ready-to-use links, and I currently support HTML and Markdown. Wondering if BBCode would be worth adding.
It would be nice if TIO.run's code box is resizable
It is probably not that much more work? In doubt, add it.
More than anything, a vertical space issue. Ugh, wikis seem to use yet another format.
@KritixiLithos It resizes as you type.
@BlueEyedBeast In the same style... xkcd.com/327
hi everybody
Question: is Number.isInteger == n => n | 0 == n
@Downgoat define "is"
crap, i mean does instead of is
idk I don't speak unparenthised weird expressions
@Downgoat No. For starters, it will return a number, not a Boolean. It will also fail for non-numbers.
:| stupid precedence
Question v2: does Number.isInteger(n) == (n => ~~n == n)(n) when passed an object of class Number
both do same for NaN
No, Number.isInteger(n) == ReferenceError: n is not defined :P
> SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'is'
Oh wait it's a Python error sry
> SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'is'
Still bork
> test: n
< 3
O_o wat
@PhiNotPi given a Boolean expression without repeated variables, determine the fewest variables that need to be true to make the expression true.
oh labels
Still NP hard?
but JS don't have goto
or does it....
no it doesn't
ono Q_Q
:( TIO format changed again
@Downgoat Huh?
@Dennis @trichoplax Please clean stars
what is going on, why are flags being spammed
What does the starboard have?
I don't see stars.
someone starred & flagged a bunch of random messages
...what? Also, I think it's a bit unethical to ask specific mods to clean up instead of flagging.
They were still there for me. I probably shouldn't browse when I'm developing proxies.
Unnecessary flags disturb all chat communities.
^ Yeah, every 10K+ and mod gets a message
I don't see what needs clearing on the starboard. There's nothing there that only one person has starred except one, and that looks legit.
@ArtOfCode It's already cleaned.
basically someone starred a bunch of random messages, unstarred them, then flagged all of them
(is there a flag quota?)
@Downgoat I think nope, at least on chat.
don't think so
yeah that is bad idea
but mods can always encourage people not to flag spuriously
at least have a time limit on flags of like a minute at minimum
Mods can always suspend people for spam flagging :)
i dont think mods can see who flagged what
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー this is what's known as gentle encouragement in the business
@Downgoat site mods can
huh :/ I thought I remembered reading flags were anonymous
spam/offensive ("blue") flags are anonymous to all but site mods and CMs
custom moderator ("orange") flags are attributed
I am not mod so only flag i think for me is blue flag :P
the only one you see, yeah
im seeing a blue flag at the beach near me, does that count? :P
@betseg With 2.4k rep? No....
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー uhm, read that again.
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Flag_beach .
@betseg Hah, Fee is German for Fairy.
@betseg Yes, I find sustainable beaches very offensive
@Downgoat Urchins, weird fish (puffer fish?), sea snakes, octopuses, rocks, etc.
I need a nickname for a botnet.
What kind of botnet, to be exact?
A botnet that uses a GitHub exploit to run.
^ nickname rejected. ^ nickname rejected.
Heh, GrumpyGit is actually pretty good. Or Grumpy Octocat
I like grumpy octocat
@mınxomaτ I think GrumpyGit reminds me of cats. Weird?
Grumpy Octocat it is.
Or maybe simply GoatNet
Please do not promote yourself.
Heh. And it should be GaotNet.
Ugh, DIV tables are stupid.
@Downgoat 20/10 I support this
@Dennis question: if you don't mind, could you describe new TIO request format?
I see unicode letter and dots so not sure
It's a DEFLATE stream.
so deflate upon the previous request format?
Afair I didn't change anything else. I probably will in the future though.
ok thanks
You're jumping the gun a bit. Everything is still in early alpha and may/will change radically.
that is true but then again, goats are very good at jumping
(i can post a gif if you'd like)
i should of gotten goat for black fridat
;___; Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
i am dolphinetly doing something wrong
@mınxomaτ I seem a bit late to the party but I can't help but chip in: OctoNet? GrumpNet?
@Downgoat pls install the new chat relay
@Downgoat This is both adorable and terrifying
They're learning how to infiltrate dishwashers
@Downgoat -1 not jumping a gun
this goat probably jumped over gun before wearing them
brb buying goat to make own goat gif
@Downgoat it does that once in a whale
@Downgoat But you are a goat?
> inflate(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, "99 96 128 3 198 130 202 146 140 252 60 35 24 159".split(" ").map(Number)))
< "python2ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
y so many yyyyyyy :P
not yyy, ÿÿÿ
@Downgoat ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ FTFY
ÿ u do dis ;_;
totally not a noise comment, just inflate output
btw ÿ is 0xFF
but i dont know why it does htis
-1 -1 -1 -1
this is very weird
(unsigned char) -1 == 0xFF
deflate is weird
not sure how it even does thing
ok i find: intToByteString(0) + intToByteString(0)
this must be borker
ohhh it must be the length
gnight humans goats penguins and zalgos
@betseg ITS 12
OHH okay gaot figure out
why sleep at this hour?
i want to sleep
@betseg g'night robot
(ur robot right?)
@arda not everyone life in califorina
nvm i am dumb
@Downgoat turkey
@Downgoat I can neither agree nor disagree with that.
gnight humans goats penguins zalgos and turkeys
gnight man
user image
Do not ask how that was doctored.
@Downgoat ANNs can do anything.
AI just got serious.
@Downgoat It is as easy as combine trump.png wall.png
\o/ \o/ \o/ IT WORKED
I'm doing one w/ your avatar
do you know google translate's own language?
i cant engrish i need sleep
@betseg yeah i think crazypython was one who posted article on it
@betseg Datus idat a agen, tuhat undov?
@betseg Miluhind rol denam leun!
(it's just random autogenerated words :P)
noticed that
I'm queueing loads of images right now
downgoat + wall
trump2 + wall
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC AI just goat serious FTFY
did you just
Yes I goat this idea rn
trump2 + wall.... wall + trump2!!!
@TuxCopter y u do dis ;_;
why Q_Q
@DJMcMayhem I'm going to use your avatar as a style for trump's picture; let's see how this goes
Donald Seuss
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC please do Donald Duck + Donald Trump
watch as output is same as source picture :P
@Downgoat Donald Dump.
@quartata played some nethack today while waiting for someone (mobile), made it to the amulet but got killed by Rodney. :(
Male lawful monk
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ how often do you normally win when playing?
@Dennis how come TIOs response contains is so duplicated?
@Downgoat ok
Find me donald duck picture
CMC: Golf (make more concise) the meaning of "not everything you can sit on is supposed to be sat on". The only allowed languages are english.
Label is too long for diagram :P
> just cus u can dont mean u should
though now you have me curious onto what kind of diagram you are making
@Downgoat for school thing
With mermaid
Mermaid diagram open-source software
The report is in markdown
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC "stop sitting on my table!"
@Maltysen Context:
graph TD;
   one["an object you can sit on"];
   two["a small object you can sit on"];
   three["a small object designed to be sat on"];
   four> What things are designed to be sat on?];
   six{That's a chair.};
   one ==Sofas aren't chairs==> two
   two ==Not everything you can sit on is supposed to be sat on==> three
   four ==??? ==> five
   five ==> three
   three==> six
^ source code for diagram
"You can sit on a table but it isn't a chair" is shorter
@Downgoat Trump as style or duck as style?
Or both
duck as style
^ current ui lol
@Downgoat "Image Transfer using Convolutional Neural Networks" is the title of the report
It's kind of related to the trump thing
@Downgoat The queue is kind of long right now (usually faster in the afternoons); so it'll take one hour and 51 minutes. (It's a very accurate prediction algorithm)

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