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@PhiNotPi you there?
I'm doing some refactoring. I've noticed that I run a set of games, then aggregate their scores together. Then, I run multiple tournaments, and aggregate their scores together.
however, with the stuff you are working on, does it make sense to have multiple levels?
Q: float numbers in visual studio

maryam hgfI don't know the function of this code in visual studio2012: #include int main() { float x; printf("Enter a number:\n"); scanf("%d",&x); printf("%f\n",x); } for example when I enter 5 the output is:0.000000 and when I enter 1092091904 the output is:9.500000 why? what is the fun...

@TimmyD Hmm... I thought that upvote had gone through. Did I leave a comment?
is it just me, or have there been a ton of off-topic posts today?
Sounds like every day to me
@wizzwizz4 Yes, you left a comment. I think you double-clicked?
@TimmyD I'm not sure. I'll see if I can find the challenge again.
A: Output the Hebrew alphabet

TimmyDPowerShell v2+, 58 bytes (UTF-16) 'אבגדהוזחטיכךלמםנןסעפףצץקרשת' PowerShell Unicode is UTF-16 unless explicitly specified otherwise, and then it's a crapshoot anyway since it's all UTF-16 in the background. This just puts the literal string on the pipeline and the default Write-Output at the e...

@TuxCopter Thanks! I've upvoted it now @TimmyD.
@DJMcMayhem Yes, the ASCII version works -- note that the string isn't explicit alphabetical order (i.e., I swapped the letters to match)
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> -join([char[]]'ABCDEFGHIJLKMONQPRSUTWVXYZ['|%{[char](1423+$_)})
The string doesn't display in my monospace font: testing if it's correct:
Wow, it just popped into the monospace font! ...
@wizzwizz4 Then your monospace font is bad
@TuxCopter My monospace font displays it... now.
Don't know why.
Could be Windows 10 being... Windows 10.
Q: Shuffle Up and Deal!

jacksonecacIt is Friday and I am tired so lets do a quick one! Take no input, however you should output all 13 different numbered cards in a standard deck of cards. You should output 2 through Ace (Suit agnostic). Each card has a top that is denoted with a space and ten _ and another space . The secon...

Q: Where to find templates for practice

user7054810As i have started html and css , just wanna know that , how to begin with making sites .where i can find good templates to practice along with their codes ,so i can check also afterwards.?? As i am a self learner ,and its getting tough for me to find out templates with codes and their descriptio...

I have... started using... so many... ellipsis... in my... chat posts...
I... don't know why.
@NewMainPosts Wow. Two off-topics in less than 20mns. WOW
@wizzwizz4 Y…o…u… a…r…e… d…o…i…n…g… i…t… w…r…o…n…g… y…o…u… s…h…o…u…l…d… u…s…e… t…h…i…s… e…l…l…i…p…s…i…s…
14 mins ago, by Nathan Merrill
is it just me, or have there been a ton of off-topic posts today?
@NathanMerrill Yes, it's just you.
As an offside, a lot of new users have been coming to this site in the past hour without really understanding what the site's about. Do you remember how you found this site, and if so could you tell me? I'm really rather curious. — wizzwizz4 39 secs ago
that was a response to Tux :)
ah lol
@NathanMerrill Please use the :1234567 syntax if you want to make that clearer.
@wizzwizz4 I found this site from the Wikipedia article about code golf...
@wizzwizz4 too much work with permalinks :)
for some reason I never get it right
@NathanMerrill You have a button 'reply to this message' in the dropdown menu of a message
Edit -> click the V on a post -> reply
I honestly don't remember how I got here.
I got here from a comment somebody posted on a rubbish SO question of mine.
If I hadn't asked that question, my life would have been very different.
Wow, I think I understand the butterfly effect now.
@TuxCopter and then I have to find the permalink
too much work :)
1 min ago, by wizzwizz4
Edit -> click the V on a post -> reply
No, you don't.
hi me
@muddyfish hi
I think I have a cool KoTH idea:
@muddyfish isn't replying to yourself great?
A BF-joust like but with the D2 esolang
@muddyfish I know right?
@muddyfish Yes, but a little spammy.
@TimmyD yeah, I noticed
lolwut GH is down
@TuxCopter Only sometimes.
@TuxCopter dns ddos
It's been like that for a few hours.
@muddyfish ik
@muddyfish Which DNS server?
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, I typed at you in chat almost exactly the same time Dennis commented.
@wizzwizz4 Dyn
2 hours ago, by Sherlock9
Dyn dong! The DNS is dead! Which DNS? The world's DNS! Dyn Dong! The DNS is dead!
@TuxCopter I saw. And starred, now I understand it.
DDOSs are fun, unless it's someone else's server / attacking computers.
Or on the main internet.
@wizzwizz4 so when is it ever fun?
And here the biggest DNS server is being DDoS'd :/
@muddyfish Virtual Machines on a simulated network where the LAN is the internet.
oh, I can connect to github now
Still down for me
To work around the DDOS'd DNS, edit your hosts file to include IP mapping for the sites you want to visit.
You have no idea how many frickin' sites are down. I had to spend five minutes wrestling with Tor Browser and google security to even get to TNB.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Dyn is being DDoS'd
Finally. ¡Le internet!
Dyn is the largest DNS server
github, stack exchange, gmail, reddit, twitter, almost everything
So the entire internet is being attacked
Whoever's doing it is mean.
OK, if I set my DNS to, will it fix it?
I know!
whois CM
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ...
Oh no.
@wizzwizz4 ?
I can connect to SE obviously
/_\ confirmed.
What is the IP of GH?
@wizzwizz4 `/ಠ\`
@TuxCopter please
@TuxCopter Do you have the underline unicode character?
What kind of car does a ghost drive?
@muddyfish well I can't without Tor™. Luckily I downloaded it when I was paranoid
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC why cant you connect without Tor?
@Yodle A Boo-ick?
@TimmyD dangit you got it
Apparently a ghostwagon is also acceptable, but I prefer the booick.
@muddyfish because of the DNS. I can connect to a Tor entry node, which is not hosted by the DDoSed DNS, and the exit node is located in the Netherlands.
woot Tor! ^_^
The only time Ive used Tor for SE was to ask an anonymous question on parenting
PSA: If you can't connect to some websites, download Tor (torproject.org) and you'll be able to connect.
@muddyfish :/
Star PSA...
disable the builtin noscript
Tor is awesome.
it's a huge not-even-the-nsa-can-block-it proxy network
Your client does not have permission to get URL /sorry/index?continue=google.pl/… from this server. That’s all we know.
Polish google (end node is @ poland) -> "English" -> 404
@betseg you have the pixel?
drums fingers chat activity, plz ^_^
fuck this, 6 CAPTCHAs in a row from CloudFlare!?
just because I'm using Tor?
Sounds about right
it's only strawpoll.me that's doing that
I got them all right too
What does Tor actually?
@flawr Essentially a peer-to-peer proxy
(it's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the two-second elevator explanation)
@flawr a network of layered proxies, designed to evade spy agencies. Originally created by the army, it has now been proven that not even the NSA can intercept Tor connections.
For my StackExchange connection: entry node (france) (proxy) -> "middle" node (poland) (proxy) -> exit node (netherlands) (proxy)
Also, a book publishing company.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC proven. You know you can do browser exploits to get who you are anyway?
Good lord! C++ can be ugly at times. std::vector<std::stack<std::pair<type1, type2>>>
@muddyfish yes, but the network is nsa-proof itself. wait a sec, lemme show you
i wasn't arguing with that
@DJMcMayhem you clearly need to do use namespace std /sarc
a vector of stacks of pairs really isn't that bad
Still ugly though
Some typedefs should help though
@TimmyD And what is a proxy?
@NathanMerrill to answer your question, no I wasn't
how are you aggregating tournament scores together?
lol, really?
@Maltysen nova launcher :P
er, I misspoke. Basically a game can have multiple copies of the same player
In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the request as a way to simplify and control its complexity. Proxies were invented to add structure and encapsulation to distributed systems. Today, most proxies are web proxies, facilitating access to content on the World Wide Web and...
so I have two aggregators, one for the games, one for the players
but the browser has the proxies embedded
> I tried golfing this in three different ways but ended up with the same byte count each time...
DNS Outage survey (like strawpoll) -> goo.gl/forms/J1DrrrcoE31qjfQE2
so, basically, after each game, I aggregate all of the player's scores together
aka, if there are 50 copies of each player, I need some way to merge those 50 scores
then, I aggregate all of the games together
My approach works when the rankings include all players, once each.
right. But it seems like you a layer on top of tournaments
if y'all can't use internet, use tor. Then you can use any site
only two responses
@NathanMerrill what are you considering a "tournament?"
in our examples, MAM
or Elo ranking
Because I've been considering the entire controller run to be the tournament.
ah, well, so far, that's been true
but it doesn't need to be
@betseg oh, lol. Was a little surprised since they shipped today
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ kurzgesagt released a new video today and now it's on the front page of reddit!
Thee way I've been envisioning this working, is that a smart-stopping algorithm has to work at a level above the games and ranking algorithm. It is able to control how many games are played, keep a list of game results, and feed those to the ranking algorithm in an intelligent manner.
"feed those to the ranking algorithm" what does that mean?
I'm not sure about the workings of KothComm, but I assume the ranking algorithm takes a set of game results as input and returns a ranking of the players somehow.
@PhiNotPi yep.
I give it a list of rankings
and it returns a single ranking
I call these "aggregators"
Rankings are without a score, I also have aggregators for scoreboards
which stores a score for each player
so, MamAggregator aggregates rankings, while EloAggregator aggregates scoreboards
wow Tor can do 1080p videos!
maybe this will make more sense:
public Scoreboard<PlayerType<T>> run(int numGames){
        GameProvider<T> provider = providerSupplier.get();
        MutableList<Scoreboard<PlayerType<T>>> scoreList = Lists.mutable.empty();
        for (int i = 0; i < numGames; i++){
            Scoreboard<T> results = provider.get(tournamentAggregator.aggregate(scoreList)).run();
            if (results.isEmpty()){

            Scoreboard<PlayerType<T>> scoreboard = new Scoreboard<>();
that's the code that runs tournaments
and effectively what you'd be overriding
@Lynn Do you use Haskell for anything else than golfing? I recommend checking out leksah, a haskell IDE. It provides so many great improvement suggestions when coding=)
@flawr PyCharm for Python. If you use a future statement, it asks if you want to enable the code compaitability inspection.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC What does this have anything to do with anything
@quartata Haskell: Haskell IDE :: Python : PyCharm
@NathanMerrill What does aggregateInPlaceBy do in Java 8?
I know it's one of the new stream things obviously
nope, actually
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I don't really use python
I've actually picked up a library for collections
Eclipse Collections
@Maltysen also, its available in 6 countries :/
@flawr then use IntelliJ for Java, same company, just as great
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC He was talking about Haskell specifically?
its faster, has better functions, and has native collection support
@quartata random thought
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC When I use java, I use eclipse.
When I use JavaScript, I cry and rethink my life.
anyways, aggregateInPlaceBy() basically creates a Map<>, but aggregates the values. The second parameter is the initial value, and the third parameter is the aggregator
Anyway, I was talking to Lynn about Haskell....
@EnglishNatives: when is anyway or anyways used?
Is anyways just used in colloquial language?
anyways is a word you can throw around.
not sure the term for it
@flawr eclipse is terrible
or really the meaning, sorry :)
try intellij
it is intelligent. Really!
While playing/debugging my Atomas game in Python, I realize that it takes at least 2-3 times as long as playing on my phone. Every single move, if the list is long or I want to put an atom in the middle, I have to count spaces to find which index I want to insert at...
static code analyzer is awesome
anyway is used literally to mean "any way"
@mbomb007 get pycharm
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC What for?
That has nothing to do with playing my text-based game.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I'm pretty sure the majority of users here know about Jetbrain's products :)
@mbomb007 it is a very good editor!
I'm not talking about editing...
@NathanMerrill yes but they haven't tried it
let them choose
it is good and they deserve to know
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Quit trying to advertise products that aren't even related to what we're talking about.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC like I said, they already know about them
@NathanMerrill I didn't.
well, prove me wrong :)
@mbomb007 Try it! It's awesome, really
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Vim FTW
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Idc. I develop Python online-only.
Repl.it and Ideone
@mbomb007 lolwut
@mbomb007 really? I can't stand online editors
@mbomb007 Static code analysis, mate
I don't have Python installed, even.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC What for? My code is flawless.
@mbomb007 it tells you 99% of errors before you even run your program!
:D GitHub is back
@mbomb007 simple things
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Hand debugging FTW
like one keyboard shortcut -> lint the file
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Terminal FTW
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC You know what that creates? Ignorant and unskilled programmers.
@TuxCopter use Tor and all the sites will be back
You need to be able to find bugs on your own.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC All the sites I use are back now
@mbomb007 It's the little things, like HAVING TO MANUALLY RENAME A VARIABLE
right click > rename > gotem
@mbomb007 I'm not sure if that's true. By that argument, type checking is a bad thing
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Ctrl+H
Haha don't you know how to use the backspace key?
@NathanMerrill ^^
@TuxCopter yes, but right click > rename > rename all instances across all files (including config files) is darn useful
:%s/a/b/g in vim
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Why? That terrible program seems to do a damn fine job at helping me to program.
How did we even start on this anyways?
@flawr Eclipse is really terrible
@flawr *compared to other better IDEs
We were talking about Haskell and KoTHs, PyCharm had nothing to do with it
vim FTW
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Like vim
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC What's the tooltip for that XKCD?
I agree with @quartata, I much prefer if we got back to talking about KoTHs and Haskell :)
vim? fckin newbies. use ed. /s
@betseg ಠಠಠಠಠ_ಠಠಠಠಠ
@mbomb007 click it
@TuxCopter I won't convince vim users to switch, because vim is cool
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC The img it takes me to has no tooltip. I tried.
You don't have to convince anyone to switch
@TuxCopter but WHY?
@flawr Slow, slow, slow, slow and horribly slow
@flawr Because internet opinions
Stop talking about Vim and pycharm, already.
Ok, back to haskell.
Assembly is better
last sentence: download pycharm and try it. seriously
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC No
Every JetBrain product I try crash with weird error messages ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@betseg ಠ_ಠ Real programmers use Unary
Pleas stop that real programmers thing.
@TuxCopter I prefer Dr. Brain
@flawr u r rite
@TuxCopter :/
This was my childhood:
Probably the best computer game I ever found at the library.
Does C#'s streamwriter.write pause execution until it is done writing?
@Yodle I'd think so, since there's also a StreamWriter.WriteAsync method
I hope so. It looked like it didn't, but maybe my eyes are too slow or windows doesn't refresh explorer in real time.
It almost certainly is... I wouldn't want operations to be async by default
Is there a name for a stack that also has a reference to the bottom element?
They're all just lists as far as i'm concerned
Stackqueue or Stackedqueue might be a "formal" name
@DJMcMayhem A linked list?
If you think about it from an OO perspective a stack is just an interface
I was guessing, is it really a stackqueue?
@DJMcMayhem I believe Deque
a queue on both ends
I think Nathan is correct. "double ended queue"
I rescind my previous statement about a stackedqueue
Yeah, probably deque. I was thinking of something simpler where all you have is push, pop, peek and peekbottom
But you could probably use a deque for that
Yep, deques are great
it's almost the weekend
i am excite.
@Mego I don't think I've used one ever in my entire life
Is it pronounced "dee-cue" or "deck"?
Or even "dee-ee-cue"
dee-cue is dequeue
I used one for a board game builder. I had a Deque deck (so you could draw from the bottom and the top)
It's pronounced "deck". It works like a deck of cards.
Hehe. Deque deck. That's funny
Pulling a card off of the top or the bottom is easy. Pulling a card from a specific place in the deck (other than the top or bottom) is harder.
@Poke I'm staying an hour late today :[
@Yodle gg. jde is coming over tonight and we're going to dark souls 3
gonna be dopeeeeeee
And a linked list is an implementation, whereas a Deque is a conceptual data type, right?
Advanced Arrays
@DJMcMayhem if you care about efficiency, or if want access to the Nth element, take a look at rotating arrays
I'm not sure what that implementation is called, but basically it uses an array, and rotates around it
Like a wheel?
kindof yeah
expanding the array is harder
does it just do index % length or w/e
because you have to copy over values
github.com/tuxcrafting/d2 now D2 have a bf-joust like controller
Interesting. I remember thinking about making an esolang that uses a wheel

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