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@TuxCopter That's not all that's different. In fact, the only colors that are the same are in Kirby, which I pasted on top from my previous avatar.
The warp star and the streams behind it are all different colors than they were, mostly darker.
@Lembik so long I think I might kill it :p
@JonathanAllan ah
@PhiNotPi I got a response from my uncle (it took a while, due to needing to clarify):
So I'd have do some more research about a specific metric custom built for ranks across games but my first attempt would be to take the within player mean absolute deviation for each player and then combine those in an average to minimize and a standard deviation to account for the noise of the system. It may not be directly targeted at ranks but it should be directional to both the minimization of noise and the confidence that the noise has been minimized.
in seconds... 7: 0.03; 8:0.27; 9:2.9;10:30
so very close to what I was indicating earlier :)
what language is 05AB1E based on?
@JonathanAllan interesting
@JonathanAllan you can make it fast for the follow up challenge :)
my guess wouold be ~637 K years
not using that method no
@JonathanAllan there are two faster algorithms
based on Python
both still slow :) but faster
I was happily surprised that 05AB1E supported complex numbers. Never used them before in golf so I wasn't sure it did :)
@Emigna :) It's really amazingly compact
given what it is doing
Cant for the life of me work out how to piece it together in Jelly, but it's surely possible in less than 20
how it supports complex numbers is a mystery too :)
Time to call Dennis ? :)
Jelly will definitely beat my solution.
J gets range of length, and Œ! gets all permutations for a start
You should crack this Cops when you have time Jonathan ;)
Never saw that
Is there something in Jelly that could be used like "rotate by index"?
@Dennis Could you pull Jellyfish, please?
what do you mean "by index"?
rotate left by is an atom
as in, iterate over the matrix and rotate each row by its index in the matrix (list of lists)
might not be the best way but I'm sure it'll be shorter than mine
you could enumerate and apply rotate dyadicaly (cant spell)
or rotate for each in range(len)
yeah, enumerate, copy, rotate one left by index, one right by index, zip, product, sum
probably the latter
@Zgarb Done.
Ah he's here to get it in 8...
@ASCII-only Done.
Moning :)
I assume everyone was up watching Trump .... :)
@Emigna ṙ"J$ would achieve that.
@Emigna I just read the explanation.. It's just really clever and fast the way you did that
@Lembik Just wait until you see Jonathan or Dennis do it in Jelly :)
to make the fastest code version I need to give a way to create random matrices I think so people can test their code
@Emigna :)
not quite sure of the best way to do that
maybe I should stick to integer valued matrices for that?
it's too much :)
Might be golfable. I just woke up.
:) good morning
What's good about a morning that begins with waking up? :P
I was staring at the IDE just thinking "how, how???"
@Lembik Could you include test cases of higher order? I've never worked with permanents, but some approaches that work with determinant fail as soon as you get to 4x4 matrices.
@Dennis sure
When you've been on PPCG so long, you've forgotten your actual job:
@Dennis done
@MitchSchwartz No. If it floats, it's a duck, so it's made of wood and therefore a witch. Good content has weight and would sink to the bottom.
@mbomb007 Creed is the best
I just realize that literally everything that's wrong with browsers and JS today is Microsoft's fault
@DJMcMayhem He's great, but I think Dwight is my favorite.
@quartata Go on...
@quartata the browser that must not be named (Internet Explorer)
They crippled Java applets with legal and technical issues, refused to support JS sanely, lagged behind for years on HTML5 and forced IE onto everyone who used Windows
@quartata Don't forget Silverlight.
All of the complicated modules and tech JS devops have created was really just to deal with that
Damn. How depressing
@mbomb007 Why not? I've been trying to for a long time ;)
my guess of 8 was close huh?
@quartata What is with your avatar? It somehow still looks like Pikachu when it's small...
or Pichu?
Spooky Halloween pichu vomited up by an overtrained convolutional neural network
@Dennis Better than not waking up, though, yeah?
@Lembik Not sure how S0 is defined, so what is the permanent of the empty matrix?
There's 1 permutation of length 0, empty product is 1, so the answer is 1, no?
@Dennis the empty product is 1
@quartata I don't know if this is really true. There are gazillions of JS libraries because JS has a terrible standard library
That's true also but a lot of the modules JS has are build tools and the like
I'm talking about things like React, Bower, Gulp/Grunt, Babel, etc.
@JonathanAllan Of course it is, but I'm not so sure about the domain of the sum. I guess that means that all current answers are invalid.
right, but often you need a bunch of that because you need a bunch of modules to replace your standard library
Mathematica returns indeterminate for 0^0 though (which would be 1 by the empty product) so I guess it's still up for debate
Mathematica Pemanent[N[{}]] returns 0
TBH 0 probably makes more sense since its an empty sum of empty products
It's not an empty sum. There's 1 term.
there is?
0! = 1. There's 1 permutation of the empty list.
so Mathematica is wrong :p
we've had this discussion before >.>
if i could understand how the heck chat search worked...
I'm not even sure how to represent an empty matrix with lists. Is it [] or [[]]?
[[]] would be 1x0
@Dennis I'd argue []
I would opt for [] over [[]]
I do remember a discussion about the impossibility of representing 0xN matrix with lists...
Aug 16 at 14:26, by Poke
There are mathematical arguments that 0^0==1
since [x] would be 1 by 1
@JonathanAllan But then the depth is wrong.
1 min ago, by Jonathan Allan
None :p
what's an empty matrix? Obviously 0x0 is empty, but is 1x0 empty? What about 0x1?
Aug 16 at 17:12, by Poke
For anyone who was part of our 0^0 discussion earlier: IEEE Standard
@El'endiaStarman Your chat search thing is infinitely more helpful than SE chat search. Thanks
see, its impossible for 0x0, 1x0, and 0x1 to all have different list representations
Well, I left a comment.
If we need to handle the empty matrix, you should add it as a test case. The fact that you cannot really represent the 0x0 matrix with lists makes this a bit difficult. Personally, I'd just remove that requirement. — Dennis ♦ 9 mins ago
@NathanMerrill Sure. It's clearly [[]], [[]], and [[]], respectively. :p
what's 0x2, then?
if you say [[],[]], then wouldn't 0x0 be []?
[[ ]]
In Perl what are the lambdas using * as an argument called (e.g. my &code = * + 2 to add 2 to an argument)?
Which is different than 2x0, because that's [[ ]].
2x0=0=0x0, so it's just []
@Cyoce Uh... is this Perl 6?
@quartata Yes.
OK. I was wondering because I had never heard of any such thing
See, that one [[ ]], while this one [[ ]]. Not the same. You see the difference.
I've never worked with Perl 6 really
> my &code = * + 2
{ ... }
> code(3)
Is there a special name for them? I thought it was just syntax for currying.
Yeah, I think it's just partial application
I mean, perlies might have a cool name for it, but nothing I know. They do like to name things though.
*perl 6 weirdos
Perl 5 folk are perfectly normal
Not biased
I do have to say though, Perl 6 is a really weird language. Almost stranger than Haskell.
I understand the appeal but
Why is it even called Perl? It has seemingly little relation...
because programming languages are gems and we shouldn't forget that
Spoken like a brainwashed ruby fan.
Idea: Rename Perl 6 to Saphir
well i mean if you're going to use a scripting language it may as well be ruby
@TuxCopter Rename Perl <=5 to Nacre, and use Perl for 6+
Actually, I guess it should be Ncre, since Perl doesn't like 'a' for some reason.
@Geobits ?
Perl != Pearl
@Geobits This is why:
PEARL, or Process and experiment automation realtime language, is a computer programming language designed for multitasking and real-time programming. Being a high-level language, it is fairly cross-platform. Since 1977, the language has been going under several standardization steps by the Deutsches Institut für Normung. The current version is PEARL-90, which was standardized in 1998 as DIN 66253-2. PEARL is not to be confused with the similarly named Perl, an entirely unrelated programming language created by Larry Wall in 1987. == Features == PEARL supports both fixed-point and floating-point...
Aww. No fans of Babylon 5 here.
Shoulda just made it PearlScript if he wanted to siphon off users of another, more established language ;)
Q: Multiplication Table

BoeNoeMake a multiplication table is 100 x 100. The rules are: You can't use any loops. For example, for loops, while loops. Basically, no loops are allowed. You cannot prefill the products. Meaning you must get the true product by multiplying the row by column. This is my first challenge. So sor...

Another "no loops" challenge. Yay!
@Geobits PearlScript++#.NET 3
@NewMainPosts x=1;y=1;eval'puts"#{x}*#{y}=#{x*y}";x+=1;if x>100;y+=1;x=0;end;'*9801
But... the range is inclusive
Oh wait it count 0
Then replace the 9801 to 10000
or to 100*100 just to be cheeky
I'm also not sure this would end up formatted as a table, unless you're sneaking a newline and spaces in somewhere.
@NewMainPosts 10:t!*. And that right there is why I love MATL
They don't specified the output format ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also doesn't use a loop
@DJMcMayhem This is 10x10
@TuxCopter Well yeah. That's why it's closed and most people don't bother answering ;)
(among other reasons)
@TuxCopter fine. 100:t! then. But it doesn't look as good on TIO
Ooo ... someone deleted an answer somewhere.
> This is your space. Only you can see these notes. Draft messages, list your to-dos, or keep links and files handy. You can also talk to yourself here, but please bear in mind you'll have to supply both sides of the conversation.
^ The message that appears in Slack (IM client) when you click on your own name.
oooh, it'd be really cool if zip could take a function
it'd be equivalent to zip(a, map(a, func))
zip(a, dee(doo, dah))
zip(foo, bar(baz, qux))
My oh my, what a handful to say.
@TimmyD hahahaha
Random question: what is your favorite piano song to listen to? From any genre or time-period
Sounds silly, but the piano rendition of Eyes On Me is really nice. I like a lot of others, but it's one of the few I have on my car's mp3 player.
hypothetical question: is it possible to define "no loops" in some unambiguous manner? (disclaimer: the end result might be something totally unusable)
@PhiNotPi I assume anything that compiles to something with no jumps leading to previously executed code would count. But yeah :/
Only for 1 language.
One can redefine the = operator in C++
@Geobits From final fantasy? (I just searched it in Spotify and that came up)
Overloading is the best.
@TuxCopter You can redefine C++ in C++ :P
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, that one.
I like a lot of FF music, but that's the best one in piano version imo.
My favorite overload is in Python, where the . operator is, on Windows, overloaded to load a DLL.
Nothing silly about that. Good Video game soundtracks are great because not only is the music good but it reminds you of the feeling of the game, so it's that much more meaningful.
Yeah, the nostalgia factor is strong with that :)
I've listened to the undertale soundtrack more times than I'm willing to admit. >_<
And Nobuo Uematsu is just great.
Some of the remixes are freaking fantastic. Like richaadEB's "determination" album
I imagine it's really a different kind of challenge composing for a game. I mean, you have to be able to listen to the "main" theme(s) for hours on end, and the looping/time factor has to be interesting to work with.
Especially for old school games where music was really space limited.
there's an awesome game called Continuity Game where the player could "zoom out" or "zoom in". They had two different tracks for the different states, and they would flow right into each other perfectly
@DJMcMayhem Solo piano? Or with accompaniment?
@NathanMerrill I'll have to check that out on my PC later. My phone is sensible enough to not have flash installed :P
its pretty addicting, so if you don't have an hour to kill, don't open it :)
@TimmyD Either one
my favorite pianist is William Joseph
though, I don't like most of the stuff he's put on Youtube
By muse? :P
an arrangement, but yeah
also, my claim to fame is that I've played with Jon Schmidt (the pianist from the Piano Guys), but it was well before he was famous
Oh, haha I was kidding
@NathanMerrill :O no way!
Oh, I like William Joseph. I just picked up Beyond after hearing him on one of my Pandora stations.
What do you mean "played with"? What were you playing?
For piano and violin, it would have to be Heaven's Caravan (reprise) by Mehdi.
well, he was doing a concert
And what were you doing? Details! I'm really curious now
and he asks a member of the crowd to come up and solo while he plays the bass line. I was currently in my HS jazz band as the pianist, and all my friends called out my name to come up
so, I went up
and we jammed, basically
That's pretty sweet
@TimmyD I have the sheet music to this, and believe it or not, Kashmir is by far, the hardest song of the lot
I know the guy who built the metal cello the piano guys used
Piano Fantasy is also really fun to play. You basically get to bang out octaves over and over
@NathanMerrill follow up song since I didn't know you play piano: what's your favorite song to play?
piano fantasy :)
I'm looking for something new since I haven't played in a while
For solo piano, pretty much anything off of Dark Night of the Soul by Philip Wesley.
oh, another favorite pianist of mine is Sonya Belousova (Player Piano)
@TimmyD I haven't heard of him, but he sounds like David Lanz to me
Stretching the boundaries a bit, but for keyboard/synth it would be Acid Wolfpack by Coyote Kisses.
@TimmyD Just listened to it. That's pretty sweet. :)
One of my all-time favorite piano songs is Ease my mind by Matthew Ball.
@DJMcMayhem I'll have to check it out later (YouTube is blocked here)
At work?
@TimmyD Except for the "being a cat" thing and the facebook like thing, you're not wrong ;)
Fun fact about that composer. He taught me blues piano for like a year and a half
@Poke It's more than a search, but it does happen to function as a better chat search. I'm glad you found it so useful. :D
I am getting up and down votes in pairs!
I am the Trump of the codegolf world :((
Woo, top three starboard posts are mine. Now to post something that will get four stars and continue the pattern.
Stars here are like the time limit on answers at a presidential debate -- they don't matter.
^ clearly a ploy to get stars
@El'endiaStarman Yeah I know but that's mostly what I've used it for. We should really link it somewhere so I don't have to go through my search history every time i want to use it
like next to the chatiquette
Most browsers have a feature where you can mark favorite pages to more easily revisit them.
A table multiplicative without loops means write each element of the table or use only recursion: because call function and operators I say hide ... Loops... But whatever piece of executable binary has loop 99.999999%
@Geobits Then why do we bother linking codegolf SE or chatiquette
If you disallow loops you can't program anything except a bootloader
People can just bookmark those
@Poke Chatiquette for discoverability (we want every user to know about it). Main site because it's the main site, so if someone wanders in by accident, they have some vague idea what it's about.
A database search doesn't fit that as well, no matter how cool or handy it is (and it is).
There's a search box that links to normal SE search
but normal SE search isn't really useful for codegolf SE
since we're often going to search symbols and stuff
When I search for "0^0" I'm not looking for every post which contains a "0"
Sure, but that's built-in. Nobody here asked for it. I hardly even notice it most of the time, and usually click the "info" link to search.
Would we remove it given the option?
Dunno, but I don't know what that has to do with adding an unofficial search that could go down at any time (no offense, Starman).
@NathanMerrill Worked, didn't it? :p
If we're worried about it going down why link to chatiquette on github.io? That could also go down.
The SEDE works better than SE search for many things, but there's not a link for it on every SE page. For people that do those kinds of searches often, it's not a chore to bookmark it.
And it's certainly unofficial as far as SE is concerned
chatiquette is important. SEDE is useful. There are lots of useful things we could link, but we only link the important ones
That's pretty subjective imo.
its really not. It is not important that users know about SEDE. It is important that they know chatiquette
You're entitled to your opinion
@Poke I'd bet that starmaninnovations.com goes down before github.io. I don't mean "oh, server issues, brb", I mean "I'm not gonna host this any more".
It's possible
seriously though, if we link SEDE, then we also should link TIO, and OEIS, and ...
Personally I would have no problem with that.
@Poke It's a pretty good opinion. You can get kicked or banned for not knowing the etiquette and expectations here. You can't for not knowing there's a chat data tool that a user made.
There could even just be a codegolf resources page
that would be useful
some page that lists a bunch of sites that we frequently use. I'd want it to be community-moderated, somehow
let's host it on sourceforge
I might have a geocities site laying around unused.
can you still make myspace accounts?
i think geocities died a long time ago
@Geobits you would use geocities :)
Yahoo! GeoCities (also known as GeoCities) is a web hosting service, currently available only in Japan. It was founded in November 1994 by David Bohnett and John Rezner, and was called Beverly Hills Internet (BHI) for a very short time. On January 28, 1999, GeoCities was acquired by Yahoo!; at that time it was the third-most visited website on the World Wide Web. In its original form, site users selected a "city" in which to place their web pages. The "cities" were named after real cities or regions according to their content—for example, computer-related sites were placed in "SiliconValley" and...
apparently still available in Japan
Why not a Meta post that's CW'd?
@NathanMerrill I did use geocities :P Angelfire, too, but I didn't like it as much.
@TimmyD I'm fine with that
Yeah, I think a meta post is the usual spot for a general "Resources" list.
I'm pretty sure anyone who's over ~30 years old and was on the web used Geocities.
couldn't we just make it an answer list, and people can upvote/downvote the tools they like the most?
As long as it has quick-links in question to upvoted ones, sure.
You lose the quick access if you have to scroll.
anybody making the post?
can we think about what links we'd add before we make the post?
if not, I'm going to
Or we could all just have a folder of bookmarks for this kind of thing, so it's literally two clicks to get to any of them >_>
radical suggestion
I know I know, I'm out of the box like that.
@Geobits oh, and lets all sync them using dropbox
tio, sede, oeis, ideone, chatiquette, the sandbox
I don't think we need the last two
the sandbox is featured in the sidebar
I'd add the chatiquette though
relevant userscripts might also be a good idea
we already have an entire post of online testing environments
no need to replicate that
We shouldn't include online testing.
I assume TNBDE would be there too.
Since that's what started all this.
I wouldn't even link SEDE
GH desktop crash when it starts wat
(as it's not external)
Maybe an ascii chart
@TuxCopter Stop hitting it with the infrared then o_O
@TimmyD the relevant meta post could be referenced as a related post at the bottom
we clearly need github. All of us use that :)
and youtube?
Eh. Ideally, this "3rd party resources" post would be linked from the FAQ, and the online testing post would also be linked from the FAQ.
Should probably link to Google also.
@Geobits oh, duh
@Geobits (I think you were mostly joking but) the benefit of the meta post is not quick access for us, but discoverability for others
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ -1 for google
+1 for youtube though
This is the kind of thing I'm thinking collegepuzzlechallenge.com/PuzzleTools.aspx
In light of last night's debate, I refuse to accept any challenges that have accepted answers unless my answer is the accepted answer.
@MartinEnder Maybe... the discussion started about having a link to tnbde in the chat description or similar, for quick access.
:O GH desktop works
@Geobits sure, but that doesn't change the fact that the meta post would be useful for other reasons :P
discoverability is way more important than quick access. We're programmers: our job is to make things quick access, so if you can't do it, then learn :)
Oh, yeah, no doubt. I wouldn't use it for quick access ( I have bookmarks), but it's a nice resource.
we should add it to the resource list
I might actually do that
@Yodle SE has a long tradition of the peaceful handover of acceptedness between answers.
I'll make the post now
I think @NathanMerrill might have started it already?
For those who can't open YouTube right now what is it?
I didn't like the advert for it at all, but it looks like a nice console.
So that's the name of the NX?
@Shebang its a console that is both handheld and can hook up to your TV
Yep, that's the name of the NX.
It looks vaguely like a WiiU controller-pad when in "portable" mode., but the side "controller" bits detach and hook together to form a regular gamepad and the middle part plugs into a dock when it's in "TV Console" mode
Q: Google FooBar Challenges

JoshSo I was googling python modules, and the fabled foobar came up! A purple IDE came up and ran: run\home\guest Sorry - it looks like something went wrong! Great! I've tweeted them, with no answer. However, Google opened their store in London today, and I asked one of the guys there about i...

Q: A regex to satisfy the grammar nazis (there vs. their vs they're)

mdwhatcottWe've all been burned by the grammar nazis on the internet. What we need is a regex that can be used in place of "there", "their", and "they're". This would shift burden of grammar parsing from the writer to the reader (a sort of "client-side" grammar, if we you will). So, here's what I have to s...

@NewMainPosts NUKE IT
posted the post. knock yourselves out
Tried that once. Woke up with a headache. 2/10 do not recommend
> 2/10
Also, @mar enjoy your free upvotes on the regex question. lol
I've gotta say, I didn't expect saying "this can't be golfed" to be that popular.
@TimmyD Well it's not like I died or anything.
I can't believe people still have problem with thereiry're.
Native English speakers anyway. If it's a second language, I totally get that.
In my experience native English speakers have a lot more trouble with it.
Mine too :/
I think part of that is the vast majority of information and media consumed in the US, especially nowadays, is visual/auditory. It also doesn't help that tons of rules in English are based on pronunciation and not spelling.
Yeah... but I mean... English/grammar classes (at least ime) are completely repetitious from about 5th-12th grades. It's just the same thing over and over. The same rules, the same exceptions... you'd think at some point in there you'd pick it up.
My nine year old doesn't have a problem with it, so it's hard for me to excuse adults who've had vastly more education for basic things like that.

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