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So, what do you think?
i see ಠ_ಠ
brb (really this time)
Should I make a challenge about the magic 8 ball
@LegionMammal978 I am waiting in the GoL room.
and you somehow use your mod abuse hammer to selectively decide what was more pointless and was not..
nobody trashes my meaningful discussions! \(dOb)–/¯¯|¯˚ ¯ ¯
I still prefer nothing to be moved
meh, if it's getting noisy and pointless it's gonna get trashed
keeps the room tidier
tbh, 70% of the time its noisy and pointless.
i give up
@ArtOfCode WAH WAH
Why didn't you move it to the trash? Was it so vile you thought no-one should see it?
also wtf why does the room keep refreshing
i can talk \o/
@DestructibleWatermelon first room that came up on the trash list
Anyway... how about a return to your regularly scheduled programming? :)
@ArtOfCode Next on The Nineteenth Byte: "Perfect Discourse"
Followed by "Happy Families"
Followed by "Serial Radio Drama"
@TùxCräftîñg, @DestructibleWatermelon, for some time now, you (and others) have been persistently annoying and unconstructive members of this chat room. This is not your personal playground. While I probably wouldn't have moved the messages that ArtOfCode did, you DO still have to respect the fact that he is a mod. Sure, mods aren't infallible, which is why, when you have an issue with one, you calmly wait until you can discuss the situation with another mod (preferably a PPCG mod).
Complaining loudly is not the way to resolve such a situation.
(Urg, of all the things to wake up to in the morning...)
while its true that Tux and Destr... have been doing a little extra "fun" things... I think mods also have to agree to the fact that people are gonna chat off topic and sometimes it might get a little annoying for someone else.. That's just how public chat rooms work.
@Optimizer Yes. I personally wouldn't have moved the messages ArtOfCode did.
i am not talking about just this instance.
in general.. this moving to trash is becoming too frequent . . while the spam frequency is probably the same as last year.
I am about to update my eseljik with interactive io
@Optimizer I think that what happened was that a critical mass of users got tired of it.
If you look at the star log, it becomes evident that this room tends to be a lot about offtopic stuff (not majorly, but it's there anyway)
It's also possible that it's due to the chat population increasing dramatically and the average age of participants decreasing significantly. I think it's natural for new, chatty members to goof off (like I once was and once did). With a larger chat population though, I think it becomes more likely that the goofiness will essentially reinforce itself (kinda like an echo chamber) and lead to whole hours of fluffy, low-calorie conversation.
@DestructibleWatermelon I've actually started to use my stars more on things that are interesting/on-topic, because I like seeing interesting stuff due to the stars of others.
Should I make a challenge?
@MatthewRoh Yes
Yes^Yes (Yes>2)
It's called : How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
its a kolmogrov-complexity one
how many lines do you have t print?
@MatthewRoh Doing the tongue twister, eh?
Yes, but just letting programming languages do it.
A woodchuck would chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as much wood as it could chuck
@MatthewRoh Sandbox it to make sure that no one else considers it a duplicate of the many challenges we have.
but I haven't seen one yet
also it's how much wood *would* a wood chuck chuck
How much wood would a chuck norriss chuck
Chuck norris would chuck a forest
@Optimizer All the wood on all the planets around all the stars in all the universes. And then one more.
I need to learn video editing
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
@DestructibleWatermelon It's would/could. see THIS.
^^ Idea for tongue twister kolmogorov complexity
I don't think tongue twisters apply to code.
@zyabin101 Oooh, that has a good amount of repetition. Sandbox it.
Oh darn. the sandbox is laggy.
what will happen? you will stubmle and swithc characters?
pickled peppers?
All the coolest SE sites have a special icon. We need a cool icon too
This document is a stubmarine. please edit more to help us.
@DestructibleWatermelon We'll get it only within the design.
Which will come in 6-8 months...
;_; y SE structuring do this
@El'endiaStarman I'd add that if your messages (@TùxCräftîñg and @DestructibleWatermelon) are trashed often by different mods, it means you often cross the line between chatty and spammy
So instead of complaining, just try to refrain your pulses to output 15 messages/minute :p
It happened one other time to me
I probably should learn to put all my messages on one line
@DestructibleWatermelon I often use 2/3 messages too, that's not the problem here
Problem comes when 50+ images of pokemon mixing are posted within minutes, when the chat is full of "trololol caret caret caret that !" and things
I'm not targeting you specifically, but that's what I saw sometimes, and what forced users to react
well this was a fun way to return from dinner
(Also, on an other note, I'm not bothered by constant spamming, I'm kinda used to that. But I can understand why some users hate it)
@Quill 19B has changed, we're now a chat focused on the study of people on the internet
Yeah man, TNB is all an elaborate scheme by the overlords (lead by Doorknob) to keep us content while they outgolf our answers
@Quill Doorknob? Why not Zoidberg Dennis?
@Quill Hum, that would mean the true mastermind would be Dennis!
@El'endiaStarman Doorknob's just too good, something's fishy
hi coding gurus.. I normally code in python but need to process lots of data now. This is fine time wise.. the problem is the insane space usage of Python. Each int is 24 bytes! Anyone know a nice memory efficient dict for python or can recommend a better python-like language?
Is the answer Julia?
@Lembik Hum, I think the answer depends on what size of int you need
yesterday, by LegionMammal978
@TùxCräftîñg yep, restarting it only requires rudimentary understanding of advanced electromechanical engineering (+1000 internet pts. it you get the reference)
^ I'm raising that bounty to 100,000 internet points - yes you heard that right - 100,000 internet points, plus a guaranteed answer from me on your next question.
@LegionMammal978 EXEMPT, EXEMPT, EXEMPT!!!
@Katenkyo well somewhere between 32 bits and 24 bytes would be a good start :)
@Quill Wait a minute. WE all know who hatches elaborate schemes
@Katenkyo I want to be able to look up an IP address and get the associated data
@Lembik Doesn't python have a short or a char type which is only 8bit long?
@Lembik Is it not possible for you to process the data in smaller chunks (or a stream) and use aggregators?
@Katenkyo apparently not.
@El'endiaStarman yes that might work.
@DestructibleWatermelon And you say by that that Doorknob is spy?
@zyabin101 ... where are you going with this?
idk where o_o
@El'endiaStarman but the space usage is tricky.. the string "a" uses 38 bytes
@DestructibleWatermelon I don't think I'm ever going to see the keyhole as not being a mouth ever again
@Lembik Also, I'd say Lua can do this easily as an integer is 4 bytes (which is what you need for a full IP adress), but it may be hard to rewrite everything in it
@Katenkyo ah.. lua. Very interesting idea
any experience with Julia?
@Lembik idk, I just learned how to C/C++
@Lembik Not at all, I'm only "good" at C, Java and Lua ^^'
@LegionMammal978 that would probably be most useful :)
...man, doorknobs would be perfect spies. If they could communicate telepathically, that is.
@Katenkyo I suspect you can't call scikit learn (the library) from lua sadly
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

zyabin101Peter Piper and the Peck of Pickled Peppers tags: code-golf kolmogorov-complexity Without an introduction, output the following tongue twister: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's...

@Lembik Today's computers have tons of memory and CPU that often goes to waste. 38 bytes is like a drop in the ocean. So, what is it exactly that you're doing where you have to handle an ocean of bytes?
@Lembik but you have torch
@NewSandboxedPosts Oh man Bash would be great at that
Lua is popular for machine learning if that's what you're wanting to do
@El'endiaStarman I want to associate data with 100s of millions of IP addresses. The easiest way programmatically is to make a dict in python
@Katenkyo interesting!
(mostly because it doesn't take lots of place and is close to C in terms of speed)
@Katenkyo it is indeed!
but machine learning is all about the libraries that are available
neoscript> 10 + 20 + 30
[ { id: 'Number', value: '10', line: 1, column: 1 },
  { id: 'Operator', value: '+', line: 1, column: 4 },
  { id: 'Number', value: '20', line: 1, column: 6 },
  { id: 'Operator', value: '+', line: 1, column: 9 },
  { id: 'Number', value: '30', line: 1, column: 11 },
  { id: 'EOF', line: 1, column: 13 } ]
[ { id: 'BinaryOperator',
    op: '+',
    left: { id: 'Number', value: 10, line: 1, column: 1 },
     { id: 'BinaryOperator',
       op: '+',
       left: [Object],
@Lembik Hmm. You may want to store data in one or more files.
@El'endiaStarman It would fit all in RAM if I were using C for example
@El'endiaStarman you can take a Python dict, run it through cPickle, and store it in a file, easy to serialize. Good stuff, cPickle.
I love pickle :)
the problem is that it is often incompatible between python versions!
@Katenkyo torch is focussed on deep learning, right?
@Katenkyo I wonder what people use to do all the other processing needed
@Lembik I'd say yes, never used it myself ^^'
> The first brainfuck answer will get this bounty!
Maybe the shortest BF answer?
Also, that might include Sesos, also, what to do if no answer is in BF by the end of the bounty?
> Looking for an answer drawing from credible and/or official sources.
I suppose the other python-line language is nim
or maybe this can all be done in cython?
Neoscript REPL
neoscript> 1+2*3
[ { id: 'Number', value: '1', line: 1, column: 1 },
  { id: 'Operator', value: '+', line: 1, column: 2 },
  { id: 'Number', value: '2', line: 1, column: 3 },
  { id: 'Operator', value: '*', line: 1, column: 4 },
  { id: 'Number', value: '3', line: 1, column: 5 },
  { id: 'EOF', line: 1, column: 6 } ]
[ { id: 'BinaryOperator',
    op: '+',
    left: { id: 'Number', value: 1, line: 1, column: 1 },
     { id: 'BinaryOperator',
       op: '*',
borked the precedence parser :/
hi Duckman
@TùxCräftîñg Where can I find neoscript?
@DestructibleWatermelon github.com/tuxcrafting/neoscript
i havent pushed the parser yet
just parse term separated by any operator, build an array, and work out of that
no one ever codes in cython on ppcg :(
you called it new script ಠ_ಠ
pushed the parser
@TùxCräftîñg updooted your golisp post
Hey, just a quick question, how does this work? imgur.com/a/5ooOq
what arguments does it need?
I tried with +F[1 2 3 which outputs 6
But when i enter hFcz it throws an error
shouldn't it take first letter of each word in the input box and output it as string?
Just realised that most of my knowledge in Lua come from fiddling around with code for PPCG, and one things leading to an other, it made me able to do production code in it :°
@Katenkyo All of my Lua knowledge came from Minecraft
@Rainbolt If being exact, the OpenComputers mod? ;)
or ComputerCraft
I think I was programming Turtles in ComputerCraft
one day i have created a wireless exploration turtle
@Rainbolt ComputerCraft launched me on Lua :D
@Rainbolt I actually was using Computers with wireless pack to transmit info from my fuel stock/engines/battery to a single computer which displayed gauge on a computer
You also could shut down some engines/machines from that monitor (touchscreen)
I think I only ever did turtles from that mod
@Rainbolt That mod really shines when you're using lots of mods, if you only had ComputerCraft, it's understandable ^^
I was playing Direwolf and I wanted something to dig out the inside of a mountain, but not break the outside
I was personnaly using modpacks like Infinity
I played Infinity last time. It seemed about the same as Direwolf
@Rainbolt A filler would have done the job ^^
@Rainbolt Mostly the same things, just much more machinery and mods to play with, also it is up to date :p
@Katenkyo Will the filler leave the outside of the mountain intact?
@Rainbolt You set the zone it mines with landmarks, so yes
If you set up a cube delimited by landmark, it will only work within that cube
If you're still interested in this type of modpacks, just tell me and I'll call you next time I set up a serv with some friends of mine :)
@Rainbolt Haha, all of my Lua experience comes from the baldur's gate develope console
found this neat computercraft emulator if anyone is interested
That was back before Lua was cool
How do I report a bug in windows 10?
Have you Googled "How to report a bug in windows 10"?
It went into an infinite loop when I ejected a bitlocker enabled device
It's actually impossible to report bugs in Windows 10
They will come to your house and break down your door if you try too hard
@SuperJedi224 come back to chat, we're missing you.
@Rainbolt XD jokes apart.. windows 10 is now the highest feedback driven OS due to the Insiders program..
ChatMiniSurvey: What is your favourite code-golf submission (not necessarily your own) written in a classical non-golf/eso language?
a friendly reminder... Windows 10 update is gonna cost 100+ USD starting Saturday.. Free upgrade to windows 10 stops this Friday.
@Optimizer If they only stop bothering me with their update request spam...
A: Sprocket Science: Animating a Chain Drive System

TFeldC# 3566 bytes Not golfed at all, but works (I think) Ungolfed in edit history. Uses Magick.NET to render gif. class S{public float x,y,r;public bool c;public double i,o,a=0,l=0;public S(float X,float Y,float R){x=X;y=Y;r=R;}}class P{List<S>q=new List<S>();float x=float.MaxValue,X=float.MinVal...

@flawr you say that now but pretty sure you are going to upgrade to windows 10 within next year.. cracked or paid..
and seriously.. you could not google "how to remove get windows 10 app" ?
@flawr That's tough because all of xnor's Python golfs are masterpieces
I did some tinkering and managed to disable the popup, but every now and then when I restart from energy-saving mode I still get the errormessage GWXUX stopped working
@Optimizer I'm sure it is, but you can say whatever you want to someone who hasn't Googled anything
umm.. as if I am your ISP who has blocked google.
@Optimizer google is evil
That has only happened to me twice in the last two years, and rebooting my machine solved the problem both times
I think it's a perfectly forgivable mistake. After all the 19B's little message window looks a lot like the Google search bar
are you from this earth?
Who, me?
oh.. we better stop talking about google/windows before stuff gets moved to trashcan..
help, on a fake fs should listing the contents of a directory show links as the type of the link target or as a link type
Former if it's a hard link, latter if it's symbolic
Should I allow listing subdirectories of a linked directory?
Well yeah
Or should I just expect anyone that uses it that they know to redirect
Just googled myself and my little GitHub thing says x repositories written in JavaScript, Ruby and Python. Wtf?
What the puppy?!
I guess Ruby comes from my fork of QPixel
@quartata Because one of your repos too heavily uses JavaScript?
but I have no JS repos what
...soever (sorry, that was causing me a small amount of anxiety)
I should probably put some actual good things up on my GH. I wouldn't exactly describe it as a gallery of programming I'm proud of
I've only ever used it for publishing esolang interpreters really
@Rainbolt Are you the type of person that also hates unbalanced parens (parentheses ?
no, he's the type that hates unfinishe
@Rainbolt oh I didn't notice haha
so many Sheldons here :)
I've got a friend IRL who's a programmer and absolutely hates unbalanced parens. With a passion. Like, if I send him a text message that has an open but no close paren, he'll actually go to the effort of sending a text message back containing a close parens before he'll respond in a separate message.
You lost me at "friend IRL"
@TimmyD As someone who just got a smartphone, I now understand how strange that looks to someone that doesn't have one
But if you have a smartphone, sending two texts is basically just pretty the enter key an extra time
which one?
iPhone 6
I believe you can change that setting..
@Optimizer Aww. /comfort
@Rainbolt Ooh I've got something fun for him: ((()()(((())())())
Yeah. My Nokia Lumia Icon shows each message as distinct, if they were sent separately.
Hmm, little too easy...
@quartata ))
@TimmyD I have the same phone, just that its called something else here..
@aditsu I saw that one hehe
math people: I posted a question that turned out to be a bit controversial, feel free to have a go at it
Q: Sum of all natural numbers is 0?

aditsuA fairly well-known (and perplexing) fact is that the sum of all natural numbers is given the value -1/12, at least in certain contexts. Quite often, a "proof" is given which involves abusing divergent and oscillating series, and the numbers seem to fit at the end. (There are also other proofs in...

bah, I can't seem to get windows insider to install
have to wait longer for windows bash
@El'endiaStarman thank you
@NathanMerrill why not go for the real thing?
I like my windows UI
I've tried linux many times over, and I always end up spending too much time tweaking/fixing things
@Doorknob is this you?
Kde is pretty nice, although it still needs some tweaking
haven't tried kde5 yet..
looked it up, it looks pretty :)
kde's style is now very old ... with google's material design ...
Tom Snout is a fictional character in William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. He is a tinker, and one of the "mechanicals" of Athens, amateur players in Pyramus and Thisbe, a play within the play. In the play-within-a-play, Tom Snout plays the wall which separates Pyramus' and Thisbe's gardens. In Pyramus and Thisbe, the two lovers whisper to each other through Snout's fingers (representing a chink in the wall). Snout has eight lines under the name of Tom Snout, and two lines as The Wall. He is the Wall for Act V-Scene 1. Tom Snout was originally set to play Pyramus's father, but the need...
Reminds me of that
Kde has many styles
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I don't get american "middle school plays", in every movie where there is such a play the have children playing inanimate objectes. But why??
@aditsu Also, don't forget that most games aren't playable under UNIX, and that may be a big point for Windows when it comes to OS
anyone can tell me when someone should accept an answer ?? a month later ?
I think a week is usually fine. Maybe 2
@GLASSIC After a week or two of inactivity
ninja'd :'(
@flawr So that every kid is special, included and talented. You got 8 human roles? Great, let's add 30 objects that also need actors.
@Katenkyo I don't care much about that, but I know others do
@Katenkyo what do you mean by "ninja'd"?
I don't accept answers anymore, in order to increase the perception that you can answer in any language
@GLASSIC you answered right before (like a ninja)
@NathanMerrill I had windows bash (until my computer imploded) and I thought it was very overrated. Just use git bash instead.
I accept answers just to get that sweet, sweet, +2 rep
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ah, really? what what wrong with it?
I currently use git bash, but I often run into problems after displaying fullscreen editors (like vim)
if someone needs bash on windows , just forget about it and install a coreutil port.
@NathanMerrill What was wrong with my computer (when it died) or what was wrong with windows bash?
bash :)
I feel no sympathy for your pile of wires /sarc
;_; Y u... never mind, that joke is overused
I don't use bash anyway :p zsh is nicer
I Thought it was a lot of work to install for very little reward. It wasn't bad it just wasn't awesome. The windows UI changed quite a bit too, since bash wasn't the only update.
@GLASSIC nah, for commands it works great. The only issue I have is when I git commit without a message (and it opens up an editor)
Also, git bash runs directly in whatever directory you open it from, but windows bash mounts a pseudo Unix file system.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ah. By work, are you referring to the process of getting windows to update to that build, or getting it to work (once you were on the right windows build)?
The first.
Idk, it wasn't terrible, but I'm not going to the trouble of installing it again.
yeah, I ran into that as well
so, I'll just wait
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan er, I always have git bash start at root. I'm guessing I can still cd to all of my windows directories, right?
PowerShell is best shell. :p
@NathanMerrill true, but you can select "open git bash here" from a right click.
maybe for windoze
@NathanMerrill on winbash, you can navigate to your C:/ drive, but it's through a mount point.
@aditsu Windows is best -dows. It's got "Win" in the name, even.
/cygdrive/c/.. oh wait, that's cygwin :)
I'm not sure what that means. I'm guess that I start in some hidden directory that is reserved for linux-y stuff?
can someone help me find the major changes between jdbc's mssql driver v3 and v4
Well, I didn't use it a whole ton, but iirc your c drive is under /mnt/c. I don't know where your linux root is on the windows side though.
that sounds like they are fake-mounting a filepath (which sounds like a massive set of bugs waiting to happen)
Windows Bash in general sounds really hacky and inelegant. I don't understand why they don't just bring back XP's POSIX compatibility layer and build a regular version of bash linked to that.
I use MinGW
Woah. Xp had a posix compatible layer?
Yea. There were three interfaces to the underlying kernel stuff: Win32, POSIX and OS/2.
It wasn't fully POSIX compliant but pretty close.
woah, did it get removed?
I don't really do much dev on windows. When I'm coding I'll usually boot up a Vm. That works well for me since this is my first computer that could actually effortlessly handle a Vm.
wikipedia suggests that it was actually removed in xp
@quartata Really? From my reading, it sounded like a pretty nicely laid out system.
@aditsu Ah. I figured it was sometime around then
@TimmyD It feels more like having an emulator than actually having bash on your machine
Well, there's going to be some obfuscation and emulation - it's translating between two very different types of kernel architectures. The fact that it's running pico processes and has a lot of kernel-mode support, as opposed to the old-style POSIX implementation which was 99% user-mode, gives it a big advantage over the old-style.
Not least of which is you don't need to recompile the ELF64 binaries - they run natively.
@El'endiaStarman What, do you think I can't?
any recommendations for a simple javascript image slider? jquery-based is fine
so far I found this: codepen.io/zuraizm/pen/vGDHl
your google skills are pretty lacking..
I thought slider meant horizontal dragging (sliding), but when I Googled it all I get are slideshows with buttons to move left and right
The image is sliding!
sometimes the sliding speed is in nano-seconds
Here's a smoother slider: smoothdivscroll.com/demo.html
It isn't drag and drop though
@Rainbolt yes that's what I'm looking for
Here is where I got that from: smoothdivscroll.com
i think there were many like that in the link i gave.. I guess you were too lazy ? ;)
@Rainbolt who would've guessed!
@Optimizer "What you were looking for is in my list of search results. Therefore, you are lazy." is a non sequitur.
@Rainbolt From the same creators of smoothtouchscroll.com? ;) /cc @aditsu
@zyabin101 Something on that page must be broken for me. When I drag the image on the page, it freaks out and flips through images really fast.
@Rainbolt yeah... could be "bad google skills" too
@Rainbolt is just iphone 6
I'm not on my iphone
I was going to go get some SO rep but all the questions on the front page are jQuery questions
not enough JQuery!
@Optimizer I didn't spend much time searching; also I was mainly asking for recommendations (based on experience)
@Rainbolt that has a different kind of UI
I'll probably go with my find then
Is there a way to limit the questions that appear on the front page to only those from certain tags?
Or a page of only questions with your favorite tags?
is it possible to ask programming questions ? my friend (Google) can't give me a good answer.
@quartata I believe you can do both, you should see a "set preferred tags" option on your profile, which should let you white/black list tags.
@GLASSIC It is possible to ask programming questions, see Stack Overflow.

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