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What the pichu*
Oh, I guess that's because the workspace is private maybe
Q: Output a Magical 8 Trapezium

rybo111Your task is to output a Magical 8 Trapezium: 1 × 8 + 1 = 9 12 × 8 + 2 = 98 123 × 8 + 3 = 987 1234 × 8 + 4 = 9876 12345 × 8 + 5 = 98765 123456 × 8 + 6 = 987654 1234567 × 8 + 7 = 9876543 12345678 × 8 + 8 = 98765432 123456789 × 8 + 9 = 987654321 Output in you...

@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Hello!
on a car heading to a camping trip
I'm enjoying this internet
In a car?!? :-O
personal hotspot
I have 1.5 k rep on SO
last week I had 650 rep last week
Docs? :P
docs are so awesome for rep
@Optimizer duh, thanks :D
so, what's going on, martin?
not very much stuff going on in TNB
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I need to contribute to those.
@wizzwizz4 I added two sentences and normalized the formatting on the two most popular articles in python
docs are basically half of PPCG
Let's ask and answer lots of questions about esolangs. Then they'll be available to add to docs, then PROFIT!
then I latched on to the most popular article in java
docs rep goes to SO ?
Who wants to start Pyth tag in SO docs?
Pyth is not active enough
@Optimizer docs rep = SO rep
what about osabiei
yeah I just wake up with +200 rep every morning :\
@wizzwizz4 Then no one would commit to them, or they would be closed, or they won't be regularly updated, or...
@MartinEnder no need of s doe Se[
oh, true
so much rep for bounties
+500 bounty every three days!
I'm #21 on the week leaderboard!
@ven Ninja'd...
Well, I was going to edit it myself, but SO doesn't let you edit without changing >=6 chars.
@zyabin101 I would.
@MartinEnder Have any golfing suggestions for my answer to your detriplication challenge?
(also, no comments on the question, congrats on being clear!)
@LegionMammal978 I tried getting rid of the {} with ##&@@@{##} instead of Append, but then inputs with a single character don't work
Also, fun fact: The music video for "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up" has exactly 5,301 frames
very fun fact.
No spam allowed.
22 bytes behind CJam, 20 behind Pyth, and beating Retina by 8? I'll take that. :D
@wizzwizz4 you just said the word spam
someobdy make a pyth tag on SO
Don't use flags as jokes. They're visible to every 10k user on the entire network.
in 42 days I'll reach 10k rep
if everyday I get +200 rep
which I'm getting
Q: Where can I find a complete Objective LOLCODE spec?

OldBunny2800On the Esolangs page for the language, it provides some information, but not nearly enough, such as CLECTUN operations which it implies exist. A quick Google search brings me very few (read: none) results relevant to Objective LOLCODE. Are there any complete specifications for Objective LOLCODE?

What's a good pyth question to ask?
Interestng fun fact: You can play the music video for "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up" backwards and it doesn't look much different
random political activism question: how would I go about petitioning for a non-first-past-the-post voting system at any level of government (USA)?
@PhiNotPi Step 1: get rich ('cuz that's how the U.S. works)
If you want to experiment, go to the Sandbox.
Thanks, @ArtOfCode.
No worries :)
I totally missed whatever those messages were. Anyways, I'm trying to see if I could actually advocate for a ranked voting system. It's one of those issues that I think is really important, but which has ~0 visibility.
there's a game about getting a penguin to space
@PhiNotPi When you find out, let me know!
with a nuclear weapon stolen from the russians
now on steam greenlight :P
@PhiNotPi You can always force a White House response by collecting signatures at petitions.whitehouse.gov. But that wouldn't do much anyway (I guess).
@PhiNotPi You might try asking the The Center for Election Science what their advice/strategy is (they advocate for approval voting and also range voting (as an even-more-wishful-thinking goal))
@apsillers I don't think I've heard of either of these. I can guess approval voting is just selecting multiple candidates that you would like to have in office, but I'm not sure what range voting is.
Range voting is when you assign candidates a score on some scale, and then the candidate with the highest median score (or some other method) wins.
@El'endiaStarman Is also called "score voting" -- you score candidates on a range, e.g., 1 - 100
Yeah, that'll probably never happen. :P
Approval voting is technically a special case of range voting, where the range is 0 - 1
Approval voting is simple: checking a candidates name means approval, leaving it blank means disapproval, so the candidate with the highest approval rating wins.
Approval voting can be viewed at either range voting with two score options, or ranked voting with two ranks. I personally prefer a ranked voting system, because range voting leads to a "loudest voice wins" effect (the optimal strategy is to put some candidates at 100% and others at 0%, anybody who's trying to be "reasonable" throws away their own voting power).
@El'endiaStarman Maybe I should make a website?
@PhiNotPi You could. I tend to be pretty un-activist though, so...
Approval voting, I think, has by far the best ratio of "goodness of system" to "ease of learning to use correctly"
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC I've been playing that game for about 2 hours.
Range voting has the lowest "bayesian regret" (a mathematically model of voter dissatisfaction) but as PhiNotPi points out, it's not intuitive that you shouldn't vote nonzero unless some part of you really wants that candidate to win
I suspect this point in American politics has people at their highest potential for interest in voting systems that minimize vote-splitting a party apart
@apsillers Most people are at their highest potential for caring whether the world America is run by Donald Trump.
Changing the voting system in the US is not an easy thing to do, because, in no particular order, it'll take a Constitutional Amendment to affect the Presidential race, it'll require a complete reorganization of the national Electoral College system (and the money associated with that), and it'll require an active voter base (we seem to hover around 50% to 55% turnout for Presidential elections, and around 40% for midterm elections).
Heck, the 2014 election had the lowest turnout since World War II.
It won't actually take a constitutional amendment... this is something that a single state can do to decide how to assign its electors.
Yeah, we can leave the electoral college in-place as it is now -- what system citizens use to vote and whether/how state electors participate in an electoral college are two orthogonal issues. I don't know enough about constitutional law to know whether plurality voting is specified at the federal or state level
Ah, I see. There are two states that do proportional electoral college candidates, while the other 48 do winner-take-all. It wouldn't be (as) hard to get individual states to change their metric away from the winner-take-all approach, but it could radically change how elections are handled.
The voting of the electoral college members themselves is specified in Amendment 12 to be plurality-based.
I've almost certainly mentioned maximize affirmed majorities several times before. I think it's the best of the ranked systems, being a very slight refinement on the ranked pairs method.
chat is dade
@Optimizer If I see teenagers using "dade" in two years, I know exactly whom to blame.
Hah, just walked past the training center and overheard the instructor using FizzBuzz as an example program for introducing new developers to the version control system we use here.
chat is no longer dade
Q: brute force my code lock

CephalopodThe code lock for my garage has 5 buttons, labeled "1 2", "3 4", "5 6", "7 8", and "9 0". To open the garage door, you have to enter the correct 4-digit PIN. As you can see, every button represents two numbers. Thus some PINs, like "1357" and "2367", are essentially identical because they requir...

I'm trying to remember what the string that contains all permutations of another string is called. Like "ab" -> "aabb" which contains all of "aa", "ab", "bb" and "ba" if viewed cyclically.
In combinatorial mathematics, a De Bruijn sequence of order n on a size-k alphabet A is a cyclic sequence in which every possible length-n string on A occurs exactly once as a substring (i.e., as a contiguous subsequence). Such a sequence is denoted by B(k, n) and has length kn, which is also the number of distinct substrings of length n on A; de Bruijn sequences are therefore optimally short. There are ( k ! ) ...
Thanks :)
@PhiNotPi These things are so cool.
Q: Make a program with unknown halting status

TLWThis one is fairly simple: write the shortest program or function you can where, given "enough" space and time, it is unknown as to if it ever returns to a previously-visited state (in other words, if it loops or halts). Your program must take no input - this includes standard input, as well as ...

I'm still waiting for this to disappear #_#
♫ Si-i-lent Nine, Ho-o-ly Byte
All is calm, At the Site ♫
♫ 'Round yon challenge, User and Mod
All the night, golfing their cod ♫
I love smacking fish with clubs through the night, it's very satisfying.
It rhymed, okay :P
@FryAmTheEggman Better than the other kind of cod.
I had to Google other definitions of cod to find the other kind... >_< Needless to say I agree :P
"It's a fucking fish. " ?
Where's the thing that has all the different code pages in one place?
^^ Do you mean the APL code pages?
I forget who but someone made a github that has all the code pages on it. VtC maybe?
Yes, that's it
Thanks @El'endiaStarman
@Mego I found a bug in your Code Page Keyboard... if you backspace the output box instead of clicking "Clear", then it no longer populates the box upon clicking on a codepoint.
@ArtOfCode something smells fishy...
$ node src/neoscript.js
        ["String", (tok) => {id: "String", value: tok.value.slice(1, tok.value.length - 2)}],
SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
    at Object.exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:76:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:513:28)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3)
oh wait >_>
js think it's a code block
You know what's a really neat feeling? Thinking "Hmm, I don't see any way to golf that more." then coming back an hour or so later and going "Duh, what if I do XYZ?" and shaving a bunch of bytes off.
TIL always check if vim is in insert mode
@TùxCräftîñg otherwise you cock things up. Yep :)
@ArtOfCode Once I was trying to enter a large number, but forgot to enter insert mode... You can imagine how that went...
mmm, fun
Hayballs for the win!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

muddyfishCould it all add up to nothing? Given an input number, return a truthy value if it is possible to arrange permutations of + and - signs to make the sum of the range up to that value 0. Note that you don't have to output which set of combinations is truthy. Test cases: 1 (1) --> Falsy 2 (1,2) -->

Could people check if that's a duplicate? I feel like it probably is?
Merge branch 'develop' of github.com/cheddar-lang/Cheddar into develop
what does that even mean ._.
@Downgoat it merged the commits in the remote branch into your local copy
Ever want to look like you're doing something important? scp a big directory. Takes ages.
When I want to look like I'm doing something important (to people who don't know jack about computers) I do ls -Ra /
I just write hello, world in python :P
Well that's boring.
Bonus points for green text on a black terminal.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ;_; y u do dis
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan pls giv bonus points
How about looking busy by actually being busy
sounds like a solid strategy to me at least
@Downgoat Wow, your sure look busy. You get grapes:
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan thx.
Wait a second, do goats eat grapes?
yes of course
why would they not
Grapes are poisonous to goats
* only seedless grapes though
Hm, I'm pretty sure they were.
@quartata i am a goat I can confirm they are perfe—
Grape leaves are most definitely poisonous. Not sure about the fruit
Well, guess we'll have to find out won't we ;)
I've got some nice green seedless grapes around here somewhere...
Avocados are also poisonous to goats
So I'm not sure where your avocado fetish comes from
@quartata not all avocados. avocado leaves and trees are
@Downgoat Avocados are poisonous to near everything. Humans are a weird exception.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That's like one line
@TùxCräftîñg enclose function body and not arguments in parentheses
> Additional Common Names: Alligator Pear
@Downgoat wat
@quartata that;s talking aobut the avocado leaves i believe
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ it confuses most of my friends :P
> Toxic to horses, cattle, goats, and birds. Avocado leaves, fruit, seeds and bark may contain a toxic principle known as persin.
> fruit
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ but how
> The modern English name is not etymologically related to the similar-sounding Spanish word abogado, meaning 'lawyer' (as in advocate), but comes through an English rendering of the Spanish aguacate as avogato. The earliest known written use in English is attested from 1697 as "avogato pear", a term which was later corrupted as "alligator pear".
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Isn't it just print("Hello, world!")?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm so sorry.
1 min ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ it confuses most of my friends :P
@quartata there's a reason I spend too much time here :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how do they get confused it's so simple
Jun 17 at 22:50, by Upgoat
ಠ_ಠ avocad meme is very old
The goal isn't to confuse, it's to impress.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ahem obfuscation
@Downgoat this is coming from the person who names their meta-syntactic variables avocad
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no
@quartata what???
You need to show your prowess or something
A metasyntactic variable is a placeholder name used in computer science, a word without meaning intended to be substituted by some objects pertaining to the context where it is used. The word foo as used in IETF Requests for Comments is a good example. By mathematical analogy, a metasyntactic variable is a word that is a variable for other words, just as in algebra letters are used as variables for numbers. Any symbol or word which does not violate the syntactic rules of the language can be used as a metasyntactic variable. For specifications written in natural language, nonsense words are commonly...
write tons of unit tests, and have language files
I've seen your unit tests
Asynchronously juicing an avocado is so 6 months ago
@quartata i know what metasyntatic variables are
Downgoat has unit tests?!
@quartata source pls
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Yes, he's a real big stickler for them
May 17 at 0:36, by Downgoat
import {sleep} from 'sleep';

async function juic(froot) {
    await sleep(30 * 60 * 1000);
    return `tried fo thirtee minut an no ${froot} juic`

that was months ago
Q: Challenge about advacado

quartataInspired by this. No avocados were harmed in the making of this challenge. Hello I have challenge I need help juic an avocado so I need program to tell me how long to juic avocad for Observe this ASCII art avocado: ###### # # # #### # # # p# # ## #### # # # ###...

oh hey look that's you
My metasyntastic variables are all named "Billy".
That was back when it was funny
Also I regret it every single day with every single breath I take
Wat how is this iPad still on 100%
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I actually just use e usually.
OK, that was also in May
> 3 months ago
But that's close enough. One doesn't purge such a toxic meme in 2 months
@quartata wow that's a lot of regret
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ I'm not joking either
@quartata why don't you reword it then?
@Downgoat Far too late for that
Uh, edit history?
just replace avocado with some other pitted fruit
@quartata ask a mod nicely to purge history
Oh sure, juice a nectarine. pls
Thirtee minut to laet
@Downgoat way too much effort
They wouldn't do it, at any rate.
#downgoat2017 would do it
or maybe not idk
There's no guarantee there will be an election in 2017.
Or any year for that matter.
ik it was joke
> Well my goties love the avocados. I gave them 2 between the four of them, but little Chops wasn't that interested, so I suppose it was 2 between 3. They just loved them.

Over the last day or two they have had them twice and no ill effects.
> goties

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