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dont dance dont dance
it's perfect for you, @TùxCräftîñg
is vim TC?
because the number of macros is limited
@TùxCräftîñg It is
@TùxCräftîñg macros = vim functions, I think
you can execute as many actions as you want
recursive macros is the only way to loop
so "loops" with a high nest level are tricky/impossible
wtf this username
@TùxCräftîñg four asm instructions: xor eax eax eax
eax is a register, not a instruction, and xor take only 2 operands AFAIK
@TùxCräftîñg It's a single instruction, in the format instruction operand1 operand2 result
@Mego eax imply x86 assembly, and AFAIK xor take only 2 operands
In C-like notation, it's equivalent to eax = eax ^ eax, which is a fancy ASM way of saying eax = 0, without needing to load a 0 and store it.
@TùxCräftîñg x86 ASM isn't the only assembly language to use eax
@TùxCräftîñg It's just a pun of the very common clean and reuse of EAX.
@Mego so what other architecture use it?
@TùxCräftîñg x64 uses it to refer to the lower 32 bits of rax (iirc)
i know >_>
@TùxCräftîñg Not necessarily architecture - lots of assemblers assemble x86 machine code, and some support shortcuts/macros (like xor eax ebx ecx instead of mov edx ebx; xor ebx eax; mov ecx ebx; mov ebx edx;)
@TùxCräftîñg he uses that as a first pass to make every single program have the exact same instruction stream
but how a program using only movs can branch ಠ_ಠ
modifying CS
> Arithmetic, comparisons, jumps, function calls, and everything else a program needs are all performed through mov operations; there is no self-modifying code, no transport-triggered calculation, and no other form of non-mov cheating.
AHAH, got you freaking cron job!
One of our cron jobs deleted half of our database this night u_u
@Katenkyo how did you/are you gonna fix the database
@Katenkyo cron is evil
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ the backup was done just before the cron job did its task, so I've backed up the database, and relaunched the cron jobs I knew were safe
Now just have to fix this one, and I'll put it back in prod
@TùxCräftîñg Yeah, really evil when coded without thinking of edge cases...
(btw, I don't get what they're trying to do with this cron, and nobody can tell me... I'll have some fun \o/)
so you have destroyed the database
@TùxCräftîñg I didn't, I'm not the one who wrote the cron job
My job here is to fix the mess guys before me wrote ^^
@TùxCräftîñg Trust me, it's cool for a sysadmin to have this type of gig
Nobody's here to blame you as you're only fixing things
When things go down, for once, you aren't the one blamed ^^'
@TùxCräftîñg I actually have yet to get that to build successfully on any of my systems
I suspect there was a commit to lcc that broke the build
$ node src/neoscript.js
neoscript> -
[ { id: '-', value: '-', line: 1, column: 1 } ]
neoscript> \
Syntax error at line 1: \
neoscript> ''
Syntax error at line 1: '
neoscript> "Hello"
Syntax error at line 1: "
neoscript> "Hello"
neoscript> "Hello, World!"
[ { id: 'String', value: '"Hello, World!"', line: 1, column: 1 } ]

neoscript> "Hello"
[ { id: 'String', value: '"Hello"', line: 1, column: 1 } ]
neoscript> "i see ?"
[ { id: 'String', value: '"i see ?"', line: 1, column: 1 } ]
neoscript> ^C
even ^Z dont work DDD:::::
i have killed the process \o/
the battery of my laptop is at 20% /o\
Just catched an Eevee without going out
$ tree
bash: tree: command not found
I should really make this interpreter, but... ehhhh
i see ಠ_ಠ
@DestructibleWatermelon what's the problem?
I feel sluggish about the task
1 hour ago, by Destructible Watermelon
user image
@Fatalize Tons of Eevees spawn in my apartment complex. It's pretty nice.
change your icon to that, @TùxCräftîñg
@DestructibleWatermelon no
@TùxCräftîñg ಠ_ಠ
Didn't think it would be this adicting to catch Ratatas I have to say
> Eevee (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia.
mojibake wow
why did my duck typing spy become a duck typing pirate?
TIL never try to automate git add --all && git commit && git push origin master
cheddar have concurrence now
@LegionMammal978 your invisibility field have restarted?
We still know you are spy...
<s>Time to make this interpreter</s>
where are the specs?
@DestructibleWatermelon ---Time to make this interpreter--- ==> Time to make this interpreter
@DestructibleWatermelon ---44---
@TùxCräftîñg yep, restarting it only requires rudimentary understanding of advanced electromechanical engineering (+1000 internet pts. it you get the reference)
i dont get the reference :(
Specs are at the place here
@TùxCräftîñg Ah, you could earn 1000 internet points. :/
@LegionMammal978 Even Google doesn't get the reference
@Mego It does
duckduckgo dont :/
@Mego Got this from a google search
@LegionMammal978 that's not how invisibility fields work
Yeah I was just searching for "advanced electromechanical engineering"
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ I don't know what you're saying, we've been doing it like this for generations
@Mego yeah, I searched rudimentary understanding of advanced electromechanical engineering
@Mego do you even understand how search engines work ಠ_ಠ
@DestructibleWatermelon mutiline messages dont work with markdown
@MartinEnder Instead of =(^=|~) I believe you could use !\=
Let's stop the noise, guys.
Why does it always seem to be you three that spam the chat with meaningless, annoying messages?
@Quill 1) eleven the spam? 2) you changed avatar? :O
@zyabin101 Quill updates his avatar pretty often
@DestructibleWatermelon two byte NOT: !<
i try to get around to it whenever i don't loathe my identity
13 messages moved to Trash
@Quill thanks. :3
@Quill Thanks friend
@zyabin101 1 bytes NOT !
@Mego No worries
Btw I opened up another issue on PopcornSE :P
@DestructibleWatermelon o_o You don't need the < under certain circumstances?
[popcorn.se] doesn't seem to exist. >_>
yup: I actually need to edit the spec about that a bit
@Quill have you tried an IdentityT monad transformer?
@zyabin101 the pointer is by default at the first stack starting with a ? or the first non empty stack
But cool joke.
(if it exists, the first stack with ? is the starting point, but ! is not included (nor : and "))
(I need to change that)
@ven you joke, but I don't even understand generics... ;-;
@Quill wat
but you use C#
Generics aren't a part of basic CRUD apps ;-;
generics are like a fundamental part of C#
there's like four generics in our whole prod app, and they're all like 15 layers abstracted away
@Quill those are some very specific numbers
yeah.... my C# is pretty limited
I'm doing a few new languages this semester actually.... Java, C++, Haskell, Oracle SQL
maybe I'll learn Java generics
@Quill why so many
Java generics are great until you realize that they're compile-time constructs and don't actually exist in the bytecode
I nearly forgot UML
And then you get to curse the demon that is backwards compatibility
Yep, all new features in Java have to be a thin coat of syntactic sugar.
We're supposed to learn FP and OOP (which explains the first three) and then I'm also taking a data structures class that's for the least common and most expensive SQL dialect
That is not what I thought "data structures" was about.
It's more toward databases than data structures... but hey, like I'd know anything about anything
One of the professor actually suggested using using namespace std; ;-;
Should I add ASCII IO to Eseljik?
@Quill why not?
@Quill s/se/sing/
@DestructibleWatermelon obligatory to be a programming language in PPCG terms
@TùxCräftîñg it isn't
AFAIK a program must can output "Hello, World!"
Q: Why is "using namespace std" in C++ considered bad practice?

akbiggsI've been told by others on numerous occasions that my teacher's advice of exercising using namespace std in code was wrong. Hence, we should use std::cout and std::cin. Why is using namespace std considered bad practice? Is it really that inefficient or risk declaring ambiguous variables (vari...

Well, either way, @TùxCräftîñg still has a point: I can't do many challenges without ascii io anyway._.
@TùxCräftîñg Not quite...
If we're going by the can-add and can-determine-primality definition
uh eseljik cant add
Idea: Input to the program goes like this #(binary input until !)/!(ascii input until # (can escape by \#))
shrugs but I mean, printing HW isn't one of the requirements
well this was a strange bug to track down: askubuntu.com/a/611430
@Dennis Do you think I can golf this?
can alternate: #101!hi#0!!\##001
is valid
@TùxCräftîñg I think eseljik can add, thankyouverymuch ಠ_ಠ
(I haven't gotten around to doing it yet though (no interpreter))
are you sure can variables have multi-letters name?
yes I'm sure
I made the damn spec
ugh this promise to be hard
adding shouldn't be too hard (remember, logic gates are this languages thing)
but a full adder need some logic gates :/
Exactly: Eseljik has logic gates
i mean the number of stack to add 2 numbers is pretty big
2 xor, 2 and and 1 or
I'll get to it after I finish the spec and make interpreter
@DestructibleWatermelon but does it have logic gates for numbers
and lines are stacks, so each character is dropped after being executed?
@TùxCräftîñg yes, until it is reset
@TùxCräftîñg no, you can restart with * or #
goddamn ninjas!
I need to go to foddy.net to unleash my rage
@DestructibleWatermelon ಠ_ಠ
adding ascii io and stuff
(I'll say that if there is anything in a certain variable, nothing is printed, and the bits are converted to ascii and printed)
perhaps to utf-8
but I don't understand utf-8 '~'
the ~ is so useless: why is it even on my keyboard
@DestructibleWatermelon ~ is the bitwise invert operator
maybe some guys were all: "hey look at this "tilde" it looks like a sine wave" "yeah cool add it to ascii"
@TùxCräftîñg as in the char itself
any char could bitwise invert
~ the second wave is the inverse of the first
in Game of Life and Life-like automata, 1 min ago, by zyabin101
Welp, the electric company has shut down the electricity for me.
@electric-company y u do dis ;_;
in Game of Life and Life-like automata, 19 secs ago, by zyabin101
@LegionMammal978 It should be an outage, yup.
should I remove non ascii io?
Idea: interactive ascii io
I think I should maybe remove non-ascii io...
non-ascii io is a good idea for challanges that require truthy of falsy output
> After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
yeah, I was thinking that were it [holder of output] exactly one bit long, it outs that bit
@LegionMammal978 o_o You install a null package?
@zyabin101 It was an upgrade
apt-get install /dev/null
dpkg -i /dev/null
You didn't get even one more byte? And they didn't golf it either? You should demand a refund.
$ tree
bash: tree: command not found
@everyone should I add print to node via VM to make logging easier
$ tree|head
├── 3var-interpreter-master
│   ├── 3var
│   ├── cat.3var
│   ├── cond-cat.3var
│   ├── countdown.3var
│   ├── evenodd.3var
│   ├── hello.3var
│   ├── main.c
│   ├── Makefile
@TùxCräftîñg ^
Works for me
bah so i must create the command tree
but in what language?
Q: Array Escape - get out of there

Michael KunstOne day you awake only to find yourself caught in an array. You try to just walk out of there, taking on index at the time, but it seems there are other rules: The array is completely filled with natural numbers. If you find yourself on an index n, you go the the index array[n], except: If you...

dir /B/S...close enough :P
@feersum i am using bash ಠ_ಠ
@TùxCräftîñg Shell script, 15 bytes: #!/usr/bin/tree
5 mins ago, by TùxCräftîñg
$ tree
bash: tree: command not found
@TùxCräftîñg ik, jk
@TùxCräftîñg OK. cmd /C dir/B/S
$ cmd /C dir/B/S
Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.10586]
(c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

dont seem to work
What's your current directory
@feersum D:/Neoscript
Are there files in it?
or in mingw terms /d/Neoscript
What happens if you do cmd /C echo a?
$ cmd /C echo a
Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.10586]
(c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

@TùxCräftîñg there's a question about making a directory tree on PPCG
Q: Write a program to display directory treehouse

MathimeGiven a directory (such as C:/), given from stdin or read from a file, produce a directory tree, with each file/folder indented based on its depth. Example If I have a C:/ drive which only contains two folders foo and bar, and bar is empty while foo contains baz.txt, then running with input C:...

And a bash answer:
A: Write a program to display directory treehouse

Doorknobbash, 61 58 54 bytes find "$1" -exec ls -Fd {} \;|perl -pe's|.*?/(?!$)| |g' Takes input as a command line argument, outputs on STDOUT. Note that the spaces near the end before the |g are actually a tab character (SE converts them to spaces when displaying posts). find crawl dir...

$ find "$1" -exec ls -Fd {} \;|perl -pe's|.*?/(?!$)|  |g'
find: ‘’: No such file or directory
Apparently you need to quote the command.
i see ಠ_ಠ
Outage has ended!!! \•/
The quoting is needed only for the echo one though, the dir one works for me.
@TùxCräftîñg Would you mind responding to my/DM's comments on the Mario challenge? I want to submit another answer, and whether we're allowed to use padding or not makes a massive difference for the code.
I can do dis
no u can't
Optimizer the optimist
Rain! Finally! Still 27 °C inside though.
I've exceeded my Tjunction.
@mınxomaτ Which Tjunction?
1 hour later…
@MartinEnder clarified
Guys! The pingability limit is a month!
in The 2nd Monitor, 1 min ago, by Vogel612
@syb0rg 30 days is the referrability limit IIRC
I have been away for too long. @TùxCräftîñg has joined, @zyabin101 has changed colour and the chat description has changed. :-(
Now signal is preferred over noise. When did that happen?
so re-welcome to TNB
@TùxCräftîñg Thank you.
but as you can see the star system dont really have changed :/
why my message have been starred
@TùxCräftîñg Because you were following the "Be Nice" policy? -.(o.o).-
probably ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H I've just read our new Chatiquette. :-/
@wizzwizz4 I'm not sure it has happened yet :p
@TùxCräftîñg We're not allowed to post those faces anymore.
@aditsu Good.
blows the smoke off the mod-hammer
1[3 0 2]:G\{__0<\G,>|{L,)ed}{=_L#)999{_L+:L;F}?}?}:F~ed\;\;Led
why do I even bother trying to codegolf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
... or draw that smiley..
@ven You're not doing that badly.
@ven Z0Y]:G1 to begin with...
@Optimizer ? irrelevant. that's the input
i'm not gonna golf that
lol ok
should have made clear :P
Does Dratini have a mouth?
ask it?
@HelkaHomba Maybe it's like the King of Town - the mouth is hidden by a moustache
@TimmyD And 8-bit Mario!
@TimmyD by a marsh mellow in this case...
what is the pyton dll location?
Elie@elie-asus MINGW64 /c/Python27
$ find . -name python27.dll

Elie@elie-asus MINGW64 /c/Python27
@Mego Done.
@TùxCräftîñg I remember finding it before... Have you tried the whole %path% variable?
A: Array Escape - get out of there

venCJam, 52 bytes Expects index array on the stack. :G\{__0<\G,>|L,{G=_L#)0{_L+:L;_mp{3-}&F}?}?}:F~\;\; Try it online! My first CJam answer, hence why it's so terrible and imperative... :G\{__0<\G,>|L,{G=_L#)0{_L+:L;_mp{3-}&F}?}?}:F~\;\; :G St...

Writing explanations is hard bsn
Elie@elie-asus MINGW64 ~/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python35-32
$ find . -name 'py*.dll'

Elie@elie-asus MINGW64 ~/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python35-32
work on my python3.5 install ಠ_ಠ
@Optimizer *marshmallow. Not marshmellow.
mod abuse 11
@Optimizer Confused.
@Optimizer Meaning?
oh. u were gone for too long..
such innocence ..
waiting to get ruined,..
What happened?
What happened while I was gone?
the tension
Installed noscript :-)
now install stylish.. grease monkey, ad block plus plus etc..
@Optimizer Done all of those except adblock. But who needs adblock when most ads are launched via noScript?
launched.. ?
@Optimizer Requested, added to the page, configured and told to start.
@wizzwizz4 I need adblock to ignore really annoying pictures, for example, the TIO ad that Downgoat stole from my own idea.
@zyabin101 Which ad... I've been away for far too long.
PPCG have community ads
@wizzwizz4 don't take the bait please
@HelkaHomba I think I've seen it open its mouth in an episode of the anime
@TùxCräftîñg I haven't been away for that long. Did you think I'd miss our graduation for anything?
@quartata Because without the mouth, idk if Dratini could have a cry. "Mph mmph mph!"
oh.. I just realized... Now we would be frowned upon even while disrespecting @Downgoat :(
@HelkaHomba I don't understand that message you pinged me with.
What the fuck? You have to sign in to C9 to access a c9users.io app?
No wonder my POST request hasn't been working....
I was so confused

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