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Another preview of the chat service: Hovering over a message shows the message that it replies to (if any), and all messages that reply to it.
@Doorknob Yay, like SE
@Doorknob what is this for
I'm making a chat server thing
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Josh PartThe Ifelse Tower code-golf kolmogorov-complexity You are an inhabitant of the whimsical country of Forance, filled with programmers. Life in Forance is said to be extremely repetitive, which isn't good to attract tourists. For this, authorities of Forance want to hire someone to print tons of ...

@Doorknob wat why
also, what does it use to send/receive messages?
yesterday, by Doorknob
@Zizouz212 I haven't yet found a decent chat service that supports replies, has markdown, and is open source. Other stuff too, but those are the three big things. (That's mostly why I'm making this one :P)
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ JSON over WebSockets.
@Doorknob Oh, so like SE vs QPixel?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Kind of. Except with more features, more Rust, and more FOSS-ness. :P
(than SE chat, that is)
@Doorknob Is the client-side stuff written in JS?
@Doorknob why is open-source a need?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Yep
@Doorknob will u use babel to write js? :3
@Downgoat That's like asking, "Why is oxygen a need?" :P
@Downgoat no
@Doorknob ;_; :(
@Doorknob Extract websocket to API so you can use different message send/receive method
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ What do you mean? You can make your own backend already.
The JSON is very straightforward. ex. sending a message is {"type":"message","text":"..."}
@Doorknob Fixed
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Why?
@Doorknob which is a very good question that puzzled scientists for a long time
@Quill And the world was too puzzled by the need for free software until our savior Stallman enlightened us with his presence :P
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan And the title text here
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ The title text is on the onebox already
@Doorknob different comic
uh, no it's not
@Doorknob sorry, my bad, fixed
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ haha, yes!
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ this comic needs to be updated as 10.12 (Sierra) is not OS X and is now called macOS
@Downgoat You might want to tell that to Randall Munroe instead
@Quill Sorry, I'm a goat so I'll swallow/eat anything
Or photoshop it in if you can find the font
i think he handwrites those in
looks closely
There, fixed it. ;)
@Doorknob 9/10 much better, but you forgot to move Android down
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Better?
@Doorknob yeah
@Downgoat Look closely...
@Doorknob wait there's still one at top left
@Doorknob ಠ_ಠ
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Oh, right. Gotta eliminate all the corruption.
Fixed fixed fixed version.
@Doorknob if you were removing the corruption, you accidentally removed OS X instead of windows
@Downgoat Windows is just horrible, not corruption
> Elon Musk Project
that sounds realistic
@Downgoat Here we go, all fixed up.
;_; y u no run jQueryOS or CheddarOS
@Doorknob no the JS one was good
@Downgoat jQuery is bad
@Downgoat Cheddar is interpreted with an interpreted language
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ As if I would willingly use JS for anything for which there is a reasonable alternative. ;)
@Doorknob 1. how is hurd good 2. Randall would probably use Linux after 2018 as well, I can't imagine him using nothing for ~24 years
@Doorknob why do u hate JS so much?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ If you so insist...
user image
@Downgoat Oh, just to watch you suffer.
@Doorknob 10/10 beatiful
@Doorknob ;_; y u haet gaots
-10 doorknobs are worst knob
Well, there's not many to choose from...
@Doorknob Utopia
I mean Arches is nice but I don't think it's "Utopia"
> arches is
@mınxomaτ ?
Jul 16 at 20:33, by Quill
@Doorknob how's that beard coming?
This song speaks to me. Yes Jay Sean, I am Down
cheddar> var f = (n: Number) -> n + 1
cheddar> f(1)
cheddar> f('foo')
Runtime Error: f expected arg @0 to be Number, recieved String
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
hoot hoot
I don't know why i did that either
@DestructibleWatermelon ._.
@DestructibleWatermelon please don't spam
@Doorknob :/ not a fan of the UI
it's still in development?
@Downgoat Well, yeah, I can work on the frontend once the backend is actually functional. :P
@Doorknob oh ok, that's a relief.
If you haven't voted, I'd appreciate any votes :3
@Downgoat How about :name as in Ruby? (If that's the type of symbol you mean)
that's the type of symbol I mean but I can't as it'll cause ambiguity with ternaries
Question: what should be the output of cheddar.cheese?
I was thinking:
> "the programming language, not cheese..."
Sushi is amazing.
context pls
No context needed. It just is.
;_; cheddar coverage is shit
before v1.0.0 it was:
Excuse me, what does that chart even mean i have no idea tell me now
more green = good
more red = you ****** up
@Geobits You look like @Doorknob today. (Take that as you like.)
What if I don't want to take it at all?
@Geobits then don't like it. You can only that it as you like it
@Doorknob it has 2 pins? o_O
what does that mean ._.
It means it goes higher than the message with one pin
so can mods add multiple pins or is it when multiple users pin it?
There isn't even any privilege system yet. You can edit or pin any message, including messages that aren't your own. :P
@Doorknob for you that isn't any different from SE though :P
Helpful comment....
np, yw
@mınxomaτ Getting downgoat to say ";_; y u do dis" is as easy as mentioning the word chevon.
Hah! That's a big typo :D
@HelkaHomba ;_; y u— ah fuck
@Downgoat but safari is actually bad
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ TIL having the fastest JS engine makes a browser bad
    at Parser.pp.raise (/home/ubuntu/workspace/Cheddar/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/location.js:22:13)
    at Parser.readString (/home/ubuntu/workspace/Cheddar/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/tokenizer/index.js:723:52)
    at Parser.getTokenFromCode (/home/ubuntu/workspace/Cheddar/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/tokenizer/index.js:521:23)
    at Parser.readToken (/home/ubuntu/workspace/Cheddar/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/tokenizer/index.js:180:21)
4/10 longest stack trace ever
@Quill is there a reason mocha is so slow? It takes minutes to do a test.
@HelkaHomba this is seriously bothering me chevon is not cool >:|
@Downgoat That's not what makes it bad, it's because Blink > WebKit
isn't Blink a fork of WebKit?
AssertionError: expected 'true' to equal 'false'
technically, yes
@JavaScript why would you expect that ._.
but the codebases diverged a lot
@Downgoat no you got true, it expected false
i know I was just joking :P
poll: What's the fewest amount of people you've seen in here?
wow... I wrote like 3 files of test and it bumped up the coverage by 20% o_O
@Downgoat uh around 10 i think?
yeah, just figured that out >_>
another question: is there a magic command to do o and then indent?
that would make coding 10000x faster
@Downgoat what does o do
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan have that already
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ equal to $i<enter>
Indent one level more?
Hello @mınxomaτ!
@Downgoat Nope, that's wrong. if you use 'i' it'll chop off the last character.
@Downgoat Use sublime
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan wait wat rly
Yeah, try it.
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ XD vim is 1000x easier, faster, and better than sublime
It's really equal to $a<enter> which is equal to A<enter>
@Downgoat is vim an ide
It can kindof be an IDE if you've got enough time and patience.
@Downgoat i'm too lazy to learn vim
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ IDEs are for beginner programmers who need it to do everything for them. For experienced programmers, IDEs just slow you down imo ;) (unless your language is an obvious exception, e.g. Java)
I'm too lazy to use anything slower than vim. :P
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ vim is really easy to learn.
@Downgoat i mean can vim build things
:!make build
@Downgoat That's not true. I use an IDE at work and for more serious coding.
@Downgoat too lazy to run vimtutor
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan what language?
no sane person uses like a python or javascript ide
You definitely don't need an IDE for python/JS
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ok that's one of the languages which is an exception
Although I cry everytime I hit jkjjj<esc>i:w<cr> and it borks my text.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan in your ide?
Haha yep. Although I have vsvim which is pretty good.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan XD gg
It only misses the more obscure vim commands like :'<,'>normal <foobar>
That and my plugins.
huh, I think i might have Cheddar v1.0.0 out by the end of the month by the rate I'm going at
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan what main vim plugins do you use?
I should probably backup my dotfiles >_>
Although the ones I consider essential are surround, repeat, targets and incsearch.
The rest are nice but not necessary.
question: is there a shorter way to do: F'lcvf'
I think ci' would work IIUC.
huh wat TIL
Yup, text-objects are awesome. ([{tpbw'" (and probably some others) all work.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan can you link to docs on it? :help i isn't helping >_>
@JeffTeoh Hello!
actually i gtg to sleep now. i need to wake up early to get to doctors on time >_> bai
How's it going??
Bai! Take Care!
@Downgoat Try :help v_i
Also this plugin is pretty frickin awesome:
A: Why does ci" and ci( behave differently?

DJ McMayhemThe other answers covered why this happens. Here's a nice way to work around it. wellle/targets.vim. I just recently found this plugin, and I think it's extremely underrated. It provides a new text object: din( Mnemonic: (d)elete (i)nside (n)ext "(". This is compatible with other operators and s...

(Shameless tooting of my own horn)
:O what are you guys talking about?
No, a text editor that I (and others) really like.
@Downgoat Huh?
Git is retarded.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan ?
@Quill But… muh freedom of speech! I thought this was 'Murica!
I'm not removing your freedom of speech. I'm very explicitly suggesting that you Be Nice or consequences apply
On a more lighthearted note, I immensely enjoyed the most recent what-if
^^ stupid though, the government should arrest you in some situations
They can. (Assuming we're talking about the US government)
Exceptions to free speech in the United States are limitations on the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech and expression as recognized by the United States Supreme Court. These exceptions have been created over time, based on certain types of speech and expression, and under different contexts. While freedom of speech in the United States is a right protected by the constitution, these exceptions make that right a limited one. Restrictions that are based on people's reactions to words include both instances of a complete exception, and cases of diminished protection. Commercial advertising...
well yeah
but there are a lot of americans (see: this xkcd) who think that there are no free speech exceptions in their country for some reason
in australia at least, targetting individuals for cyber bullying is a severe an offence as bullying them offline
@Mego I'm having trouble using your language to do this.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan wait is that a joke because no one cares about his speech so he's actually being shown the door?
P.S loved the caption - I'm gonna start saying that.
@Quill Which is a really bad idea, I mean, where do you draw the line at cyber bullying?
"No, I will not follow you on GitHub."
is that bullying?
"No, I will not start your GitHub repo."
is THAT bullying?
@thepiercingarrow it's not a bad idea, there is a more formal definition but it's all legal and stuff
the hell is going on here
Oops. Sorry.... ^_^
Oops, you're not new.
@charredgrass welcome to The Nineteenth Byte
Am I the only one here who supports the legalization of all non-physical or non-life-threatening bullying?
@thepiercingarrow probably?
@thepiercingarrow yes you bully
@thepiercingarrow yes you l*ser
you want to legalize that everyone can say son of b*tch to everyone ಠ_ಠ
the h keeps dropping
wow, brainfuck isn't actually that difficult
@charredgrass well, try to check divisibility by 2
@LeakyNun I mean... difficult to learn :P
@charredgrass well
@TùxCräftîñg What you say might have consequences, but it shouldn't be illegal.
reminds me of brainfreeze... I should really finish that...
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 HI ZYABIN
Q: Advocate languages to golf in

xnorI'm sure many of you want to attract golfers to compete in your favorite language. Given that it takes time to learn a language for golfing, why choose it over others? What aspects of the language make it fun to golf? What skills or mindset do you gain? Please be specific and concrete. Any lang...

I think I found out why I was having trouble with RSA - its because OSX ships with a super outdated openssl because of license violations (GPL), so I think if I use brew to install a newer version, it'll work.
^^^ off-topic¹⁰⁰
@thepiercingarrow hello
CMC: reverse the hexdump... but since the result might contain unprintable characters, you can output the hexdump of the result instead.
@xnor appeal to emotion? :P
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 meet me in the sandbox?
@ven ?
Hes gone to space
Can someone post a challenge? It's been 9 hours already
@LeakyNun Okay here:
brain-golf: given an integer 0 < i < 2^32-1, print the i'th digit of PI in hex.
someone get Mathematica...
@thepiercingarrow what does brain mean?
@LeakyNun its an organ in your head that thinks
i already see a thing like Hex[DigitOfPi[#]]
@LeakyNun Given a string, toggle the case of every other word.
chat golf mini-challenge: Given integers x,y,c, output max(x,y) if c is positive and min(x,y) if c is negative (c will not be 0)
Downgoat sent me an image of space!
@LeakyNun brain-golf means code-golf in brainfuck
@thepiercingarrow exactly
that's too difficult
but since this challenge is tricky, I'll just make it normal code-golf
(Downgoat said the image wasn't photoshopped)
I think this might qualify as a chameleon challeneg
because most languages have limited precision on pi
@DestructibleWatermelon mathematica
so the challenge would be implementing a calculation of pi, in MOST languages
Mathematica is a special snowflake
and/or hardcode the first 2^32-1 digits of pi into a string
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Retina (21 bytes): T`lL`Ll`(?<=^(..)*.).
There's actually a formula for this.
> An interesting new method was recently proposed by David Bailey, Peter Borwein and Simon Plouffe. It can compute the Nth hexadecimal digit of Pi efficiently without the previous N-1 digits. The method is based on the formula:

> pi = sum_(i = 0)^oo (1 16^i) ((4 8i + 1) - (2 8i + 4) - (1 8i + 5) - (1 8i + 6))

> in O(N) time and O(log N) space. (See references.)
I'm estimating that my computer science skills will have surpassed my mathematical skills by around 2017
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Pyth (12): .i%2Qr2eCcQ2
i is so strange
yes you are
@LeakyNun V, 6 bytes: òg~www
@xnor lambda x,y,c:sorted([x,y])[c>0]
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan why am I not surprised
Tbf, I picked a CMC I knew v would be good at.
Actually, I'm really frustrated with V right now. I haven't made any progress on it in ages cause I've spent so much time trying to debug it.
Thankfully the TIO version works fairly well.
I'm going to make a challenge called "Make a pokedex!". what do you guys think about?
you see the post on the star board about ℵ₀ bottles of beer
I can beat that
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Retina, 13 bytes: T01>`lL`Ll`..
ℵ₁ bottles of beer on the wall, ℵ₁ bottles of beer. Take ℵ₁ down, pass them around, ℵ₁ bottles of beer on the wall.
@DestructibleWatermelon How can you count ℵ₁ bottles of beer?
@LeakyNun nice, but you can do shorter
you take down 2 bottles, and all the ones between, @LeakyNun
@xnor 5 bytes: O>QS)
Uncountable infinities are fun
@DestructibleWatermelon lol
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan what is the language @xnor ಠ_ಠ
@xnor lambda x,y,c:(x>y)^(c>0)and x or y
no that's longer and that doesn't work
@xnor lambda x,y,c:[y,x][(x>y)^(c>0)]
Thats the only fun character i know with my compose key
that's the same byte count
@xnor lambda x,y,c:[x,y][x>y==(c>0)]
one byte saved
@LeakyNun We're solving two different challenges. I meant "Word1" becomes "wORD1" "word2" stays the same, "wOrD3" becomes "WoRd3" etc.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan oh my god
ok what's the definition of a word
Anything followed by a space. (To keep it simple)
Oh hey, my V answer was wrong. It should be uppercase W. v.tryitonline.net/…
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Someone stole your language name on esolangs.org.
Yeah, I know. ;_;
void p1_setcr(Processor1 *state, uint64 number) {
    printf("I am called: %d\n", number);
    state->CR &= ~(0x8000000000000000 | 0x4000000000000000 | 0x2000000000000000);
    if (number == 0) state->CR |= 0x2000000000000000;
    if (number > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) state->CR |= 0x8000000000000000;
    else state->CR |= 0x4000000000000000;
    printf("F_N: %d\n", 0x8000000000000000);
this print F_N: 0 ಠ_ಠ_ಠ
even better: CR is'nt setted
hey @TùxCräftîñg, how is Your Mom going
the last commit is 2 day ago :/
What is commit
That makes me more proud of my language, if it's a fifth the length if retina. :D
Although I did pick the challenge so...
@DestructibleWatermelon you don't know what is a commit ಠ_ಠ
@TùxCräftîñg Four days ago.
@TùxCräftîñg ಠ_ಠ you expect everyone to know fancy git linguistics
EVERYONE here but you know what is a commit
@TùxCräftîñg hey chill out. Everyone starts somewhere. I didn't know what a commit is a year ago.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Pyth (17): jd.i%2JcQdrL2%2tJ
@TùxCräftîñg ;-; well there was a time you didn't know <(˚n˚ )>
@xnor What's your python answer?
it's true
Can anyone make Pyth in Python
@MatthewRoh Pyth is made in Python
@DestructibleWatermelon A commit is like a snapshot of the file at a certain time in history. Each time you make a good chunk of progress, you commit it so you can remember the file at that time.
thank you

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