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Q: Is it cheating to invent a language for code golf?

CoderWith people using such cryptic languages as Jelly, where is the line? can I write my own compiler that solves the problem in a more wordy language when I type the number '0'? I can see that this is immoral and ruins the point of code golf, but how do you decide which languages are legal and which...

why did we migrate a question that is a duplicate?
@NathanMerrill It's not a dupe on main; it's a dupe on meta
Voted to close
Q: Connect the letters

Washington GuedesInspired by this little game. Challenge Given as input the initial position of a grid (always 5x5), like this: -ABCD -A--- ---C- ---BD --E-E You need to connect the letters (same letters all together), and no one empty - space. The letters will be always A,B,C,D and E. The input can be read...

Would anyone mind testing out what I have in Gogh so far? See if you can get it to throw an error (that I haven't covered)
A: Is it cheating to invent a language for code golf?

QuillIn the standard loopholes post here, There's an answer that says: Using a made-up language specifically designed for the challenge link and another titled Using built-in functions to do the work link Writing a language titled "MyTotallyMultipurposeLang" that only has a builtin "99b" that a...

A meta post on PPCG. You officially have my soul.
Welcome to the Club!
@Quill wait wtf it was closed as a duplicate how did you post an answer
> I'm rarely truly impressed by codegolf answers written in for instance Java, because Java is so verbose and I can't help thinking that the person have chosen wrong language for the job.
@AlexA. probably posted before it was closed
I did it on the SE app so it could be an issue there
Answered 7 minutes ago, closed 22 minutes ago
Hm, could be caching
After all, that is everyone's favorite scapegoat
Caching is after all one of the three greatest CS problems
this makes me feel better about our Q/D when we were in beta
There are three hard problems in computer science: 1) Naming things 2) Cache invalidation 3) Javascript
I have no idea how this site ever got out of private beta
@Quill This person is from Seattle :O
@Vihan PPCG?
I actually don't know which site you're talking about
@AlexA. well now I know the names of the entire population of Seattle
@AlexA. Me neither :P
@Vihan Oh yeah, I have an account there. It's never been a particularly active community. Since homebrewing became its own separate site, there was barely anything left to talk about.
The last activity on the site was four days ago
> For enthusiasts of Windows Phone.
yup, all 3 of them
Good night y'all
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ night
@Vihan ooooooooooooh rekt
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 🌙
@Quill ._.
@AlexA. I see your point. Is it better to delete (it is a dupe) or just edit it
Probably not worth it to edit since it's a dupe
Up to you though
Meh. It was fun enough to write it on mobile, I'd rather not do it again
My download speed just went up to 8.65MB/s ._.
@Quill I don't know whether this means you intend to edit or delete
I'll probably just delete it.
On another note, the author account of the question looks fake
@ZachGates MB/s or Mbps?
@Vihan Uh.. probably Mbps. What's the difference?
@ZachGates MB is megabytes/second. Mbps is megabits
Soo close to 30k
@Quill They're unregistered
@Vihan Yes, Mbps. :P
I wish MB/s
Happy 30K @HelkaHomba!
Predictive congratulations?
@AlexA. like no account or no confirmed email
@ZachGates more like weighted voting
Q: What does it mean when someone's an Unregistered User?

Erik BI looked at someone's profile and it said Unregistered User. What does that mean?

I demand that Alex reverse these serial votes :P
@Vihan Thanks Vigoat
Congrats, ex-Calvin! That's an awesome milestone. :)
@HelkaHomba np, Calomba
Let's not form a voting ring please
@Vihan s/Hehomba/Calomba
@ZachGates Actually, moderators can't manually reverse serial voting; only SE Community Managers and the system can.
@ZachGates fixed
@Quill s/not //
The System is usually pretty good at catching it though
@AlexA. What about Doorknob? I hear he has special powers
@Quill I once got two downvotes within the same minute and no voting reversal for me :(
@AlexA. I like how you added the extra space so it wouldn't have two spaces. That's care
@Vihan Might not have been the same person
@Quill I do what I can
@AlexA. very suspicious though
@Vihan Maybe the system turned a cold shoulder due to all the name changes you guys go through
I was only Wot A Dong for like two days
@Vihan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If it was targeted voting it would most likely have been caught and reversed.
Aww, my feeds room got closed. I guess feeds don't count as activity
You could write a bot to post them
Does SE have any reason for freezing rooms?
Saves on pointless network traffic/hosting
Feeds, and what @Helka said
They'll just keep going
Staple Food Poll - strawpoll.me/7086693
@HelkaHomba Have you answered yourself?
F) avocado
So you're potatoes and I'm rice.
Potatoes ftw
Potatoes are admittedly pretty good. It was a very difficult decision between rice and potatoes.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ghosts_in_the_codeReverse Engineering cops-and-robbers reverse-engineering code-golf Cops You must write a program or function in as few bytes that takes in an integer or a set of integers, performs a defined task on them (for example, finds the prime factorisation), and gives an integer or a set of integers as...

Potatoes are easier to put into different forms
Hm. I'm pretty on the fence on this one.
These are the important issues.
I heard that Germans (cc @Mar @Den) eat twice as many potatoes a year as Americans, something like 250lb
@HelkaHomba I like how you had to specify what wheat is. I was like, "Oh pasta! So that's what wheat is. I had no idea."
It was to get the focus away from bread. I like bread but I'm not crazy about pasta
I think pasta is alright. You can also make pasta from rice though, and it's very tasty.
Beans probably has the most potential really, since I didn't specify a type
But beans are weird
Are beans distinct from lentils?
I like beans quite a bit actually
@AlexA. er, no I guess
Just realized "lentil" got its name from "lens" due to its shape
pasta is generally not made with wheat
its mostly made using All Purpose Flour
which is a finely milled refined and bleached (either naturally due to atmospheric oxygen or using other chemical bleaches) wheat flour
yeah, but its a huge difference.
wheat is healthy, this thing (called maida in hindi) is not
I remember reading somewhere on the SE network that scientific equations were best coded using the symbols from the equation rather than full words like density or velocity (for variable names). Does anyone know where I might find that?
@Justin You mean using non-ascii for variable names? Sounds sketchy...
Not non-ascii.
But things like P V = n R T
So if solving for volume, it would be V = n * R * T / P rather than volume = moleCount * IDEAL_GAS_CONSTANT * temperature / pressure
I much prefer the first
Is there a way to unfavorite a deactivated room? (there's no star for me to click on chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/35836/…)
@HelkaHomba Caching problem/bug maybe?
It's a deleted room actually, but still shows up in my favorites
@HelkaHomba Probably a bug with deleted rooms then
@HelkaHomba I still like Calvin's Hobbies better...
@HelkaHomba Workaround: $.post("/rooms/favorite",fkey({"roomId":<room id here>}))
@MarsUltor It worked! Thanks :D
@HelkaHomba You should probably open a bug report question in SE/Meta.SE though.
@Zac You need unit tests.
1 hour later…
Thanks anonymous bold text
You're welcome...
Hello folks!
Became ignorant of an user who hasn't joined PPCG.
PPCG is love, PPCG is life
This user was in this room for a time.
He left.
And I don't know what to program for zyabinVI.
I don't understand a single bit of what you're talking about
I noticed this user in the user list and checked their profile. He didn't have PPCG even in the network profile.
which user?
(Also, he may have been attracted by our famous golfer... or our goats!)
zyabinVI is my experimenting organization.
@zyabin101theHated He's new to the SO network ^^. Mayb e he will join us later!
Mornin' Quill
Monking @Quill!
Hey guys, how's it going?
We aren't on 2nd Monitor è_é
Fine, today will be calm, I only have some documentation left to do :). And you?
@Katenkyo Shifty Eee-s! è_è
@zyabin101theHated Those emojis are often used in France é_è
@Katenkyo Shifty Ooo-s?
@zyabin101theHated What's beautiful with accents, is that you can use them to totally change your emojis :D
@Katenkyo just catching the bus home :D
I find documentation harder than actually writing the code
@Quill Ho, it's evening for you? Australian maybe?
Actually, code is fun, I always found that it was like playing with a puzzle that have multiple solution. Documentation is just plain boring...
But it somehow have to be done..
@Quill wow, there's some level in this one...
Elaborated troll
I don't get how people vote.. One of my most up-voted answer is a simple print(x*y)...
@Katenkyo Liiiiink?
@Optimizer >_<
A: Happy Rounded Pi Day

KatenkyoLua, 30 Bytes print(arg[1]*os.date"%m.%d%y") Multiply the first command-line argument by the current date in format mm.ddyy, which is actually 03.1416.

@zyabin101theHated ^
A: Expand the number

KatenkyoLua, 350 Bytes I think there's two way to golf it down further : I could make use of macro.define to replace some of the commons expressions (can't test right now, and not sure it would make me gain some bytes) Use split on the dot instead of iterating on the whole string. Once again, I'm not ...

(For a comparison with a non-trivial problem that has no votes ^^)
Is there a good way of finding the positions of all the array elements that obey a condition in CJam? Like # but returning an array of the matches instead of the first match
In Ruby, how do you iterate over a string, edit the string inside the block and return the string or an array at the end?
Never mind, I've figured it out
Q: In a world with escape velocity greater than the speed of light, would a civilization be able to reach space?

Samsung2710Htrae is a planet with an abnormally strong gravity. In Htrae, the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. Suppose a civilization like humans (call them snamuhs) evolves, with the unique ability to withstand Htrae's abnormal gravity. If the snamuhs have the ability to become as techno...

Such planet is more commonly referred to as a black hole. — Alex S yesterday
@Quill I've just read this Post, the top answer is pretty interesting
Also, saying it would be a black hole is dumb, as there's a blackhole when there's density, and a large volume is quite the opposite.
@Quill Alex S. Alex S... Alex... Alex?!
that's not necessarily true
> I hesitate to call it a black hole outright, though I suspect in a strict technical sense it actually is a black hole outright, because of its relatively small mass; black holes tend to be of far greater mass than planets.
anybody in here know maple?
the syrup or the leaf?
the language
I agree with that point, but a black hole can be something of any mass, ass long as it is dense enough, with that said, anything which isn't dense enough isn't a black hole
@Katenkyo Ò_Ó ---Alex A.
@Katenkyo that's the very definition of a black hole
(gonna edit, Ive written a second 's' to 'as'...)
@MichaelKjörling: You are correct that you usually need large mass in order to create a black hole, but the question assumes that the black hole already exists. There is no question about whether a planet with superluminal escape velocity would be a black hole since "superluminal escape velocity" is basically a three word definition of "black hole". — Dietrich Epp yesterday
Hum, my bad, I've though about the "1-light-year diameter planet".... My mind is confused ^^'
Gravity increases as you move closer to the surface of a celestial body, so not only can you not escape once you cross the event horizon, but you cannot move towards the event horizon, either. The energy gradient is infinite, so any upward motion would require infinite energy. The existence of objects, actually, within an event horizon is a bit of a grey area in physics, but you definitely couldn't have humanoid beings living within the event horizon of a black hole. — ckersch 16 hours ago
Another good point
Interesting topic though
Yeah, unless you bring the spaghetification on board ^^
1 hour later…
@HelkaHomba Not this one. I don't like potatoes in most forms.
Playing Regex Crossword again, just defeated the Bat Man puzzle.
Dennis, are you playing?
@zyabin101theHated I love the third challenge in beginner... a 2x2 of Os
@Katenkyo Shhh! Don't reveal solutions - some of the players there didn't finish this challenge.
@zyabin101theHated I won't reveal any other solution, just one of the first one (they aren't really difficult ^^')
For the harder one, I'll let them have as many troubles as I will have!
Big Mac finished!
I'm on the "Experienced" right now
I'm on the Double Cross.
It's a fine game, reminds me of picross/nonograms
Hum, I have a question. This game is making me doubt about `#, does it have any effect?
Is there a way to get first posts of new users?
@zyabin101theHated I've been wanting to ask for a while: What's the point in ignoring a user who never says anything, if all that it does is mute what that user says?
@Dennis Ok, cleaned the list.
Palindromeda \o/
@Katenkyo \o/
@zyabin101theHated I'm so tempted to do them by instinct and not by logic \o/
@Katenkyo \o/
Palindromeda done by instinctologic! \o/
@Katenkyo \o/
Just installed AutoReviewComments, how can I improve the default comment suite?
By writing them by hand :3
@Katenkyo Then why did I install AutoReviewComments?
To remind you to suppress its comments and write your own \o/
@Katenkyo ಠ_ಠ
That's what I meant:
Q: AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE

Benjol No more re-typing the same comments over and over! This script adds a little 'auto' link next to all comments boxes. When you click the link, you see a popup with 6 configurable auto-comments (canned responses), which you can easily click to insert. This script was inspired by answers to thi...

Oh, I didn't know it exists
To improve it, you can type your comments in a file in the format:
:This is my auto comment
 on multiple lines
:This is an other one on a single line
Then, when you want to comment, you copy paste them :D
@Katenkyo ಠ_ಠ
<troll> Also, don't forget to download BearMonkey for FireNinja to make it work :D </troll>
(Sorry, I can't keep being serious this evening!)
@Katenkyo ಠ_ಠ
Stop repeating youself, you remind me of Marky :/
Hum, this game block valid solution if it isn't the one it is waiting for...
Hate when game designer think they made the perfect puzzle with only one solution...
g'morning m8s
happy ceiling pi day
Good evening @crayzeedude
Monknoon @crayzeedude!
I've extensively updated this sandbox post, and will likely post it tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any additional feedback you may have.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TimmyDRepdigit Base Finding code-golf base-conversion Meta: Anything missing? Anything unclear? A repdigit is a natural number that can be written solely by repeating the same digit. For example, 777 is a repdigit, since it's solely composed of the digit 7 repeated three times. This isn't limited t...

@TimmyD Sounds good for me, looks like an interesting problem (and shouldn't be too long in lua, for once ^^')
@TimmyD Why x > 10?
Also, where the representation of x in base b has repeating digits sounds like 33245 would satisfy the definition.
@Dennis I chose x > 10 just to get numbers that have at least two digits in decimal. No real reason beyond that. I see what you mean with the repeating digits wording. I'll edit that.
Mersenne number fits better than Mersenne prime.
Ah, good catch.
Challenge idea: convert box-drawing characters to usable accents in a BATCH file
> Batch
I know what it is, I am expressing my disapproval of it.
self-righteous bigots >_>
BATCH files are great and do all things.
Except for everything.
@TimmyD I'd prefer 0 as the only fallback value, instead of any falsy value. Some languages can't even return falsy values and ints with the same function.
.sh files are great and do all things (especially time things)
.* files are great and are all files
@EasterlyIrk s/all things/all files
abaci are great and were all things
@Zgarb I was considering that, but I wanted to leave open the possibility of empty string as an output (e.g., if the algorithm simply doesn't return anything), since that could be golfier in some languages.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you has too many new esolangs. >.<
@EasterlyIrk This is true. It's one of my hobbies.
That's why it's an open-ended output. "0 or some falsey value."
I'll clarify that.
Ok, fair enough.
Anyone know how to run Skulpt in a browser?
@EasterlyIrk what like this skulpt.org
Ooo, we're closing in on 400 (non-deleted) answers for Hello World!
I'll try to find some other language to do it :)
@Katenkyo Reminds me of a particular jump in "I Wanna be the Boshy" -- the developer tried it once and succeeded and then moved on. Turns out it's a pixel-perfect double jump that is actually incredibly difficult and the dev was just really lucky.
@TimmyD Wow, didn't know that!
I'm pretty used to see frame/pixel-perfect actions, and sometimes to perform them in the context of speedruns, but couldn't expect someone to do that on the first try x)
A: There's an ant on my Rubik's Cube

FatalizeBrachylog, 287 bytes :1:2222:"w":"y":["r":"b":"o":"g"]{h""|[L:I:N:A:B:[C:D:E:F]]hhM("^",(NhI,CwX,EY,B:D:A:FZ;AwX,BY,[C:D:E:F]Z),NhJ,(I1,2313O;I2,(Nh2,N$($(O;Nh1,2222O;Nbh1,3223O;3322O);3322N,2332O;3223N,2233O;2233N,3132O;2332N,3231O);IJ,AX,BY,(M"<",[C:D:E:F]$(Z,N$(O;M">",[C:D:E:F]$)Z,N$)O)),Lb:J...

@Katenkyo Yeah. I think I heard that bit of trivia during commentary for the AGDQ 2015 run.
@TimmyD It's common to have them in speedrun-ed game, as you want to optimise your route
True enough, but this is just a regular jump, not one that's particular to an optimized route. Like, normal players who are just playing through the game would also need to complete this pixel-perfect jump.
I know, but even in normal game, to get to the hidden treasure, it's sometimes intended ^^. But that's the first time I've heard of an unintended one ^^
(The first thing that comes to my mind are dev time on Towerfall Ascension)
@HelkaHomba finding a non-terrible representation of "coordinates" was harder than I thought
@epicTCK Yes.
If anyone's interested, I wrote a primality test in Cubix.
Q: Golf English – using contractions

NᴮᶻI have not laughed as much from StackExchange content as I have from this. I think you all will enjoy this challenge, as it is inspired by what is over there. You will write a function or program that is code-golf, i.e. it would have to be as short as you can make it. Given a text, return (both...

Anyone know what this regex matches in python?
Looks to me like it matches an exclamation mark, question mark, period, backtick, or ellipsis (three periods) at the end of a string.
Or end of a line, if multiline flag is enabled
I remember that episode :D
Poor androids, stuck with idiotic humans. :P
so i'm talking with the repl.it devs about adding code golfing languages
And smart cats, weird cuby things, south park characters, and dragons.
do you think people on PPCG would use it?
@crayzeedude Repl.it never works for me.
@AquaTart imposter >_>
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Aquatart knows.
@EasterlyIrk really?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That's dangerously close to my name
@EasterlyIrk He's even on ppcg
Moar star trek.
Anyone read that book?
@KevinW. o_o woah
@Doorknob ಠ_ಠ
> 29. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars
I have watched precisely one episode of star trek in my lifetime
Watch more, get minecraft, and download nethack.
He is the nethack master, remember?
And ಠ_ಠ for not watching star trek
@EasterlyIrk Data still sleeping, dreaming of cyborg sheep! Wake him up!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Except I don't have nethack downloaded
@Doorknob Which one?
@Doorknob wait really? XD
@TimmyD "Trouble with Tribbles"
That's a great episode.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yeah, he uses NAO.
@EasterlyIrk Nethack Americans Online? ;)
@Doorknob At least it was a good one. :D
National Art Online, perhaps.
On similar news, I just started Star Trek Voyager.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ bazzsshzzzt Welcome. You've got a pink potion.
Eh, just drink it.
What's the worst that can happen ... >.>
Ah, heck. drinks
Also, VOY is the best series, so props to that.
My favorite is Next Generation, and Voyager seems legit.
In other news, I've made yes in BATCH:
SET arg=%~1
IF [%~1]==[] SET arg=y
ECHO %arg%
GOTO loop
in The Bridge, 15 mins ago, by Powerlord
> Trump is basically what happens when you seed a Markov Chain out of 4chan threads and let it run for President.
The Bridge is a good place to go star-gazing
I want to see a shooting star/meteor in there :D
@TimmyD ಠ_ಠ
@AquaTart I tend to waffle back and forth between VOY and DS9 as the best series. But, after further review, it's VOY. Sure, some of the episodes may be goofy (Let's have them de-evolve because they go past Warp 10!), but every series has those. VOY by far has the best camaraderie between cast and the best character development.
NG has the best content imo
@TimmyD TNG or riot
TNG has some of the best episodes, without a doubt. Inner Light is just amazing, and it's my favorite of the entire universe of Trek. TNG also has good episodes with subtext and implications, like Sins of the Father, but the series as a whole is just not as strong.
Non sequitur but at this rate Ton Hospel will have 10k rep in about 4 months
Watch out Dennis
yeah XD
He should visit chat (more often)
He already has code golf bronze
@AquaTart TNG?
@NewMainPosts flags all answers as incorrect

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