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Haha I just replied to myself
29 secs ago, by Cyoce
@Cyoce does it work?
@AlexA. Someday I want to make an undeniable art contest to see what happens ;D
I will remain ever watchful.
@Calvin'sHobbies There will be at least two downvotes: one from Peter and one from me. ;)
@Calvin'sHobbies Downvotes, close votes, and comments of "Y U DO DIS CALVIN"
Ok that was some of the worst Pyth code I've ever written -_-
@Doorknob pl0x 2 try it online link 4 pyf
thx u
haha, the output is both somewhat-sorted and not-at-all-sorted at the same time
Somewhat sorted + not at all sorted = not at all sorted
New challenge: sort an array Doorknob-style
So put a key in it and turn?
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
and that was the last that was heard of him
^^ I fully expect that to be the last thing Dennis says in here for the next few hours.
Hm, semininja
14 mins ago, by Alex A.
Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
@Dennis Hey while you're here, wanna pull Seriously? No ethnic hackers, just combinatorics going suspiciously missing.
That's it you're all getting a $420 overused meme fine
@Mego Pull it. Seriously. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Mego Pulled. (Pulls without ethnic hackers are best pulls.)
@quartata That was actually a rather clever usage of , as opposed to some people who overuse it until it drops into so-bad-it's-worse territory...
@Doorknob Did you mean to ping Denny?
er at least I assumed quartata was responding to Dennis's message
I don't know what anything
What are ethnic hackers and am I possibly being ethnic hacked right now???
@Doorknob 1) joke 2) it was about the seriously puns
@Lynn YES I'm HAcking your Computerr
@Lynn They exploit security holes like eval and input() in Python 2
there weren't any seriously puns until after your message
quartata confirmed time traveler
@AlexA. ;A;
@Doorknob Seriously, there were no Seriously puns?
@Doorknob I know I predicted them
@AlexA. sigh
Oh man. Alex is wrong 420.
in PPCG Code Snippet Chat Bot, 2 days ago, by quartata
@Dennis pull seriously unless you want to be hacked by chinese and russian hackers this time
@AlexA. dont make me up that to a $1337 fine
I still find 420 amusing because I'm still pretty new to memes and general internet shitposting culture.
I just learned about rickrolls several months ago.
git pull origin the-other-one # it's got bells on
That moment when you don't believe the recent Rubik's challenge so you try it with a four move sequence and actually repeat it 372 times to see if it works
it worked
my hand hurts
What sequence
I forget, I closed the interpreter, but it was like R'UL'F or something
But 372 = 2^2 · 3 · 31 and |G| = 2^27 · 3^14 · 5^3 · 7^2 · 11
Trivia: The reference code I put in the post ignores non-RLUDBF'2 characters in the input (and is case-insensitive), so you can use arbitrary words. For instance buttery yumyums has a cycle length of 48.
wtf are buttery yumyums
Btw., the Rubik's cube solving record for machines is broken again. There now is one that solves a physical cube in 0.9s or less: youtube.com/watch?v=gVF_XUccMuo
Yumyums with extra butter.
@mınxomaτ What a horrible video.
90% epic MLG dubstep, 10% the thing I want to see
Actually, make that 49.1/50 and 0.9/50
lots of buildup for nothing
should of kept it simple
I bet all of that intro junk is very exciting if you made the thingy
But not if you just wanna see it do its thing?
@Lynn Someone else made that video. They put their "credits" at the end so you know who to blame.
I suppose if you went to all the trouble of building the robot you don't want to post just a 0.9s video...
Oh, I wasn’t blaming you! Just complaining
Link to the actual thing without 34 seconds of waiting
I wasn't complaining, just silently blaming you
@mınxomaτ Oh it wasn't even by the makers? I'm less forgiving now :(
@Lynn Hah! I know. I just meant it wasn't the engineer's fault. :D
#3 FTW
@Geobits But you didn't vote for it?
halp is this rite
can't even tell the winner
1 has 2 now
#3 is the winner. The option I chose is listed right on top :P
Here is a deep, philosophical 5:30 AM question youtube.com/watch?v=HJ9L-UInBmc
Actually a couple
@trichoplax the results are sorted by popularity, not original order (I thinks)
@Lynn Why are you awake at 5:30 AM? :O
It's 8:30 PM here.
It is 10:30 here
... speaking of which, I should sleep
You're silly
I have nnnno idea. I should go to bed. Don't trust me with the whole "having a week off" thing.
@Calvin'sHobbies Ohhh... So the 3 that I voted for wasn't 3 when others voted? I'm the only one who voted for my 3...
Someone needs to make a challenge out of this: wou.edu/~girodm/library/benny.pdf
@Lynn What do you have a week off for?
It's only 4:30am here...
@Doorknob goognit
@AlexA. That's about the time an American public schooler gets up :/
@trichoplax why are you up at 4:30
@AlexA. I finished my exams, so there’s a small break until the next semester starts
That's about the time a typical turtle wakes up :/
@ZachGates It's been so long since I've been in the American public school system that I've forgotten all about the timeframes. I do not envy you.
This also is why I’m hella procrastinating and golfing and stuff
@Lynn Nice! How'd the exams go?
@AlexA. My sleeping pattern seems to have drifted the last few days.
@trichoplax Sounds like it. :D
Really well! I thought my grades would be OK, but they were Very Very OK instead.
Congrats! \o/
@Geobits This one is up until 4:30 more often than gets up at 4:30 (or whatever the grammatical way of phrasing that is)
I thought about going to sleep hours ago and then got reading
Our Databases exam was pretty horrible.
4 hours of writing SQL queries on paper, and drawing nonsense enterprise diagrams on also paper, because ????.
And those 4 hours were not even enough X_X
@trichoplax What time do you have to get up?
You should sleep :O
@Lynn You have 4 hour exams??
I think 4 hours is about as long as they’re allowed to put you in a stupid room doing a stupid exam. So of course the solution is to take your 5-hour exam and cram it into a 4-hour slot.
Sounds horrendous
Pretty horrendous
@Lynn I've never understood the point of having students write code on paper. It's not realistic. In any practical environment you'd be able to execute queries or code or whatever to see how it works.
@AlexA. I'm not sure how they can expect students to go to school for 7/8 hours (+2 hours for the time it takes to wake up, get ready, eat breakfast, leave school to get home, etc.). And then complete 2-6 hours of homework (average of about 3, daily). And then adding in the time it takes to eat dinner, play sports or what have you, you're left with 12 hours MAX.
@AlexA. I really should. Instead I'm eating blue cheese.
@AlexA. Then we're expected to get 8-10 hours of sleep, leaving a MAX of 4 hours, which is how long it takes to come down off the caffeine and drugs that you've been taking to stay awake....
@AlexA. I know right? :<
@trichoplax Gross
@AlexA. It's funnier to see people shout SQL queries by hand, though.
Yes, I shouted very hard on paper
Lowercase SQL keywords ftw
@ZachGates Ah yes, it's all coming back to me now... :|
Probably the ugliest thing I've seen is Visual Basic Case On Sql Keywords.
If you do that I'll borrow Doorknob's trout and show up outside of your window.
@AlexA. That's why my GPA is a 0.3 ... I'm too busy doing productive things (learning the things I need for life and such)
@ZachGates I hate to sound this way, but in many jobs you're no better off. If you later find a job that leaves you with more free time than school does, take it.
I think it would be cool to base a challenge off of this, don't you think?
We also wrote queries in this, which I’m quite sure nobody uses.
@ZachGates Wow, 0.3? O_O
(Okay, maybe some people do?)
(What the heckkkk is Datalog)
(What the heck are GPAs)
Grade Point Average
@AlexA. Currently, yeah. Overall it's like a 3. In the last 2/3 weeks of a quarter I always bring my grades up to around 80
3.0 != 0.3 though :D
Give it two weeks :P
I don't even know how you can sustain a 0.3 without getting kicked out.
@Lynn some shitty prolog derivative and grade point average respectively
endGPA = currentGPA[::-1]
If you need to calculate stuff for your grades and your school uses the service MyBackpack, you can use the site Gradezilla for cool calculations
Am I the only one who thinks [::-1] is a really ugly way to do that?
Oh, is GPA the thing where your grades are letters and then you turn those letters into numbers half the time, when you need to average them
@Geobits It's public school, haha. The only things you can get kicked out for are weapons and drugs.
@quartata lel that didn't ping her because misspelling
Does anyone here have experience with Time Machine?
@ZachGates At least in Washington, I think if your GPA drops below some threshold, you get sent off to a vocational school.
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ A tiny, tiny bit
@ZachGates I got suspended for playing with computers which caused me to lose credit for a semester. Not exactly kicked out, but enough to make me quit ;)
@AlexA. Washington State or District of Colombia?
@Lynn basically
The former
Our grades are plain old integers from 0 to 20 inclusive
@Geobits I've been suspended countless times for tinkering around in their systems :P (are we both talking about high school?)
DROP TABLE Students;--
It works well. You Americans should get on this whole “numbers” trend.
@ZachGates I only did the once, but at that point the options were 1) Stay longer or 2) Go get a GED and a job and say screw high school. Easy choice, really.
@AlexA. Something like that
If anyone does have time machine experience, please help if you can:
Q: Time Machine sparsebundle mounting problems

DowngoatI have a Time Machine backup which contains a lot of valuable information and I'm trying to access it. What's the problem? I'm trying to mount it and nothing1 happens. Nothing happens? So I tried to reject the network disk containing the sparsebundle and I got an error saying: "The disk back...

@mınxomaτ This is precisely what I was thinking of :D
@Geobits I'm only 16, so unfortunately I can't drop out :/ I would love to go get my GED and a job
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ You have a superscript 1 with reference for 1
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ just use rsync and forget time machine
I never use Time Machine
I just do full system backups
Bootable system images
@quartata rsync?
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ rsync the unix utility
> rsync is a file transfer program capable of efficient remote update
via a fast differencing algorithm.
@ZachGates Puts on adult hat - Well, there's no point in doing it just to do it (IMO). All other things equal, you should get a regular diploma.
that's one way to describe backuping...
@Geobits Is there a difference between a diploma at 18 and a GED at 16
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ Like I said, just do full bootable backups to an external drive.
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ it's old deal with the weird man page phrasing
@ZachGates Until you get into college or have a few years work experience, yes. It's harder to get your first foot (most places) in with a GED.
@ZachGates A GED isn't the same as a high school diploma
Zach is 16?!
@Lynn Yeah
anyways once you figure out rsync you'll literally not want anything else
it does so many things
The older you get the less it will matter, but yes, it does at first.
Hah, I would've guessed way older. It's the beard!
@Lynn I usually get something around 22 :P
This reminds me, though... I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to convince my kid he needs to be locked in school for eight hours a day as the years go on.
Realizes I have a shit ton of work to do at 9:00... Continues to waste time on PPCG
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ Story of my life
That is exactly what I would've estimated
How old are you, @Lynn?
I'm 20. People think I look younger, though
Probably the avatar :P
@Geobits School can be fun! He seems like a naturally curious and intelligent little fellow. As long as he remains intellectually stimulated, I think he'll do great.
@Geobits HAH
(I was, until like a month ago, 19. Rip my teenagerness)
Happy belated birthday! Welcome to your twenties.
@AlexA. The problem is mainly that he's bored to tears in math/english/science classes. I do a decent job teaching him things long before the schools get around to it.
@Geobits Can you get him into a more advanced school?
$$$ :(
Yeah, I was just about to say it might be prohibitively expensive
Any of the "good" schools around here are.
Nice in theory :/
Can someone post a plain link
@Geobits What age? (if i may ask)
@Calvin'sHobbies google.org
code (ignore this - just testing code formatting as it doesn't seem to be working in comments)
He's only 9. I can see it being a real challenge later on.
@Geobits idk if this is a thing where you live but here if you're in high school you can concurrently enroll in a community college
@quartata ...not while you're 9
@Lynn I really wanted that to be an actual page :(
Obviously I meant later
That's what I did, actually. I spent my last two years of high school in community college instead and got a high school diploma and an associate's degree at the same time.
Mobile links look OK to me Dennis
Highly recommend
@Calvin'sHobbies They fixed it
@AlexA. same but I transferred instead
@Calvin'sHobbies You're welcome. :P
@Zach Wow, yeah, the beard is seriously like, 4-5 years difference :O
A: New Mobile chat: link color and regular text color are too similar

balphaThe link color is supposed to be the same one as in the desktop version, but in the new mobile version it used the wrong LESS varible. Fixed now.

A: New Mobile chat: link color and regular text color are too similar

balphaThe link color is supposed to be the same one as in the desktop version, but in the new mobile version it used the wrong LESS varible. Fixed now.

@AlexA. I'm going to finish my junior year (this year) and get the rest of my credits this summer at a community college
FUCK ninja
Speaking of mobile, is there like, an app I should be using
@ZachGates Nice! For a smart fellow such as yourself, I think you'll find community college courses much more enjoyable.
@AlexA. I assume that's when you come out of nowhere?
This web client is sorta bare-bones

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