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@MartinBüttner Thank you for the suggestion
Q: The Möbius Function

flawrThe Möbius Function The Möbius function is an important number theoretic function. Your submission should accept a positive integer n and return the value of the Möbius function evaluated at n. Definition The Möbius function μ(n) is defined as follows: μ(n) = | 1 if n is squarefree and has...

Uh. This is an interesting site, and I swear, if it graduates before us, I'm gonna bust a nut.
bust a nut
I like that expressino=)
In german there is the expression "to eat a broom".
Offer free coffee to new users? (obvious sarcasm is obvious) — FlagAsSpam 8 secs ago
@flawr "to eat a mop" in english.
Not even that far off=)
@flawr Is an expressino a type of miniature coffee?
@trichoplax No, it's a typo.
@zyabin101 No, it was a joke on my comments.
I'm trying to time my language's interpreter so I can measure how changes make it faster/slower, but it's not going so well.
It seems my computer is 10% faster or slower on different days
compile it to GOLF CPU and count cycles
But what I care about is how fast it is in real life.
I may or may not have been serious
@zyabin101 I know - it just amused me that the typo sounded like coffee because of the context :)
@trichoplax Haha, that fits perfectly=) My typical typos usually are the swapping of the last two charactesr!
@flawr You made a typo.
Espresso is the wimpmode of expressino.
@zyabin101 What tyop?
@flawr You made a typo. Again.
Q: Networking Tag Clarification

FlagAsSpamThe tag networking has no current definition nor usage guidance, yet has three questions in it. It appears the one of the questions was attempting to use the internet tag, and that some questions in the internet tag were actually looking for what I thought networking was all about. Can we have a...

I can't parse html until I've had my regular expressino
I cna swpap as mnay chracatesr as I wnat!
^ This hurts.
@trichoplax I can't parse html with regex.
Taht is celalry teh intention.
Cthulu will get me if I do. :c
Oh that really smells like a new challenge!
@flawr I read this as celery.
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

There are those popular texts on the internet where they talk about a study that has shown that you can still read texts perfectly fine when all the letters within a word are scrambled except the first and the last one!
Challenge: Accept string, output scrambled words where first and last letters are still the same.
Let me sandbox that.
> You can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML.
Q: Cambridge Transposition

jdstankoskyI'm sure most, if not all, of you have come across this at some point or another: Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be...

Do the whole thing backwards=)
high frequency?
holy fuck?
censor your profanity please... h*** fuck
I was thinking "have fun", but "high frequency" works, too, I guess
What about a reverse cambridge transposition where you attempt to find the original sentence given the scrambled text using dictionary lookups?
7 mins ago, by flawr
Do the whole thing backwards=)
^ ninja
Oh. Alright.
I'm not sure how interesting
But it might be worth looking into
Interestingly, in songs in Texas, they will censor the word "God", but not some normally censored words.
I do not get the american censorship anyway=)
2 mins ago, by Martin Büttner
I was thinking "have fun", but "high frequency" works, too, I guess
How is f*ck better than fuck
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FlagAsSpamThere's an App SE Site for that code-golfkolmogorov-complexityinternetstack-exchange-apifile-system Oftentimes, when searching through StackExchange, I find myself seeking to post a question about something or another, but not knowing where to post it. That's where you come in. The Challenge ...

What is 50EB?
@FlagAsSpam this won't work in a challenge title
I'll use <s></s> for irony's sake, then.
This has got to be a dupe, but I can't find it
@Doorknob I'm not sure.
Here's a prime list generating question
But one that tries to tell you what you can and can't do in the privacy of your own code
@Doorknob Congrats @ElliotA. for reaching the 70001th post!
@feersum It defines a set algorithm, and Elliot's question is a more generalized one.
@zyabin101 Oh, hey, I'm 70000 :P
@Doorknob Congrats for overcoming the reputation and reaching the 70kth post!!!
> 4,788 questions
> 46,240 answers
^^ the site stats
So, like 20k deleted/downvoted posts?
@PhiNotPi That counts not deleted posts.
Ninja'd me!
There are gaps in the post IDs
(I've noticed them before, but I have no idea why they're there)
A: List Prime Numbers

FlagAsSpamJava, 116 bytes void x(int c){for(int i=2;c>0;i++)if(!new String(new char[i]).matches(".?|(..+?)\\1+")){System.out.println(i);c--;}} Uses regex to test primality, prints if it is, else, it continues. Call on an instance of your class as .x(10). Output for x(10): 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29

Boo yah.
Wow, a Regex answer in Java achieves a score with only 3 digits.
Q: List Prime Numbers

Elliot A.Introduction Prime numbers are simple, right? Well, now you get your chance to find out! Challenge You must write a program that takes the user's input and outputs that many prime numbers. Example Input and Output Input: 10 Output: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29 Rules You must use a language o...

For MATL I requested an n-th prime function, and there is one, but I just do not get my code to work....
@flawr It's not allowed though
The matl function only returns the nth prime?
Is that allowed?
It is not returning a list and it is not a primality testing funcitn.
In that case, my answer is also valid :p
@flawr You made a typo.
@flawr The answer I posted does division in unary to test for primality.
What tyop? ~~flawr
@feersum almost, but that doesn't disallow prime builtins
Huh, usually questions don't have to be exactly identical to be considered duplicates.
@Doorknob This one disallows prime list builtins.
Prime builtins seem fine.
@feersum Yes, but almost every single answer to that question uses prime builtins.
@FlagAsSpam No, it disallows way more than that
@Doorknob Aaaaand I missed half of a rule. Never mind.
@Doorknob There are numerous answers that don't use builtins.
> almost
(afk for ~30 minutes)
@FlagAsSpam no you didn't
it was edited in after the question was posted
and AFTER answers were posted
And it's still not clear IMHO.
@Doorknob Goodbye! HeyGuys
@Adnan fail
lol dammit
I'm going to try to install Chapel for this primes challenge.
@feersum It has a twist: it must be in quadratic time Θ(n**2). The newer challenge doesn't have such twist.
I'm makeing it right now.
Chapel's "Hello, world!" example program compiles into a 510816-byte executable.
@PhiNotPi Mini-challenge: compile the smallest (in binary terms) "Hello, world!" program.
Your score is 510,816 bytes for Chapel... wait, that's an example program from Chapel's distro.
writeln("Hello, world!");    // print 'Hello, world!' to the console
I never would have guessed. Thank god for comments!
What does that // do? Better put a comment on that comment.
It's like double-division.
Hm, that could get real recursive, real fast.
What? I thought / was double division and // was integer division.
Python really got that backwards.
@PhiNotPi Plot twist: It actually prints "Hello, World!"
@quartata How'd they implement that bug/feature/Easter Egg/I don't know what/whatever/you decide?!
It was probably a mistake to run the HPL benchmark test on my laptop.
@FlagAsSpam This makes no sense:
$ cat t.vist
"5 "W" 9 b tesx"Z
$ java -jar Vitsy.jar t.vist <<< 3
xset b 9 <unprintable> 5
$ java -jar Vitsy.jar t.vist <<< t
xset b 9 t 5
How is this compatible with this?
@Dennis they're the same
Sort of, but the more specific one is forbidden, while the more general one is allowed...
@Dennis I was under the impression that STDERR was allowed.
I was under the impression that it wasn't. Now it depends on which meta post you believe...
I see nothing wrong with output to STDERR
@FlagAsSpam Wait, does Vitsy start with the command line arguments on the stack?
I was really confused about how you were taking input...
OK, that makes slightly more sense.
According to Coding Ground, C's binary of "Hello, World!" weighs in at 8,502 bytes. Hm.
Also, they provide a working online Python interpreter. You don't need Python installed on your PC!
@Doorknob I forgot one message ago that you were here. In words of undergroundmonorail, hail and well met, traveler!
Python comes installed by default on every OS that is worth a dime so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
@Dennis If your OS comes with Python, then the install on your machine is more reliable.
I despise sites that won't let you use a download manager...
A what?
> download manager
wat be dat
A program that lets you queue, pause and resume downloads.
Q: Motion on a hexagonal grid

DoorknobGiven an input of a series of characters representing movements on a hexagonal grid, output the final coordinates of the "pointer." Our hexagons will be numbered like so: _____ _____ _____ _____ / \ / \ / \ / \ / -3,-2 \_____/ -1,-2 \...

> This site is currently in read-only mode; we’ll return with full functionality soon.
@quartata Command line arguments are automatically passed to the stack if they are passable as Doubles, but pushing through STDIN requires W, which reads a line at a time.
I'm doing a migration on the Users table for @StackOverflow, apologies if we have to go read-only for 20-30 seconds here in a few minutes.
aaand we're back :P
Hardest 30 seconds of my life!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerImposters at the Zoo code-golfstring This could maybe use a better title. You want to open a new zoo. It'll be amazing. But being the cheapskate that you are, you only want to afford three-letter animals. There goes your dream of making people pay to see an elephant. But suddenly you have a br...

> Yes, this is how perception works.
@Doorknob your coordinate system is weird
ohhh I see, you're using offset rectangular coordinates
yeah. I should probably edit that into the challenge
they're actually called "offset coordinates"
normally cubic or axial coordinates make more sense because then you have meaningful basis vectors
apparently I'm using the "odd-q" layout
if you're rotating the grid you should clarify about which cell :P
(the "cursor" I guess)
Oh, this reminds me, I posted this earlier; any input?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FlagAsSpamThere's an App SE Site for that code-golfkolmogorov-complexityinternetstack-exchange-apifile-system Oftentimes, when searching through StackExchange, I find myself seeking to post a question about something or another, but not knowing where to post it. That's where you come in. The Challenge ...

So your bidiurnal challenges are anti-sandbox?
@MartinBüttner what do you mean? The entire grid rotates; it doesn't matter which point it rotates about because in any case it's equivalent to "remapping" the command set over by one
@RikerW I've always been anti-sandbox for the most part since... a few years ago ;)
well it does matter if the current grid cell would rotate away from the cursor :P
oh, heh, yeah. The cursor stays in the same position.
@FlagAsSpam how can I cast an int to a string?
I want to execute xset b 9 INPUT 5
But right now it seems to be casting the number to a char
What are you talking about?
In Vitsy.
What is xset? Are you using some pseudocode that I don't understand?
Does anyone know where I can find a good python implementation of a balancing binary search tree?
I'm trying to execute a shell command.
Oh, wait.
Yeah - whenever you use shell, it takes the entire stack and treats it as a string.
"5 "W" 9 b tesx", doesn't work because it casts the number (input) to a char
...just add 48?
It's not one digit.
Hmm. Okay. Put a quote in front of it when you input and call X on it.
So "5 "WX" 9 b tesx"
And input like "<number>
Hmm, learn vitsy or jolf....
Or any char in front of it
I guess that works
Just make it not a double. :P
Doesn't need to be a double thankfully
Even if it was an int, it's parsed as double. All things are double. xD
Will 7O do the trick for bell?
A: Building a Metronome

FlagAsSpamVitsy, 14 bytes a6*r/V1m <wVO7 Verbose mode (interpreter coming soon): 0: // a6*r/V1m push a; // 10 push 6; multiply top two; // 60 reverse stack; // bpm on top divide top two; // bpm/60 save/push permanent variable; push 1; goto top method; // goes to 1 1: ...

A: Output a sound of a certain frequency

quartataVitsy, 20 bytes "5 "WX" 9 b tesx",7O A translation of my bash answer. Does not work in the online interpreter (obviously).

i learned something
Ah. Nice.
You are now the second other person (besides me) who has posted in Vitsy.
Same length as the bash answer :P
2nd ever Chapel answer on this site:
A: List Prime Numbers

PhiNotPiChapel, 108 bytes This is the simple trial division method. I tried Wilson's theorem but came up with something slightly longer. var n=0;read(n);var f=0;var q=0;while(f<n){q+=1;for i in 2..q{if(i==q){writeln(q);f+=1;}if(q%i==0){break;}}} Chapel is a language designed to run on Cray supercomp...

> As a bonus stat, this compiles into a 519858-byte executable (based on wc -c).
@PhiNotPi Congrats!
@quartata So how do you like my lang? c:
10/10 it's ok
Oh geez.
It's a spidery thing.
@FlagAsSpam :D
@zyabin101 :DDDDDDD
\o@ Ɠ_Ɠ ^\o
@Dennis ò_ó
@FlagAsSpam iirc the other is me, right?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yeah. :P
@zyabin101 1/10 not valid Jelly
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ No. We have me, FlagAsSpam, Dennis and you in the party.
@zyabin101 ...wat.
@Dennis Oh, Jelly has an awkward code page.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ O_O
that's one character, mind you
@Doorknob if it wasn't for negative coordinates, your challenge would actually be a breeze in Retina
30 million?
I'm a bit skeptical mate
we are also definitely not the 171st biggest website on the web
think it's using stackexchange.com without the subdomain
well not quite
but it seems to be throwing all subdomains together
@orlp No, stackexchange.com is only worth 27 million.
yeah but codereview.stackexchange.com has the same stats
useless value estimator is useless
@orlp $_$
( ͡⬤ ͜ʖ ͡⬤)
is -0 allowed in the output? @Doorknob
@MartinBüttner For reference: -0 equates to 0.
SE broke web stat domain.
It was probably us.
A: Most complex "Hello world" program you can justify

Matt SiekerC# - 158 I tell you what, developers these days, paying no attention to SOLID principles. People these days neglect how important it is to do even the simple tasks properly. First, we need to start with requirements: Prints the specified string to the console Allows for localization Follows S...

I feel sorry for this guy. @Dennis locked the post as soon as he resurrected it meaning he'll never get any upvotes for this bizarre answer
Not saying that it didn't deserve to be locked...
Also apparently this is a thing:
A: "Hello, World!"

mbomb007TrumpScript, 37 bytes America is great. is required at the end of all programs. say "Hello, World!" America is great.

How do I install a user script through tamper monkey again?
@quartata I'll answer in this very soon.
@FlagAsSpam Dashboard -> Weird paper + add sign thing -> copy-pasta -> ??? -> profit
@quartata Oh, yeah.
That's a thing.
I'm thinking of posting another image compression challenge
@orlp VoteToClose'd as dupe.
but this time with plain PPM as output, no imaging libraries/builtins allowed
> All numbers must be strictly greater than 1 million. The small stuff is inconsequential to us.
and a 4K size limit
> There are no import statements allowed. All code has to be home-grown and American made.
> Make Python great again
@quartata this is beautiful but terrifying
> Warns you if you have any Communists masquerading as legitimate "SSL Certificates" from China on your system.
@FlagAsSpam why?
oh thank you trump I was really scared about that
it's not a dupe
@quartata memory allocation should be done using "A small loan of a million bytes."
@orlp It's the same challenge, just a different image. We could have infinitely many of the same challenge.
Oh. I see.
Yeah, it should be.
@FlagAsSpam you have it 100% wrong
The all numbers must be greater than 1 mil is pretty good though
it's the same image, different challenge
did you even read what I wrote? :(
@quartata Welp, it's essentially code trolling.
3 mins ago, by orlp
I'm thinking of posting another image compression challenge
6 mins ago, by quartata
Not saying that it didn't deserve to be locked...
Yes. I thought you meant the same kind of compression, but I guess not. :D
@FlagAsSpam yes, "image compression challenge" is one object
not "another image" followed by "compression challenge"
Oh my days.
@FlagAsSpam try upgrading the NLP module of your brain :P
A: Should I answer off-topic questions?

DennisGenerally speaking, answering questions that should get closed encourages bad behavior. This is how I handle it: If the question is a real question, constructive, not too localized and on topic on another SE site: Vote/flag to migrate. Answer the question. If the question is not a real ques...

I just thought for some reason that you were referencing Nathaniel's post.
@orlp shakes head slowly Woooooow.
Apparently the TrumpScript interpreter actually does check your current locale and won't run if it is MX or CN
> guerrilla artists
I'm not sure if I like that but +1 for going all the way with the satire
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ invalid can't use builtins
@quartata no that rule is invalid
posted after answers were posted
@orlp Sadly, that's not a thing.
Oh well.
It was a nice try :P
@Dennis do you think me posting another image compression challenge is ok?
similar to the previous one, but no image processing builtins, limit 4K and output as plain PPM
I think that would fall under the same category as what happened with all of those lyrics compression ones
So no
@quartata what
then how does the current image compression challenge not fall under those rules?
@orlp A lot of basic text compression challenges got closed as dupes of the rickroll one, there was a meta discussion and we determined it should be closed
@orlp Which previous one?
Q: Paint Starry Night, objectively, in 1kB of code

NathanielBelow is a 386x320 png representation of van Gogh's Starry Night. Your goal is to reproduce this image as closely as possible, in no more than 1024 bytes of code. For the purposes of this challenge, the closeness of images is measured by the squared differences in RGB pixel values, as explaine...

Now that we have one image compression challenge I don't think we can have another vanilla one
I'm also thinking of a different scoring function
@orlp Oh well that's OK then.
@quartata different as in technically different
@MartinBüttner sure
not conceptually different
in it's current form that image compression challenge is not very interesting
with 1K and image builtins allowed you're not really gonna beat PNG
If "manual" PPM output is required, I guess it's quite different from the other challenge.
(or some other efficient image format)
@Dennis the plain PPM output format is to make 'no image builtins' reasonable

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