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@Doorknob冰 Have you ever used Neovim?
@phase Not available :P
@quartata wat
i c it
@phase :/
Also @Doorknob冰, have you ever used vim-plug? It looks super legit.
You're gonna need a vim plugin manager manager.
> The uploader has not made this video available.
@quartata waaaaat
@quartata In a very cheaty, non-useful way.
@phase Can confirm. Same issue as quartatertots.
@Dennis Yeah I figured it out.
@Doorknob冰 hey, I got pinged
It's almost amusing how cheaty it is
@JoeZ. You got pinged
ah, lol, new year's puzzle
yeah, I've got one queued up, don't worry
@JoeZ. Here, have some more.
I'll put it up on 2016-01-01 00:00:00Z :P
(so still a bit less than 10 days to go)
I'll need some time to plan one for 2017, though
(and knowing me I'll probably procrastinate until the end of next year, so I gotta get going on it early)
@AlexA. @quartata Try now. There was an option to "block all countries", which I chose because yolo.
Anyone know how could I do this:
lets say I have a sequence [1,2,3,..,100]
how can I calculate all the possible consecutive combinations
for n numbers
e.g. n=3
iterate through it?
Does this have a particular name?
I am going it in R and didn't wanna use a for loop.
@phase Works but wtf is that sprite
I'm not sure whether to find it disturbing or funny
it's tails doll
the only meme from Sonic R
@SuperJedi224 Prototype mini Death Star?
No, but that would be cool
There's a button (it's currently just inside the perimeter wall at ground level) and when you push the button that sea lantern is pushed up to the top.
Unfortunately, there's really no way to automatically retract it at the moment.
You have to reset part of the circuit, take out all the pistons, then put them all back in.
That sounds quite inconvenient, but it's a start!
@Maltysen Hi
Do comments which I delete remain in the @’ed user’s notification inbox?
I get the impression that they do, but I’m not sure
2 hours ago, by flawr
PS: 2h+something to go: http://www.spacex.com/webcast/
~13 minutes to go!
@AndréMuta It's called the binomial coefficient
3 minutes to launch!
@gnibbler thank you man, I knew it must have a name.
Aaand liftoff!
damn I just missed it
Also wild @gnibbler sighted
@El'endiaStarman Oh haha I literally just got back to the hotel room
Okay, Flip Flop has something to do with bojnties.
Nope, votes.
Just an up or down vote.
What? I haven't voted on anything today
@AlexA. No and no
Aaaand separation!
@gnibbler Speak to us please.
@AlexA. I've heard many many good things about vim-plug, though
Sadly, gnibbler is truly mute...
@Mutador If you used APL it would just be 3,/
Oh wait he just talked 15 minutes ago
I think I just heard them say four minutes to touchdown.
I.e. the experimental landing of the first stage.
I just got a captcha with no captcha :/
@phase nice meme
oh never mind it was just loading
@quartata My post on the PPCG meta meme question with that was downvoted a ton ;-;
Two minutes to shutdown of the second stage.
Less than that to the attempt to land the first stage.
Damn @El'endiaStarman SpaceX should hire you to shoutcast these launch events
@Mutador Did it really?
No, I think it's on it's way down.
Wow. OK.
I was totally expecting it to blow up, to be honest.
No really.
I mean, SpaceX's earlier track record was pretty puts on sunglasses explosive
wut is a spacex
@phase They make rockets.
Elon Musk's plan to get us to Mars.
And then abandon an astronaut who then grows potatoes in the soi- wait no that's a different thing
the second stage of what?
Q: When should rule changes count?

Doorknob 冰Related: When is it allowable to change the rules? As noted in the linked meta post above, it's typically particularly frowned upon to significantly change the rules of a challenge after posting it. There's no hard and fast rule on this yet, so the purpose of this meta post is to enact at least ...

some SpaceX thing?
in unrelated matters, I bumped a Meta SE thread about "massively upvoted questions with no answers" just because my PPCG question about cellular-automaton Tetris is currently the top-voted unanswered question :P
@phase You must be new here.
40 votes, almost 50
Satellites will be deployed soon.
@quartata i join ppcg yester week
Q: Chaining Programs

DowngoatChallenge In this challenge, you will be writing the first program, p1, of an infinite sequence of programs, in which running pn outputs/generates program pn+1. When concatenating the first n >= 2 programs, the sequence should output n. Example Let's say the first 4 programs are: p1 p2 p3 p4 ...

First satellite has been deployed!
Huh, maybe more than one was deployed. They just deployed three.
Aaand there goes another one.
And another one.
@BlockCoder1392 Were you ev3commander?
@quartata Yes
Damn, you really like Scratch huh.
Another satellite let loose.
I'm trying to find out what they're for.
Yet another satellite goes. There's 11 altogether.
obviously some sort of government surveillance *puts on tin foil hat*
Ah, that's all of the satellites.
No, they're for Google WindowView
I feel like I'm being trolled :P
Oh, there's a "More details" link on the live stream...
> With this mission, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket will deliver 11 satellites to low-Earth orbit for ORBCOMM, a leading global provider of Machine-to-Machine communication and Internet of Things solutions.
just watching the nominal spaceX mission.
Uhm... what? What non-machines are there that communicate with satellites?
gnibb is talking now!
@Timwi People?
OK, for those of you who don’t get it: satellites are machines, and everything they directly communicate with is a machine.
@Timwi What, you can't emit in the RF band?
Machine to Machine refers to technologies that allow both wireless and wired systems to communicate with other devices of the same type. Machine to Machine connections may use various wireless or wired networking, information and communications technology. This broad term is particularly used by business executives. Machine to Machine is considered an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT) and brings several benefits to industry and business in general, as it has a wide range of applications in many fields, such as industrial automation, logistics, smart grid, smart cities, health, and defense...
The Internet, basically.
ew no scratch learn how 2 code
How would you score scratch golf, anyway? Count the blocks?
who here has created the most programming language? how many? which ones?
@Seadrus O is my only good one
I think @quintopia has made a lot
@Seadrus I thought about @MartinBüttner, but then I realized that @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ has probably made more.
Mostly because he loves to start new languages. :P
@phase oh yeah ive seen that
@El'endiaStarman lol you know which ones?
@Seadrus Chris Pressey (if you don't just mean "people in this room")
@quintopia people in this room ;)
@El'endiaStarman Indeed!
@Seadrus I shall tell you.
@Seadrus Jolf, Emotinomicon, GoLScript, Sindesi, Comm, Simplex, Chaine, and Dash.
@El'endiaStarman Ninja'd o_o
@El'endiaStarman technically not Dash because it doesn't have an interpreter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dash is already a non-esolang
@El'endiaStarman @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ holy crap m8 get a gf or something
it's a shell
@Doorknob冰 Its technical name is -
@Seadrus har har har
@Seadrus Ah well, I was going to point out that Chris Pressey has authored 78 languages. My count is meager in comparison.
> It's
ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
@Doorknob冰 -
@Doorknob冰 That is about the only textual mistake I make in passing.
And I've made it numerous times
i quit caring about capitals ages ago
1 min ago, by quintopia
@Seadrus Ah well, I was going to point out that Chris Pressey has authored 78 languages. My count is meager in comparison.
oh, nvm
@quintopia Meh. I'll catch up next summer
my most common textual mistake is "quick" when I mean "quickly". I do it in speech too.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what is your current count
Those are all the languages I care to folder-ize
Plus a few
New folder sounds like a fun language
Progress goes slow.
Admit it, you all clicked :)
i clicked. and was super sad.
@Timwi You've created a few languages, eh? How many?
Nov 6 at 3:29, by feersum
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Any docs for New folder?
There is esolangs.org/wiki/Folders of course
Any progress?
@feersum lemme check in that folder
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 4: Funciton, Ziim, Mornington Crescent and Sclipting. (Unless you count Espro, which is unfinished/abandoned, in which case 5.)
@Timwi :D cool. I love Sclipting and Funciton, though the latter is lost on me somewhat
I do have more than Timwi. But I've been doing it longer...and half are unimplemented :P
@quintopia Thanks for the link, it needed some updates
I have or have had implementations for 6
New Folder is an esoteric programming language. It has the following commands:
Command	Mnemonic	Operations
M	New folder	Makes a new folder
D	Delete folder	Deletes the most recent folder
>	Go right

[	Begin while
]	End while	If N is 0, continue. Otherwise, jump back to matching bracket.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You love Sclipting? Why, thanks, you’re the first person, and possibly the only person, ever to say that. :)
Microscript, Microscript II, BotEngine, and Golfical are the one's I've got on github. I also have Math++ (which I never got around to migrating off pastebin), Mmmm() on JSFiddle, and Gridscript, Turing Script, and ReThue (Thue+Regex) which were never actually implemented.
"Begin while"... while what?
I don’t really care to compete on the basis of raw number of esolangs invented
@feersum Like brainf***s while.
I have 1 language which is uncomputable, and 1 which I'm not sure I have the talent to implement, and 1 more which will be extremely difficult even if I do have the talent.
What's N?
Is it a new folder?
@feersum You see that space in between? Those used to be commands
I don't know what happened to them.
The idea is that you start at a folder, and you can go into subfolders, and N would be the depth of the current folder. Something like that.
By the way, all of you who have esolang interpreters (even unfinished ones!) on github or somewhere, but no esolangs Wiki page, definitely go write a wiki page. It will increase visibility. I browsed the esolangs wiki for days when I discovered it, but I wouldn’t really browse github repositories. The wiki is your opportunity to make your ideas appear fascinating.
@Timwi :D Good idea!
I have a heckuva lot to write
I do have an esolangs page for Minkolang. It is quite out of date at the moment though, but I will update it when I finish Minkolang.
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This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference.

    19:36, 3 September 2015 Oerjan (Talk | contribs) deleted page Jolf (Author request: content before blanking was: "A planned pyth variant in pure javascript for code golfing. --JayCampbell (talk) Category:Languages Category:2015 Category:Unimplemented")
Which should be soon! This last week-and-a-half of December shall be my "finish projects" week.
@El'endiaStarman :D
I need a "finish projects" year.
I am ADHD when it comes to programming.
This is all the stuff open in my notepad:
help me ;-;
> .bat
You do indeed need help. :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I used to have a similar problem with tabs. Then I gradually came to decide that if I haven't looked at a tab in weeks, might as well close it.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Window → Close All
Since then, I've been so much better at managing and focusing on things.
@Doorknob冰 It's because javac for me is "long file path"
@El'endiaStarman XD
@Seadrus I've made 2 languages
so ye
@quartata congratz
which ones?
and something else
Rotor and pl.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You haven't added it to your PATH yet?
@SuperJedi224 tell me how?
What OS are you on?
@RikerW Of course. That's why I can say that it's worth seeing.
Which Windows OS?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Control panel, system, advanced system settings, environment variables
See, on a sane OS it's just export PATH="$PATH:/foo/bar/baz"
The variable PATH should contain a semicolon-separated list of directory paths
@Doorknob冰 You can do that on Windows too.
Add the directory containing javac to the end
You have to use setx to do it from the command line.
I used to do that but it's annoying as hell to use.
I find I'm better off using the Control Panel dialog.
Ew windows
Over here in POSIX land
With bash you can just set your PATH in your .bashrc
My cpu crashes as I try to do that
2 mins ago, by Doorknob 冰
See, on a sane OS it's just export PATH="$PATH:/foo/bar/baz"
@Doorknob冰 exactly
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ exactly
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ exactly
I always just use the full site from mobile
Bloody finally
Use ChatSEy. It's really good and does all sorts of things
Not as good as jQuery though
@quartata ಠ_ಠ
I tried ChatSEy and it’s so broken that I cannot use it to chat at all
Really? huh.
Works fine for me.
$chatjax anyone?$
so is no news good news for a sandboxed post?
Not if it doesn't have any votes.
ugh can't concentrate with insane brother being insane >_<
what's that fractal that starts out like H and the tips branch orthogonally unless they collide and it eventually turns space into a bunch of rectangles
@phase Yup, I has it!
@quintopia I think I know which one you're talking about...
In fractal geometry, the H tree is a fractal tree structure constructed from perpendicular line segments, each smaller by a factor of the square root of 2 from the next larger adjacent segment. It is so called because its repeating pattern resembles the letter "H". It has Hausdorff dimension 2, and comes arbitrarily close to every point in a rectangle. Its applications include VLSI design and microwave engineering. == Construction == An H tree can be constructed by starting with a line segment of arbitrary length, drawing two shorter segments at right angles to the first through its endpoints,...
user image
The scanners are the best part.
and that one lady looking at him when he's jumping around
> lloking
> > lloking
Just doing @AlexA.'s job in his stead.
you guys didn't see anything
44 secs ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
36 secs ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
30 secs ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
24 secs ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
20 secs ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
17 secs ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
8 secs ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
Why nested quote not work
> > > :(
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ಠ_ಠ
okay I'll stop now
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ very recursion, much wows
the source of that wonderful gif:
llama@llama:...code/python/bing-flipflop$ ./flipflop.py
ja: あなたはそれは、Bing を釘付け。
en: You it is nailed to the Bing.
ja: あなたはそれはビンビンに釘付けです。
en: You are that bing is nailed down.
ja: Bing は釘付けになっていることがあります。
en: Bing is nailed down.
ja: Bing を釘付けに。
en: Bing nailed.
ja: Bing をくぎ付けになった。
en: Bing became transfixed.
ja: ビンビンに釘付けなった。
en: Bing became pinned down.
ja: Bing は釘付けになった。
en: Bing was glued.
ja: ビンビン釘付けになった。
en: Bing nailed.
@AlexA. ^
@Doorknob冰 Does it ever converge on a fixed point?
Yes. It automatically quits when it does find a fixed point.
llama@llama:...code/python/bing-flipflop$ ./flipflop.py
Text to flipflop: Yes. It automatically quits when it does find a fixed point.
ja: はい。それは自動的にそれが固定小数点を見つける場合を終了します。
en: Yes. If it automatically find the fixed point it terminates.
ja: はい。それは自動的に固定ポイントを見つける場合終了します。
en: Yes. It will automatically find the fixed point ends.
ja: はい。固定ポイント終了が自動的に検索されます。
en: Yes. Fixed point end searches automatically.
ja: はい。ポイント終了検索を自動的に修正します。
en: Yes. Automatically correct the point end search.
ja: はい。ポイント検索の終了を自動的に修正します。
(The fixed point can be a loop of n length. Bing nailed appeared twice, so it quit.)
Very cool.
It's 32 lines of (fairly readable) Python :P
G'night, guys!
A: Chaining Programs

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ><>, 26 bytes v >l6-n; >"\ Note the trailing spaces. Pretty self-explanatory, considering the other answers, using the same method. Counts the stack, instead of a particular string.

Text to flipflop: El'endia Starman
en: El ' star of India
Does the ... omit a bunch of lines?
It's... counts no, only 5 lines. :P
ja: El'endia スター
en: El ' endia star
ja: エル ' インドの星
en: El ' star of India
ja: エル ' インドの星
lol, wow
Looks like the apostrophe messes it up.
Yeah, probably.
That my user account on this laptop also has an apostrophe has messed up at least one thing.
Text to flipflop: okay seriously stop abusing stars
en: Now, human rights violations seriously one-star rating stops.
this is glorious
Visual Studio comes with a command line interface that makes it easy to do stuff like compiling C# code from the command line. It chokes on my account name because some particular line of code opens and closes a string with apostrophes...
@Doorknob冰 What is it doing?
@phase Translating from English to Japanese to English to Japanese to...
@Doorknob冰 How u do dat in Snake?
Bing translate API
@El'endiaStarman thanks
I'm going to try and make a game.
I've never made a game before, so this should be fun.
@El'endiaStarman actually that's not the one
I'm looking for one where the segments are all the same length
Text to flipflop: Bing flip flop now supports arbitrary languages.
Lang: de
en: Bing-flip supports flop by any language.
@quintopia Well...I doubt that particular sort would have a different name.
@phase What kind of game?
@El'endiaStarman some 2d piece of crap made in Groovy
@phase That's....hardly satisfactory.
I mean, really, what kind?
literally what I said, some 2d game with a "character" going across screens doing something
[I'll show you in a minute
if eclipse didn't freeze after using all of my 1 gb of RAM
this is a good question
raise your hand if you've made a game before
/me raises hand
In fact, I think I'd love to be a game developer.
I could probably get into being an indie game dev if i had more artsy friends
i have a wonderful unfinished puzzle game that requires an artist and time
What's it like?
sort of like manufactoria but not turing complete, with the potential for far more puzzle elements. the theme is currently set up to be a christmas thing, where you are building out santa's factory with robots now after the elves go on strike
huh, cool
@quintopia Do you have rudimentary graphics so that it's playable?
Q: Four is the magic number

JojodmoGiven an integer input, write a program that prints the "four is a magic number" riddle Four is the magic number Five is four and four is the magic number Six is three and three is five and five is four and four is the magic number Eleven is six and six is three and three is five and five is fo...

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