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I thought I had something for Doorknob's, but it asks for input after printing Hello, World! :/
1 hour later…
@Sp3000 >:D
(for the record, it's not supposed to do that. I just downloaded the interpreter and tested it, and it does indeed not ask for user input after printing. you had me scared for a second that I messed something up :P)
3 hours later…
@Doorknob Why wouldn't we count total votes?
@Sp3000 I found that it had already been asked and answered: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/1335/…
Hmm not like we actually implemented it in the end though...
@BetaDecay So they are accepting them in imaginary English languages?
1 hour later…
@Dennis D: I didn't even realise it was supposed to be Malbolge
I appended some spaces and backspace characters, which would have been undetectable unless you looked at a hexdump. I knew that the fact that there already was a Wordfuck answer would make this easier, but writing a Malboge polyglot is pretty hard...
To me, writing Malbolge full stop is hard :P
(nice work though :) )
Is GitHub Desktop good or should I get something else? I use the command line on my Linux box but for the rare occasion when I program on Windows I'd like something simple.
writing malbolge?!? nobody does that
you don't write malbolge, you generate malbolge
Malbolge was so difficult to understand when it arrived that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear. Indeed, the author himself has never written a single Malbolge program.
What the hell is wrong with that language?!
it's weird how you get used to this kind of thing, though
3 mins ago, by Beta Decay
What the hell is wrong with that language?!
that's exactly the response i've had showing people befunge :P
I've had people weirded out by Pyth and Golfscript too
But that's usual :P
please, malbolge is in an entirely different category
i agree
i'm just saying it's funny how we have the same reaction to malbolge as others do to basic esoteric languages
well, my niece has the same reaction to java :)
Golfed or ungolfed Java? ;)
tbf i have that reaction to java
regular ungolfed java
(and no, she doesn't know any programming language)
I think I remember confusion when I first started. There were docs with example programs which I just copied and pasted
Didn't understand anything though
the interpreter for my language is mostly working \\o/
all i have to do is have it format output properly
What's your language?
And no need to escape the backslash ;) \o/
It's not an escape, monorail has 3 arms.
i'll link it soon, i'm nearly done :P
Cool :D
I think Martin's challenge has inspired loads of us to go out and make our own languages
Dunno if that's true for you @undergroundmonorail
I wrote the spec ages ago and I wished that I had an interpreter ready for Martin's challenge, so I figured I might as well finish it so I don't have to wish that again
Will it be good for golfing?
No, haha
I'm trying to decide if I should include operators for math and stuff, because at the moment even basic addition is really convoluted
it has inspired me to go on an implementation spree for published languages (but wisdom has prevented me from starting so far)
Haha that's alright. We've got enough golfing languages as it is ;)
It's not good for anything tbh, except being silly
I'd say that all you need is addition, subtraction, square root, cos, sin and tan
Actually, you don't need square root, you can work that out with an equality
BTW, I think I have cracked an answer for codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/54833/41277 , but I don't have enough rep.... May I give it in chat?
Adding two numbers together and storing the result in my language would be something like (this might not work, I'm not testing it or anything) t[B]>v[B]v[T]t[Y]^[Y]>b[T]
and that's assuming you've set it up optimally
Ahh the problem with a popular question. Happened with the mathematical picture challenge and with the RPSLV KotH.
@BojidarMarinov What do you mean by give it in chat?
can't comment yet
Oh okay. I don't see what we could do though. If you give the answer here, you won't get the glory
Why not try and build up some rep elsewhere?
maybe I can think of some hard codegolf question? :D
Does the snippet depend on the name in the header?
Or the comment?
@MartinBüttner ↑↑
@BojidarMarinov Still time to crack one of these
@BetaDecay will check, a bit bust right now
Which answer do you think you've cracked? (don't tell us the crack yet though)
@BetaDecay check the link again? :D
Oh haha sorry :P
@grc's one right?
I think it's probably the header so in theory you could guess here and one of us leave on comment on the answer telling grc to check if you're right
@BojidarMarinov I could post it on your behalf
I'll edit my answer to give you credit if it's right
@BojidarMarinov ↑
looks like he's bust
Make him sound like he's a machine :D
Who volunteers to crank him up again? ;)
oh... my guess seems incorrect
now I have to find another one :D
sorry for bothering you...
Haha such an anticlimax :)
phew :D
How long until you're safe?
4 days
Real comments from the interpreter for my language:

# TODO: make this not a piece of shit


# Some might say using global variables for this purpose is bad practice.
# I think those people could stand to be a little bit more adventurous.
That being said: Ta da!
I have to fix the way I do input (I want to automatically detect input rather than ask for it every time) but I can figure that out later
so you have a paintbrush that paints... characters?
it's a stretch, i admit
>< is equivalent to >[500*(40-40)]
Isn't that just >[0]?
I guess that would be an interesting language for codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/52480/staircase-writing
Oh okay haha :)
or similar challenges
@undergroundmonorail What's the output of your example program at the end?
The first character of input in every colour that the language supports, starting at (0, 0) and moving right
I see. So it's kind of an inverse Piet?
It doesn't actually output an image or anything, it just uses ANSI escape codes to colour characters
stack overflow has just broken 10 million questions :O
@undergroundmonorail Does adding characters replace or insert?
@grc yeah, they break every single one of them :/
There are some example programs now
at least, there should be
Hang on, I forgot commit and push were different
@undergroundmonorail you should show the output
Okay, none of them do anything without input but I can give an example input/output
@Sp3000 the snippet depends only on the header unless there is an override comment
that's a pretty cool system
is there a way to show all the answers on the same page?
BTW, is there any wiki that lists non-esoteric languages?
Wikipedia does, as does Rosetta (see opening post for the quiz challenge)
@Sp3000 ty
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

izlin Infinite monkeys and a broken keyboard The infinite monkey theorem describes the probability of getting the desired result by just doing random stuff. The task of this challenge is to calculate the minimum number of monkeys you need to get a given text on a broken keyboard. The situation is e...

I see why you don't do ASCII Art challenges..
you are so bad at them
Q: Hard Puzzle Game Solver

flintThere is an app called Hard Puzzle which is a game where there is a red circle, and you have to fill all of the surface area with five smaller white circles it may seen easy, but it's harder than it looks (it just takes a while to figure out). The circle dimensions change from device to device i...

Q: Fixing a logic system

Pietu1998You are given a set of logic statements. Your challenge is to remove any ones that contradict the others, but in the optimal way (i.e. removing a minimal number of statements). Challenge You will write a program or a function that takes as input a list of statements, removes the minimal number ...

@AlexA. Haha, the test code is brilliant! Sorry I haven't been on too much lately, but I'm keeping an ever-watchful eye on our (your) progress :D I have something in the works that you may be interested in, so stay tuned...
@Optimizer Hmm. Since I was nowhere near a keyboard at the time, I'm going to assume that was my dog.
I should really figure out some way to keep him from being interested in my keyboard.
Wow, as again, your lies are getting more realistic :D
He seems to be getting better, though. /P10 looks almost like something valid here.
Do you wash your hands between handling raw meat and typing?
Are you asking me or the dog?
(and yes)
Maybe you need to get a spare keyboard, put raw meat on that one, and leave it in the same room as the keyboard you don't want pawed at.
dogs don't use their hands (paws) at all for handling raw meat anyways
They do use their paws for scratching at things they suspect may contain raw meat though
is that why they scratch live hens?
They'll also "hold" it between their front paws when lazily chewing at bones and such.
2 hours later…
What word should I be Googling if I want two strings to be concatenated together like
string1 + string2
string1 + string2
I know you can do this on Unix systems
But I forgot the name of the command
in bash/sh ?
I was using bash
If there were multiple lines it would cat them together sideways. Like entire paragraphs could be catted side by side
with $
I need to do it in C#, and doing it myself sounds extremely boring
It's called "horizontal concatenation"
@undergroundmonorail IMO you should install GitHub Desktop and then never use it. Use the version of git it installs from PowerShell.
It can't be any worse than the eGit plugin for Eclipse ;)
I like GitHub Desktop. Works well for what I need it to do.
@BetaDecay You don't need both cos and sin either.
@Vioz-, for people who want a GUI, fair enough. For people who are used to doing git on the command-line, the GUI gets in the way.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Sometimes I forget the attitude on SO is "How dare you ask a simple question?!" stackoverflow.com/q/32122433/3224483
99% of activity on SO is finding reasons to downvote/close questions
I love how my question was answered but it has no answers
One of my pet peeves is comment answers
ah, I was wrong, s/questions/questions and answers/
is there a friendly alternative to SO? if not, let's make one
Nice Overflow -> NO
//o\\ (spider :D)
I just want to say that our poster looks epic compared to the others: meta.mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/1447
I keep seeing it and it always catches my eye
never seen it before
I've seen it, but I always thought it was a bit too heavy on the golf and not enough on the code. Its definitely eye-catching, though.
to me, it says "let's play golf on Saturn"
actually, on one of its moons
When you make an ad, are you worried more about content or whether people look at it at all?
I'd prefer both, which seems possible ;)
We need a hot girl and a golf club
If it was a binary choice, then sure, eyeballs.
Game of War style ads? Ugh :P
Titan might be a good place, though a little chilly
Or a hot guy and a golf club, but the demographic here is predominantly male
I'd be too worried about constant attack on Titan to enjoy a game of golf.
I watched the live action movie. I made it through thirty minutes and couldn't take anymore. The acting was sooooo bad
I think that explains why there aren't more anime-turned-live movies. The DBZ one was pretty terribly done too IMO.
Though if they do a Cowboy Bebop film, I'd at least give it a shot :)
2 hours later…
@PeterTaylor How do you do that with just addition? :/
sin(x - pi/2) = cos(x)
Lmao. StackOverflooooooow
@PeterTaylor Oh cool.
@PeterTaylor should that be a +?
You say that so casually... Because it's you I spent a full 2 minutes doubting myself before asking.
100 years in the future Tell us again father about the man who dared to challenge the mighty Peter Taylor. Well, children he never made it out alive...
It was more that I assumed I must have missed something
I still am...
@trichoplax Sorry. I'm mainly thinking about puzzling.stackexchange.com/q/19870/228
@trichoplax Put your mind at rest: you're right
@PeterTaylor thanks - now I can let my brain cool down after the exertion
Try yawning. I hear it works well for that.
is this the Twilight Zone? Peter Taylor was wrong... about math!
@PeterTaylor Having read that one twice, my brain still says "lowest common multiple" but I'm guessing there's some mystical way of dividing into unequal pieces. I'm going to walk away from that one.
@trichoplax There's a posted solution in 18 parts. I'm trying to prove that 17 parts is impossible.
Ohhh... I didn't scroll down to see if there were answers
@aditsu Errare humanum est. (But to really bork things up, you need a computer).
I'm definitely walking away from attempting a proof, but I'd like to see it when it's done...
Wow. Some "Hello, World!" answers have passed the 3 day mark.
sigh I can't believe that the reporting tool we chose doesn't support DateTimeOffset.
Telerik is bad. Don't ever pay for their stuff.
Their response to my inquiry was "Convert all of your times to UTC." Imagine trying to explain that one to your customer. "The timestamps on your charts will be 6 hours off, but don't worry about that."
@PeterTaylor How has nobody even guessed at mine? :O
@Rainbolt But they all look so happy!
@Geobits Mindless drones programmed to mimic human emotions. (Much like Doorknob's chat bots.)
And they have lego LotR figurines! They must be geeky like me!
I like the wall o' reference books behind one of them. Do people actually have work areas like that?
All of their responses on the support forum amount to "The solution is to take what your customers want to see and how they want to see it and stuff it up your... "
That sounds like a pretty standard solution :(
Turn your customers off and then back on again.
Serious question: Is it normal for third party paid-to-use libraries to make all of their code non-extendable?
It's relatively common from the few I've seen.
For example, I wanted to implement a DateTimeOffsetScale because DateTimeScale just isn't working for me right now, and I found that ScaleBase is marked internal (C# for "You can't access me unless you are in the same assembly")
They can charge more for extensions that way.
I've also seen the reasoning "if you extend something and it breaks something else (or it sucks in general), we don't want people to get a bad opinion of our library from that" or some such.
I can see that. But here I am telling all of you that Telerik is a huge pain, so I guess that plan backfired.
I didn't say it was always smart, just that I've heard it ;)
Probably from the same guy that said "The solution is to display all of your dates in UTC."
Nothing like UTC for user friendliness.
So I thought about this during lunch and I want your opinion
What would be the downside of only having UTC? No more timezones.
In the US? Daylight savings time. Using just UTC without it is fine, you just mentally teach yourself to add/subtract X hours from the current time. Then DST hits twice a year to screw with you.
Well, Daylight Savings Time is actually a time zone change, and I am proposing that we do away with time zones
So if there were still a DST, it would be implemented differently. Maybe part of the year we go to work at 2:00 AM, and part of the year we go at 3:00 AM.
Oh, you mean as in the world has no more zones? I thought you meant in your software.
No, I mean what would be the downside of totally doing away with time zones and everyone is in UTC
@TheNumberOne Oh, thank you for asking my opinion! You could do "Be Rational! Finding Rational Roots of Polynomials" :P
That case is fine by me. Time zones are a solution to a problem that's been greatly diminished over time.
Huh. I wonder if it will ever happen
@Rainbolt Can we have 2:00 AM on even days and 3:00 AM on odd ones? :D (for DST)
I like it. A days and B days.
@BetaDecay What I thought about Python a long time ago when I first learned it had mandatory whitespace.
@BrainSteel Is that something in the works for ??? or something else?
@AlexA. Thank you for your suggestion! Now all I have to do is generate some polynomials.
That's the fun part.
I understand SO hitting 10M questions. Just stumbled on what must be the 4000th time this has been asked, but I just don't care enough to VTC or comment there.
@Geobits And the dude answered his own question.
With code that looks straight from probably the most linked-to android doc page there is on SO.
Hey, he made it to HNQ, though. Kudos to him for making the internet better :/
@Geobits Maybe you should make a code-challenge about resizing a bitmap in the least amount of ms? :)
(on codegolf.se)
Maybe you should make a challenge to detect duplicate questions about Android.
He could ask on the Computer Graphics private beta - it needs more questions...
@BojidarMarinov Resizing a bitmap is really easy to do fast. Fast and well is a bit different, but I vaguely recall a similar challenge here before.
@AlexA. Good god no. Where do you think I got half my SO rep? ;)
@trichoplax I haven't looked into it much. Would it be appropriate to ask something like that as platform/system agnostic? I imagine answers would be highly dependent on what you're working with.
> Whether you've been giving for years or are just getting started, we'd be honored to help you geek out. Each of the next four weeks, we'll randomly award 50 men's and 50 women's tees to helpers just like you. Just show off that you're here to help, and we'll enter you in that week's drawing.
We have a swag competition :D
@Geobits Anyone can join the private beta, and even off topic questions help with the scope, so I wish someone would ask and find out...
We have had at least one Android question that was welcomed though
Yea, saw that. As much as I'd like a shirt, I don't tweet and adding a pithy hashtag to my profile isn't fitting with the rest of it at all :D
Haha I don't want to ruin my pristine about me :D
@BetaDecay Where did you see that?
Go to SO and click on the 10 million thing
There should be a link
It's on the bottom of the 10M question announcement.
Pfft we all know this is a lie:
#SOreadytohelp since I learnt about this site, my productivity probably doubled. Congratulations to the @StackOverflow team!
@Geobits It would certainly contradict your avatar.
Q: Am I allowed to post a second, better edition of a challenge?

KslkghI recently made my first PPCG challenge, Sign that word!. Now that various improvements have been suggested by more experienced users of PPCG, I would like to post a second, improved version of the challenge. Is this allowed (or would it be flagged as a duplicate)?

@AlexA. If you mean that downvotes don't help, I can't disagree more.
@Geobits I was just being silly. There's a reason why downvotes exist. :)
Yes. To give me a smug sense of superiority, obviously ;)
SO dev meeting: "The site is missing something. There's this guy who goes by 'Geobits' who doesn't quite have a sense of superiority yet. We need to kick that shit up to 11."
Thus the downvote was born.
I don't feel superior. This chat room quite frequently makes me feel inferior.
SO makes me feel inferior.
@AlexA. Their mistake was thinking that sense wasn't already there. This is just icing.
Whoa now, don't bite off more than you can chew :P
Who said anything about biting?
@AlexA. It's definitely related to ???, hopefully it's done tonight.
@BrainSteel I must know.
@Rainbolt Dammit I was done typing that answer, and just grabbing a sandbox link :D
If only I had the foresight to write "Ninja'd." at the bottom of the answer before you said that.
Man, this guy has figured it out. Claim to be the guy that wrote something important, and profit. security.stackexchange.com/a/97269
Help me find Terminator question on SciFi SE. I'm going to answer with "I wrote SkyNet. I gave a talk about it at A-Kon." Tons of rep for me.
Oh rep profit
I thought for a moment you were going to hold the world to ransom...
I bet that if I stole all of the rep on Stack Exchange, that someone somewhere would be the tiniest bit upset about it.
Hmm, I think you might want to change that to "I wrote the script...". An avid fan might decide to do something drastic to prevent the deployment of Skynet.
Interesting that the guy's name is RyanC..
@Geobits Oh geez. Reminds me of my work.
I assumed you did mean the code to Skynet. I was anticipating the voxelated liquid metal apocalypse
You work in a strange place.
@AlexA. I want an index of languages by single-character commands. It looks like ! is output a character in your language, but I don't offhand know which languages fit.
This should be migrated to PCG. They calculate things like that in 9 bytes. — Thomas Weller Jul 13 at 15:28
@Geobits We have the product, the installers, scripts to run the installers, scripts to monitor the product's health, and all that jazz. When I started working here, I was under the weirdest impression that a real product was self-contained.
Remember when you popped in a CD to install Microsoft Office? That's the world I grew up in
Ah. To be clear, I meant the movie script, not the Skynet script ;)
Oh... oh.
I grew up with floppies, so.... :D
@Rainbolt Geobits grew up in a world where you had to carve an instruction set into a stone tablet.
MS-DOS on six disks. Woo!
@AlexA. I know you are lying because cavemen didn't have fedoras
@Geobits Good times. Which was your first version?
@AlexA. Stone tablet? Luxury...
@Dennis I can't say I remember for sure. 5.x I think.
@Rainbolt Well he has a fedora now, obviously. He was the first to adopt them when they were invented.
@PeterTaylor :D
5.x was a nice one. My first, 3.22, was pretty awful.
I am struggling to think of a less luxurious method of writing code than a stone tablet. This is one of those moments that the chat room makes me feel dumb because I know that I missed something.
The first OS I remember is Windows 95. >.>
It let me play with GW_BASIC, so whatever it was, it was fine by me :D
@Rainbolt Giant rocks on a beach?
Are these giant rocks not made of stone?
Dinosaur turds.
I mean like this, not on a tablet:
@AlexA. I remember when my school introduced Windows 95. In my opinion it was a big downgrade from the previous Archimedes systems with RISC OS.
@PeterTaylor I don't even know what Archimedes or RISC is. :O
I didn't grow up around computers.
The first computer that was mine ran Vista.
The first computer I owned ran Workbench.
No idea what that is.
Reduced instruction set computing, or RISC (pronounced 'risk'), is a CPU design strategy based on the insight that a simplified instruction set (as opposed to a complex set) provides higher performance when combined with a microprocessor architecture capable of executing those instructions using fewer microprocessor cycles per instruction. A computer based on this strategy is a reduced instruction set computer, also called RISC. The opposing architecture is called complex instruction set computing, i.e. CISC. Various suggestions have been made regarding a precise definition of RISC, but the general...
> RISC architecture is gonna change everything. ~ Kate from Hackers
The architecture should be transparent to the user, unless you are writing machine code. So I guess Peter is implying that he wrote machine code on his school's computers.
So basically Peter is saying that he predates usable computers? :P
Get off my lawn!
Haha XD
He's got a lot of rocks to rearrange.
You sound like my drug dealer
@Geobits I was led to believe that you're ancient when in fact you're about the same age as my sister.
Now I get the feeling that Peter is the one who's ancient. :P
I can't help that people exaggerate :D
I was at least able to own a computer. When my mum was learning to program at school, she had to post her punched cards to Manchester, and she'd get the results back a week later.
Damn, I never had compile times that bad.
@PeterTaylor Fortran? My dad did that in university.
I was born a good four years before Peter
@Rainbolt I guess we're the same age then.
Hmmm... only my network profile shows my age
@AlexA. I'm sure she did tell me, but I can't remember. It could also have been COBOL or maybe even BASIC.
My PPCG profile seems to have lost it
@Rainbolt They changed the way regular profiles are displayed and I guess ages are only displayed on network profiles now.
I've never had my age on my profile. I've had too many employers who looked down on me due to me age. :/
I've only ever applied at places where I knew I was going to get the job before I ever applied, so I wouldn't know what that is like
Apparently it pays to play video games. You make friends that way
@flawr You still aren't an animal!
> Is it ??? ... oops, wrong challenge ;-)
^ someone commenting on my recent ??? answer to a different challenge
Yes it's ???, that's what I put in the post.
@flawr This must be rectified!
things i hate with every fiber of my being: nearly every text formatting "language" that isn't markdown
i guess... "syntax"? i don't know what word goes there
@undergroundmonorail Even LaTeX? D:
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