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![collection of differently energised photons hitting your retina](link)
![screen reader malfunction. Autodestruct in 10 seconds](image)
<a href="http://www.google.com">do html tags work here?</a>
Not for me
HTML nothing works here AFAIK.
<strong>Is this bold?</strong>
I'm reminded every time I try to use <s>.
Haha those damn force of habits
<s>does this work?</s>
@trichoplax how u do dis
---<s>does this work?</s>---
something I shouldn't have said good things
wtf tricho
<sup> gets me often enough, too.
@Geobits <sup><bro>
@flawr You should really join the crew of people with animal avatars. We're a good lively bunch.
So what animal then?
I used to have an animal avatar (kind of)
@trichoplax Which?
@flawr Up to you, of course!
(but a logo turtle...)
Oh I remember that. That was back in your githubphagocyte days, right?
Ferocious Lion Avatar Would Rock
I might go back to it
@AlexA. yup :)
Or I could go for a trichoplax. Technically an animal
Better turtle
Um. I reserve judgement
Any time I read "Technically an animal", I know the next few minutes of my internet history will be interesting.
(except this time, since it's already there from last time)
Trichoplax vs Food
@AlexA. Gross why?? It must save so much time for every cell of your body to be able to eat independently
Except that then each cell can be less specialized?
@Geobits There is that. Actually, as much as I enjoy food, I wouldn't want to give up practically every other ability in order to be able to eat more conveniently
If each one of your cells could taste while eating independently, that would make for a horrible existence.
It'd be like licking everything all the time.
I fail to see the downside to that :P
@AlexA. Only if your cells are connected by a central nervous system.
how about a decentralized nervous system? like bitcoin?
@trichoplax, I gotta say, you clearly like biology and programming, maybe you should study to be a bioinformatician.
@flawr Now that's a centralized system that makes me nervous.
@AlexA. If I was going to do something productive, I'd be more likely to study artificial life
@trichoplax lol @ "if I was going to do something productive"
Is that because all of your time is spent here?
@flawr Now I'm trying to picture what a creature with a decentralised nervous system would look like when it moved
Maybe different parts of it would become the "head" and make the decisions as different parts develop more hashing power...
Like a swarm, if the video on wikipedia is right ;)
@AlexA. Oh no. As much as I like it here, I'm perfectly capable of being unproductive elsewhere too
@Geobits That's just tantalising - what did you search for? Link?
Oh, I meant on the trichoplax page, under locomotion.
Oh right. I guess that's "no nervous system" rather than "decentralised nervous system"
But it makes sense to me, drawing on my boids experiences :D
@Geobits Socks
I wonder if we could have more swarm/flock based questions without duplication
I think there's a big area for it, just have to come up with something good.
Maybe a heatbugs golf?
Swarming pineapple pizza.
@flawr Incorrect.
I actually dreamt of a pineapple pizza challenge
PPCG dreams? Welcome to the point of no return.
basically a shape fitting challenge: Find an algorithm that fits as many half pineapple slices onto a round or square pizza.
Heatbugs would work. I don't know how to make it interesting/fun as a golf, though.
It does not have to be golf
What exactly do you mean with heatbugs?
Hot insects
@Geobits Thanks!
Messing around trying to implement heatbugs I once made an error that resulted in them constructing irregular lattice grids. I wish I could remember how
(when I say "constructing", I mean "arranging into")
Better than constructing weapons, dividing into teams, and electing leaders.
That might be better for a KotH though :)
I'm starting to perceive a slight gradient in the TLPQ leaderboard :)
(and I just cracked the 5th-to-top cop)
the only reason I figured that out is because I've got this file open in my text editor:
4 void
4 main
4 (int
4 foo)
4 {int
4 bar,
4 baz;
4 char
4 a,b;
4 for(
8 bar=-13;
6 bar<0;
4 --b)
4 {bar
4 +=1;
4 a=b=
4 bar;
4 baz=
4 a+b;
6 baz*=9
4 ;baz
4 *=-1
4 ;-a;
4 putc
4 (baz
4 );a=
4 -1;}
however, I'd need to fill in another 85 lines to complete it, so I think I'll scrap that :D
my confusion levels just spiked
the answer I cracked was in Wordfuck
the above is my (unfinished) attempt at writing a C/Wordfuck polyglot
@MartinBüttner Ouch.
yeah exactly :D
the C wasn't even supposed to be doing anything meaningful
How long did it take to get that far...??
not too long... maybe half an hour... but it's tiring, and I thought of a more interesting language in the meantime (which I had posted instead)
I'm seriously curious how the 3 byte cop works. And secretly hoping that it violates some rule... :P
I was thinking it might be Ismael's language, but it doesn't seem to have a HW built-in
it also uses capital letters for built-ins
@AlexA. He enjoys cooking. Every year he threw a party for all his students, and produced some great food. Always including about eight flavours of home-made ice-cream, of which some would be conventional and some less so.
@PeterTaylor What I forgot to mention earlier (and I think I said it to Sp or someone): if you're actually concerned about that, post the GolfScript, HQ9+ and Python answers yourself as community wikis.
When I went back for a college reunion a couple of years ago I arranged to sit next to him at dinner and we spent most of it talking about molecular gastronomy.
@MartinBüttner Have to be fast enough.
@PeterTaylor I'll ping you before posting it :P
It's a shame the "Answer your own question" feature only allows one answer.
@MartinBüttner I considered HQ9+B which is Turing-complete(ish), but I can't find an interpreter.
heh... I think PPCG might be the only SE where posting several could make sense ;)
@Dennis I think the HQ9+ derivatives all use a lower-case w or something like that.
maybe something related to KEMURI?
At least one does it right. I've used it in a challenge.
hm, I'll need to have another look another day. got a 5 hour drive to do tomorrow morning (and potentially the same drive back tomorrow night) :/
Some people like driving. I don't.
me neither
it drives me nuts
on the elections post, each answer has -3, except for Dennis, who has -2.
coincidence? I say its not! :P
Haha. It wasn't me.
I say it's "it's". :P
umm, what?
its is totally right
my browser doesnt give a red line below it, so its right
it gave for this ^
If you spell it's "cat", it won't give you a red line either :P
I love driving :D
I do not follow, tricho
@Optimizer Try it for yourself
try what?
Try spelling it "cat"
oh, the red lines? well it knows quotes are ok. but it gives for '
I hate apostrophe's just because so many people get them so wrong
Like when people say Born in the 1980's
ur so right
i no rite
Ugh, Web Comics isn't gonna make it to the commit stage is it? :P
Not without about a hundred new followers in the next week... :(
Or just a whole load of upvotes from random people
And I highly doubt there are enough Welsh people on Area 51
40 questions with a score of 10 or more requires at least 80 voters, and more if some questions have more than 10 votes (or if some have downvotes)
@BetaDecay Even fewer Welsh speakers or learners (most people in Wales can't speak Welsh)
Why on Earth is that starred??
Haha because it's true about non Welsh speaking Welsh people ;)
Well it's OK for you to star it :)
I wonder how many followers "Stack Overflow in Welsh" would get
@TreFox Your avatar is awesome! I'm gonna take a wild guess at the Helix Nebula
"Stack Overflow in Klingon"
@BetaDecay Thanks! You guessed right :D
Yay! I love astronomy :D
Only a matter of time before Robert Cartaino stamps on my dreams ;)
Hmm. I can't figure out how to downvote a proposal, but I just don't know what else to do with it.
You could always follow and add five example questions ;)
I don't know Klingon, so that doesn't seem appropriate.
I don't know enough Klingon either
Then, umm...
Do you think Var'aQ questions in English would be on topic? :P
No :D
Haha maybe it'll get more attention in the Pod Bay :D
*Mos Eisley
Gah, I may be hypocritical, but those people are absolute nerds... :O
> Unfortunately, we are not currently accepting proposals in imaginary, non-English languages — See Internationalization 'State of the Stack'
1 hour later…
Are we counting downvotes on the psuedo-"election" voting thread, or are we only considering the upvote count? /cc @MartinBüttner
Not that it would matter much at the moment, because everyone has three downvotes (except for Dennis, who has 2).
I don't imagine anyone has good reason to downvote in this particular election, but in general someone might want to downvote for a reason they don't feel comfortable voicing, so I like the idea of downvotes counting.
There is the problem of candidates having the potential to downvote everyone else and upvote themselves, but this only puts them 2 votes up which shouldn't matter unless an election is very close.
It only seems to be a minor disadvantage to candidates who are too noble to upvote themselves or downvote others
Since there are a lot more voters than candidates, it seems worth allowing the downvotes of the candidates in order to get the meaningful downvotes from the wider population of voters
I wish political elections had downvotes...
@Doorknob If you want me to downvote Dennis and even things out, I can. :)
FWIW, the "normal" SE elections count downvotes.
@Dennis Don't they just have 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice per candidate?
My ideal election would have all the way down to nth place if there are n candidates
@trichoplax In the final phase, yes. The primaries have up/downvotes.
@Dennis Are the primaries the equivalent of our nomination phase?
More or less. The nomination phase has no votes at all. The primaries has up/downvotes and only the highest N candidates move on to the next phase. Finally the winner(s) are selected as you said.
Q: Road painting ahead

rink.attendant.6Given two parameters lane pattern and road length, print an ASCII representation of the lane markings for Roads and Traffic Service to paint the roads. Example input/output Input: BTHMLRPHU, 21 I don't care if you take two parameters or concatenate the number onto the end of the string, it's u...

@AlexA. For my proposal in the sandbox, should I change the name to Rational Zeroes; or Rational Roots of Polynomials. (Or do you have another, more exciting idea, for a name?)
Q: Construct a polynomial with given roots

The TurtleThe challenge is to write the shortest function\program to find a polynomial given the roots. The function or program should take valid input; that is, a list of integers representing the roots of the polynomial, and return valid output. Output should return a sequence of numbers representing th...

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