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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Wait, that's all it takes to get a random upvote? Sets script to mention almost capping near the end of each UTC day
With an extra 10 rep a day, I'll pass Martin in.... sigh
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

vihanTriangulate a Location code-golf Modern day GPS systems use a method called trilateration (better known as triangulation) in order to determine the user's location. Your goal is to mimic this given some data, and output the devices location. You will be given the location of 3 satellites and as...

days represented 2415
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 85 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 101 days
I need to work on my...rep cap hitting some, if I want to get Legendary. ;-)
> days represented 659
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 22 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 20 days
earned 6 reputation from suggested edits
Not sure how my "upvotes only" stat is higher than my "at least 200 reputation" stat...
@Doorknob /reputation always was slightly broken. The tracker on the new stats page is more reliable.
That one tells me 20.
That seems to be the one that counta for badges.
(Why can't we edit messages in the mobile chat?)
@Dennis You can. Menu -> edit last.
@Doorknob Which site is that, SO? Mine is for SO. ;-)
@ChrisJester-Young Oh, thought you were talking about PPCG.
19 on SO, although I stopped participating much there a long time ago.
@Doorknob Hah, my stats for codegolf is:
> days represented 278
> rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 1 days
> earned at least 200 reputation on 1 days
> earned 0 reputation from suggested edits
2 hours later…
@Doorknob There's a menu button? Man, I'm blind...
2 hours later…
@Jakube KcsJsQlJ?>f!sTy-RKJ2K":( seems to be one byte shorter. It would be two if I could figure out how to inline the assignment...
1 hour later…
Congrats @Dennis for (exact) 30K rep!
3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayHow many squares? code-golf Challenge Given an image, count the number of squares in the image. The images will never have squares separated, and they will always be touching and/or overlapping. Some squares may be rotated by n degrees, so you aren't just looking for vertical and horizontal ...

Q: Code Golf : Parsing google results

WayToDoorWhen you search something on google, within the results page, the user can see green links, for the first page of results. In the shortest form possible, in bytes, using any langage, display thoses links to stdout in for of a list. Here is an exemple, for the first results of the stack exchange ...

@Dennis RIP open source :( Also, if you have not heard of the latest Android exploit which can give control of your phone to the hackers using a single MMS (which btw, you dont even have to open), better make sure you get the latest OTA android update
Yeah, I read about that yesterday...
Damned thing is that my phone isn't one of the main models, so it gets updates late...
2 hours later…
Finally, a newbie question that's actually half decent :D
@trichoplax I was halfway through the same edit ;)
@MartinBüttner Sorry about that - I saw two of mine changed while I was typing too - that was my third attempt at editing :)
no problem :)
RIP Quincunx. Long live.... Justin?
on rep notes, Martin is approaching 50K
any day now..
I assume Martin is on the alternative logarithmic rep scale?
@Geobits Are you stalking him? How did you know he changed name and its him only?
I ran across an old meta question of his that I answered, and noticed the very recognizable avatar...
Nothing creepy, and I know it's actually him (and not my bad memory) because it literally says so in his profile.
lol ok :D
Is anything unclear/problematic with this one?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

trichoplax64 bit weaving code-golf Input Two integers: A non-negative integer W in the range 0 to 2^64-1, specifying the weave. A positive integer S in the range 1 to 255, specifying the side length. Output An S by S ASCII representation of the requested weave (S newline separated strings of S ch...

If I can understand it on the first read through, I think it's safe to say it's pretty clear ;)
@trichoplax can input be taken in the opposite order?
@MartinBüttner Yes I'll add that - the order isn't meant to be part of the challenge. Thanks
@Geobits Thanks :)
In that case I think I'll go ahead and post
@trichoplax are | and - swapped in your examples? (after the first)
Oh. That's not good. Will fix now...
actually, only in the second and third?
You should have a bounty asking people for the best weaves they've found
I've seen some pretty intricate weaves, but never worn one. As a white man, I don't think I could pull it off successfully.
@BetaDecay they've found? it's trivial to find the number for any given weave, so just design any weave you want.
Oh never mind then 😯
@MartinBüttner yep. Goodness knows what I was thinking... :)
@Geobits q.e.d.
33 bytes in CJam (probably golfable by a few more)
@MartinBüttner Oh right, that fits perfectly there ಲ_ಲ
QED? To me that's just Quantum Electrodynamics
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
that's the difference between QED and q.e.d. ;)
Quit Eating Ducks
That was a fast star... is Alex lurking?
Ahh so it's kind of like therefore
@Optimizer Thanks!
For once it wasn't me
Quincunx Evades Detection
@Dennis Inlining is not always possible. In this case we could inline K, resulting in ?>f!sTy-RKcsJsQlJJ2K":(, but that messes up the definition of J. Pyth always converts the first appearance of J and K into an assignment, with is not always the first usage of J. For instance mJ2J gets compiled into Pmap(lambda d:assign("J",2),J). But thanks for that P golf.
Question Ess Doff-topic?
Aargh so many words! ↑↑
@Optimizer I use CyanogenMod (old version, since I don't like Android 5) and a different SMS app (which allows to block unwanted messages). Let's hope I'm not affected.
Quickly End Discussion (kinda works for the normal use case of qed)
@Dennis You can protect yourself on normal Android too:
Uncheck the box above
@trichoplax how long do you want me to wait before posting a solution? ;)
@BetaDecay that means no messages come to you.. right ?
@MartinBüttner Does this mean you have the ultimate solution that will end all activity on the question?? :P
@Jakube That's what I was fearing. Thanks.
@trichoplax I doubt that
Post away then :)
@Optimizer No MMS come to me without allowing them to be loaded
@BetaDecay I block messages by sender, not type. My service provider sends out a lot of spam.
@Dennis Do you still get phone calls from them? Or is the blocking tied together?
It'd be nice if you could just stop video MMS from auto-receiving. I'm not paranoid/security-conscious to disable images and everything along with it, but I don't give a crap about videos via text.
Q: 64 bit ASCII weaving

trichoplaxInput Two integers: A non-negative integer W in the range 0 to 2^64-1, specifying the weave. A positive integer S in the range 1 to 255, specifying the side length. These can be taken in whichever order suits you. Output An S by S ASCII representation of the requested weave (S newline sepa...

@Geobits Just block everyone who sends you a video ;)
What if its your gf ;)
Retroactively blocking doesn't seem like it would work, since it runs before I know there's a video being sent.
It autoruns? Now that would be annoying
yes it autoruns as soon as you receive it
Not the video. The malicious code in the video runs as soon as it's received.
Ohh. How long has the hole been open though?
@BetaDecay I use Clean Inbox, which only blocks messages. But I rarely get unwanted calls.
back to froyo
Since 2.x, but nobody knew about it until a few days ago.
Because I'm sure many people would have exploited if by now
@Geobits hackers would be hating the leakers so much ..
Yea, anybody that had been using this must be upset. Patch incoming :)
But I don't think there's a known hack using it yet.
NSA is a known hack
Sure, but they don't need to send you a video; they're already in :P
they got in via this only <revelation>
long long ago;
anyone familiar with pattern matching in bash ?
abcd == *abcd* is giving false
How do you test?
[[ abcd == *abcd* ]]; echo $? prints 0, which is truthy.
single bracket test..
single gives 1, double gives 0
The star isn't sepcial with single brackets. [ is a simple program (/usr/bin/[).
but it works at another place where I am checking ..
So the glob is expanded. If you have a file called abcd in the current directory, abcd* will expand to abcd.
Pure luck. If you use [, always enclose the arguments in quotes. [ abcd == 'abcd*' ]; echo $? prints 1, as it should.
I see.
2 hours later…
@Geobits Nope
Well now I have to decide whether you're telling the truth or just a really patient lurker.
Why will someone star that :|
@Optimizer We're glad you aren't blind.
You guys just don't get it yet ;)
this is the third time 1 went to 5+
@Geobits I don't have the attention span to be such a patient lurker.
^ bird brain
That's a pretty believable excuse. Very well then.
Birds got stuff to do. We ain't got time to sit on branches and stare into windows.
Ugh. Trying to find a decent 14" steering wheel cover is a pain.
All the "universal" ones are 14.5-15.5". Universal my ass, my car is one of the most common on the road.
Geo Metro?
:D No, Honda Civic.
Ah, okay. My next guess was going to be an AMC Pacer.
Nah, had to give that one up a few years back :P
Was it powder blue with flame decals and a soda dispenser?
Not just flames. Ghost flames.
mario cart?
I don't know what that means, but I was making a Wayne's World reference.
I didn't know the Garthmobile had a drink dispenser. Licorice rope, sure.
The dispenser might be in the second one.
Ah, excuse me. The Mirth Mobile. Stupid internet, showing me where I'm wrong.
But you're right about drinks:
> Their Pacer had a full bar tap installed on the dash above the glove box.
I really want that car.
Woo, I started a trend! :D
3 hours ago, by Optimizer
I see.
Actually, if I got to choose, I'd prefer the Back to the Future DeLorean.
^ Some kind of robotic llama enhancement?
you guys seriously don't know about M3 GTR?
I take it it's not a llama thing then
Some kind of expenisve number plate I guess
wow, this chatroom is so anti AAA games
Looks like ME GATOR.
I'm not against AAA games, I just don't know what you're talking about.
okay, how about "Most Wanted" ?
What even are AAA games? (O_O)
@BetaDecay I assume popular ones
Like big name titles
I haven't played racing games in a while. GT5 was the last.
Does GTA5 count?
It's like GT5, but there's an A
As AAA? Yes.
As a racing game.... meh.
Yeah, because there's an A
@Geobits which expands to GTAAAAAAA
two less A ^
@Optimizer No, GTAAA5 == GTAA(A*5) == GTAA + AAAAA == GTAAAAAAA :P
Uh jeez
GTA5! = (G!T!A!)^5?
I dunno. I think GTAA(A*5) is multiplication, not addition.
sin(GTA) = 5
anyways, BMW M3 GTR is the original Need For Speed Most Wanted's main car
sin(GTA) = city
Looks about right, yea.
4 mins ago, by Geobits
Looks like ME GATOR.
Yes, I said that.
Oh never mind. :/
All kids in this room.
Sometimes I feel like @Geobits's kid uses his account to chat in here
@AlexA. You are the most erratic person I have ever met (well kind of met)
@Optimizer No, just his dog.
@Optimizer Says the guy wondering why nobody knows NFS:MW's famous car.
@BetaDecay I don't know how to take that...
it is actually pretty nice car. and you all were talking about cars
The pictures look nice, yea.
and its pretty famous among people interested in cars
I never got into NFS, though, so didnt know it was more relevant than "just a car".
(since they were talking about movie/fiction cars)
Still doesn't help me find a nice steering wheel cover that fits, though :P
Get a custom one of your avatar
Well, ideally I won't pay >$100 for a custom job .
Bloody hell, is that how expensive they are?!
For fully custom ones, yes. For universals that don't fit, you can get those for ten bucks.
I'm looking for something in between ;)
Why do you want one in the first place?
If it's because of the heat, just use one of the reflectors
They're like $5 or so IIRC
1) My steering wheel is untouchable for a minute or two after work 2) The wheel itself is narrow, and I'd like it a bit thicker 3) The material right where my hand sits is starting to deteriorate just enough to be unpleasant-feeling
Ah I see.
I don't want a reflector, though. Just one more thing I have to do when getting in/out.
So I'm looking for black or grey, preferably silicone, 14".
I've seen a couple but mixed reviews about the fit. No local stores stock anything appropriate.
Yea, that was the mixed review ones.
Where do you live then?
If I wanted a neon colored one, I saw several of those that would work. But, no.
Florida, in a medium sized town (>100k).
I'll name some towns/cities and you thin it down
No, not Miami
If I wanted to say the town name I would have :P
Haha okay :)
@Geobits :D
> even though I didn't downvote this (contrary to what my avatar would lead you to believe).
I figured that might soften the blow of "stop pinging me with noise" :D
Did someone do a @Geobits starring spree?
CSS: Chat Starring Spree
It appears that way. Wasn't me :D
Are you sure? As I recall, Big Toes --> Big Lies.
@AlexA. I think you're just taking advantage of the fact that we can't see your face ;)
yesterday, by Beta Decay
Hmm I think someone's obsessing a bit over everyone's favourite downvote button
@AlexA. It's really hard to star yourself. Sure, I could make a sock, gain him 20 rep, and do it that way, but frankly, I lack the motivation.
Now it's totally possible that my dog is logged in at home on his own newly created account, but I'm not sure he has the manual dexterity to star just my messages.
If so, I'm impressed. Remind me to say "good boy" when I get home.
Q: Avoid the Bullet Bills

Nick B.In 2D Mario, Bullet Bill cannons are two units tall. The Bullet Bill is fired out of the upper unit and travels in a straight line (parallel to the x axis). Mario is two units tall when standing up and one unit tall when ducking. His jump height is three units. It takes him 0.5 seconds to reach ...

FTLOG, you people are insane.
For the log?
I refuse to say it. It'll just be starred if I do anyway.
Ahhh for the love of god
fear the llama ?
@Geobits Haven't you got some kind of badge for the number of starred messages you have by now?
Well I got Outspoken, but that was over a year ago. I'm sure there isn't (and shouldn't be) a gold chat badge.
I think somebody is just trolling now.
Oh yeah, I got Outspoken recently
@AlexA. Seriously, you just though of that?
Isn't there some kind of mod tool that'll identify the troll...
@Optimizer Just got back from a meeting
The magpie troll
not sure, but at least there is something that can remove the stars, iirc
@Doorknob @MartinBüttner somebody in here is being annoying
Gotta run to mommy and daddy
Q: I'm seeing stars! (I can see who starred a message and so can you)

DoorknobSo I was making a chatbot in Ruby for SE chat, and I discovered that I could find out the starrer of a message. I'm pretty sure stars, like votes, are supposed to be anonymous. Although this knowledge would help for cases of star trolls like this. Here's the specific slice of code that do...

@Geobits Which will conclusively prove that I am not the troll.
Hahahha plan foiled ;)
that's almost an year back. Sigh .. no response at all
I star a lot (I prefer "generously" to "recklessly") but none of the stars on the starboard at present are from me.
Me neither, believe it or not ;)
We need to find someone who is persistant
And nuts
Oh, I don't care that much. Whoever it is will get tired of it soon enough. If it keeps going for days on end, I'm sure a mod will step in and do something. NBD.
Could be a bot
Possible, but bots can be kicked/banned too.
Even bots have to sleep.
I think it would be the first for someone to get banned over starring XD
@trichoplax NO
I don't think it's a bot, though. the timing is too inconsistent.
Yeah. I'm just curious about who it is.
we had bots in StackEgg period which had very inconsistent timings
Could be a dodgy internet connection
True, but I'm wagering it's a person.
(or my dog)
Or your kid
Nah, he's better than that :P
Haha he sounds pretty decent
Are we sure anything is wrong? Geobits' posts usually get starred. This might just be a particularly good run.
True. I can't help that everything I say is gold.
The bot skipped a few :P
I wonder if the autostarring is reducing the number of stars you'd get on your genuinely starworthy posts
Isn't there a starring cap?
Like how yesterday I hit that upvote cap
I think the sum total is still higher than it would normally be, though.
The stars are limitless
My God it's full of stars
god indeed is full of stars
Anyone figure out who was trolling?
@AlexA. We've got as far as ruling out Geobits
Hm. Well, that's a start.
@Geobits I didn't see what that was. Was it as uncomfortable as Optimizer's comment earlier?
His wasn't really uncomfortable to me. 1) It wasn't directed at me 2) I've worked in places that are much worse on the talk :P
But no, it wasn't.
Hm. Okay.
The person I suspect was trolling is no longer in the room. Perhaps that's why the starring has stopped.
I don't remember the full list. So now I must just point the finger at @Doorknob :P
Is there a calculator in here or do I actually have to open up a calculator?
calculate: 26+7
Do you need a calculator for that? ;)
Bird brain, remember?
calculate: 26+7
calculate: 27+6
calculate: 28+5
calculate: 29+4
calculate: 30+3
calculate: 31+2
calculate: 32+1
calculate: 33+0
result: 33
You must have forgotten to put it in a code block.
Q: A fiercer four-square cipher

DennisBackground One-hundred and thirteen years ago, amateur cryptographer Félix Delastelle published his work on the four-square cipher, a digraphic substitution cipher that accepts two permutations of a 25-letter alphabet as keys and encodes messages consisting of those letters. Like most pen-and-p...

ugh. A thing appears to have happened?
Yep, check out the knotport.
Argh it's incredibly difficult to clear stars from mobile. I'll do as much as I can and clean up the rest when I get home...
Oh, so you can't actually tell
It's just that bot has secret powers
What about the stars that just happened to be placed by people other than the troll?
I guess they'll be eliminated as well
Wow @Doorknob you've done a good job considering :D
Can we also remove the random mass trol on my messages?
the "I see" one
nah ;)
such a kid -_-
The most responsible, mature kid ever.
that comma is weirdly placed
I thought a comma between two adjectives was standard
It is standard.
not when there are only two
"responsible and mature"
That's one way to do it but the comma is also correct.
Optimizer is right here, I think
I disagree.
@BetaDecay you say that after giving that link ?
Pfft you disagree to everything
"Responsible" and "mature" provide similar information about the noun
@AlexA. wait, can you put quotes in there?
> Use a comma if the adjectives are equally important and give similar kinds of information.
The comma is definitely acceptable. It replaces the "and" that could go between the two adjectives.
@Optimizer Better?
how do I undelete ?
I don't think you can
haha, but that bug lets me try to edit it
Hm you should all know by now that I'm a lazy reader unless when reading a book.
The guy who puts a space before punctuation is complaining about my use of commas. :P
a bird has no right , what so ever
Birds are people too !
But, llamas are bigger people
@AlexA They wouldn't be birds if they were people
@AlexA. You're supposed to let him keep the typo.
@BetaDecay non living natural phenomenon have no rights either
What rights are granted to llamas?
And that's how it should be
@PhiNotPi What typo? I see no typo. whistles
@AlexA. all of them.
Llamas shall inherit the Earth.
nah, because of all these rights, no one will be left
Llamas in fire retardant space suits will exist beyond the inevitable heat death of the universe.
@Optimizer Llamas have a right to genocide?
@AlexA. only other genes though
Well I doubt llamas are written as part of the Geneva convention
So yeah, they can comit genocide
**** ***
^come eat
******* *** ********.
Censoring challenge has kicked in again
*** ***
I have no idea what you just said...
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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