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@Geobits it would be nice if you could decide not to use it. There are some obvious cases (especially on larger sites), where giving experienced users a dupe hammer makes sense.
Yea, on larger sites where a smaller proportion of eligible voters see each new question I agree it makes sense. It's pretty rare here that there's a question that doesn't get several views by close-eligible people in short order.
Being able to close a clear-cut duplicate quickly (before it gets any answers) is still nice though.
I've wanted non-binding close votes as a mod many times before as well (especially on Puzzling), but that was [status-declined]. :/
Link to the status declined?
I'll upvote to show support
Q: Add a way for moderators to cast a normal, non binding close/open vote

Andreas BoniniI think moderators should have the ability to cast a normal, non binding close and open vote like they were a normal user (while of course retaining their ability to cast a binding vote where necessary). This can be used in "grey areas" where a moderator can choose to give his or her opinion, bu...

Approximately 10% of the 2500 people who have visited that page have upvoted the proposal. That is unusually large isn't it?
> [...] when unsure what actions should be taken, [moderators] should take no action at all, preferring to let the community do what it desires [...]
Or rather, he did two years ago.
I kinda-sorta agree with his stance on moderators. In general, they are elected to do things like this (pro-tem is a bit different, obviously), and the vote legitimizes it in a way. However, "guy with a bunch of rep in a tag" is quite different in my mind. There's no period where people can comment on his past voting record, etc. It just goes from normal to hammer without being as transparent to others.
No offense to any of our gold-taggers, obviously. It's just not the same deal as when someone is elected by the community.
The vote legitimizes it? Nobody is suggesting that the vote be taken away. The meta post is suggesting that they have the option to regular vote.
Hmm. I mean rather that both the election process and the newly elected moderator accepting the position combines to say "okay, these are the rules now", so it's hard to say mods are going into this blindly, or without knowledge that they're going to get a binding vote. If you don't want that, you can decline the position. The only way to decline the gold tag hammer is by stopping your contributions in that tag altogether.
You are saying that under the current system, it's a trade-off, and a moderator would know that going into it.
I am saying that the current system could be fixed so that it isn't a trade-off.
Basically, yes. By having that diamond, you're effectively a spokesman for the community whether you're trying to be or not. I see so many meta posts starting with "I'm speaking as a normal user, not a mod here..." but that is simply untrue. Mods speak with mod-voice, whether they know it or not.
Right, but since you can't see who cast a close vote until after it passes, this is not the same situation as what you are talking about.
Except for those that put up an auto-generated message.
@Rainbolt Read better. That was five years ago.
Don't be so antagonistic.
And you can be part of something without being something.
@Rainbolt I don't think Shog is being antagonistic.
Telling someone to read better is antagonistic
@Rainbolt No, it means you need to read better.
@Rainbolt so what is putting words in my mouth? Let's find a word to describe that.
FWIW, I wrote that answer before I was an employee here and before I had moderator rights anywhere. I still stand by every word of it, not that many people bother reading all of them.
Wanna be a moderator? Great - they're needed. But get used to standing by what you say, and if you don't want to do that, then don't say it. I have no patience for wishy-washy moderators; if you don't have an opinion, don't pretend otherwise.
Are you still talking to me, or just preaching? I don't want to be a moderator. I also don't want to gold badge any tag ever.
@Rainbolt He's trying to tell you what his message said, since you seem to have missed his point the first time around.
^ that.
His meta post, or "Read better [...]"?
Is your opinion on gold-taggers the same as far as binding dupe votes go? It's much harder to actively avoid that while still contributing in your best area.
@Geobits I actually like insta-dupe for gold badges. Speaking as a gold-badge holder for Java, C++, and Scheme on SO.
(Yes, that's my view before I had a diamond.)
@shog9 I didn't miss the point of your post. I had an issue with one small portion of it and I was vocal about it. I even suggested an edit to fix it.
Like I said above, I agree it makes (more) sense for larger sites, definitely.
@ChrisJester-Young the question is whether they should be able to choose not to make use of it
@MartinBüttner Why would you not?
Because there are borderline dupes
If you're a subject expert (talking about SO, not this site), you should be able to know whether it's a true dupe, or else avoid voting.
@Geobits yes:
A: How Do I Opt Out of Privileges?

Shog9We've no plans to make "opting out" an option. This is in keeping with existing behavior: once you gain the ability to vote to close, you can no longer flag for closing. The system trusts you more, and there's no way to tell it to trust you less*. To be perfectly frank, I've never liked the atti...

@shog9 Also, the reason I said that your position on it was two years ago was because that's the last time you posted a comment on that post. So, you need to learn to read better.
@MartinBüttner if you aren't sure it's a duplicate, then you don't want it to be closed if 4 other people are similarly unsure. You want to wait for someone to be sure - or not close it at all.
Thanks. I has a feeling it would be that, but couldn't find the relevant post.
@Shog9 you make a good point in that answer. I can get behind that.
@Rainbolt 2014 is "two years ago"? (Re the post immediately linked above.)
@ChrisJester-Young Are you looking at meta.stackexchange.com/a/41333/254466?
Funny thing about that comment...
So again here you're picking on one word in a much larger response and arguing that you're somehow right because you interpret it differently? I'm done - buy yourself a dictionary and read it. — Shog9 ♦ Jul 19 '13 at 2:08
What's your point?
Something about that answer is like flypaper to nit-pickers.
Okay, so you don't want nit-pickers to point out flaws in your answer?
@Rainbolt Shog's point (if I read correctly; I'm prepared to be corrected) is that nitpickers find nits, not flaws. :-P
I have nearly 3000 answers on just that site. Most of them have flaws. If I had to cater to folks who insist on pointing them out, I'd do nothing else 24/7.
Speaking of nitpickers, who corrected me because I got a date wrong?
If it interferes with the purpose, then fix it or write a competing answer. If it doesn't, then don't stress over it.
You didn't have to cater to anyone. The edit had one approval vote before someone (gee, I wonder who it was) rejected it. You could have gone your entire life without ever caring that I improved your answer.
And yes, I did look over the remainder of it for easy to spot grammar and spelling issues.
Q: telgif: inverse figlet

Digital Traumafiglet is utility that converts plain text to an ascii-art representation for use in banners and the like. For example: $ figlet "Code Golf" ____ _ ____ _ __ / ___|___ __| | ___ / ___| ___ | |/ _| | | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ | | _ / _ \| | |_ | |__| (_) | (_| | __...

@Doorknob You arent precise enough when saying how old you were when appointed as moderator... I want it to the millisecond :)
12.75 years is close enough
Pretty much exact ^
Good evening!
Good aftermorning!
I have a challenge idea, can I give you a rough overview and you tell me if it's a good idea?
Roughly: Given a set of values, find the maximum number of disjoint pairs of values such that the sum of each pair falls into a given range.
This kind of program is needed when trying to select capacitors for a circuit such that the resulting capacity is within tighter boundaries than you can get with a single capacitor.
So will the set have an even number of elements?
Code-golf or fastest code?
@Maltysen No. You are not always able to form pairs out of all values.
some values might remain unused, but you have to find a set of pairs such that as many pairs as possible are formed
Can the values be negative or zero?
@Maltysen I will make the challenge so that there is an infinite amount of zeroes in the set of values. The values will never be negative though.
Any time limits? I can imagine quite a few O(scary) algorithms already
@Sp3000 It's probably O(scary), but it might be possible to find a polynomial time algorithm with some dynamic programming as I'm only asking for pairs as opposed to subsets.
I'm not going to impose a time limit I think
@Sp3000 It is done... prime factorisation... worst case 170k cycles, using all 7 nodes, and 123 instructions...
in hind-sight, I could have omitted the prime generator o.O
Nice :)
Ahaha probably
that is also what's blowing up the cycles
because generating all primes up to 73 takes a while
Well I'm assuming you don't feel like retrying any time soon? :P
well the prime generator is a fairly well-separated module of 5 nodes which I could probably just ditch entirely
yep, works
18k cycles, 79 instructions
(to be fair, the prime generator wasn't the hardest part of the challenge, so it doesn't feel like a huge waste of time :D)
I need to solve 1 more to unlock the very last level... tomorrow...
I'm at that situation on the first set :P
(Scared to start on the double stacks)
which challenge are you talking about?
ah, I see
@Sp3000 I'm quite curious about the very last level. I think he last level of the first set was the easiest on that row (maybe except for the divider)
Oh? What is it? (And yeah divider was pretty easy)
well, I've still got 9 unsolved levels (before that last one), so I hope I'll manage to crack one of them tomorrow.
@Sp3000 basically, output a run-length encoded image
Ah... images :P
I'm currently writing an explanation for a code golf from 5 days ago. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was drunk when I wrote this. Lots of golfing opportunities missed, and I have a :c after a string (just in case).
@Sp3000 the second set has an image level where you repeatedly read an orientation (as a multiple of 90 degrees) and a length and then trace out the path (all in white, thankfully). I haven't dared attempting that one yet.
I'll... slowly get there
which ones do you have left on the first set?
I have the bottom row except divider + exposure mask
Exposure mask looks okay, but there's a few variables to keep track of, so yeah... (2 variables per node makes things pretty restrictive)
ah yeah, exposure mask was a bit annoying, too. I was able to reuse that entire code for a level in the second set though (augmenting it with my own mask generator)
Oh? Okay then :)
The only time I've reused code so far is the second image test using the first :P
well the second set needs a lot of dividing, so I've reused that several times. and I've also reused my min/max code a few times. but the exposure mask thing was the only one where I copied more than one node.
Ah k
I'll get some sleep and try not to dream of stacks and registers...
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