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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Lembik hi
@Jakube your golf answer to my question is amazing! 44 bytes
just wanted to say
I am not sure how you have got the last few bytes off recently
Thanks. I was able to put the two scalar products into a loop, instead of calculating them each.
Btw. I'm pretty sure I can reach around 30 with the explicit formular.
@Jakube and it might be fast too!
I still can't understand how on earth we know that formula is right
anyone here with a math phd to help would be great :)
I doubt most Math PhDs are combinatorics wizards.
Ugh. I wanted to use LÖVE for the minecraft tool golf (just because), but apparently when you draw a line, it doesn't f'ing draw the line you tell it to, but some other line, decided by some yet-to-be-determined method.
Lesson learned: Don't try to use line-drawing tools if you need pixel-perfect results.
@Dennis that's a good point.. I think I was only say it lightheartedly
@Dennis although I don't really understand the line between combinatorics and probability
we need a resource of combinatorics wizards accessible through the internet :)
@Lembik You could post it on Math.SE
@trichoplax you mean ask, why is the formula correct?
Or just "is it correct?"
I should probably try to prove it by induction first
they don't like lazy people :) But thanks
Yes get as far as you can before asking anyway :)
also, people here are smarter than on math.se :)
@Lembik we decide which nodes to discard based on N_MAX, since at a certain point you will encounter tuples for which |s| and |t| are too great to get back to 0 by the time N_MAX is reached
since from one tuple to the next |s| and |t| can differ by at most one each
the search space increases until around N_MAX / 2 and then decreases again, which you can see by the speed of the values being outputted
@MitchSchwartz ok.. so what happens if you set the wrong N_MAX? Does it ever output the wrong answer as a result?
@MitchSchwartz Oh... I think this current question is basically finished now.. If I asked a new one but with A longer might you be interested? Surely Min_25 can't come up with another closed formula :)
I feel longer A should make it much harder
with A[2] =A[n+2] for example
maybe I should email apia too :)
it seems to have worked out well
@Lembik no, it just either doesn't complete within 10 seconds, or it finishes with time to spare
the correctness is not compromised
@MitchSchwartz ok thanks.. it is very nice. Did you see it got to 165
are you in contact with apia?
no not at all.. I also don't know what his/her strengths are
@MitchSchwartz are you in touch with apia?
@MitchSchwartz in relation to a new question.. might you be interested?
@MitchSchwartz that is in one that doesn't have a closed form solution but you could use some of the ideas you have already developed
i may be able to see his email because of my account privileges on spoj, but i don't feel comfortable with that
well Min_25 said he doesn't know whether a closed form solution exists but guesses that one does
so i wouldn't really be surprised if he were able to come up with one
i think modifying the dp solution would not be too hard
do you think it would be ok for me to reply to your comment with "Thank you, I agree with your decision. :)" or is that too much like a "+1" that people would frown on as being useless and non-informative?
@MitchSchwartz please do reply like that!
@MitchSchwartz it would be interesting to see if your pruning is still effective for example
currently I am really wondering if Min_25 is looking at the Joy of X
and hoping he/she is!
The first comment on this SO blog is killing me. "In Russia, Stack Overflows You"
yeah the pruning idea still applies
|s| |t| and |u| would need to be within thresh, thresh-1, and thresh-2
@MitchSchwartz ah so maybe some clever way is needed to set those thresholds?
@Rainbolt I hope we don't start having SO in all different languages. I can see it will be really annoying
Why would that annoy you? How does it even affect you at all?
ru.stackoverflow.com is a totally separate website from www.stackoverflow.com
those minuses should have been plusses
it's possible there is something i'm not anticipating, but i just mean that it will be parallel to what i did for this one -- thresh is just N_MAX - N, there is no complicated calculation there
@Rainbolt The usual argument is that it fragments the community. For instance, someone who knows both Russian and English (but Russian better) may post their question (or answer I guess) only on the Russian site now (instead of on English), so there's a net loss of knowledge from the "main" site.
@Rainbolt because much the same question will appear in umpteen languages
I'm not saying I necessarily agree with that stance, but it's what I saw brought up when the Portugese one started up.
@Rainbolt and everyone will want to cross-post
@MitchSchwartz OK... So... with your permission I will post it ... but if you tell me you will definitely not post an answer I won't :)
If you know English and Russian I don't see why cross posting is an issue.
@Lembik how about, i try to write a solution before you publish the question, and then i can send it to you and we can go from there?
@MitchSchwartz wow.. that's even better!
thanks you
ok, cool :)
The only reason I see cross posting as an issue is if it gets a great answer on one site and sad/no answers on the other. Even then it's not that big a deal IMO, it's just the whole knowledge fragmentation issue.
We'll probably only lose the people whose second language is Russian and prefer to post on a primary language dedicated website.
i won't be working on it right now btw, i have some other things to take care of
i'm very glad Min_25 joined in, that was great
@MitchSchwartz thanks and yes!
@Geobits It's not like cross posting caused the English one to get a crappier answer.
Unless one of the answerers is a Russian who left the English site.
let's say there are 50 of these in different languages
Like I said, that part isn't a big deal to me.
you want to know the answer to somethign.. so how many are you allowed to post the question on?
Here's a thought: In the future, you check what languages you can understand and you get questions from all applicable StackOverflows
and do you produce a chain of cross links in each question to the next?
@Rainbolt well you can understand lots of languages poorly using google translate for example
I like that idea for search actually. That would be pretty sweet.
I think having the same question posted 50 times is not a good idea
I don't understand where you are getting this idea that a question will be posted 50 times.
If someone uses Google translate, everyone will be able to tell
And the amount of effort it takes to copy and paste 50 times is just stupid
@Lembik I normally assume that most people know <5 languages, and won't paste sloppy robotranslated copies everywhere.
@Rainbolt 50 was just an example number :) say 5
And, if someone does manage to write a question using perfect wording in 50 languages, then kudos to them. They deserve to get answers in 50 languages.
isn't posting a question 5 times bad?
Because that's work, and if there's one thing I've learned from many SO askers, it's that they don't want to do work before asking.
Lembik your entire argument is a basis for not having different languages in the first place.
@Rainbolt well sort of.. it is in bible after all :)
@Rainbolt it is true that lots of practical things are easier if there is one standard language to do it in
not so great for culture though :)
It's also true that the majority of the world doesn't speak English ;)
@Geobits is that really true? Is it true that the majority of the internet using world doesn't know basic English?
of course billions of people who don't use the internet don't know English.. but that is not so relevant
If you want to broaden the internet user base, you can't focus only on those that already use it.
I think Spanish is the broadest language right?
@Geobits It's not an aim of SO to broaden the population who use the Internet is it?
So English is 28% even of just internet users there. You'd be ignoring the other 72% if you focus only on English.
@Lembik It should be the goal of any decent person IMO, but I'm also a hypocrite, so... :P
@Geobits I didn't ignore it! I gave you those stats :) They of course don't actually answer my question
@MartinBüttner: I know I've already asked a variation of this, but I want to clarify before wasting a lot of time. Are the string lengths on the boggle board guaranteed to vary from 1 to 50 or at least from 1 to N?
@Geobits why is it good to use the internet? I don't think I am any happier than I was in the 80s :)
Okay, let's say posting a question 5 times (in different languages) is bad. Why is it bad?
@Rainbolt Partly because when someone wants to find the answer they have to look in 5 places
it is quite likely the answers will be different standards
"The question was posted five times. Therefore, to find the answer I must find all five questions." is a non sequitur.
@Lembik If you've looked for a job/house/etc (in the US at least) recently, you'd know that not having reliable internet access is a serious disadvantage.
and so the community effect of improving answers is also partly lost
@Geobits I can imagine!
@Geobits if you post to MO and math.se for example, you have to include links to the other question
@Geobits much for the reason I mentioned... people don't want to work on something to find that it has already been answered elsewhere.. and it's also a waste of time
Are you meaning to reply to me or Rainbolt? I'm pretty sure you got the wrong guy with the last couple.
could be :)
Still, you're assuming that the answerers are going to know the same languages as the askers and searchers.
You started with a non sequitur. Everything after I ignored. So if you were talking to me you have to start over.
@Rainbolt :)
If I know English and Japanese, I would only ever see those that happen to be cross posted on those two sites, not five copies.
in all seriousness... I think it will be bad for anyone who speaks english
and good for those who don't
And if I do know both languages, why wouldn't I want to see answers from both? Someone may have a brilliant answer and only know one of them.
@Geobits the idea is that answer quality is improved by having more eyes
that is they are not produced independently of the community
The answer would never exist in the first place if it was only on English and the answerer doesn't know it.
@Geobits right.. so I think it will be good for those who don't speak English
Which is most of the world, even if restricted to just internet users.
@Geobits is that true?
There's a chance that some bilingual user will port the brilliant Russian answer to English. Would that offset the decrease in quality due to having less eyes?
@Lembik You linked the chart that says so...
@Geobits I know most of the world doesn't have English as a first language.. ..but that is a different question
@Geobits no it doesn't say anything about the number of people who can speak English.. it is about English as a first language
We just graded our code base using SonarQube and we got an A!
@Rainbolt that is an interesting question indeed.. I imagine in practice there will be a lot of translation needed
Less than 1% of our code base is technical debt. To get an A we need less than 10%.
@Lembik I don't see where it says first/native language anywhere on that page.
To fix the less than 1% of our code base that is technical debt: estimated 1279 man days required.
@Geobits what do you think it is counting?
@Geobits I could have it wrong
Since it has a 1.3B count for English (worldwide), it don't think it can be native speakers.
@Geobits don't forget India
that's quite informative
Don't forget Klingon
@Rainbolt are you comparing Klingon to India?
If you notice, that wiki chart even says English isn't the primary language in India, so I doubt most have it as their first language.
I don't judge which nation is better than another.
@Geobits sure I saw that. If it had been the sum would have been above 1.3B
Lmao this code of honor for programming: klingon.org/resources/klingon_code.html
"Indentation is for enemy skulls, not code."
Sorry python :)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… is informative too!
the wiki rocks :)
Mandarin wins on that page!
err... sort of
And confirms that the internet-users chart is talking about speakers, not native/primary ;)
Total number of native speakers on that page vs total number of speakers on the other page
English wins in fact
@Rainbolt just in response to this
29 mins ago, by Rainbolt
ru.stackoverflow.com is a totally separate website from www.stackoverflow.com
the question is if you count L1, L2 and FL
@Geobits :)
>ping ru.stackoverflow.com

Envoi d'une requête 'ping' sur ru.stackoverflow.com [] avec 32 oct
ets de données :
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=137 ms TTL=51

>ping www.stackoverflow.com

Envoi d'une requête 'ping' sur stackoverflow.com [] avec 32 octets
de données :
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=139 ms TTL=51
@Geobits non of the numbers match well enough for me to say anything really
Except that a whole bunch of people don't speak English :)
@Geobits this is true! Everyone minus 1.5B people it seems
but I can't tell how many of those people are internet users
@Agawa001 Separate websites can direct to the same IP address...
ah ok
separate (linguistically)
2.94 billion internet users in total apparently @Geobits
but I am giving up on these stats.... too confusing :)
I think the biggest issue is that the English-speaking world is not gaining internet users as fast as the rest, and won't just due to math. English-speaking countries already have deep penetration rates, so if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to look into other areas.
@Geobits interesting
@MitchSchwartz sorry about the distraction :)
Anyone here tried VS Code?
finally i got what a list question
now im gonna star
1 hour later…
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Apparently, I am capped for today at 215 reputation.
Reading an interesting post about letter frequencies
apparently the most frequent 7-letter sequence in english is "present
Hey chat, I'm interested to know which editors you guys use
I originally used Notepad++, until I wanted something cross-platform
and then I switched to sublime but I didn't really like it
so now, I use Atom
I'm still at the Notepad++ stage
I switch between that and IDLE for Python 3
For learning JavaScript I'm mostly using jsfiddle
@trichoplax Is your JS Koth still forthcoming?
I'm focusing on my bot flock entry at the moment (it's taking much longer than I expected...)
Is this weekend the deadline?
I was going to tally the results, but if you're still planning to answer, I can wait another week or so.
My hope is that after that I'll have sufficient grasp of JS to write a KotH, but I'm not sure which one to do first (I have a few ideas)
I love the idea of SSKotHs but I also like the idea of KotHs being available in a variety of languages, even if each one is language specific, so I'm trying to decide which of my ideas would be best for a stack snippet, rather than make them all stack snippets
@Calvin'sHobbies Thanks :) Maybe you could pretend that end of this weekend is the deadline to get me moving though ;)
@trichoplax Fine. I assumed I wouldn't get any more answers so I was about to accept. But I'll say that monday is the deadline.
At the moment I'm leaning towards my QotH (Queen of the Hill) as the one I'd most like to see in a stack snippet. It's not sandboxed yet, but it's an ant-based contest with everyone present on a very large arena (if there are too many entries I'll have to exclude the bottom few from the contest but I'd like to see 16 or 20 competing at once)
Each player will start with just a queen, but the queen will be able to produce workers. Each ant can only see the 9 squares around it, and runs as a separate function with no communication with the others (rather than a single bot controlling the whole nest)
It's going to be very low information and no state can be saved, so the ants can only keep track of things by changing the colours of the arena cells
I've got it mostly worked out on paper apart from the number of colours permitted, which I'm guessing will be 8 or 16.
@trichoplax As someone who's spent months playing with swarm/emergent behavior in years past, you need to promise me that isn't vaporware :P
Sounds like fun..I would participate, if only I weren't allergic to Javascript
@Geobits I've got it pretty much worked out, but I'm learning JavaScript, so I am determined to post it at some point, but I can't guarantee it will be soon...
I have a JS allergy, too, but I could pop a couple benadryl for that one.
The ants will have no memory, and no orientation, so unless they mark the cells around them they won't even be able to follow a straight line
Their neighbourhood is presented to them at a random orientation each move
@trichoplax I'd be willing to work on a Java controller due to allergies
or Python, if people are similarly afflicted by Java
@NathanMerrill That's very kind of you, and I have a few KotH ideas so I'd like to try each one in a different language, but I'm very attached to the idea of stack snippets for the ant QotH.
@feersum Hopefully there will be an answer on another question that can translate from some more palatable language into JS...
I don't follow
I'm not sure if it will work like that either, but it's a thought...
Perfect, I'll write my answer with deadfish
Each answer will contain a function to operate the queen, and a further 4 functions for 4 different worker types. You won't have to use all 4, but that's the maximum number of different worker types available
The queen then decides what worker types to create and when, but once created they do their own thing with no communication unless they do so via the coloured squares of the arena
I'll write up a sandbox post once I'm finished with my BBBF answer
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