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@MartinBüttner -.-
It's only been 13 answers and I'm already losing track of where Martin's answers are on the tree
what do you guys think about marking leaves of the tree somehow?
Would it make sense to annotate them with the answerers' names?
the nodes in the graph you mean?
that would probably be useful
@PhiNotPi ? ^
It'd be amazing if you could highlight a user and all of the same name showed in, say, red. But effort.
I meant more like, should we leave comments, or a note in the answer if there is no sequences that can be chained onto a given answer, so people don't bother searching
Marking dead ends somehow would be good - is it possible to do that in the title without breaking the snippet?
Or would we have to do that in the commentary section of the answer?
(I'm back)
I think it would be easy to add usernames to the tree.
But the whole color-scheme thing just ain't gonna happen.
@Sp3000 I was just about to add a dead-end message to one of my answers... but then I figured this challenge is gonna be around for a while, and who knows what sequences will be added to OEIS.
I see :P
@Doorknob nice :)
(I still have my screenshot of that on my desktop :D)
or likely someone else's screenshot, because it's from the profile page and I usually just take them from the supercollider.
@Doorknob how many answers had to suffer downvotes for that? ;)
@MartinBüttner Does it need a "sequences present on the OEIS before this challenge was posted" or is the OEIS sufficiently proof against vandalism?
proposal: rename the supercollider to supercolander.
@trichoplax I'm pretty sure it is.
@Sp3000 37 byte at first go (new Ch challenge in ><>)
:o nice
did you try it?
it could probably go under 30
Nah, but what I had was definitely over that
Is xnor's answer on counting pyramids really awesome ?
OEIS does not contain the meta sequence consisting of the first numbers of the sequences listed in OEIS ;_;
@Optimizer is it not?
I can't seem to understand the algorithm. but is it a better algorithm than mine's or Jakube's 17 byte version's ?
I think it's really elegant, but I doubt you could do it in less than 23 bytes in CJam
what do you not understand about it?
I am trying to add author names to the tree diagram, but it's not working out.
    1 : A000030 by Martin B&#252;ttner
how are you parsing the username from a solution? you should try getting the textContent property of the element instead of innerHTML
then you shouldn't need to worry about html entities like that
the user name should not be fetched from any HTML at all
@MartinBüttner let me take another look. last look was taken in a hurry. and function version is 22 in cham
it should just be a field in the JSON data
increment/decrement would be really useful in ><>...
@MartinBüttner fetching from HTML should retain the accent
I just tried in console.
@Optimizer well not from the HTML text field in the JSON response. that is all HTML encoded I think, and it's just a string at that point.
@MartinBüttner What does The Nineteenth Byte reference to?
@PhiNotPi I've had that problem too. I used function decodeEntities(s) { return $('<textarea>').html(s).text() } to fix it.
The Nineteenth Hole
damn Pyth to have a subsets and in operater :/
A: Let's think of a creative name for our chatroom

dmckeeWell, the traditional generic name for the country club bar is "the nineteenth hole", which suggests The Nineteenth Byte or something like that.

@Optimizer did you try Euclidean Rhythms?
@MartinBüttner no, I just came back from avengers. haven't even looked at the question yet. just listened to those beats
@Calvin'sHobbies thanks! it works
@MartinBüttner Zero. :P
I'm also trying to insert a newline into the graph, because 48 : A181857 by NinjaBearMonkey causes text to overlap.
\n doesn't do it?
<br> neither, I assume?
"author":" by " + decodeEntities("<br>" + user) results in by <br>PhiNotPi
A: How to linebreak an svg text within javascript?

Sergiu DumitriuThis is not something that SVG 1.1 supports. SVG 1.2 does have the textArea element, with automatic word wrapping, but it's not implemented in all browsers. However, given that you already know where your linebreaks should occur, you can break your text into multiple <tspan>s, each with x="0" an...

okay, I'll just create two separate lines of text
Can I have a link to deleted the meta OEIS evolution post?
I'm assuming it's deleted, else I'm just blind.
Or you could truncate the name
I love easy challenges. You get to pull out all the weird languages that never get any love
I wouldn't mind
@Sp3000 Yeah, I'm planning to add some Retina and Prelude answers as well, but I'll wait a bit. I don't really want to head the leaderboard by virtue of having too much time on my hands.
(which I actually don't, I should be revising for exams...)
I should be doing assignments...
But I just gave myself the challenge of not using a language twice
should have thought of that before using Mathematica twice...
Mathematica for an integer sequence challenge? :P
Author labels are now live: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/49223/2867
I was actually trying to do a different sequence in Mathematica at first that needed PrimeQ, but I failed at for looping in Mathematica
@Sp3000 really? what didn't work?
For[i = 0, , i++; If[PrimeQ[90 i + 73], Print[i]]] <-- no idea
Probably has automatic substiruion for Axxxxxx :P
@PhiNotPi Thanks for the hard work you put into this :)
@Sp3000 is that supposed to never terminate?
Yeah infinite stream
@PhiNotPi no that's fine
(I'm a Mathematica noob too so I wouldn't know if you're right :P)
@Sp3000 my Mathematica usually hangs when I try printing a lot of stuff fast
like... really bad... like locking-up-the-entire-pc bad
That sounds like a huge flaw.
but this might be a quirk of the Windows version
Now sure, I'm on Windows and nothing happens, that's it
I guess it tries to buffer the prints to optimize or something (?)
at least your Windows is still usable :P
just put a termination condition in for testing and submit it without the condition
although I don't see why you want an infinite stream submission to begin with
I thought it'd be the shortest option, byte-wise
what about (For[i=#,!PrimeQ[90i+73],++i];i)&
no that's stupid
Why use For?
ah I see the problem
@Sieg because it's shorter than While
@MartinBüttner I guess Mathematica isn't as functional as I thought.
well, For is a function
you can also map but not onto infinite sequences
(I don't think there's such a thin as an infinite sequence in Mma, but I'd love to be proven wrong)
Yea, was wondering about mapping.
Haskell and co. have spoiled me.
for finite Fors I always map in Mathematica
although I think Do can be shorter than Range sometimes
map f [1..] is lovely :P
seq = flip map [0..] because style
@PhiNotPi What do we do about sequences which are finite, and are only conjectured to be complete (but not proven)?
Prove them.
I'm going to go with the interpretation of "You can assume that the sequence will be defined for N" that if no more terms are known, then you don't have to output them.
8K rep!
Hmm nobody else has made a level 1 or level 2 apart from the 0, 1 we started with...
@PhiNotPi I'm guessing if the sequence is finite, then we can't do a continuous stream?
I guess...
(too many questions!)
Sorry :P
Just having fun researching
Over an hour since a new EOEIS answer?
Looks like it.
@PhiNotPi over an hour since my challenge was posted too :)
everyone has more gold badges than me :(
I don't
you don't count
and everyone else who has less badges than me neither
nor do I (on both counts)
Someone should start a new level 1.
To help unlock some other portions of the tree.
@PhiNotPi I think there is more than enough room now
@Optimizer evil grin
@PhiNotPi Your tip for finding only sequences starting with certain numbers doesn't seem to work.
it doesn't?
It only works if the prefix doesn't appear again
@Calvin'sHobbies go die
That's weird...
I have a level 1 in mind but I'm picking a language :P
@Optimizer I only have half as many gold badges as you, but you don't have any of the ones I have :P
(that's technically true even though I only have one...)
ones is still correct grammar ?
I have no way of telling...
@Optimizer There. I gave you a bronze badge.
pitying on the poor ? :P
@PhiNotPi no that was actually Zgarb's point when he posted it
@Optimizer My real name is Richard
@MartinBüttner I think that is long enough for the second pinned chat message
@Calvin'sHobbies -.-
now I just need one more silver to have some relation between the numbers .. 2, 22, 88
can you not tell by your rep activity page ?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pawel.boczarskiBiased Ternary Numbers. There is a people in one of the remote islands of Polynomia archipelagus that use a very strange number system. This is a positional system of base 3, however what is unusual are the digits - instead of common 0, 1, 2 they are using digits that mean "-1", "0", "+1". The...

thanks anonymous :)
@Optimizer I couldn't believe it :(
@Optimizer it would have been nice if they had explained why
also.. there is nothing wrong with the question :)
Two votes! :) Thank you
At least one of them was on its merit :)
should we keep EoOIS fairly civil or go chicken chicken chicken
@Calvin'sHobbies nope
^ ><> is near :)
I'm eager to see a non-tiebreaker winner, and the explanations
@randomra Incoming pancakes
what will we get ? :P
@Sp3000 what's with so weird languages ?
Because it's really hard to use them normally
so this challenge is trivial enough ?
@Sp3000 I just learned a new language :P
@Optimizer probably 10 rep, with the eventual chance of 25
@Calvin'sHobbies not too enticing ;)
ok, now that Jakube's out of pikcha. time to golf dotty strings
ughh, just when I thought that ^
@Jakube get rekt
@Jakube any further possibility of golfing ?
@PhiNotPi ~270 hotness points at 177 views, wtf...
@PhiNotPi's hot
The hotness calculation takes into account the scrabble score of your username
how much scrabble score does mine have ?
LegionMammal is determined to win this thing :D
@Optimizer I have no idea what a scrabble score is I just generate starrable content using Google Ngrams
@MartinBüttner there is no time restrictions ?
@Calvin'sHobbies there you go - a non-tiebreaker (as of now) and explanation
4 more answers to go..
wow, the activity page is still showing that my next badge is electorate, while i am so close to code-gold
@ɐɔıʇǝɥʇuʎs your answer is depth 4, and the list of numbers for the next answer should be a comma separated list in its own code block preceded by "[The next answer should start with the] terms:"
@Optimizer tag badges aren't shown with the other ones, but at the left
also, I doubt that the shown badge changes automatically unless you obtain the current badge
that also says code-challenge
while the popup says recomended is code-gold
so confusing
you were probably closer to code-challenge when the new profile was introduced
you are really close to code-challenge
no, percentage wise, i am closer to code-gold
and lets see if that changes tomorrow . when I would be 100% on upvotes requirement for code-gold
@Optimizer but maybe you weren't two weeks ago :P
@Optimizer what do you want to bet on it? :P
yes, but the popup shows correct number, so the new profile is static once only thing ?
2 years from now . I am still close to getting a code-challenge bronze
you know you can select the badge you want to track manually?
@MartinBüttner that is useless
to you too ?
I prefer to select that badge myself rather than having a random one shown
that is the problem
its showing random and not updating it
wow, 5 of the starred messages are mine ! woot!
well if it updated, that would mean I couldn't permanently choose one manually, right?
because it might be replaced any time by one I'm closer to
@MartinBüttner manual choice can still be there
but automatic one should be updated automatically
tomorrow after final confirmation
okay, I am convinced now that LegionMammal is literally going to put an answer onto every single node he's allowed to.
that's what you get when you dont have time limit
@PhiNotPi ^
ever damn second he is adding 1 update on the main site ..
I think he's almost done (with the current tree)
of course you cannot clap with 1 hand
someone else will eventually shortly answer again
You know, you're on the best way to winning this challenge, but as it stands I don't think any of these answers are particularly interesting in either choice of sequence, programming language or solution. No offence, but maybe you'd want to spend some more time on answers that are also upvote-worthy rather than just mindlessly churning out answers to secure your top spot on the leaderboard? — Martin Büttner ♦ 6 secs ago
Okay, first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to write a script to find availiable OEIS sequences for that challenge
@ɐɔıʇǝɥʇuʎs how about Ctrl+F through the database?
@MartinBüttner That also finds things that can't be used, like doubles. Also: it's a fairly high-speed challenge...
you two are making it a high-speed one
Requiring that a user may not use the same language more than once might have been good
but the challenge is trivial enough to use esolangs easily. so maybe not
Still much trickier than churning out answers in a language you know well
I don't really like Evolution of style challenges. I feel like they generate a very large number of unintersesting answers, with maybe one or two interesting answers sprinkled in.
someone should answer in HTML ;)
@isaacg I can totally see what you mean. I'm guessing the main appeal is watching the real-time progress of the answer chain (this was especially true for me in Evo of Hello World but the feeling has ebbed with additional challenges). Still, you can't say there aren't some gems.
@Calvin'sHobbies that's just overkill :P
I agree wholeheartedly about the gems, I just wish we could incentives gems better.
want me to put in a ruby answer ?
@isaacg incentivize
ruby'd be great.
ah, finally a nice answer again
@MartinBüttner Possible solution: Take votes into account on the leaderboard.
Also, the text is starting to overlap on the graph thingy.
@Doorknob might be a bit late now
@Doorknob at this speed, the nodes will start soon too
Something tells me Phi will have the 3 most answered questions sooner or later
(I'm back)
Enter PhiNotPi
@MartinBüttner How can you tell the hotness points?
mouseover the link on stackexchange.com
@PhiNotPi hover
you're more than double me D:
Also, I apparently need to increase the height of the tree diagram to give it more vertical spacing.
ok folks i need some feedback on my koth thingy before i post it
@Optimizer Still fixated on your badges then ;)
@trichoplax what ? not at all :P
why did you think so ? :P
I wonder why you are having such misconceptions about me ...
lol closed as duplicate of message 21315394 by Doorknob ♦
That was actually sent twice due to a timeout error - I only intended to lol once...
fun fact : trichoplax only lols once
@trichoplax FTFY. :P
@Doorknob I had no idea you could do that to chat posts. That's brilliant
he just edited it
Oh. I'm slightly disappointed. And feeling slightly silly
a kid just tricked an adult :P
shhhh, what are you talking about? It's actually a very little-known chat feature
@Doorknob yes yes. now back to your tea party :P
@Optimizer I'm flattered you consider me evidently grown up
i guess i should post in the sandbox, huh?
or since this is fully written, should i just post it?
sandbox it, I think
@sirpercival can't hurt to post in the sandbox for feedback first
Maybe link to it from a sandbox post and give it a few days to gather feedback
A week doesn't hurt - better than finding out the hard way that there's a loophole
haha ok
alrighty, posted
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sirpercivalaBOTcalypse Design a bot to compete in a King-of-the-Hill challenge! Here's a replay of a default bot game. A valid bot must accept a multiline string representation of the region of the board it can see, and output a move for the bot. Mechanics This is a survival game. The apocalypse has com...

can someone edit that link into the list? i don't have enough rep.
@sirpercival done
thanks @MartinBüttner
folks, quick question for my son
using only +-* and the numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 50 (each a maximum of once), how do you make 466?
you can reuse operators, just not numbers
congrats, you just nerd-sniped the entire chat room.
i can't figure this out and it's driving me insane
I'll make a brute force :P
^ I was just gonna say, there can't be that many possibilities
brute force it, then he can show his teacher (I assume) all of the solutions
are parentheses allowed?
can I do (3+2)*6?
yes indeed
A brute-forcer should use reverse polish notation.
@PhiNotPi i love it when you talk dirty
(50-(6/2))*(3+7)-4 if division allowed
@isaacg you are a lifesaver thank youuuuu
wait what...
You're welcome, though it breaks the rules you stated
it does?
it uses division
Uses division
hahaha i put a / on there and it went away
sorry :(
i didn't notice
i said +-*/
I won't rest until there's a brute-forcer for this.
@PhiNotPi given a set of numbers, to figure out the operations to get to a target value?
this is one of my son's math apps
why don't you post it as a code golf :D
@sirpercival (50-4)*(3+7)+6
@PeterTaylor haha that doesn't even use division. well done
Took me way too long, though. I normally try to solve these within 30 seconds.
@PhiNotPi I'm sure it's been asked. Probably with two or three variants.
I didn't realise you were allowed to not use one of the numbers
@isaacg i said "a maximum of once"
You could also to 46(7+2-3) to be 466. :)
Do we have a meta policy on partial answers? I thought we did, but I can't seem to find it.
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