@Calvin'sHobbies No, I mean how do I find what the earliest acceptable year is (in the answers, i.e, if the earliest year was 2010, my answer would be 2009)?
@Sp3000 joke ><> answer to the ruby question, uses the input characters as mirrors to build a logic-less maze leading to the output number: pastebin.com/ChKtQExA
@Geobits Everything on that Quagmire post is pretty much factual. I really don't know how well the game plays, since my 8th grader brain at the time was just playing around. You have my permission to do absolutely anything you want with that game, though perhaps a reference to the challenge page or something would be nice :)
My attempt at stating this question, but with a more objective solving criterion.
Your task is to build a program or function that takes a solved Sudoku grid $S$ in the format of your choice and attempts to generate a problem grid with as few clues as possible that has $S$ as its unique solution...
@Geobits The original motivation for the game was for programming. I was just learning about programming and had already done Tic Tac Toe and Connect 4, so I wanted something new to try. If you're going to pursue it, feel free to message me and we can chat about gameplay.
And I also you think you were lucky to get that one amazing Python answer by dansalmo. I'm pretty sure a lot of people shared the question because of that.
everything on SE is cached, so stuff like this happens all the time. but more important things are refreshed much more frequently of course (and less important things less frequently)
@JoeZ. Post a crypto-puzzle on puzzling with the answer as the URL (ending). I'll either crack it or someone else will, and I'll know the answer. Oh, and everyone else forget you heard that.
I think the problem is that you can't ever get to that "higher standard". Once you do, more good stuff is coming in than "not good enough", but there's no reward for it.
@ASCIIThenANSI I'd just quit the site. There's no getting around shady stuff like that. Even SE has problems with voting irregularities without the forcing mechanism.