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@PhiNotPi I have a bot that beats all current bots. I'll wait for mbomb to finish BOMBER before I post it.
2 moar bytes ...
@Peter can golfscript = not index into a string?
@PeterTaylor How do you tell which new plots to point, though?
Are you doing it the "normal" way?
@MartinBüttner It can. Why?
@PhiNotPi Context?
You pinged me earlier, talking about my points on a line challenge.
@PeterTaylor oh I thought that's why you did 1/ before =, but I guess it's because you need the character in an array
@PhiNotPi Ah. That's not the approach I'm using. I was just supplying the one really reliable relationship between consecutive outputs.
@MartinBüttner Unlike CJam, GolfScript strings are actually a different type, not just a special case in the toString method of an array.
that's why I asked
And there's no character type.
Without the 1/ I'd get an array of integers, and then it would take ''+ to convert to a string.
I wonder, is the line "dense"? Meaning that each pair of points will eventually have a point between them?
@PeterTaylor oh right... I was more expecting it to return a one-character string.
I think the answer to my question is no.
I think if your earlier observation is true, at least the first half is dense
My earlier observation is not true, based on the CJam answer's output.
@PhiNotPi I think so. You insert A' between C and D, and then in every case I've seen B' = D, so you can group the operations by pairing up the points, inserting one between each pair, and then repeating from the last one.
Which would explain the 3/2 increase in points each time n increments.
Maybe the answer depends on the starting configuration, maybe here is an example?
sorry about that
n = 29 is the first value that can't be computed with my answer.
Here's an idea, what is the trend in the number of points each pass-through? (each time the line is wrapped around?)
@PeterTaylor Thanks for that catch. I was using negative numbers before I golfed everything.
....................... ......... 0  0
A...................... ......... 1  1
X...............A...... ......... 1  2
X...............X...... .A....... 1  3
X...............X...A.. .X....... 1  4
X.......A.......X...X.A .X....... 2  6
X...A...X.......X.A.X.X AX....... 3  9
X.A.X...X...A...X.XAX.XAXX...A... 5 14
If you look at the intervals formed by Xs, you will see that every other interval contains a new point A.
are we trying to obtain a formula for this pattern ?
I guess we are.
These are the number of points for n = 0 to 25 counting for each pass-through:
If there are N number of Xs at the start of a given pass-through, then there are about N/2 points added that pass through.
When there are an odd number of Xs, then whether you round down or up depends on where the previous pass through ended.
@PhiNotPi I think that's what Peter meant
what's the sequence of positions (with and without wrapping) for a given N?
I thought he was talking about pair the points D' and B'
Let's say that there are N points before a pass-through, and P is the polarity (odd if the first/third/etc. intervals are filled, even if the second/fourth/etc. are filled).

If N is even, then N/2 points are added and polarity stays the same.
If N is odd and the polarity is odd, then ceil(N/2) are added and polarity flips.
If N is odd and the polarity is even, then floor(N/2) are added and polarity flips.
@PhiNotPi The identification of D with B' is the justification for why the points can be paired up and a new one added per pair.
The total number of X's is identical to OEIS A061419 all the way to n=25.
That's probably a solid match, then.
Do you guys think there is a (non double-exponential) algorithm for this, or should I make it a code challenge to use the fewest queries?
I doubt that even if we find the pattern, it would not be shorter
@feersum That's going to be hard.
@PeterTaylor do you think that explicit formula for the number of iterations might be shorter in CJam?
That formula is useless if you follow my approach
@MartinBüttner Doubt it, but since Optimizer's answer uses N% and that's one of the first things I golfed out, I wonder whether a CJam port of my answer would be shorter.
@Optimizer What's your approach?
@TheBestOne It's The Best One
I guess the ceiling part can be improved
@feersum Are you sure that it's even possible to do better than trying each possible subset in ascending order?
@PeterTaylor how do you mean?
@TheBestOne basically keep following the spec. keep the last plotted X index on top of array and do a set union of the new index and rest of the array
For 3 children, there are four non-trivial subsets, and in the worst case you have to try them all.
For 4 children, I don't think it's possible to improve on trying the 11 non-trivial subsets one by one.
Is there any n for which you have shown that f(n) < 2^n - n - 1?
This is a good question, I will check
Are there any problems left with the string rectangle challenge?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerThe Characters in the String Go Round and Round... code-golfstringascii-art (Needs a better title!) (Inspired by a challenge draft by PhiNotPi.) You're given a width W > 1, a height H > 1 and string consisting of 2(W+H-2) printable ASCII characters. The task is to print this string wrapped in...

(except that it could use a better title)
Martin 1 : Conversation 0
I typo'd an index in my math formula...when do we get mathjax?
@feersum balpha wanted to look into it 2 weeks ago
don't know if he forgot or decided not to activate it
I'm not sure if I should pester him about it again or give it another week or two ^^
you have a base cjam score for this ?
I'm relying on you to provide one ;)
idea ?
I think there are at least three approaches, but I don't know which would be shortest
the shortest might be to start with the rectangle of spaces, and then prepend the lines of correct length while rotating 4 times
I want MathJax.
we all do
Even Board and Card Games wants MathJax. I can't imagine what for
Q: Why isn't MathJax enabled on this site?

SamBMathJax would be handy for formatting things like the formulas in the following abstract: We analyze the most commonly used method for shuffling cards. The main result is a simple expression for the chance of any arrangement after any number of shuffles. This is used to give sharp bounds on t...

@Rainbolt theoretical analysis of the games?
mtg is turing-complete right? must be lots of things for the computation
If you have a math heavy theoretical analysis of a game, wouldn't you be better served asking it on a Math site?
I mean, Math majors and experts use the math site. Board Games majors... don't exist. So that just leaves the "experts" board gamers.
well the theoretical analysis doesn't necessarily need to be heavy to benefit from MathJax
but you've got a point
PPCG can see some... heavy... analysis sometimes.
Certainly. Settlers of Catan on the other hand...
posted the challenge:
Q: The Characters in the String Go Round and Round

Martin Büttner(Inspired by an early draft of PhiNotPi's fractal line challenge.) You're given a width W > 1, a height H > 1 and string consisting of 2(W+H-2) printable ASCII characters. The task is to print this string wrapped in a rectangle of the given width and height, in a clockwise sense, where the recta...

Well, someone who frequently uses Math in their answers needs to collect their posts and take it to meta. The only possible way we'll ever get MathJax enabled is if someone says "These posts will benefit from it."
you can't end question titles with an ellipsis :(
@Rainbolt we do have such a list
Hehe I edited your question and it accepted it and the edit disappeared
That is very weird
and balpha looked at it and said, that it looks reasonable and that he wanted to ask Jon Ericson how strong his feelings about rejecting our request were
@Rainbolt like synonym renamings
@Rainbolt here is the request meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/2562/8478
@Rainbolt I think I saw that. That was weird.
Lmao. -8 votes
And a deleted answer
I sorted by votes repeatedly and thought the button was broken for a sec
the deleted answer just had the list before Joe put it in the question
Braille dot fail
not that I would have been able to read Braille...
I tried @Martin
Ellipses in braille means ellipses. Isn't that cool?
does that just mean that periods are single dots in Braille?
Braille 2840 looks like
o o
o o
o o
● o
Lower left dot filled in
So the unicode character for it would make a nice substitute for a period
Which I thought you could use in your challenge title
But it became a square instead. Not supported in this font I guess
yeah Unicode in titles isn't really a good idea anyway, in case it goes HNQ
@Doorknob Thanks! Now get ready for more, because there's 5 people on 9-10k :P
Yep, watching the list closely :)
I have 6.6k
If that means anything
:) :/ :(
(:v{ >
(number of answers) / (quality of answers)^2
is that a constant?
no, what would be a constant?
also, note that I refer to generalized answers (which include questions)
@PeterTaylor I think it is possible to do better than 2^n-n-1, by starting with ab + cd
if no then you have knocked out 2
if yes then you can confirm ab or cd, which takes care of several 3 or 4 size groups containing them
Can MIKGs overlap? (I'm assuming yes)
Yes, you're right.
How are they randomly generated?
that's the hard part..
grrr, empty 2d arrays are freaking me out again :D
it's odd that no one bothered to calculate any Dedekind numbers for n > 8
I think [[]] might work this time though
Perhaps uniformly over every unique possibility, although that could be hard.
it's almost certainly impossible to use that, given my last comment
Is there a limit on the number of groups that the class can be split into?
An edge case would be when one particular student is not compatible with any of the other students.
@xnor I wish I exec's scope wasn't so weird so I could do def f(s,w,h,P=print):P(s[:w]);*L,=s[w:];exec('x,*L,y=L;P(y+" "*(w-2)+x);'*(h-2));P(*L[::-1],sep="") but unfortunately that's longer anyway...
oh, i see, you need the function because of Python 3
my complaint is that you can't do: def f(s,m,n):print(s[:n],*[s[~i]+' '*(n-2)+s[n+i]for i in range(m-2)],s[1-m::-1][:n],sep='\n')
because the * unpacking doesn't allow a non-unpacked argument after an unpacked one
even though it's totally unambiguous
Just wait for Python 3.5 ... just wait for Python 3.5 ...
oh, is that actually happening?
i thought guido was against it
oh, it's accepted
my really nice idea of actually starting with a rectangle of spaces and wrapping the text around with a loop that's run 4 times doesn't work because of width/height 2 cases :/
I've been twiddling my thumbs waiting for the golfing opportunities for that PEP D:
when is it coming out?
one day I'll find a solution for this empty matrix business...
No idea - it's not in 3.5 alpha 3 which is coming March 28, so it might take a while...
@MartinBüttner Should have totally made it a square :P
then 2x2 would still not work
How come?
because I'd still start with an empty matrix
@Sp3000 the PEP though took out things like [*item for item in ranges], which I think have the most golf uses :-(
I give up, Timtech is beyond reason
what is that supposed to mean? @xnor
it would do [*range(i) for i in range(5)] = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3]
:( yeah... only the comprehensions though. {*L} will be 2 bytes better than set(L) though, which is nice
in place of sum(...,[])
currently, the problem with the empty rectangles seems to be that I can represent a 0x2 matrix, as [[][]] but I can't represent a 2x0 matrix.
emis.de/journals/EJC/Volume_4/PDF/v4i2r15.pdf might help with the random generation, but I haven't processed its ideas yet.
@Optimizer fyi I've got 41 bytes but it doesn't work for width or height (or both) 2
@PeterTaylor very interesting...I will have to work on this some more in a week or so
@MartinBüttner Is it possible to get S[:n] and S[n:] where S is a string in one go?
In CJam
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