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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

I have a work related puzzle that I can't seem to solve. There's a database with two million records. I need the average of every record timestamped 10:15 on Monday. Sounds simple right? The simple query doesn't meet performance criteria. It takes far too long to run on two million records.
Sort by time?
Huh? Sort the results?
So anyway, we started over. Now every interval has unique integer associated with it. So midnight is 0, 12:15 is 1, 12:30 is 2, 12:45 is 3, so on and so forth. Now instead of comparing dates, we are searching for integers.
Still takes too long.
I need all the records that have a unique integer of, for example, 5. Takes 35 seconds to run over two million records
"if in doubt, add an index"
I knew that would happen. The guy who knows how to add indexes and has built the one we already have is on vacation until Monday
Meanwhile, I'm being stubborn I guess.
I'd better just learn how to do it
To me, indexes seem like a cop out. I can't put my finger on why though
well it doesn't really make sense to throw indices at everything. but they do have their uses and they can make a huge difference in performance
so if this is an important query to you, then why not
(well if it doesn't yield much of a speedup, then it's not worth it, but you can always try)
Ok, after only a tiny amount of research, I think I have something I want to try
We have a bug in currently that says that the data is not being read in fast enough.
We also have a ton of indexes already in place
"As with most performance optimization techniques, there are tradeoffs. For example, with more indexes, SELECT queries will potentially run faster. However, DML (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) operations will slow down significantly because more indexes must be maintained with each operation"
I'm gonna try wiping out every index we have, so that the inserts aren't hogging all of the resources
Then, maybe the selects will run faster
begins copying 2 million rows...
@Optimizer it makes me sad that no one has beaten (or even reached) my own (unposted) attempt for Shotgun yet :(
there is a 22 pyth
mr catch
but that one isn't posted
(as an answer)
but you are beaten.
if not technically
He's technically beaten.
only by Pyth though
and I did not figure out the non array manipulative way of getting the nth number
that makes me even sadder :(
@Optimizer just look at any other answer :P
I did :(
Are there any known properties of the sequence?
Besides the "fun fact"
I don't know
OEIS didn't link to any papers
the plot looks pretty interesting though
and yesterday I looked for n whose S(n) is greater than 4n
the first such number is 3465... interestingly the next 10 or so are all multiples of that number... but their S(n) don't seem to be related
Here's an idea...maybe.
By working backwards.
that's how most answers solved it
Each swap swaps the index of an even multiple of a prime with an odd multiple of a prime.
Index-wise, not the number itself, right?
at step four, you're swapping indices 12 and 16 (for instance), both of which are even multiples of primes
@MartinBüttner You can do: if s=='>=':r=(a>=b) but not r=apply(s,a,b).
JK then.
@xnor I see, that could probably use a rewording then
Well. make that "an even multiple of the number" with an "odd multiple of a number"
@PhiNotPi yeah
Well, my line of inference doesn't work as well now.
I'll need to think some more.
@xnor "So are methods which look up a method or operator given its name as a string."?
looks good, thanks
make that "functions"
Oh, that joke was from 2010. Is it ok to say that now that he is dead?
i don't get it
Probably because you don't know who Billy Mays is
@Martin If you have time (and a headset) youtube.com/watch?v=ZTpXh33Mbeg
are speakers an option as well? ;)
"He was very well known for shouting in an abrasive manner during infomercials."
According to Wikipedia lol
Just like my SQL queries. SELECT MyColumn FROM MyTable WHY AM I SHOUTING
@MartinBüttner so ... when is the first ever RETINA quine coming ?
I've thought about it
more than 5K bytes long ?
but I don't think quines are well-defined for multi-file programs
I guess for regex you could define a quine as a pattern that matches only itself
that has been done
The way I see it, if the contents of each file involved are output, you win
A: Regex that only matches itself

user23013261 289 characters Regex with backreferences, 289 characters Yes, it is possible! /^(?=.{64}2\)\?\.\*\\.{204}\\2\\\(\)\{2\}\.\{11\}\$\/$)((.*)(\2\2)?.*\/\2\^\2\(\2\?=\2\.\2\{64\2\}2\2\\\2\)\2\\\2\?\2\\\2\.\2\\\2\*\2\\\2\\\2\.\2\{204\2\}\2\\\2\\2\2\\\2\\\2\\\2\(\2\\\2\)\2\\\2\{2\2\\\2\}\2\\\2\....

why is it multi file to begin with ?
I thought the output of a regex was truthy or falsy. How can that possibly be made into a quine?
@Optimizer because I can only produce output without input with a replacement
even then I can't match anything, so I'd have an empty pattern and an arbitrary replacement, which would print the replacement
it's either boring or not a quine
my question was why are the two things put in diff files ?
why not like ///
oh, to save bytes
regex supports newline ?
(inside the regex)
but even that newline would be an unnecessary byte
what is the use ?
matching newlines?
is it ?
not \n ?
that works too
@Rainbolt btw, even without replacement the output of a regex is usually a match, not just truthy/falsy
Q: Are C# LinqPad answers encouraged?

Thomas W.The question Find i^n, given n does not clearly state whether the solution must be a compilable program or can be an expression, neither does it identify where the input shall come from. This leads to answers like this, which are a mixture of both and neither short nor compilable. For verbose l...

@MartinBüttner I thought a regex was a DFA that accepted input and spat out yes or no
that's a regular expression :P
Regex is not a regular expression? Mind blown.
These are the kinds of stupid things people have to actually tell me
most real-world regexes are so far from regular expression that "regex" has come to refer only to those real-world regex engines
no it's not stupid
regex is obviously short for regular expression
but what we call regex in programming rarely actually "regular"
It seems to me that if you apply a regular expression to a body of text, and also highlight all the matches, then sure, you have output. But the part in bold is not a regular expression (the way I learned it anyway)
So I guess regex is short for take a regular expression and also highlight all the matches
sort of... except a regex isn't necessarily regular ;)
I give up. I hereby dub regex "irregex"
I like that ;)
Well, they're not always irregular.
Schrödinger's Regex
(Martin won't get that one unfortunately)
Does US pop culture typically extend to the UK? I mean we get the Strokes and Arctic Monkeys but not much else has made it overseas.
call me maybe is pretty popular in Europe
I think generally, American music, film and TV series is pretty popular in Europe
Huh, turns out she's Canadian
Which is basically American. Three Days Grace sold way more albums in the US than they ever did in Canada
Green Day is American. Wouldn't have guessed that
The Strokes are too. Wouldn't have guess that either
@Martin Did Friday by Rebecca Black make it to the UK?
I don't know
it might have
I was certainly very aware of it, and I mostly listen to the same 7seconds of music on repeat (I'm in the UK)
@VisualMelon That's an interesting way to explain to someone that you like electronic music
I don't listen to a lot of radio or music channels on TV, so I really only know the most popular songs (and sometimes not even those)
hehe, actually recently I've been listening to randomly generated white-noise, which changes in volume every second
sounds pleasant
So dubstep?
and I used to listen to 35seconds of music on repeat when I wasn't miserable
do you... like... need help?
yeah, it also has some saw-tooth waves thrown in
The sad life of a melon that's been cut
you can have the program if you like, it was fun to write
that was a good weekend
Hmmm... spend all weekend listening to saw tooth noises on repeat, or spend all weekend pitting wolves and lions and bears and rocks against each other in an ultimate battle royale? I think I'll pass on the saw tooth noises
oh, looking at pictures of wolves is what I do on week days
Unless Skrillex made them. I'll listen to any noise he makes because I'm a fanboy.
1/2 the tabs in my browser are pictures of wolves
this is my favourite at the moment, but I'm not allowed favourites, but don't tell the wolves that wolf.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/wcs_2_5_15AD-1024x680.jpg
Is Skrillex popular in the UK?
Seems like electronic music is more universal than other genres
not as far as I'm aware, I don't know anything about them, but I've certainly heard discussion of them on a number of occasions
I like classical
Is classical the best one?
my brother introduced me to William Walton recently, that stuff is fantastic (proper British orchestral anthems)
I'd say Skrillex is pretty popular
How about country music?
not so much
but I might be the wrong person to ask for any of these
I'm also probably not representative
@Rainbolt Next favorite.
I'd love to visit the UK some day
@TheBestOne I still have every word of "I like it, I love it" by Tim McGraw memorized from when I was a child
as far as I am concerned, the best things about the UK are the food and the weather, though I'm pretty sure this is not a commonly held opinion
the food?
have you ever eaten anywhere outside the UK?
@Rainbolt I don't like country music quite that much.
yes, I've been to Europe a few times
I agree with the weather thing though
the food is definitely the thing I'm most looking forward to when I move back to Germany
(well and the beer, but that's pretty much the same)
I'm vegetarian, which was always quite hard in Germany in the past ;)
again, not representative
but... German bread...
@VisualMelon Ugh...
have I offended you in some way, TheBestOne? ;)
No. I just can't imagine eating only vegetables without getting sick.
Fruit, Vegtetables, Bread, Butter, Milk, Cheese, the fun is endless
I definitely don't eat exactly the same 2 meals every day
just out of curiosity, moral, medical or culinary reasons?
I became vegetarian when I was 7, I think I just didn't like the idea of eating animals, I have empathy/apathy issues
these days, it's mostly just because I have been for so long, I think
I can't really comprehend eating meat
(I'm very strict, and frankly it doesn't make much sense)
When was the last time you tried it?
yeah a friend of mine (from the UK) was like that, but he started eating meat again a couple of years ago
my father lied to me and I ate something containing Pork many many years ago
this may be why I'm a paranoid nutcase
my brother is much more sensible, he's vegetarian at home by virtue of not buying meat because it's expensive and such, but he doesn't decline food that other people try and give him, which I always will
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerAddition with Regex code-challenge (code-golf?) regular-expression arithmetic I want to try a new type of regex golf challenge, which will ask you to use regex substitutions for tasks it really wasn't meant for. We'll start simple: given a string containing two positive integers, as decimal nu...

@MartinBüttner Slightly related
(replacements make it pretty interesting though)
that's unary though ;)
here is something that's much more closely related: stackoverflow.com/q/12941362/1633117 ;)
@Sp3000 I've restructured the post
could you let me know if you prefer this or the previous form?
@MartinBüttner You want to discuss the regex stuff?
did you try /a.*b/.test('a\nb')?
I like the format explanation of this one, but I think having the task first helps more
So you have an idea what the format is for
@MartinBüttner No, I didn't before. Now I did and returns false.
thought so ;)
I think what happened when you tried is the same reason that /a*/.test('b') returns true
/a.*/.test('a\nb') returns true
because .* matches an empty string
try /ba*b/.test('bb')
@Sp3000 swapped the sections
with the modified first paragraph it even makes sense again this way around
I'm not sure if you'll want to add the "this doesn't solve the problem" note back in though
You are right. In some situations, using /.*/ for newlines might help. But using /.+/ will be a shot in the foot
If you're trying to use .* to match newlines, you might as well leave it out
because it doesn't actually match the newline
it matches the empty string in front of it
You are right again
should we clean up the comments?
sure, they aren't doing anything there
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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