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hello doorknob/codegolfers...
we meet again
saw your tcs.se community ads. nice
Q: Let's make an ad for our site! (And now vote for our newly posted ads!)

Doorknob UPDATE: Ads have been posted! Vote for us! There was a tie, with two answers at 10 votes, so I just decided to post them both. Ads have been posted on Programmers (1, 2), Mathematica (1, 2), Game Development (1, 2), and Theoretical Computer Science (1, 2)! Vote for ...

have you passed ads on sites other than codegolf?
+1'd your ad.
over on Computer Science & Theoretical Computer Science dont recall any community ads have been passed, ever... it is possibly the same story on some other se sites...
Thanks :D We have an ad displaying on Programmers.SE, but that's the only one so far
so you have +6 on the codegolf ad on programmers.se? for 2014?
Erm, on most sites there's at least 7 or 8 ads in rotation....
many sites seem not to vote any community ads...
anyway am gonna inline those tcs.se ads here & lets see if anyone here votes on em eh? afaik everyone here can just sign up to Theoretical Computer Science & get +100 & then immediately vote on meta right?
sound good to you?
If people wanted to vote on them, they would have already.
tcs.se/cs.se metas are generally comatose
so, whaddya say? seems like your motley crew around here could fix that a bit at least in this case?
Erm. ?
easy right? a lot easier than a lot of the coding challenges on this site right? :p
Ahem, I think the term for that is called "spam"
you guys seem to be more about teamwork around here...?
@#%& dude, wtf
its called an idea
I don't particularly like having half my screen covered with oneboxes.
?!? you make no sense. whatever
You could just post a link to the community ad post. People will click on it and vote if they want to.
dont think you understand what the idea here is. nevermind! let me know if you wanna talk about it further sometime
← prob just wasted 10m... whatever
The idea is that you want people to vote on the TCS community ads?
kinda dude... the idea is that you want people to vote on those ads....
Okay, but there's no need to cover up our screens with those oneboxes in order to do that.
Just link to the community ad post and people will follow the link if they so desire.
dude, you're awfully hyper about what shows up in your chat room...
(And I've already linked them in the meta post)
the ads have been around awhile already. nobody is voting on them.
Actually, at least 3 people have voted on them in less than 24 hours....
so, chat is a place to motivate the motley crew...
you dont know how many of those votes are from codegolfers. some may be from tcs.se users
Sigh Alright, I'm going to go eat dinner now.
sure. anyway, dont know how this will go. just noticed you guys seem to work almost as a team sometime in chat.
which is ... worthwhile at times.
ps does Boy Scouts have a programming badge?
heard awhile back they introduced a brand new robotics badge.
anyway re ads, if you look at old cs.se/tcs.se ads last few yrs, they get a dribble of votes & then never hit the "easy" 6v threshhold.
so, seems like a nice opportunity waiting to be tapped.
ah here it is
what if Boy Scouts showed up on codegolf & cs.se with their programming challenges/questions? that could be neat
(another idea that occurred to me)
lots of good links on that badge, maybe will blog on this sometime.
ah here it is
good stuff!
anyone here thinks any of this is a good idea, star it!
←worked in lego mindstorms. built/coded 2 biped walkers. =D
do you guys have any code challenges in robotics? wouldnt that be awesome
saw that meta post asking for new tags.... there ya go!
I am going to nuke that spam barrage, just for the record. If you want to read it, save it up now. ;-)
That would be a difficult challenge to objectively score, without a significant physical investment
I <3 robots, but this is definitely not the forum for it :)
there are many programming challenges in robotics....
@ChrisJester-Young :) sounds good
its a natural crossfit with the site.
a significant number of users probably have robotics bkg
@ProgrammerDan Actually, it sounded like you actually read those messages, so it probably had value to at least one person. I'll leave it around.
@ChrisJester-Young Only the last 5-7 messages...
oh yeah let me go scroll thru all your old chat room msgs looking for value
am sure its quite ubiquitous
@vzn I could see doing a challenge around a particularly interesting subproblem in robotics. Perhaps a navigation problem, or a kinematics problem
In fact, challenges of that type I've seen here ... they often come up as
hi programmerdan thx for savin me. escaped the guillotine for 3sec
at least
is it just me or is it lord of the flies around here? =(
@vzn Nobody is calling you Piggy.
yeah see how you treat your guests in this particular room
but, not much worse than elsewhere on se
@vzn I've only been here a few days, generally the only time there's an issue is if someone monologues :P
the @#%& chat room was idle/empty until wrote something
is it like, a restriction to speak at 5th grade level in here? sorry
I actually should pull out my mindstorms at some point and build something. It's been quite a while, though.
PD did you hear about cubestormer? lego rubik cube solver
Yeah, watched the vids with interest. Quite a feat, it's very impressive
did you write any code for it?
funny how active this chat becomes when people ac**tually** write st*uff*
@TheDoctor typos intentional? :P
@vzn Yeah, but not in years now. Last program I wrote for mindstorms was probably in 2006 or 2007.
lego has been improving the coding system... its visual programming as you know...
For some reason i can't see the text while i'm writing it
there also was a C/java compiler years ago, figure its better now
Oh, I've got mindstorms v1/1.5 -- can't afford the new one. The visual programming aspect was the worst part of it for me.
@TheDoctor That's truly unusual!
ah yeah it might not be desirable for old guys like us who learned with text coding
yeah the price has gone up quite a bit.
it started out $199 in ~1999. think its now around $350...
but, also major improvements in sensors, cpu, etc
Yeah, it looks great, but frankly -- I've got bills and a family to support.
right. you can support your kids by teaching em mindstorms wink
I return
@Doorknob You returned nil? :-P
exactly :p
compiler error
I think he means IRET
I like the IRET comment. The rest of you don't know Ruby. :-P
Oh come on can I not say two words without programmers barraging me? ;) Fine:
I liked it.
s.b. come from :)
Eww, hard-coded string parameters? (ninja edited away...)
uh oh. syntax highlighting in this chat. bzzzzt
←ruby geek
@Geobits Edited? What are you talking about? ;)
What syntax highlighting...?
you wrote in a different font. excessive use of that is frowned on.
Code font is acceptable. For code, especially.
@vzn Backticks are not "different font" when it's used to mark code.
Yes, but "excessive" is subjective.
@vzn I'm not sure how using proper formatting (on one line) is excessive.
Wow, this just took a turn
@Doorknob They're just nitpicking because people hassle them about their excessive usage of bold and italics.
@vzn Hangman? Nice game, not sure of suitability for CGSE. ;-)
@ChrisJester-Young By "people" you're referring to me, of course. ;)
That's only when he was doing this
On every single message
@Doorknob You're not the only one. I hassle them about that too.
aieee not that!!!
there is only so much syntax highlighting possible in a chat room. it runs out like memory. 640K. be conservative
@vzn That's so 30 years ago.
So yeah, off-topic ftw. :D
exactly dude
Okay you can stop now
@Chris Mod powarz, activate! :P
crazy man. talk about micromanaging. fixing fonts of comments in chat? dude, surely you have better things to do
Aren't you happy that that's all I'm doing...for now?
thx so much man
capable of real gratitude
You're the reason freenode introduced channel mode +c. ;-)
used to think that chat rooms on se were less restrictive than the sites by nature ... & then found this one....
Try spamming this in any other chatroom....
← heart racing
most chat rooms are empty & nobody cares, have visited many...
Science Fiction & Fantasy was almost as edgy as this one....
@vzn So you just like to hear the sound of your own voice, is that it? ;-)
find this the edgiest chat room of all visited so far...
Empty > Has people?
Heh, "edgy"
like to chat. is that ok?
whatever bye guys.
@vzn Dialogue > soliloquy. ;-)
seeya @vzn
@ProgrammerDan ...don't let the door hit your back on the way out. ;-)
have a good one programmer dan try Computer Science chat hope to see ya & chat somewhere more open
Erm... what was that random spam flag?
@Doorknob I didn't catch it in time. :-(
Anyway, they somehow started talking about us over at the Tavern for some reason :P
@ChrisJester-Young I didn't either :P "You can only counterflag messages that have been flagged"
Ant line??? What is that
Ah, nvm, ^
Okay, migrated.
Hope the gamedev mods don't kill me for doing an unsolicited migration.
It's mildly amusing to me ... if you open your question with "I might not be in the right place" -- perhaps you should spend a few more minutes finding the right place.
@ProgrammerDan Well, to be fair, there are >100 SE sites, so that could be challenging.
Okay, I'm going to do some Texas History homework now (:/). Brb
@ChrisJester-Young I suppose so.
Heck, even I don't know the correct site for something sometimes.
just because so many new sites get launched all the time.
E.g. the fundamental searching dilemma-- I have a problem, but I don't know what to search for to solve it...
I ran into that a lot when entering a new research field
Trying to find "related works" became more a game of "collecting keyword combinations that relate to my work" either superficially or directly, depending on how broad the field.
I suppose it would be unfair to expect others to be familiar with that process
/end monologue
I read it. :-) (But mostly, I'm doing work.)
:) Thanks for the validation, hehe
I suppose back on topic, does anyone have suggestions on how to improve this new question? I might be tripping, but it seems like there might be a valid way to make this interesting. It's in the same vein as the Aristotle's number problem, but what made that interesting is when solving, you discover there are actually only a very small number of possible answers, etc. Here, we know a-priori that there are billions of answers.
And writing a program that could enumerate all of those, just seems ... meh. There's no mystery here. But I'm struggling to find a way to suggest to the OP a concrete improvement.
@ProgrammerDan That's not new.
Sorry, linked the wrong one
@Doorknob Meant to link to this new one. I had both open, oops!
1 hour later…
do you guys think "Output the base for which an equation is correct" has potential as a code golf question here? for example, ./program <<< '6*9=42' should print 13 because 6 * 9 in base 13 = 42
i haven't put it in the sandbox because it's late and i don't feel like writing spec
@undergroundmonorail Do you actually have an algorithm for solving it?
i have an idea of how i'd attack it but i haven't formalized it yet
@undergroundmonorail It's most ideal if you can actually solve it before posting on the sandbox, but of course you can ask for help from other people too.
yeah, for sure, i'll get a shitty python script or something running before actually posting anything
part of the reason i want to post it is because i'm curious if there are any cool ways to do it that i hadn't considered :P
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
@ProgrammerDan That question is just above the "Count from 1 to N" that I mentioned recently in a comment in the "'Too trivial' close reason" meta thread, because it requires you to count from 1 to N and filter.
This paper looks pretty awesome: Implementing Primitive Datatypes for Higher-Level Languages, 1988. citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
2 hours later…
Tornado warning.
But I still have power and internet. :)
Ah! That means that my jQuery Tornado plugin is working. :-)
Isn't Tornado a python websocket library?
I don't know. :( I'm so behind the times.
I still haven't bothered to learn python or javascript.
But I did try reading some Python not too long ago.
Q: Python raytracing distorts object shapes when close to the camera

Karim BahgatThe Problem I recently found someone's awesome little pure-Python raytracing script from this link, and extended it a little bit for more convenient functions. However, sometimes it distorts the shapes of the objects and I'm wondering if someone with raytracing/3d experience might have any clue ...

@mniip Yes, it is:
> Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user.
3 hours later…
Omg I have the Stack Exchange bug.
I just sent an email, and noticed something I could have worded better, and I immediately looked for an edit button...
@ProgrammerDan Grats!
@Rusher Thanks! 'twas fun. Good thing is, I've tested and double tested, the latest version of the solver is correct. Had to gut a lot of things I initially thought improved performance, but actually just reduced the ability to find solutions. It was always a valid solver, just not a very efficient one at first :D
I just tested it as well. I had left it running overnight actually, but came to find an updated solution
I basically have to beat you before I post another challenge
Hahaha, great! Are you still planning to port it, or are you devising your own solver method?
I am slowly building my own solver. When I said port, I meant port my own. I will port it to Python after I build it in Java
For some reason, I feel like I can write fluidly in one language, but am better at minifying it in another.
Gotcha! Awesome. I look forward to seeing it in action. I'm tempted to make a direct adaptation of MT0's solution sketch -- his principle is sound, and it might be possible to make a more general solver using it, although I think you'd still need to efficiently search for a route to the lowest cost path between nodes, and that basically resolves to my solver.
A simple look-ahead, lowest cost heuristic will fail to reach the lowest cost path node if the route is cleverly devised. You might be able to implement a shortest-path algorithm between either v1 or v1 of path p and the outpost 1, perhaps -- just minimize in terms of cost (ammo lost).
Or ... if you really want golfing goodness, use a genetic algorithm ... although then you cannot claim it will always find the winning solution, or that it will actually terminate
but it would be fun, and I imagine you could make it concise.
/end monologue
I've never implemented a genetic algorithm or studied them. Maybe I'll try. Working on the brute force version first (as usual)
They're a pretty awesome search technique, if your optimization function is very well defined. Less so, if that condition is not met.
The most fun I've had with programming, probably ever, was writing a program that used GA's to search the possible constructions of neural networks, which I used as "brains" for simulated bugs in a maze.
The optimization function was complex, took many iterations to refine, and I probably couldn't explain it again now if I needed to, but the best was watching bugs slowly get better at finding their way through mazes. The inputs to the NN were two "rays" that indicated the presence of a wall and its distance. The outputs controlled rotation and speed.
Oh man... you are going to have a blast when I post my KotH challenge
I have high expectations for you. Build a hive minded wolf XD
Oh yesssss
I am so looking forward to that. I wasn't planning on using NNs for that, but hey -- why not?
I have two problems keeping me from posting. One is due to laziness (building an interface to make it language agnostic). The other you might be able to help with.
I wrote that the size of the map will grow with respect to the number of submissions being tested
I'll have to read the challenge carefully to see how I can subvert it, so that I can appropriate refine the brain before and/or during the simulation itself. The issue with GA's and NN's, is that getting a better NN is very slow (generally) due to the immense complexity of a NN solver large enough to handle complex inputs.
Ah yes, the map size issue
That means that if someone wrote an algorithm that attempted to reproduce the map, they would have more and more trouble as the map grows
So the conditions for testing are constantly changing, and that is not ideal
I suppose. I'm curious why you are using a cell-based map, instead of an object-centric map
What does that mean?
Basically, just represent the map as a set of looping bounds, and the location of each object in real-space.
discrete cells aren't as interesting, although they are easier to represent as ASCII :)
lemme bring up your meta post again and refresh myself on your map construction, brb
RIGHT, okay. So you plan to pass just a local neighborhood to each animal. And your concern is that an algorithm to reconstruct the map based on the local neighborhood of all animals is hard?
It's not that it is hard or easy. It's that it gets hardER as the map gets larger
On a tiny map, you can easily gain information about the map and possibly form a wolf pack. On a large map, you may be lost forever
Someone may build an awesome wolf that gets progressively worse as the number of submissions increases
Right, right. Good point. One issue -- how many Wolves of each type are spawned? How can a wolf know that another 'W' it see is infact, itself?
Last thought ftm -- the win condition is survival. This would mean that the winning solution won't be a wolf, but a sheep in wolf's clothing. It would be relatively simple (and fun) to construct a "Wolf" that worked together to avoid everything, and survive as long as possible.
Hold on your first question. To your second question, I suggest "dancing" with any wolves you see. If you both move up and then down, it might be friendly.
Ok so for your first question: Simulation begins at ~25% board capacity with equal amounts of each Animal pseudorandomly distributed across the board.
The board is a square with sides of length sqrt(n+3)*20 where n is the number of submissions.
So you begin with sqrt(n+3)*20 divided by 4 divided by (n+3)
the +3 is from the Stones, Lions, and Bears
Hmm, okay. So you're using the length of the side as your numerator?
not # of cells in the map?
Well, if there are 6 submissions, we get a 60x60 size board. That will be filled to 25%, which is 3600 Animals. 3600 cells will be divided among the the 9 different Animals, so that is 400 per.
b/c if you use # of cells, you get (sqrt(n+3)*20)^2 / 4 / (n+3) = 400*(n+3)/4/(n+3) = 100*(n+3)/(n+3) = 100 ... unless I'm still too sleepy for this.
Hmmm... I guess you can reduce it that way.
which is just a constant, and that seems wrong to me, so I'm going to run the math in python
How did I end up with 400 then
well, 25% of 60x60 is not 3600
you didn't actually do the division
Alright. You begin with 100 Animals! Thank you for that. I wish I could edit my earlier comment.
Hahaha, no problem. The nice thing about that, is when building your animal, you don't have to deal with a varying number of animals. That's actually kind of nice, although you are right -- a hive-minded animal that works well when it can basically search the whole map will likely do worse when the map is larger. Although the map will be "just as full" when you add more animals. :D
I love how the bear protects her territory, the rock just sits there, and the lion just roams in a straight line.
Yea, I got the population density down pat. I wonder if I should post the Lions, Stones, and Bears as community wiki answers to my own question.
That would probably be helpful, at least to have them posted in some way.
Did you see the gif I posted with it? drive.google.com/…
I still think that the winning strategy will be general avoidance, perhaps Loki'ing it up by removing all the rocks and any other fixed navigation items to bugger the other wolves ...
No I hadn't seen that, that is freaking awesome :D
Remove rocks? I'm gonna sit right next to any rock I find lol
Once you can find some teammates, I think a basic flocking/boids-like pattern would work well.
@Geobits Yeah, that's a good point too.
The challenge is finding teammates, as all submissions will be labelled 'W' in the surroundings map, and there is no information that fixes you in the world, so determining that you've encountered a teammate could be difficult.
If I gave passed in the number of submissions, would that help?
Agreed. I think if you can get a pack together, things are much easier from there. 3x3 is pretty unhelpful for that, though, while anything larger might make it too easy.
I don't want to go 5 x 5, because you could avoid all collisions completely. 3x3 forces some deaths.
Yeah, that's more-or-less what I meant, came out wrong.
What will be interesting to watch is if someone comes and wipes out a wolf you thought was friendly, you won't know and you may continue following an enemy
Or if someone submitsa wolf that actually attacks wolves and encounters itself, they will swap places endlessly
One option is to just assume all Ws are friendly when you see them. If your pack moves consistently, there's then no chance of wiping out teammates. If it's actually hostile, then you're still better off because you'd probably have had to fight it anyway.
@Rusher So friendly wolves can't attack each other?
They can, but if I attack you and you attack me, guess what happens on a discrete board?
Ah, I see. Because an attack is actually just a move.
Right, we would swap places and never get to play rock paper scissors
This is why I generally only work with continuous maps :D
@Rusher regarding that problem, I'm guessing you haven't settle on a way to make the challenge language agnostic?
Well, I'm not sure where to begin really. Peter Taylor said something about pipes and stdin and stdout that I am not familiar with.
@Rusher I don't see how you gain useful information about the map. Each of my wolves is a separate instance of the class, right?
@PeterTaylor within java, you could use static methods to emulate a hivemind
@PeterTaylor You can persist data, so that all of your separate wolves can, together, build a complete map.
That sounds like it has the potential to be really slow
@Rusher I'd suggest just creating an API based on command line arguments. For instance, to "initialize" a new external program, execute it and pass it a number. This number indicate which "Wolf" of that type the external program should init. Then, when you invoke the external program in the future, just pass that number along to indicate which Wolf you are interacting with. Rounds can conclude with any number of Attacks, so initially you start a round by invoking a Wolf with '<id><mapdata>'
My suggestion was based on the assumption that each wolf would be independent
where <mapdata> is a 9-char string describing the Wolf's surroundings. You expect back from the process on STDIN the move to take, in the format R,L, etc. If within the round attacks need to be processed, invoke the process again using `<id>A<attackerchar>' and expect back some enum char value indicating Rock, paper or scissors.
External programs would have to store state on disk, and would need to keep track of when a round has begun in case that impacts their attack strategy. It would be up to the external program to keep track of which wolf was "acting" as well.
After looking over the spec again, I have to wonder how you get any real benefit from the extra work of building a map or emulating a pack.
@Geobits I still believe the winning strategy is avoidance, as much as possible.
@PeterTaylor Each wolf is independent. I don't understand what that has to do with persistence. You and I are independent, but you are perfectly capable of sharing your knowledge with me (and you do, quite often)
If 100 wolves persist all of their knowledge to the same file, you could draw a half decent map and say "Maybe I am lost, but I know where I am relative to my buddy"
My possibly-naive startegy: Do nothing. If a lion is up|left of you, move out of its way(they might kill you). If a wolf is near, just sit there. It will either be one of yours(which will just sit there), or an enemy. If the enemy's strategy is to full-on chase, it will eventually catch up to you, so avoidance really doesn't help.
If we're sharing knowledge then we're interdependent, not independent
@Rusher that is a very difficult challenge, as the surroundings sent to each wolf at each round individually do not contain enough data to "combine"
Otherwise, it's just rolling the dice whether avoiding will run you into another creature.
@Geobits Actually yes, that sounds like a better strategy based on the current rules
Boring as hell, but probably pretty effective.
Another fun strategy might be to "latch on" to a lion
not sure exactly, but I think it would be possible, due to discrete cells, to follow the lion. Allowing it to "attack", and you can wait safely behind it.
Yea, if you can save state you'll know exactly where it's going after the first move.
I've half a mind to post this and require Java and accept the downvotes that I will inevitably get
Extending to non-java wouldn't be terribly hard, just slow
(considering 10k iterations, with 100 of each Wolf to invoke each iteration)
I agree, but I promised someone that I wouldn't post it until I made it language agnostic, and asked for upvotes on meta assuming everything else was OK.
@ProgrammerDan Aw come on, it's only a million invocations per submission :p
@Geobits :P True, what was I thinking. That shouldn't take too long! :P Oh -- and a million invocations is just a lower bound. If attacks occur, that number increases quite a lot!
1000 iterations * (100 moves + 100 attacks) maximum
Well, attacks between wolves would lower it, but other than that...
Oh, times 3. Because of 3 trials
there we go
Or ... you could keep the process alive
and just maintain 100 processes per wolf class
instead of invoking each time, just send more data to STDIN of the process ...
Oh I know.
What if Wolf is a static class, and I pass in a location as an arg
wait. Just construct the scheme so that you use exactly 1 ProcessBuilder per external invocation. You use the <id> based scheme I mention above, and it's up to the external process to determine which wolf you are invoking when you send data along STDIN to the process.
So rather than 100 wolves, you only need 1 that responds accordingly
@Rusher meh ...
If you pass in a location, that somewhat defeats the purpose of only giving a 3x3 FOV, right? You could build a full, accurate map without much trouble.
You only know your own location though. What does that say about the rest of the map?
So, you would need to make exactly 1 invocation of the external program, and could just keep the pipes open and interact with that external process throughout the course of the 10k iterations.
@Rusher everything, b/c you can share knowledge between wolves.
But you have no idea where everyone else is. Passing in a full map would be different...
You don't even have to save state. The static wolf would have its own map, just updated with the local surroundings on each run.
@Rusher If you get 100 3x3 blocks, over the course of 1 round, by the second round you'll know a goodly portion of the map, since when you pass in location, you can fix those 3x3s in an absolute sense against the complete map
And you'll know exactly which wolves are yours
Yea ok I'm trashing that idea lol. Will look into ProcessBuilder and see what it takes to communicate with Python
@Rusher it's super easy
I've used it to open Notepad lol
But still, how does this solve my problem if someone submits an answer with Mathematica?
I'm not going to buy it lol.
Just restrict it to languages with freely available compilers/interpreters.
I can't see anyone really complaining about that.
That sounds reasonable.
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