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you around?
Yeah, for a few more minutes.
@satyrwilder What up?
I wanted to ask you about the situation you commented on the other day
I got a strong impression that the mods who showed up to that thread were not familiar with the situation at all
Hold on, are you asking about Dawn Deschain's issue on Scifi.SE, or the issue that spawned the Meta.SE post?
I try not to jump to conclusions
Dawn's issue weirdly dovetailed into the Meta situation
Not weirdly, I understand acutely how her experience is relevant to that topic, but yeah.
I can only really speak to the Scifi piece with any real expertise. She posted several answers on scifi, which quickly got flagged. I handled maybe one of those flags, and at the time thought her username was familiar (it wasn't until later that I realized it was from the Meta.SE post).
Q: Joined today, account banned?

user45906So...I just joined this community today, and have posted several answers (SciFi Fantasy, not Meta), and I am now receiving the message that the site is no longer accepting answers from my account? I haven't posted anything (knowingly?) inappropriate, and have been offered no feedback of any kind,...

She then posted that, and I posted an answer providing tips on how to remedy the situation. The answer bans are wholly automatic, none of the mods on scifi enabled that. Nor can we remove them.
Okay, so I feel relatively confirmed in my conclusion that y'all had no idea what the Meta issue is about.
A couple days later, I saw her mention her issue on scifi on the post, so I offered to talk.
Yeah, except that's extremely disingenuous to say the least - enough individual users had to downvote her often enough and stridently enough to trigger the bans.
I read most of the stuff around the post. The chat logs, and the screencaps of the SO post. But I'm not a big SO user, and I don't know the full extent of how sexism is enacted there, so there's a lack of expertise there on my part. So I didn't otherwise comment on the thread.
@satyrwilder Something like that. It could be a mix of downvotes and the posts being deleted. So mods may have a hand in it (as we delete flagged posts), but it's not like a user suspension where a mod sends a message and suspends a user (all manual steps).
I doubt any particular mod did anything like that.
Just trying to provide detail on these mechanisms which are pretty opaque.
I know. The aspersion of mod involvement is far, far from the actual conclusion. But I can see how one might think that would be where this is going.
Did you find the link to the study in that topic? I'm curious, since pretty much the more obvious the bias the less likely the user was to have found any of the links to it, let alone read them.
(So, your odds of finding it -> pretty high, so far.)
When the stuff happened on scifi, it escalated quickly in a manner that felt like it wasn't just about the events on scifi. Left a bad taste in my mouth that she deleted her account, which is why I posted my comment on
@satyrwilder Not sure I know what you're referring to.
She's the second user I know of who's been driven off Stack completely so far
There's a link to a study that captured and quantified the sexism Dawn, Julia and I were discussing at length sprinkled throughout that post.
It always sucks when we lose people.
Yeah :/ I sort of got pressganged into helping fix it, so your input here is helping me ferret out specific problems / pain points
@satyrwilder My apologies, I'm not seeing the link. Can you link to the post you're referring to?
A link to me linking to it in the thread or just to the study itself? ;)
@satyrwilder Either? :S
struggles to find it in the post That post has been through such an unprecedented degree of drama
It must have been deleted when Kyle suspended Evan.
If it was linked in the meta.SE, I'll be honest and say that I may not have read it. There's so many comments there, that I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it.
Oh, if there's deleted stuff, I don't have access to that on
That explains why I never saw it.
So, I need to get going to a movie here. If you find the link and post it here, I'll read it. I'll be back in this room later on, probably tonight, almost certainly tomorrow afternoon.
@satyrwilder Thanks!
^ that's it, it's short
I'll be around on our slack. Email me if you want an invitation :) [email protected]

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