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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerThe vanilla factorial challenge code-golf math arithmetic factorial We already have the old factorial challenge, but it has some restrictions on the domain, performance, and banning built-ins. As the consensus here was to create a separate challenge without those restrictions so that more esolang...

@NewSandboxedPosts This is according to the consensus here.
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mukundan314Find the nth number m for which tan(m) > m code-golf math Task Write a program/function to output the \$n\$th number \$m\$ for which \$tan(m) \gt m\$. Note: \$m\$ is in radians Scoring This is code-golf so shortest bytes wins. Sample Testcases 1 -> 1 2 -> 260515 3 -> 37362253 5 -> 534483448 9 -

2 hours later…
I found a bookmark in my browser. It was a challenge here. The website title is, "code golf - Walk Across a Keyboard - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf".
So, where are we now?
you plan on doing it in1+?
@HighlyRadioactive somewhere in Australia
@Razetime Of course not...
@Lyxal oh, right
I now have three 5-votes answers. I like the 1+ Truth-Machine best, because the other two makes no sense at all.
My answers never get more than 5 upvotes...
@HighlyRadioactive 3-byte APL answers can earn you 10 upvotes (example, example), or 20 upvotes if you write 10↑↑626-byte answer.
it should be possible tho
with the exception of anti symmetry the rest are crazy math answers which required at least some thinking
@Bubbler But, didn't you answer every challenge with 3-byte APL answers?
@HighlyRadioactive ~100 byte x86 machine code answers can easily earn you 10+ upvotes.
And personally, I think x86 machine code is almost as easy to program as C. (Because Intel implemented 1258 instructions in x86 machine code! 1/6 of the instructions compared with Mathematica. :P)
(But I use MIPS, don't get me wrong)
@petStorm Really?
It looks very, very hard, much harder than Mathematica (which I occasionally use, but not in golfing competitions).
Can you explain some to me?
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HighlyRadioactiveSolve the Halting Problem for Oneplis code-golf halting-problem Oneplis is a "very simple esolang" (I don't want to count this one toward my esolangs) made by me which only have three commands. As you can probably see from the name, it is a subset of 1+, along the lines of Befinge. The three comm...

@NewMainPosts Annoyingly I can't do this because Charcoal's compressed string contains an odd digit.
@HighlyRadioactive Quick transition guide. You know Python, right?
x86 has 4 general purpose variables registers: AX, BX, CX, DX.
MOV AX, 3 -> AX = 3
ADD AX, BX -> AX += BX
SUB in x86 works as expected.
JMP label: Jump to the label label.
Labels are delimited with label: with a few instructions after the code block.
CMP AX, BX: Compare AX and BX, store the comparison result.
Jcc label: cc can be among one of a lot of values. The most common of them are JG (Jump if greater than), JL (Jump if less than), JGE (Jump if greater or equal), JLE (Jump if less than or equal), JE (Jump if equal), JNE (Jump if not equal).
PUSH AX: Push value of AX onto stack.
POP AX: Pop top of stack, assign it to AX.
CALL label: Push address of next instruction onto stack. Jump to label.
RET: Pop TOS, jump to that address.
Congratulations! Now you can solve practical challenges with x86 now!
@HighlyRadioactive Yes, I'm serious.
The reason this tutorial is so quick is that I didn't want to describe too much machine-specific stuff (it's complicated)
2 hours later…
How to: get rep quick (a Lyxal guide)
1. Make 3 esolangs
2. Ensure one is a golfing language
3. Wait about 5 months (that's the longest bit)
4. Someone else finds your golfing language and makes a version claiming to be better
5. Said person starts using said language on cgcc
6. You start using said language on cgcc
7. Get involved in chat 1 month after steps 5 and 6
8. Have a chat room for said language made
9. Get said language on TIO
10. Lay very subtle hints regarding said language in main CGCC chat
11. (a side step) use a esolang that stands out every now and again
12. Change username to something that doesn't mean anything at all but sounds cool
13. Be ironic in CGCC main chat every now and again
14. Learn something like 05ab1e or jelly and use it every now and again
After that, you'll start seeing upvotes trickling into your rep count
This method has been tried and tested, and has worked
Oh, and don't forgot 15. Take a mini hiatus every now and again
In between steps 9 and 14, try asking questions/challenges.
Finally, on the very odd occasion, place random answers of yours you think need attention in chat
It sometimes helps
@Lyxal 2.1. Ensure this language is a terrible golfing language.
How to get rep quick with only answers (a petStorm guide)
1. Write an answer in APL
2. Write an answer in machine code (preferrably x86)
3. If a question is really popular, answer it.
4. Answer every question posted now and then.
That's it!
Q: Can we do anything with the showcase?

HighlyRadioactiveThe showcase is intended to, and was, a place to show and see new languages. In fact, it motivated me to learn ><>. But now, it's pretty much dead AFAIK. New languages keep coming in, but they usually get only 3 or 4 upvotes, which indicates not many people are actually viewing it; Good, hard-wor...

Most esolangs won't work, since people who are voting don't know esolangs. Malbolge or brainfuck might work, but you have a high chance of not getting any upvotes at all, if the question isn't popular.
1 hour later…
How to get 200 rep quick with only one answer (an Adám guide):
1. Write an answer in APL to an old challenge that doesn't have an APL answer already
2. Explain your answer
3. Apply for a bounty on it
That's it!
Q: Sort Until Overflow

SomoKRoceSSort Until Overflow The challenge: Assuming you have \$ X \$ collections, each collection \$ C_i \$ has a name \$ N_i \$ and a capacity \$ N_i \$ of elements - Determine which collection will be overflowed first while sorting a cyclic list of elements by their names to the relevant collections. ...

@Adám lol I'm trying
1 hour later…
I used to frequently check the "bountied" tab. However, now I almost never open it, because it almost never has anything interesting: it's just Bubbler answering dead questions in APL...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BeefsterNoncommutative Quineoid Triple This is the hard mode of Quineoid Triple Write three different programs such that all of the following properties hold: \$ A(B) = C \$ \$ B(C) = A \$ \$ C(A) = B \$ \$ A(C) = -B \$ \$ B(A) = -C \$ \$ C(B) = -A \$ \$ A(A) = \epsilon \$ \$ B(B) = \epsilon \$ \$ C(C) ...

@mypronounismonicareinstate Well, the bounties do serve an additional purpose of bringing old, but good, challenges forward. It isn't as if challenges usually relate to the time they were posted.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BeefsterQuineoid Triple Uniqueness Optimization code-challenge source-layout This is a variant of Quineoid Triple with the same requirements but different scoring. Write three different programs such that when any one program is provided as input to one of the other two, you get the source of the remain...

without any bit tricks how can you compute the number of zeros at the end of the binary representation of p >0 ?
define bit tricks
I just want +,-,/, *, exponent, log, floor, ceiling really
unless I missed anything out
I should have called it the number of trailing zeros of the binary representation of p >0 ? The input is the integer p
@Anush too easy. give us another one :)
the only thing that gets even close to being base dependent is log, and it emphasizes the wrong end. And yes, the linear time solution is trivial.
@ngn :)
you mean divide by 2 repeatedly until you can't?
is there a faster solution?
@Anush __builtin_ctz(p)
it can't get faster than that
that is fast!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sugarfiMeta-golfing Numbers The Esolangs Wiki has a page here cataloging the shortest known programs in Brainf*** to generate a given number. A similar catalog could exist for any language: it would simply be a list of the shortest known programs in that language outputting a given constant. By extensio...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BeefsterDe-interleave log lines: HARD MODE code-golf string parsing In the face of some regrettable rules that turned the original into a glorified sorting task, I am posing a more challenging variant. Shout out to Luis Mendo for the suggestion of how to improve the original challenge. You've inherited ...

1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

the-cobaltMake a quine that uses every function in your programming language. quine Task You are to make a quine where the interpreter executes every function your programming language supports (without importing modules) Example Example in brainf*** ->++>+++>+>+>+++>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+>+>++>+++>++>>+++>+>>>

2 hours later…
Sample an integer uniformly from 1 to m. Write code to compute the expected number of trailing zeros of its binary representation.
(a hopefully more interesting version of my previous CMC)
Maybe I'll make it a challenge on main?
Q: Expected number of trailing zeros

AnushInput A bound m <= 4294967295. Output Consider values sampled uniformly at random from integers in the range 0 to m, inclusive. Your output should be the expected (average) number of trailing series in the binary representation of the sampled value. Your answer should be exact, for example given ...

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