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Is there a name for the set of numbers which can be represented as a rational number to the power of a rational number?
...probably, but it's a good question what that name is
10 hours later…
@NewSandboxedPosts 0 and 8 are round numbers. 3, 6 and 9 are fairly round. 2 and 5 are somewhat round. 1, 4 and 7 are not round.
6 and 9 are more round than 3 though.
I disagree; 1 2 5 are round; 10 20 25 50 are round, 100 200 250 500, etc
everything else is pointy
The decimal system is overrated
If we had been using seximal we might have solved the Collatz conjecture by now, several times over :P
"jan Misali" would like to know your location
@JohnDvorak I like the idea of making numbers sexy
3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

KebaAre these states connected? With the US election going on right now, I noticed that there is one (completely meaningless, but still) thing which Trump can still achieve and which is out of reach for Biden: Having the won states being connected. Task: Given a list of strings of two-letter abbrevia...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Victor VosMottorTask Write a program in any language that reboots your computer. You can reboot any os: Windows, MacOSX, Linux, anything you want. It should be a *proper reboot. Rules Code-golf. *A "proper reboot": sudo reboot # Linux or Mac. Not a proper reboot (WARNING: Don't use this command):sudo echo b > ...

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