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...Is there enough time to watch all of the youtube videos with at least 1 million views?
probably not
I doubt it. Especially since once you get halfway through, I'm sure the number of videos with 1m+ views will have more than doubled
right, that's the question. Does the rate of 1M vidoes grow faster than you can watch them
and if not, where's the magic number?
If you trust that guy, then in 2011 there were 1.2 million videos with 1m+
So no way
Q: Am I a Pillai prime?

Mr. XcoderA Pillai prime is a prime number p for which there exists some m such that (m! + 1) ≡ 0 (mod p) and p ≢ 1 (mod m). In other words, an integer p is a Pillai prime if it is a prime number, if there exists another integer m such that the factorial of m plus 1 is divisible by p and if p - 1 isn't d...

@DJMcMayhem 1 million times 3 minutes is 5 years. That's surprisingly short
Given the exponential growth of YT, it means its likely not true
That was in 2011 though.
yeah, but youtube started in 2005
so, technically if you just divided, it'd be true
but not with exponential growth
You could probably watch all of those in a day. So the magic number has got to be somewhere between 10 and 300 M
...#500 there is deleted
Though I'm sure that the magic number is constantly going up
looking it up, I can see why
(as a side note, if you ever see deleted videos, and want to know what it was, the video ID has been very reliable means to get the title of the video. Even for videos with < 10 views)
...I also have no idea why some of these have so many views
587 Million views
It's a meme in Russia
Yeah, I was wondering about that one too. I guess it's a russian kid's show?
Super popular
like a Rickroll or something?
also, I had no idea how popular kids videos were. I've recognized several of these simply because my kids have watched them
No it's just a funny and stupid show
And it is funny. IDK how good the English dub is though.
here's another baffling one:
literally 16 minutes of kinder egg opening
868 million views
ok, so I went through all of them. It appears that around 95% of them are music videos (expected), another 4% are videos for kids (like nursery rhymes). Then you have a few (like 2 or 3) funny videos, kinder egg opening videos, and Masha and the Bear.
what an odd set of videos
@NathanMerrill It is an odd set of videos, but it's also a great representation of YouTube culture
I wonder what gaming video has the most views
I mean, really though? Like Gaming isn't represented at all there
and I think that music is way overrepresented because people have music on auto-play
That's fair
I think it's similar to PPCG. The top challenges only partially represent the challenges we enjoy on this site
Tons of people watch unboxing videos, and they already know what's in the box.
One thing I just noticed: YouTube does a really good job of predicting my mood. During the day, recommendations are like 60% music videos in the same genre as what I'm currently watching, 20% music videos I haven't seen, same genre, and then 20% music videos I have seen in different genres. But then in the evening, most of the recommendations will become gaming related because I'm much more likely to watch those in the evening
I mean #1 and #4 on our site is about Conway's Game of Life. Given that information, you'd think that those challenges were common here.
@DJMcMayhem Probably some PewDiePie sh crap.
@DJMcMayhem oh yeah. As well as location
@AdmBorkBork I believe it's a Minecraft video
actually, I think that's just the most popular game
@NathanMerrill I don't know why that is so much more uncomfortable. I can be OK with a machine learning everything about the kind of music I like, the games I like, the mood I'm in, when I watch certain stuff etc. But then when the machine starts tracking what I'm likely to watch based on where I am that gets really creepy
It's really not that different
I appreciate it. I've trained the YT algorithm to suggest music videos at work so I don't get distracted
also, I love youtube's My Mix playlist
it really is the best music stream I've encountered
@NathanMerrill Oh I appreciate it too. I'm just curious why tracking literally everything about you is fine but then tracking your location crosses the line into uncomfortable
@NathanMerrill How do I find that?
it has (1) songs I'm into, (2) songs I haven't heard in a long time, (3) new songs I often like
@DJMcMayhem front page?
YouTube has a front page? I just always go to my Subscriptions.
youtube.com :)
'course, I mainly watch on my Xbox app
this is like the 3rd row down, but it's often the 1st row down depending on the time of day
and yes, I'm into Keane and Owl City right now :)
and I'm glad YT knows that
My mix is filled with memes lol
It's really terrible atm but that's cause I've never used a youtube mix before. I do use spotify mixes frequently
Good song; Rickroll; Good song; We are Number One; Good song ...
I like those because they pick 6 different moods I could be in
@AdmBorkBork Soveriegn Light Cafe is a rickroll?
I found that song a couple of days ago and have been playing it on repeat many times :)
@NathanMerrill "My mix is filled with memes"
oh, gotcha :)
That's my daily mix on Spotify. And it nicely covers the variety of music I listen to. From left to right, Metalcore, alt-rock, emo, Instrumental, Acoustic/folk, Hard Rock
I recognize The Strokes, Mumford and Sons, and the last mix
out of curiosity: Does it play new songs from new artists?
Yes, it does
and how good of suggestions are they?
But it does lean towards stuff I've heard before
@NathanMerrill On the daily mixes? They're usually really good. My discover weekly ends up with super bizarre music because I listen to a wide variety and some weird stuff, but the daily mixes are a little more focused. From the 4 artists they list I can generally tell what range to expect
like, with Pandora, the issue was that I knew what kind of songs I liked, but pandora was too...categorized. I'd have stations that would focus on certain genres, and couldn't really break out of them.
but youtube's ML algorithm has me learned pretty well.
it appears that spotify has a similar thing going on
though I don't think I could switch due to the time required for it to learn
I think that's why I'm stuck with Pandora. It's already got me pretty well learned.
@NathanMerrill In 2017 I listened to 34k minutes of music, so it's got me pegged down pretty well
That's one thing I really like about spotify. At the end of every year they publish personal stats like this
That's only 93 minutes per day.
I probably hit that on my bus ride
I wonder what my stats would look like.
This guy puts stats about his life every year
I find it quite entertaining
unfortunately, his website makes it hard to actually navigate the charts
so, try this image for an example
Good grief
Q: Write a Quine Suite

Dom HastingsWe've had a lot of quine challenges, but a lot of the quine formats are similar, lets create some variance in our quines. Your task is to create a selection of programs in the same language, all of which output their own source code, however, none of these programs can share any characters. For...

@NewMainPosts While working on that, I discovered a new V quine: :norm é:":p
Finally, I got login form on my page working.
How I hate SQL
Without it, it would take a while to make. But no.
@Pavel I remember watching this when i took a year of russian in college. it was pretty funny. never saw the english dub, though
my class loved watching those
@DJMcMayhem how does that work?
@Cowsquack Black magic
TBH, I'm not sure why that works and :norm ":p doesn't
@DJMcMayhem :O cool
I guess <M-i> does some weird crap that messes with ":
@Cowsquack I just posted a 3-quine answer, any ideas for getting it too 4?
It's not that hard to come up with distinct quines, the hard part is not overusing "qp, since basically all of them are needed for the majority of quines.
hmmm you can't replace é: with i:<esc>
Yup. I think it's because é calls some vimscript which happens to mess with ":
@Cowsquack BTW, it's super hacky but you can use <M-r> instead of <M-q> for the basic quine. Just adds some boilerplate: òéÒ~"qp2hDl
btw how you get 32 bytes? 4+15+11=30, no?
Whoops. I pasted them all into TIO and counted newlines as well
The comment on your answer just makes me want to make a Pepe submission. But I don't think it's possible :v
Pretty how hard it could be to make a Pepe quine.
@Cowsquack Found 2 new ones :)
what is that magic character in 3a3a?
<M--> It never renders right
And in vim it looks identical to -
It's hard enough to make one quine in PowerShell. I can't even fathom a way to make two distinct ones.
A: "Hello, World!"

KSabbrainfuck, 76 bytes +[+[<<<+>>>>]+<-<-<<<+<++]<<.<++.<++..+++.<<++.<---.>>.>.+++.------.>-.>>--. Try it online!

@Dennis I'd like to star that. Could you edit it into a single message so it looks better on the starboard?
Technically, I could have just done it myself, but I figured asking couldn't hurt :P
Aww yiss upgraded to Fedora 28
Now have Steam and Chrome in the repos :)
ideally they are identical, so you just pick the fastest
if you don't know that, then it's just arbitrary
Q: How Much Ya Bench?

tgrass12Inspired by the challenge A pile of weights. Challenge Given an integer as a weight in pounds, output an ASCII barbell that can represent the weight. Weights will come in the form of the barbell (which will weigh 45lbs) and plates with the following weights: 45lbs, 35lbs, 25lbs, 10lbs, and 5lb...

@Riker @betseg yes to all of that: reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/8fb614/…
2 hours later…
The image/link in this question is broken. Does anyone know what it was of? If so, perhaps you could replace it.
Q: Find the Factorial

Kevin BrownCreate the shortest program or function that finds the factorial of a non-negative. The factorial, represented with ! is defined as such In plain English the factorial of 0 is 1 and the factorial of n, where n is larger than 0 is n times the factorial of one less than n. Your code should per...

@mbomb007 Well, it's hosted on a-ta.co, so there's a start
(cc. @ATaco )
A-ta.co is temporarily down whilst I try to get the money for the web host again, I could convert the latex back out of it though.
$n! = \begin{cases}1 & n=0\\n\cdot(n-1)! & n > 0\end{cases}$
@Pavel Thanks for letting me know! I recorded a new video, uploaded it and updated the link
CMQuiz: without running it, what will this output
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