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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Woohoo, I'm finally a Fanatic!
(First gold badge, after I lost my Puzzling.SE streak after 93 days.)
@flawr For contact and codenames, there's a ping list for regular players. You could ask one of the puzzling mods to add you if you want
Hmm maybe I should add pinglist to zendo-bot
@Downgoat log(n) isn't too bad
@Sparr :|
@ASCII-only hmm true I guess also avoids potential issues with lot of re allocation
TFW you get outgolfed by brainfuck (I didn't, but a lot of people did)
@Zacharý ...wow
Tapes FTW ... I guess?
Take that, Python
(My reaction when MY actually does anything decent, as well)
seems like aoc day 9 does have closed form formula
of some sort
what was the website that gave a mathematical formula for a sequence
(also, hmm. the closed form formula would sometimes have to have identical values for consecutive rounds)
@Bubbler nah. the javascript webapp thing that you paste a sequence into and it gives you a formula
WolframAlpha? :P
@Quintec no. this was way more powerful than W|A re: formula generation
I think I know what you're talking about ... can't remember the name of it
Was it on a uni's website?
although i thought it was on gh pages. idk
IDK Also
the closed form formula would be of the most recent score, not the max
js is insanely fast with graph structures
@ASCII-only wait in nearley how would I do <expr> "as" type
because right now I have:
   -> BinaryOp[Chain, ("~>" | ":>"), As] {% id %}
   -> BinaryOp[As, ("As"), Range] {% id %}
   -> BinaryOp[Range, (".." | "..."), Cast] {% id %}
but now this takes Range not a type :|
nah it only take range bc precedence
at the bottom of the list it become variable
so a type would be valid assuming types are variables. if types aren't then just change Range to Type @Downgoat
@Downgoat oh yeah if generic is still borken can i see generic part of grammar as well
@Downgoat where is type
also. that looks like generic call?
@ASCII-only yeah
so issue is something like this:
Class<Parameter>(a: "tuple", b: "parameter")
produces this:
               └ expression: BinaryExpression
                  ├ lhs: BinaryExpression
                  │  ├ lhs: Identifier; Class
                  │  └ rhs: Identifier; Parameter
                  └ rhs: Tuple
                     └ expressions[]
                        ├ TupleParameter
                        │  ├ name: Identifier; b
                        │  └ value: ExpressionStatement
                        │     └ expression: Literal; "parameter"
                        └ TupleParameter
type in this case isn't really relevant though since not sure how to work around this
ok first things first put tuple after the line you linked for generic, and convert the tuple node into a function call node instead
ok. the problem is here
comparison is parsed before property
how to even tell the difference between comparison and generic anyway
@ASCII-only how to solve this though?
Do we make the very first comparison BinaryOp[propExpr, "op", nextOp]
@ASCII-only good question :| idk I suppose just precedence
hmm. looks like types aren't objects, right? meaning type detection is location-sensitive
@ASCII-only not really
we have two types of type deduction: 1) "Type Expression" deduction and 2) expression deduction
hmm. try and copy this to the comparison operator, above the BinaryOp part
except replace Identifier with Shift i guess
note: i have no idea what i'm saying
@ASCII-only yeah I don't think that would make sense
Perhaps on BinaryOp[">"] I could look for LHS = propExpr < propExpr and RHS = tuple and return reject token
seems very hacky though
@Downgoat hm? why not
i mean currently it's parsed as (shift < shift) > shift, don't see why shift<type>/shift<types> doesnt make sense
@Downgoat :| how long to wait
@ASCII-only currently 98% of downgoat brain cpu usage is on trying to implement default parameter for function will respond to message asap
Imagine if you could run top on your brain
@Pavel you mean frontal lobe
Not really
I'd be interested in knowing all the different processes
how would top work on a soc with multiple different types of processors though
most calories burned
that's power consumption not processor usage though
Who cares?
well then it's not top anymore :P
@Pavel i mean like... you have your cpu, then processing units for each of your senses, motor processing unit + ai motor enhancement (?), most of which are essentially running a single process (well, more like they lack software - they are very, very specialized hardware)
.code.tio.swift:1:27: error: use of unresolved identifier 'a'
func foo(a: Int, b: Int = a + 1) -> Int { return a + b }
.code.tio.swift:1:10: note: did you mean 'a'?
func foo(a: Int, b: Int = a + 1) -> Int { return a + b }
swift wat
I'm guessing default parameters can't depend on other parameters
In a lot of languages they have to be compile-time constants
i dont know of a single language that would let you do it that way. even in python the default parameter is only resolved once at import
you get into some trouble if you try and use default lists in python though
@quartata JS lets you have custom define default parameters
though seems problematic to have them constant/only resolved once e.g. a func append(node: Node = Node(value: 1)) would result in the same node object being appended every time which could lead to issues :/
Q: Unclear vote strongly used as unwilling-to-answer vote

l4m2P.S. I know this topic may get downvoted and closed, because it harms some pleasure of high reputation users doing such thing, and the low reputation users who only get good have no access to these votes, but still Currently the close voting is separated as duplicate(need a link), off topic(need...

Q: Sum of 2D Array Elements

AjayThe Challenge: Consider the below series: n^(i+4) , n^(i+3) , n^(i+2) , n^(i+1) , n^(i) where, i>=0 && i<=27, and, n>=2 && n<=10 Now, the series can have utmost 10 elements and at-least 3 elements. Let 'n' be 16 and 'i' be 0. So ,resultant series will be: 16^(4) , 16^(3) , 16^(...

2 hours later…
@flawr I don't even understand why a user with 77 rep, who probably logs on once a year, would bother changing their accept almost 2 years after my answer was posted
11,106 is a nice number too, don't be mean to poor 11,106 :(
4 hours later…
@Fatalize Well it was at least quite obvious that your answer should be the accepted one:)
@Fatalize you mean 11'106
Any Java devs here ever use h2?
@flawr …I don't get it ._.
@Fatalize $H_2$ is the molecular form of Hydrogen
ah nevermind I thought you were responding to the joke
Sorry for the ping :p
@Oliver you can move the console.log to the footer in TIO if the challenge accepts an array of strings as output. Otherwise you might need to modify to return one long string instead
@Fatalize I was just alluding to the different number notations in different countries:)
sorry for the confusion :)
indian grouping system is confusing
@flawr What kind of sick country uses ' for thousands separator?
India makes up for it by having good names for powers of ten
ive been thinking, can i take some gallium or some mercury to a plane
Is the plane inclined?
an airliner about to take off
both of those elements react with aluminum in different ways that would compromise the fuselage
@Fatalize afaik only Switzerland and the little sister Liechtenstein
And C++!
(Starting with C++14)
@flawr …what kind of decimal separator do you use? (I'm scared)
@feersum did i miss a pun ;_;
But if it weren't for spain, it would probably be the least misunderstandable? :)
@Fatalize . or , (usually . on the computer and , in handwriting)
Can't make up your mind, just like for official languages
at least they have official languages
the US doesnt
@betseg not sure about international law, but you need a permit to carry any kinds of chemicals into a plane here in Brazil, and some are not allowed at all
that needs clarification because everything is a chemical
@J.Sallé Especially considering that Mercury and Gallium are liquid at room / near room temperature
@betseg chemicals in the Chemistry sense of the word
Are pure elements considered chemicals?
Corrosives are definitely banned.
@feersum why shouldn't they be?
I believe so, yes
It's a bit of a degenerate case.
Well not if it's a self-bonding one like O2, N3 or whatever.
Is there any matter that is considered not chemicals?
Light isn't matter
Dark matter?
I don't think we undestand enough about dark matter to know if it's chemicals or not.
cathode rays?
Apparently that means electrons?
@betseg they are basically electrons, aren't they?
@feersum There are thousands of "chemical-free" products on Amazon. Do those count?
@flawr @feersum yes
@Dennis those vacuum bottles? :)
@Dennis Do you receive any matter (other than the box) if you order them?
No clue. I don't have the guts to buy something that isn't made of matter.
@feersum In the case of bags of potato chips: almost none
chemical free GMO-free gluten free
We might allow that free electrons aren't chemicals
But what about ones bound to atoms?
theyre part of a chemical?
@betseg flavour-free and nutrient-free also
I think chemicals are defined by a colletion of at least one molecule (where a single atom is also considered a molecule), but if take stuff that is smaller than that I do not think it makes sense to refer to it as a chemical.
i feel bad for actual people with celiac after the whole thing with gluten because people now assume it isnt a serious issue
At least they got higher availability of gluten-free products? Assuming they are actually gluten-free and the label was not just made up by marketers...
i did see a few pics of packages that say "gluten free!* *:contains gluten"
found one
Sugar-free usually means they didn't add sugar, not that the ingredients themselves cannot contain sugar.
Q: SOA support in J2EE

user84465Please can you help me how to :Create a Web service which provides two operations: - getPrice: gets in input number of requested guests and city, and returns a confirmation string for first hotel. - bookRoom: gets in input email, number of requested guests and city, and return a string as hotel v...

in the grocery stores here they now have a small label on most of the items that list the most common allergenes that this product contains
^ guess what, milk contains milk
could be the law
(I mean you never know nowadays.)
@betseg you made me wonder, I just looked it up - apparently they do have to do that but among other things milk is an exception where they do not
well better be safe than sorry :p
@Dennis Wasn't there a thing in the US where they sold 4g packs of pure sugar as sugar-free, because it fell under the minimum?
haha genious
Ah yes
I remember when lightbulbs were banned a company in germany tried to continue to sell them as "heat balls" because they have an efficiency of about 97% when you consider them as heaters. As far as I know it didn't work out
the engineer who did this reasoned that it would be a lot more reasonable to protect ranforests instead of banning lightbulbs, as they do have their uses as well
> The scheme's declared purpose was to sell incandescent lamps as small heating elements for winter, or for use in chicken coops
So it was, in part, a chicken scheme.
Is this an American English or a British English article?
@flawr Conversely, stores sell "milk" here that has been watered down to the point they have to call it "lactic drink".
@flawr They got the IQ award lol (cue 1000 IQ meme)
@flawr lightbulbs? You mean glowing pears, right?
@J.Sallé are you secretly german?
No, but I dabble
but by just looking at them glowing pears makes an aweful lot of sense.
@ASCII-only v9608
Not sure if that counts as hackery
As for how: in place substution via magic formula
@flawr ah yes indeed it does, especially the older ones which are actual bulbs
Is my unitconvert off or is winter bash tomorrow
I starts at midnight UTC (in ~32 hours), so "tomorrow" is relative.
Wow, I didn't expect my "Stupid PowerShell" comment to get so many stars, lol
I feel like there's usually more hype around this time
@primo v???
@primo already knew this part - I cheated off anagol for that
A: List of bounties with no deadline

guest271314500 rep "for a solution that works out the elements directly without calculating the actual permutations" (9erilous 9ermutations; OEIS A217626). Your goal is to implement this sequence, by returning each element as a multiple of nine. For example, the first 23 elements of this sequence ar...

Q: Find minimal set of operations that modify array to meet condition

BrenllaI have an array of sorted numbers: arr = [-0.1, 0.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.2] I want the difference (dist below) between consecutive numbers for that array to be above a given threshold. For example, if threshold is 0.25: dist = [0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4] # must be >0.25 for all elements arr[0] and arr[1] ...

Q: Final Fun for Fidgets

hotmeatballsoupTake the following POJOs: public class Widget { private String fizz; private Long buzz; private List<Fidget> collaborators; // Constructor, getters & setters } public class Fidget { private String fizz; private String foo; // Constructor, getters & setters } And t...

@primo how would this help
@primo I wonder how long the magic regex is (the pattern part). I currently need lookahead and lookbehind, idk if that's avoidable
2 hours later…
I've had a project of a language, named CodeNote for historical reasons, but I feel like it is stupid and it doesn't fit the language. Any ideas for a better name? My brother suggested that I make the name out of 2 words that rhyme with each other (just like Code and Note do).
1 hour later…
@flawr Here, you can buy bags of peanuts with the message "Warning: May contain peanuts" on them
May? As in, you possibly could get a bag without peanuts?
My thoughts exactly
The "Warning" has always amused me as well :P
peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes
it's common to be alergic to "nuts" (tree nuts) but not legumes (peanuts)
@Skidsdev Yeah, but the warning is against peanuts, not nots
the warning on peanuts in the UK says "May contain nuts" not "May contain peanuts"
@Skidsdev I have, in my hand, a bag of Sainsbury's salted peanuts which has "Warning: May contain peanuts" written on it
Speaking of the UK, brb, making a cuppa :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing could you post a picture? Because google disagrees
@cairdcoinheringaahing You reinforce every stereotype I have about Brits :P
Only you know what is the peculiarity of your language only you can assign a name...@RedClover
I could've sworn every bag of peanuts had that warning when I was a kid :/
@DJMcMayhem Good :P
@RosLuP It's yet another general purpose language, with syntax similar to Python, but designed primarily to be clear. It is object-oriented and planned to be a compiled language (not a script).
@DJMcMayhem Out of interest, what other stereotypes do you have? I get the tea drinking, but what else?
But well, language names don't often have much to do with their features.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Idk, I was partially joking. It's mostly the tea-drinking
The only other stereotype I can think of is that Brits have bad teeth. No idea why
@cairdcoinheringaahing Absurd res
@AdmBorkBork Phone camera
@DJMcMayhem Given that dental work can be covered under the NHS, I have no idea where that stereotype comes from
Oh, and @DJMcMayhem, a little late, but congrats on the Vi.SE mod-ship!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok, now I'm curious. What are your stereotypes for people from the US?
Oh, thanks :)
@DJMcMayhem Oh boy. Settle in, this'll take a while :P
Loud and/or arrogant; Prudish; Eats fast food a lot; Drinks more soda than Brits drink tea. And of course there's the Southern gentleman stereotype (Foghorn Leghorn etc.)
(Yes, I realise that not all or even a lot of Americans are like this)
you forgot dumb/ignorant
Cyanide and Happiness:
Panel 1: Blue Shirt says "God Bless America!"
Panel 2: Green Shirt says "Oh yeah? Prove it!"
Panel 3: Blue Shirt shoots Green Shirt in the head with a gun.
@Skidsdev I was pondering that, but it seemed a little too mean
@cairdcoinheringaahing I forgot crazy when it comes to religion
@DJMcMayhem If there's a Brit in an USian movie, they're almost guaranteed to be the "bad guy."
@AdmBorkBork Or they're a side character to help beat the Russian bad guy
@DJMcMayhem Stereotypes of US: Stupid. Fat. Crazy about guns and freedom. Crazy about religion. They hold up in some regions, tbh.
All of the stereotypes I think about the UK are about the language against the US :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing What, differences between UK and US English?
@Zacharý Yeah, especially the swear words :P
US folk do have some conceptions about UK that way as well. (Mostly the usage of "wanker")
@Zacharý fun fact: average weight of american man is 191 lbs while in Asia it’s 125ish lbs
@Quintec Well. I need to lose some weight then, lol. I thought I was a twig. JEEZ.
@Zacharý What's the reaction to w***** in the US? It's like a super basic insult here :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing They just immediately assume you're either trying to be or are British.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, it mostly just sounds out of place
Guess I know how to sound extra British when I'm ever in the US :P
I think a similar situation with the Québécois and words like "tabarnak" exists. I think. Don't take my word on it.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Schrödingers peanuts
@Skidsdev now you really confused me, legumes (frech) = vegetables
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nice hat btw :)
@flawr Thanks! :P
Yours is also great :P
o<) :-)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Let's be honest though, we both make fun of the Aussies :)
@Zacharý ʎlsnoᴉʌqo
@flawr legume is a type of vegetable that includes Peas, Peanuts and I think Lentils
Do you have some kind of automatic tool for that?
@flawr God, 4 languages in one country must be confusing.
Created by the Aussies so we can talk to them :P
@Skidsdev I found out after some googling, but first I thought you maybe have a french background and it just didn't really make sense :)
I mean I do live in canada, so all products here have french on them in addition to english, but I don't speak a lick of french myself :P
@Skidsdev In case you learn french at some point:
> Imagine getting jumped by a bunch of Aussies and hearing one of them say ,,snɯƎ ǝɥʇ oʇ ɯᴉɥ ǝʞɐʇ s,ʇǝ˥,,

 Le Dix-Neuvième Byte

Discussion générale pour codegolf.stackexchange.com en français
@flawr I get the feeling that isn't 19 bytes...
@Skidsdev Literally the 19th byte.
@Zacharý Right but the whole point of the channel name is that "The Nineteenth Byte" is 19 bytes in ASCII
I just thought it was a golf pun.
a lucky coincidence
I know it's that long. I just thought it was a coïncidence.
it's an intentional coincidence
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh fair enough ignore me then
Hmm golf challenge idea: given a se site with a main chat room, print the name of that chatroom
not sure how well defined a main chatroom is
The only worthy one is TNB /s
@Quintec Change it to "the chatroom with the most users at that time"
What if they're all dead tho'?
cough Music.SE cough
@cairdcoinheringaahing sure, would define it better if I were to write this challenge... maybe I will
Cough Linguistics.SE cough
That's where moved conversations go to die tho'.
cough I have no idea why you linked those SE sites cough but I'm going along with the coughing cough ... cough
cough PPC-gets zapped hack wheeze ded
PPCG isn't that dead.
As in ... there's actually a conversation going on.
@Zacharý do these sites have particularly active chatrooms?
> What if they're all dead tho'
I will write this challenge once I get off phone
They have particularly inactive chatrooms. Like, so much more inactive than TNB
Music.SE has about one message per week minus feeds
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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