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Quesiton: what syntax do you like better for array? var array: [Int] or var array: Int[]
@Downgoat second one
:( ok
@ASCII-only can you edit the type grammar item to support tuple (Type, Type) or named tuple (identifier: Type), dictionary [Type: Type], and array Type[] or Type[][]
is this for VSL?
it is also what I'm trying to understand HM for
@feersum you implemented HM, right? can you help me with this
I've updated the Imagifier to use Ace, It might still require some work, but it's much nicer to use now.
Q: Penrose Triangle Codegolf

arodebaughThe Penrose triangle, also known as the Penrose tribar, or the impossible tribar, is an impossible object. The goal in this challenge is to display a Penrose triangle in the fewest bytes possible. Source: Wikipedia Rules: You must display the Penrose Triangle digitally after generating it....

@Downgoat If you want to help me make it look nicer, wink wink nudge nudge, I wouldn't mind...
@ATaco title -> font-weight: 300, put input/output side by side, and then add like width: 100%; text-align: center; cursor: text; border: none; outline: none; font-size: 1.3em; to text box with link or something
@ATaco pls center editor tyvm
I just pushed it to the left.
I update live, because I don't feel like cloning my environment.
@ATaco What's that?
@Phoenix Open-source Text Editor for Webpages.
@ATaco can you text-align: center output please :3
@Downgoat Have locally, haven't pushed yet.
I do my CSS locally though.
It's easier...
oh >_<
I decided to align the Output Text to the bottom of the screen, I like it.
I need to compress these links I think...
Hmm, I have one way to do it, but it's not a very permanent solution...
if you're using a table imo, you should make entire webpage a table so you can vertically center title & the link at the bottom
D: -sheep/10 for using position: fixed
does anyone know of a (command line) tool that will format and simplify math equations? e.g. echo "0.25 + 0.25(n -1)" | format giving 0.25 n
But I like position: fixed!
btw I also reccomend setting a max-width: 50% or just set equal td widths. With a @media constraint add an item to move the preview down below the editor for small mobile screens
Also, Type just wise into the input.
@Downgoat It's come to my attention that I hate CSS
that took a while :P
And I have no idea what you mean by @media
@ATaco basically lets you do responsive websites
honestly if a website cannot do responsive design on 2017 I am leaving it and blacklisting it
okay I think I've asked this a couple of times already and this might not be the place to ask but is it possible to find precision needed for arguments for multiply, divide and power to get desired precision?
makes all website configurations except for 1x1 pixel portrait screen have red background
@ConorO'Brien *hotdog color scheme
@ASCII-only how many do you need for 1 / 7?
@ConorO'Brien ?
@ASCII-only no, like what would be the result for 1 and 3
as in like you provide a precision you want it to
given 1, 7, how many precision points do you expect?
@ASCII-only oh, only 1 more AFAIK
not sure about power
citation: downgoat brain
@Downgoat ok will trust but if charcoal arithmetic bork i'll blame on hooves you
O_o okay, apparently this:
func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
	return a + b;

func add(a: Double, b: Double) -> Double {
	return a + b;

print(String(describing: type(of: add(a: 1.0, b: 1))))
no idea how this magic typing is suppose to work
@Downgoat swift?
I suppose it says 1.0 has only one candidate and therefore the function's candidate is add(a: Double, b: Double) and then it casts b
@ASCII-only yeah
@Downgoat implicit precision increase
@ASCII-only yeah, but how is implemented
@Downgoat overload lookup -> ono no match -> implicit cast -> lookup -> resolve -> magic
Also idk if it would output call double @add(double 1, double 1) or %0 = i32 1 then %1 = bitcast %1 i32 to double then call double @add(double 1, double %1)
You would get the 100 rep... Unless a more eso-esolang comes along but still
@Downgoat ok later
@Christopher What do you mean by lever answer?
@ASCII-only Lever answeR?
c2bf-1to2.c:21:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
 #include <stdio.h>
@ASCII-only Clever ._.
@Downgoat erm... and I thought my computer was haunted
How on earth does that even occur?
@Christopher ok will do later kinda busy rn
@ASCII-only You have one day. You know what to do
oh god now it segfaults
@Downgoat pls post code
I have successfully used Tables now.
Yes, please post this code, @Downgoat.
@ASCII-only reference counting might be easier and signfiicantly less complex than a GC, but that said, without a GC, string immutability would be really bad
var s = ""
while (file.hasNextLine) s += file.nextLine();
that would be horribly slow
@Downgoat Doesn't that drop the newlines..?
this looks like JScript >.>
Yeah, it probably is JScript. Ugh, windows.
@Downgoat why
@Downgoat oh also i think we should have a mutable string type (allocates extra space and stuff) which can be cast to normal immutable string
because stringbuilder is weird imo
@ASCII-only because you'd be deincrementing ref., freeing(), allocating(), and incremnding ref. every iteration
@ATaco how do I get the emoji commands to work?
@ASCII-only i.e. stringbuilder?
I was thinking we could have MutableString too, but yeah, StringBuilder = scary
We could have an optimization pass
@Downgoat use deferred reference counting like Pytek is
@Christopher Simply \command, if that's not working, make sure to refresh the page.
@ASCII-only i.e. GC?
what part of this is wrong? I can't see it (the binary puzzle thing)
@Downgoat no - deferred reference counting, it's still ARC
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(My mistake, I meant /)
@DestructibleLemon doesn't look wrong to me
well then the site sucks?
@ATaco (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
IDK, I don't wanna jump to conclusions too quickly
maybe the puzzle was ambiguous and I chose wrong -_-
@DestructibleLemon pls link to related post
No. Not those faces.
> No more than two similar numbers below or next to each other are allowed
@ZacharyT Yes those faces
It works now
Also why is team red winning :(
Anyway, I'm going to the Gym, I'll talk later.
@ASCII-only if you are talking about s tetrominoes, those don't count as more than two
@ATaco you dirty red (rvb reference)
they mean in a run
@DestructibleLemon That's got a duplicate column (3rd and 6th).
@DestructibleLemon meaning you can't have the two rows of 1100 in the middle, or the two columns with 1001 a bit to the right
@Doorknob thanks. don't know why I couldn't see it
or 011010 in the middle two columns wait is that what it means
@Christopher, o_o, sigh
seriously, why would they pull me in to a difficult puzzle right on the front page
also I like the puzzle things that point out mistakes like that
@Downgoat With what?
@ASCII-only yes, GC using ARC
@ASCII-only also I know that this is true because I solved a couple of others
brb in a few
@feersum we were having trouble deciphering this equation, I was wondering if you could help:
(there is a logic room)
@Downgoat but didn't you say gc wasn't arc
I want to say ARC does garbage collection but is not a garbage collector but depends on your definition of the two
in Java is it permissible to take the input via the argument?
that seems reasonable?
I've never seen any answers do it though
I know brainflak uses arguments
@Downgoat This is for VSL?
what do you mean by argument anyway?
anyway could ask on meta
@feersum sorta, yeah. We're trying to do HM for VSL
Are you sure you want HM for that?
It doesn't sound very suitable.
Why not?
Do you have classes and inheritance?
@feersum yes
swift uses HM and it's pretty close to VSL
Standard HM isn't compatible with those.
You have to design extensions to the type system.
@LeakyNun yup, that would be permissible as far as I can see
brainflak works like that
And it's difficult to do that without creating inconsistencies.
and golf langs too
@Downgoat I found this list of types of types in Swift and it looks way more complicated than HM.
// NominalType -- a non-generic struct, enum or class
// ProtocolType -- a type of some value conforming to a protocol, whose concrete type is only known at run time
// ProtocolCompositionType -- a type of some value conforming to zero or more protocols
// BoundGenericType -- a generic struct, enum or class
// TupleType -- a product of zero or more types
// FunctionType -- a function value with an input and result type, and possibly some attributes
// MetatypeType -- the type of a type
// ExistentialMetatypeType -- the type of all types conforming to a protocol
looks like it's just "reminicient" of HM
@ASCII-only see above.
ExistentialMetatypeType Well
TIL there's a bug, in which the "award bounty" icon is shown on deleted answers
CMC: Create a function where f(x) is never 7.
@ATaco JavaScript (ES6), 4 bytes: _=>0
@ATaco f=lambda x:0 if x == 7 else x
@LeakyNun f=lambda x:x-(x==7)
@ATaco this is a bad challenge
I never said it was a good challenge.
@ASCII-only lambda x:0
(don't need assignment btw)
Although it's rather easy to output a static number, that doesn't make it interesting.
@DestructibleLemon that's boring
no. challenge is boring
@DestructibleLemon u r boring
is x necessarily an integer?
@DestructibleLemon Yeah, that's what I did with my JS solution
@DestructibleLemon x can be any datatype you can support, however, if you want specifics, a double.
@ATaco Mathematics, 6 bytes: f(x)=0
$\displaystyle f(x) := 2 \left \lfloor \dfrac x 2 \right \rfloor$
@LeakyNun If you've got the chat commands, put a / behind it.
@ATaco that will make it a picture?
@LeakyNun o shit, sick burn
Is it not working..?
@ATaco I don't want to
That's fair, although think of those without the userscript!
@ATaco tell them to install it
Until the ROs officially endorse my userscripts, I will not push it on anyone.
@LeakyNun no u
*mic drop*
*walks away from explosion*
@DestructibleLemon brb getting fire extinguisher
Um... What's going on? What's exploding?
Just, things.
Okay... then... And why do we need a fire extinguisher? Is someone getting burned?
10 mins ago, by Destructible Lemon
no. challenge is boring
@HyperNeutrino caret
10 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
@DestructibleLemon u r boring
@HyperNeutrino LeakyNun after DestructableLemon made him into DestructableLeakyNun
5 mins ago, by Destructible Lemon
@LeakyNun no u
then the mic drop and explosion
Ah. I see.
@HyperNeutrino speaking of this. @DestructibleLemon what are your feelings towards lemonade
@DestructibleLemon :O you drink the blood of your brethren and enjoy it?!?
I am not actually a lemon
Did you just assume his siblings' gender!?!?!?
brethren does not necessarily mean male, or even siblings
lol I thought it was just plural of brother.
also lemons do not have a gender. I think there are some fruits that do, but I don't think that lemons are one of them
@HyperNeutrino the meanings are derived from that, yes
@DestructibleLemon yes and I am not actually a goat
Ah. I see. And interesting! I'm pretty sure oranges do, but idk, maybe not the whole citrus family.
And I am not actually a neutrino. :P
And I am actually seriously really an ASCII fish
I am actually a lemon.
Did you just assume my ><>?
10 hours ago, by Hyper Neutrino
I don't count either. I'm a neutrino. I shouldn't even be interacting with you.
> I'm a neutrino
Hmm, when is Seriously v3 coing to be released?
@HyperNeutrino hmmm?
@ATaco Haha, yes true. :P
@DestructibleLemon hm?
Why is there a lenny face on the starboard?
team spirit prolly
no, that will not earn a star from me
I really hope it's not because of Team Spirit.
I'm going to temporarily turn Team Spirit back on.
@DestructibleLemon Thank you.
Color stars don't show up :(
<sidetrack> If I tell you a university student is a gang member at night, what would you think? If I tell you a gang member insists on going to university on daytime, what would you think?
That's an interesting question. I'd like to be as unbiased as possible, but I'd probably think in the first case "Is (s)he doing well in university?" and in the second case "Is (s)he doing poorly in university?". Same question, but I'd be inclined to think more poorly about the first person (even though the wording of the questions seem to imply vice versa).
@HyperNeutrino yet the two descriptions describe the same person..
and this isn't a matter of language; it was in Chinese when I saw it
See, the primary statement changes my primary perspective, and the other part of the description is more a suffix on the first description.
@LeakyNun well in the second description you use "insists" so I'd be inclined to think they at least want to do well academically
@ASCII-only I see
The second evokes a kind of "At least he's trying" kind of feeling. The first evokes a "who is this thug" kind of feeling.
Yeah. Well put ^
@ATaco for chat preview: Add support for previewing [tag:foo] and [meta-tag:foo].
I need to work out how they work first, but I'll try.
<a href="//codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/feature-request"><span class="ob-post-tag" style="background-color: #FFF; color: #666666; border-color: #666666; border-style: solid;">TAG NAME</span></a>
for meta tags.
Presumably, normal tags are the same but the link is different.
@ATaco can you not tag the html? (I'm aware this may not be controllable)
I don't understand Google's Prettify well enough, however, you can manually control what language it's detecting.
<a href="//codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/test"><span class="ob-post-tag" style="background-color: #FFF; color: #000; border-color: #000; border-style: solid;">TAG NAME</span></a>
For example lang-python:<test>Blah</test>
Ok, not quite the same.
@Phoenix The issue is parsing for a - I found a bug!
If you reply to a message containing valid HTML, it just straight up parses it.
As in, in the chat preview.
Indeed it does.
Be warned, potential exploit.
@Phoenix Javascript doesn't run.
while(1>0) {


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@HyperNeutrino did people play with flagging?
I'm just redirecting this testing there to avoid trashing.
I'm referring to the description of the sandbox
TIL this
In mathematics, the polygamma function of order m is a meromorphic function on ℂ and defined as the (m + 1)th derivative of the logarithm of the gamma function: ψ ( m ) ( z ) := d m d z m ψ ...
@LeakyNun no, but people can be dumb sometimes
I say let natural selection take its course, but it's not a very popular approach
As the old story goes: The little boy's mother was off to market. She worried about her boy, who was always up to some mischief. She sternly admonished him, "Be good. Don't get into trouble. Don't eat all the chocolate. Don't spill all the milk. Don't throw stones at the cow. Don't fall down the well." The boy had done all of these things on other market days. Hoping to head off new trouble, she added, "And don't stuff beans up your nose!" This was a new idea for the boy, who promptly tried it out. In our zeal to head off others' unwise action, we may put forth ideas they have not entertained...
Oh man, I *really* want to to flag something in the sandbox now.
I'm not going to do it, but... still.
wikiwand.com/en/Wikipedia:Don%27t_stuff_beans_up_your_nose/… has a link on it that says "Make Wikiepedia Great Again" that links to Donald Trump.
Apparently low-rep users can't upload things?
Is there such thing as serial answer unaccepts?
I don't think so, but I feel amused just hearing about that.
Ok good because I may or may not have just unaccepted a bunch of answers from one user. No malicious intent of course.
@WheatWizard Why?
I just unaccepted all of my accepted answers
@LeakyNun wot
I see. Why? Is it to encourage more answers?
I don't like that accepted answers get pinned. I feel the shortest answer is often not the best.
Ah, I see.
But does that warrant removing 15 rep from a bunch of users, maybe several tens at a time from one user?
Yeah thats why I was holding off, but I felt that I should probably put my money where my mouth was and go through with it
I see. People might get annoyed by that, and I can see how mods might not like that either, but you have a fair point with unaccepting.
Maybe not all at once?
I had like 6 so its not a real big deal
one of them was my own answer too
Ah, I see.
Okay so that's a max of 75 rep from a user and it's not even that much.
Yeah I think the most any one user lost was 45 rep,
Ah, I see.
(Wrong window rip)
At least for me, if I suddenly lost 45 rep I'd be slightly annoyed, but I probably wouldn't get really mad at you. It depends though, because 45 is a bit over 1% of my rep.
Yeah one user did loose 45 rep. But that is far less than 1% of that user's rep
Ah, I see.
@Riker it means don't say "don't xxx"
Depending on whom it is they shouldn't mind too much.
Might not notice, I don't believe unactions show up in the rep log.
I believe that you won't get rep notifications until your net rep change is positive again.
I don't think loosing rep shows up in the rep log
It does, just not notifications until you have a net positive rep change.
CMC: sum in Prolog (this should give X=8888.)
what? then it doesn't show up?
IIRC Dennis told me that after I gave out a bounty and lost a bunch of rep
And I wasn't seeing upvote notifications even though I could see my rep increasing.
Yeah, negative rep doesn't show up in the box
CMC: add two numbers without using built-in + or -
IDK why, but that's how things work.
Pseudocode: log(2, 2**x * 2**y).
@LeakyNun Brain-flak 20: Bytes {({}[()]<({}())>)}{}
If you considere ({}{}) to be a builtin
#import base
@Phoenix language?
I think it works
Jelly, 6 bytes: 2*×/l2
It technically sums a list.
It does not.
Out of memory error
Oh you mean the reregex?
Oh okay. :P
Don't know why though
@ATaco help pls why does tio.run/nexus/… not work
@WheatWizard I like this
@LeakyNun Python 36 bytes: lambda x,y:len('%s%s'%(' '*x,' '*y))
if you change the *2 to <<1 I would like it more
@HyperNeutrino boring
@LeakyNun I had it like that but it cost a byte :(
Command Boundary is <>, not {}
But yes I like WheatWizard's solution.
@ATaco ooooh ty
Still runs out of memory though
I'm still winning right now though :P in terms of bytecount, not in terms of being creative :P
Can anyone explain to me what the function a -> b -> (a -> b) does?
In what?
lambda, I suppose
It's a lambda that takes a, and gives a lambda which takes b and gives a lambda which will take a and turn it into b. the a at the beginning is kinda useless, I believe.
So essentially it's lambda x: lambda y: lambda z: y.
@HyperNeutrino I have the same thought, so I asked here to confirm
function(a) {
    return function(b) {
        return b
Not quite.
function(a) {
    return function(b) {
        return function(c) {
            return b;
Welp, I'm gonna go to bed now. Cy'all later! o/
@ATaco Welp. GG
It could also be a Haskell type signature, where a and b are unbound type variables. Since you cannot do anything with arguments of unbound type, though, this wouldn't be a particularly useful function.
@LeakyNun Here is the python solution ported to Wise: 14 bytes [::??^:!^!&<]|
Q: The forbidden built-in

Leaky NunIn the standard loopholes, the following is forbidden: Claiming that your answer is written in "MyOwnLanguage", where the command x means "read a sequence of numbers, split them into groups of three, and print the last numbers of those groups where the second number is less than the first" ...

@MistahFiggins I found a way to do - without - in wise. Try it online!
so we can just remove that operator now then /s
it really isn't a bitwise operator
golfing without it could be pretty fun
it makes some tasks really hard to do

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