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That sounds like the name of an IDE
@Mego on the ;# interpreter challenge, ><> is tied with actually.
Something is seriously wrong with Actually then
Actually's weakness is string processing
@Mego does Actually have regex?
@ConorO'Brien Not yet
I was working on adding regex stuff when I got so fed up with the bad code that I opted for a rewrite
that's me trying to add stuff to jolf
is there a way to take an array and push each member of that array to the stack?
@Phoenix how about goatity
When I have bad code, I'm like "Let's add some even worse code as an adapter around it."
@ConorO'Brien concat?
more like merge
but I think so
@ConorO'Brien [].push.apply(stack, array)
no, in actually
I know how to do JS >_>
Hey guys I noticed on the meta the fanatic badge is not listed under badges I can get, even though I have not gotten it.
Did they remove fanatic for the meta?
Oh when did they do that?
A long, long time ago.
No? Three days ago it said it was available
Maybe I'm blind
Well it turns out today is actually my 100th day, so I would have gotten it.
It must have been removed or something
I can't find anything on the meta about it being removed
Maybe its a bug
Ok I got it
it looks like its just a bit slow, once you have fulfilled the requirements it doesn't show up in the badge box even if you haven't received it
I know everyone was super interested in that. You guys can rest assured nothing is broken.
codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… do you guys think its good enough for its own post?
That would be closed as Unclear if posted as is
how should i fix it
you need a tighter output specification.
I should not have to guess what the output should look like from the testcase
Where each bit of information goes is pretty much the thing needed right now
Things like centering are also pretty important
so, set out the places where the bits of information should go?
I noticed you use P.M, is that an error? should we use A.M for the mornings?
its 7:52 PM over here
and yeah, A.M is for mornings
Ok, without the second dot?
2 dots technically speaking
@SamiAltamimi This reminds me, should it be time zone dependent or UTC?
probably UTC for simplicity
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sami AltamimiIntroduction Today I met a man in my local park. He's a very interesting man, however, I was pretty sure he was homeless. No phone, but he had a watch. I asked for the time and he said, "It's 1:43 P.M., facing Southwest. Today is May 21, 2017. And Daylight Savings Time ends on November 5th." I d...

i think its good now
This is better
You should still specify the centering on the texts
i mean, how do i specify that
Well when the text is an even width you can't perfectly center anything
I have a quick little brain teaser on Ruby. Figure out why this returns 2047.
So you need to specify if it will default left or right
@SimplyBeautifulArt without looking, is it exponentiation-xor confusion?
@DestructibleLemon No, it's completely syntax incorrect.
Just look at the parenthesis
and hardly any of the letters seem meaningful.
weird digraphs I would know if I did ruby?
maybe its this thing that make left to right
@WheatWizard So default left?
I don't know, you haven't said in your challenge
@SimplyBeautifulArt ok its a rtl thing which is why it happens. cheap trick yo
@DestructibleLemon :-)
Even then, I'd expect it to return more than 2047
Also middle of the screen is ambiguous because the screen is an even height, you should say 3 from the top.
Hm, now only if I could save one byte...
done @WheatWizard
I accidentally forked a repository
how do i delete it
o wait it was in settings
@DestructibleLemon So I ended up using it for fun... codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/18028/…
I have a good idea for a programming language
It'd be called "GITHUB IS NOT A CDN"
It uses a JSON file hosted on GitHub as its 'scripts' in another programming language
Then they are called with an eval from that programming language or something
Any languages without quines that I can tackle?
@ATaco you could try mine I guess
What's the language?
What is your GitHub account?
If there's an interpreter, then I can write it.
There is an interpreter
But a theoretical one is just as easy...
technically this isn't a language but ok
Q: Golf yourself a nice watch

Sami AltamimiIntroduction Today I met a man in my local park. He's a very interesting man, however, I was pretty sure he was homeless. No phone, but he had a watch. I asked for the time and he said, "It's 1:43 P.M., facing Southwest. Today is May 21, 2017. And Daylight Savings Time ends on November 5th." I d...

Help I'm being forced to learn Python.
its easy
u will be fine
@PhiNotPi oh my gosh my condolences that is horrible
@Downgoat ;-; Python is just as constrictive as its name implies.
@PhiNotPi except for this kind, there is no anti-venom Q_Q
yeah there is, ruby :^)
Anyone know of a good [gaming] keyboard with lots of macro keys? More than 6 at least
That looks like only 6
@HelkaHomba mechanical keys or flat?
mechanical I guess, maybe either
for what game
@HelkaHomba Raptor K50 has 12 IIRC
@feersum Nothing in particular, mostly for productivity. Like copy, paste, empty trash, open chrome, etc. could all get their own keys.
^ keyboard recommendation
@HelkaHomba you should repurpose a whole keyboard as a macro then
@HelkaHomba this :P
Also why are the keys lined up :c
@SamiAltamimi I have thought of that, but takes up too much desk space
and i thought i only got that reference :)
@PhiNotPi No Windows key :I
@HelkaHomba Use like a fake third/fourth-level modifier key that does macros (with AutoHotKey or something?)
Thinking about it, I really wish Windows had a built in way to do what hidmacros.eu does. Then I would (sorta) trust it more to be up to date and bug free.
@HelkaHomba that's cool
@HyperNeutrino I'll give it a try, using the same algo as the sagemath solution
would that be competitive for the bounty?
not a direct ripoff, and probably not that golfed, but based on that
cc @Christopher
@SamiAltamimi I was otherwise occupied at the time but I still think the challenge needed some specification.
@Riker As long as it's not just a golfed version of it I'm fine with it. Especially if you switch languages I'm fine with it, and even if you make it a lot golfier, just don't just copy+compress it
remember to prove optimality unless you have the only answer
A: cheating on the Russian roulette

2012rcampion😥 🅰🅱🅰🅱🅰🅱 1/6 ⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪ 1/6 ⚪⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪ 1/6 ⚪⚪⚫⚫⚪⚪ 1/6 ⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫⚪ 1/6 ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫ 1/6 ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪⚫ 🅰🔫 ◻️ 💥➡️🅰⚰️ ◻️ ❌➡️🔄 🅰🔫🅱 ◻️ 💥➡️🅰⚰️ ◻️ ❌➡️🅰🔪🅱➡️🅱⚰️ ❌❌❌❌❔ (🅰) 1/1 ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫ 🅰🔫 ◻️ 1/1 💥➡️🅰⚰️ 🅱🔫🅰 ◻️ 1/1 💥➡️🅱⚰️ ✔️🅱🔫🅰➡️💯🅱⚰️ ❌❌❌❔ (🅱) 1/2 ⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫⚪ 1/2 ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚫⚫ 🅱🔫 ◻️ 1/2 💥➡️🅱⚰...

this is a pretty interesting answer
I can only complain about the coffin thing not looking so great
@HyperNeutrino cool
@HyperNeutrino I might have the only
The RProgN2 Looping quine is now just {`{.}{
how did you do an inline backtick
to clarify we want the hello world challenge to be unprotected, right?
because i just unprotected it
Why are Windows 10 keys so expensive ;-;
@ATaco gives ATaco Windows 10 "A" key
@HyperNeutrino Sure. Pesky Community thinks otherwise.
What even is causing Community to keep protecting it? Deletions or something else?
Yes, deletions.
Ah okay.
Is there a way to get rid of that? I think it's more useful for Q+A sites
(personal opinion)
A whole bunch of deletions is usually a red flag on other SE sites, but a PPCG challenge with a few hundred answers is a different story.
@HyperNeutrino It was selectively disabled for the sandbox. That's all I know.
Ah okay. Yeah that would make sense because a lot of stuff is deleted in sandbox
Is anyone here interested in making a regex derivative for numbers (inspired by this)
why is "<atsign>Whe" starred...
why is anything starred
@DestructibleLemon Excellent question.
also I kind of find the frequent bot edit stars a bit suspect
@Mego just saw your random integer sequence challenge. that was actually my first idea for Random Golf #8 before I turned it into codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/120472/8478 :)
@MartinEnder And to complete the circle, RG8 is what inspired my challenge.
I figured :D
but yeah I ended up not doing it because I had trouble specifying the requirements on the randomness. with a string it seemed less weird to limit the possible movements of value to a finite range, so you can actually talk about positive probabilities.
As you can see, I'm having a bit of trouble too.
I think it's in a much better place than it originally was right now.
I haven't read it in detail yet, but I figured that was the trouble
this random golf series really taught me to be careful with randomness in challenges and i still haven't quite figured it out
It's definitely been a learning experience :)
My probability and statistics knowledge mostly comes from one class in college that I didn't attend lecture for as much as I should have
@MartinEnder Did you see my question about your random challenge?
May 13 at 22:15, by feersum
@MartinEnder Would a program that takes two number j, k (from 0-19) as a seed, prints out the first j items unchanged, and after that reads in batches of 20, prints the last k items of the batch, and then prints the first 20-k be a valid answer? If not, why?
@feersum Ohhh, I completely forgot to respond to that. I was thinking about adding some specification about statistical independence, but that's tricky as well. I guess I'd just go with this randomness is not equivalent to something like a Mersenne Twister.
That's not a very clear definition... what makes an RNG "standard"?
Surely there are RNGs (or algorithms billed as such) at every point on the popularity spectrum.
yeah, I'm not a huge fan of our "standard definition" of randomness either. but I'd say in your case there's really no randomness in any standard sense of the word.
do you have an idea how to specify it properly such that cases like this would be clearly disallowed?
Actually, I'm not sure my answer even fails that definition.
I only generate 1 random number with my RNG.
Thus it is equivalent to MT, or many other standard RNGs.
@MartinEnder Scratch that, your question doesn't actually say than anything should be "random" anywhere.
It only talks about probabilities.
Were I to write a question, a random bit stream would be part of the input.
but isn't the fact that we're supplying a seed specifically the problem that allows your loophole?
without giving a seed, it's clear that you need some form of randomness because otherwise you can't satisfy the probability requirements
Not really.
You could still do something that generates only a single random number.
What seems to be missing is a requirement that the probablities be independent.
Actually, that may be too strong.
yeah that's why I didn't specify it. I mean it's virtually impossible with infinite sequences and finite-period RNGs
Well if we're going with the definition of an RNG as a magic box that's defined by cultural considerations rather than mathematical properties, then that requirement can be satisfied by assuming the RNG is magic.
right, but then if people take a seed and implement their own RNG, how magic is magic enough. that's exactly the issue, isn't it?
Hmm, maybe a weaker (but bizarre) condition for your question could be that any number that the program has already consumed from the input stream must have a positive probability of being output.
Is it just me or did Chrome just start unloading inactive tabs and then just loading the page from the URL again when you switch back to it
It's definitely doing this.
I found a Chrome design document that talks about automatically suspending background tabs, but it's actually reloading them, making HTTP requests etc.
ugh why can't I find any information about this
@feersum this isn't new
it happens when you are low on memory
Better than Firefox's method of just Taking your computer with it.
How do you define low on memory? I have >2 GB free.
I would prefer a setting where it asks for confirmation before reloading the page.
CPU throttling inactive tabs, on the other hand, cannot come fast enough...
Does MathJax work on PPCG?
Ha!p plx
Please help me!
Does MathJax work on PPCG?
No it doesn't
it doesn't
but the taco userscripts enabled mathjax in this chat
Q: Infinite Sequence of Unique Random Integers

MegoOutput an infinite sequence of positive integers, such that, for each element in the sequence, all positive integers that have not yet been output have a positive probability of being chosen, and no value is repeated. For example, if the first integer is 3, then 3 may not be output again, but al...

Any other way I can embed equation?
is this question really that bad?
I will not taint my pristine, feature-lacking experience of PPCG with user scripts!
@Arjun you can type your equation here
and save the resulting image
Huh, people were surprisingly alert to the bogosity of vague "random" definitions on Mego's question.
@LeakyNun Thanks!
BTW, I think this challenge can be reopened now! :-
Q: It's Anagram Quine, not just Quine!

ArjunThe Task In this challenge, your task is to write a program, which takes in no input, with as many anagrams that are quine of themselves as possible. Your score will be the number of anagrams of your program's source code that are valid quines divided by the total number of anagrams possible, i...

Hmm, I could totally do the ;# interpreter in braingolf if it wasn't for ignoring all other characters :P
hi all
Q: swap many characters ina string

sadickhow can I change position of characters in a string? I mean for example if I have a string alphabet="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", and I wanna change 'a' to fourth position(e), 'b' to f, in fact after fourth position from that character, and when it arrives to z, z will be replaced to 'd' and so ...

Q: Don't break the bridges!

Qwerp-DerpIntroduction: You are a worker, who is in charge of managing a set of bridges, connecting a square grid of "nodes": N - N - N | | | N - N - N | | | N - N - N (the grid here is 3 by 3, but they can be larger). Each of the bridges has a set capacity from 1 to 10, and each of the bridge...

14 mins
I suggest we fire NMP and let Smokey do the job.
Is it possible to have a, say, 0.5 byte file?
@Okx No
thought so :P
Some file systems store small files directly in the file descriptor tables, though.
wtf library of babel is down D:!!!!!
Uh oh, first the tower, then the library. What's next?
the... castle?
well I mean its not down its 403 forbidden
Oh, right, it's closed for inventory.
like what happened to the calyesta thing
this is bad
Calyesta, is that the restaurant across the street from the Babel city library?
I meant calesyta
I can't remember these foreign language acronyms
calesyta was an esolang contest that died
@DestructibleLemon rip CALESYTA
Rip library of babel
now I can't rickroll people by posting bookmarks
Well, that's an upside I believe
or marvel at coincidences like long coherent words being found a few pages away from a google url
at least I can still get my fix at Mezzacotta, but that stuff takes too long to load
Q: Find the Oxidation States

Beta DecayChallenge Find the oxidation states of each of the atoms in a given molecule. These can be output as a list or otherwise. Rules The total oxidation state of a molecule will always be zero. The total oxidation state is the sum of the oxidation states of each of the individual atoms in the molec...

mac is the new wat
@betseg First related post: Microsoft awarded for sustained support of Reservist and National Guard members
@betseg That's my reaction every time I see one of those. ;)
@Okx Sure, you just have to write your own file system.
@Adám See you in 5 years, then!
I'm sure making a toy file system (assuming this is your intention) would take considerably less time.
@Okx I could hack such a thing together in a few minutes. You just need an index of filenames and beginning bits, and then mash together all your files.
Eh, it's not that important
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Steve BennettUkulele chord chart Your task is to write a function which outputs a ukulele chord chart in the following format for a given chord symbol. For instance, for input "G7", it must output: G C E A --------- | | |#| | --------- | |#| |#| --------- | | | | | --------- | | | | | --------- | | | | | -...

CMC: given a 8-bit integer (or short), exchange its high and low nibble
@LeakyNun JavaScript (ES6), 16 bytes: n=>n>>4|n<<4&255
> Concision (alternatively brevity, laconicism, terseness, or conciseness) is the art and practice of minimizing words used to convey an idea.
man, haxe is a cool language, but it has some really stupid design decisions
I don't know why it is so but the preamble at the start about different words is really amusing
Doesn't every language have some really stupid design decisions?
Haxe's data streams have a function called readAll() which is literally unusable
because every function that reads from a data stream throws an Eof exception when it reaches the end of the stream. readAll() will always reach the end of the stream, and thus will always throw an Eof exception. If it throws an exception you can't get it's return value, so it's completely useless
you can still use it to read - and discard - all of the stream :-D
@JanDvorak Almost. I don't think K has any.
@Mayube exception handling anybody?
@Adám I dispute K's design decision for an extremely spartan documentation
If your language documentation fits entirely on a single page in your browser ... something's not okay.
@JanDvorak That's not a language design decision.
@EriktheOutgolfer if you handle the exception, you can't get the function's return value. A function doesn't return if it throws an exception
I mean the function's definition should have exception handling inside
K is utterly unreadable to the uninitiated despite not being a golfing language. That is a design decision :-D
go one letter back
right, but it doesn't, because it follows what the docs say
@Mayube out parameters?
doesn't take any params
plus I'm not sure Haxe even has out params anyway
Is there any example usage for it?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

kalsowerusMake a ;# compiler Related to: Make a ;# interpreter In the above linked challenge the task was to create an interpreter for the esoteric language ;#. The ;# language The language has exactly two commands: ; and # (all other characters are ignored by the interpreter): ;: Increment the accumu...

Have you actually tested it to see if it behaves as written?
sure enough, it throws an Eof every time
I think we have a new language to bash once bashing PHP goes out of fashion :-D
so never?
oh hey actually, Haxe can transpile to PHP
I guess that explains it... :P
@JanDvorak Almost all programming languages (exceptions are APL and K…) are utterly unreadable to the majority of people who cannot read English.
Non-English-based programming languages are computer programming languages that, unlike better-known programming languages, do not use keywords taken from, or inspired by, the English vocabulary. == Prevalence of English-based programming languages == There has been an overwhelming trend in programming languages to use the English language to inspire the choice of keywords and code libraries. According to the HOPL online database of languages, out of the 8,500+ programming languages recorded, roughly 2,400 of them were developed in the United States, 600 in the United Kingdom, 160 in Canada, and...
@EriktheOutgolfer I was about to post a link to that.
I'm a good ninja
The article contains lots of serious information about programming languages based on different spoken languages, and then someone sneaked Ook! into the middle of all that.
oh cool there's a chinese C++
Q: Solve sin(θ) = χ in the a ≤ θ ≤ b

Beta DecayChallenge Given a number, x where -1 ≤ x ≤ 1, and the integers a and b, where b > a, solve the equation sin(θ) = x for θ, giving all solutions in the range a° ≤ θ ≤ b°. Rules x will have a maximum of three decimal places of precision. The output, θ must also be to three decimal places. Your o...

Q: Can I post someone else's sandbox challenge?

Steve BennettETHproductions made this perfectly cromulent sandbox post but hasn't touched it in a week. Is it poor form to move it to the main site for him/her? (And then immediately post my own solution?)

Hm, J is on the symbol-based list, but it use plenty of English initials: a.lphabet a:ce A.nagram b.oolean / b.asic C.ycle d.erivative D.erivative f.ix H.ypergeometric i.ntege‌​rs / i.ndex I.ndices / I.nterval L.evel M.emo p.olynomial p..oly. p:rimes s:ymbol S:pre‌​ad Ex:tended
Wonder if APL should also be on the non-English list, because it uses Greek letters?
@Adám I don't think it should.
should be in symbol list
CMC: given K L M, return the first K elements of the sequence 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 … 1 L 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 … 2 L ……… L M
VTC as "unclear what you're asking"
close (2)
@EriktheOutgolfer how so?
@Adám The number 2 spots before the second ellipsis should be a 2, right?
@Doorknob Ah, yes.
also the sequence ends with L M instead of M L
Think of it like this: (1 1) (1 2) (1 3) (1 4) … (1 M) (2 1) (2 2) (2 3) (2 4) … (2 M) ……… (L 1) (L 2) (L 3) … (L M), but flat.
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes. Chat has too short editing window.
you confused me now
before the left number changes the right number should hit L or M?
I get it now close (1)
I guess M close
@EriktheOutgolfer M.
E.g. K=24, L=3, M=4: 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4
:37565682 Yes.
also what's the point of having L?
Anyway, in APL, taking K as left argument, and (L,M) as right argument, that's {⍺⍴∊⍳⍵}, which apparently means "I'm sorry" in Greek!
I don't think it means "I'm sorry"
it's just nonsense Greek junk or a word used so rarely most people wouldn't know of it anyways

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