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Q: The Drunken Typist

Pietu1998Background A typist comes home wfter some riugh drinkinh and realizes thag an importsnt letter still needs to be wtitten. To make sure he vets the text correct, he writes the text character bh vjaracter t0 be sure of 6he resuly. However, he dtill manages t0 miss some ofbthe keys. Yout task is t...

@DJMcMayhem your avatar is horrifying
@LeakyNun Jelly, 57 bytes: TIO
@user202729 nice
@Adám do they accept 14 year old high school students
@Riker That's probably not legal. But maybe if you hurry up, you can be 18 by the summer…
@Adám not sure how tha'ts how it works but ok
@Riker D:
Is not!
@DJMcMayhem How is your hat so big? its covering everything
@MartinEnder Sorry I had a family emergency and had to go for a while. Would you be interested I'd love to brainstorm some time.
2 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem it's around 4x the size of your cat for me
might send a pic later
That's how it looks for me
Well dang
It's not supposed to be that big
@WheatWizard That's what it's supposed to look like ^
5 hours later…
@WheatWizard sure, but I probably won't get around to it for another couple of days. feel free to leave some messages into the esolang room though and I'll get back to it when I have some time.
probably not the most convenient time for myself as well.
Unfortunately the esolangs room appears to be frozen
Oh no, its not
that was a different room
@WheatWizard Isn't it like 4 AM on Christmas morning where you live?
just about
I probably ought to be off to sleep, but I'm still kindof on a pretty shitty sleep schedule from finals earlier this week
Makes sense
I can't really judge. I'm no stranger to being on TNB way too late at night
And it's almost 2AM on Christmas morning here, so that's not really much better
But I am off to bed now
g'night, and merry Christmas
1 hour later…
Anyone want to claim this bounty‌​?
The Nineteenth Byte with 14 online users.
TFW when you are sick during Christmas time (:c) and the whole family went outside for a walk, and you have nothing better to do... Let's write a vectorizer! :P
@Mr.Xcoder Here's a fun activity: Define (golfed) drop-ins for each APL primitive without using that primitive.
@Mr.Xcoder (My wife is on vacation, my children are in school…)
Seems plausible ;P and fun
in Sandbox, 5 mins ago, by user202729
``single `code` done
@user202729 Unusually few...
^ Any ides how to type ^ without prefix spaces? (only backticks)
@user202729 I think you've created PPCG's first nth impossible challenge!
@user202729 `` `code` done
@user202729 Just put a backslash before each backtick.
Oh yes......
@user202729 It's only a problem if you have a "\" at the end, remember?
@wizzwizz4 Developing a new language (which, contrary to its name, is not meant to be the king of golf)
@Mr.Xcoder Oh.
Anyway, I've got to go for a bit. o/
I just couldn’t think of a better name
@wizzwizz4 who’s daniel? Sya o/
@Mr.Xcoder Your computer.
@Mr.Xcoder Some are easy, like - can be written {⍺←0⋄⍺+¯1×⍵} but some are harder, like +, and some are outright impossible, like /.
~ is /Users/danieldumbrava
@wizzwizz4 ah, my dad’s name :P yeah, I’m Victor :P
Also s/mrava/mbrava/
Does anyone here read fluent Zalgo C?
I need some help checking if macros do what I think they do.
@user202729 GOTO sandbox please. :-)
I was going to type, "^^^^ can anyone type that without space prefix"?
BTW... C uses goto, not GOTO.
@user202729 Are C keywords case sensitive?
@Adám Yes.
@user202729 Maybe it's BASIC.
@Adám It's BASIC.
So, still... can anyone type ↓ without space prefix?
Base35 All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
@user202729 `\
@Adám That's still not code.
Given types:
@wizzwizz4 What are you going to say...?
@wizzwizz4 No types‽ This will be hard!
typedef struct {
    unsigned int no_read : 1; /* All read operations instead get rand() when this is set */
} memory_flag;

char *memory;
size_t pipeline_size;
uint16_t *pipeline; /* This is a queue. */
size_t pipequeue_pos = 0;
memory_flag *memflag = calloc(memory_size, sizeof(*memflag));
Does this do what I think it does?
#define MEMREAD(index)  (memflag[index].no_read ? rand() : memory[index])
#define MEMREWR(index)  (memory[index] = MEMREAD(index))
#define PIPELINE(index) (pipeline[((index) + pipequeue_pos) % pipeline_size])
#define XPNTREAD(var, mem_p, index) do {\
MEMREWR((mem_p) + (index) + 1); MEMREWR((mem_p) + (index) + 2); /* Corrupt memory if it can't be read. */ \
for ((var) = *(uint16_t *)(&memory[(mem_p) + (index) + 1]), \
     char indirection = (mem_p)[index]                    ; indirection; MEMREWR(var), MEMREWR((var) + 1), \
@user202729 This.
@Adám You have one type. Make up your own definitions for char, size_t etc. :-)
Why not typedef bool memory_flag? / Need some time to read...
@user202729 It's going to have some other stuff in it.
It should probably be called memory_flags but I've already written quite a bit with it.
What's wrong with the indentation...? Why is there so much? (in xpntread)
@user202729 Readability.
The first block is the first bit of the for loop, the second block is the conditional and the third bit is the after-body.
(I don't really know what readability means, but I don't want to break it.)
Depending on the screen width it can actually make readability worse.
@user202729 That's a good point.
#define XPNTREAD(var, mem_p, index) do {\
MEMREWR((mem_p) + (index) + 1); MEMREWR((mem_p) + (index) + 2); /* Corrupt memory if it can't be read. */ \
for ((var) = *(uint16_t *)(&memory[(mem_p) + (index) + 1]), \
     char indirection = (mem_p)[index]; \
     indirection; \
     MEMREWR(var), MEMREWR((var) + 1), \
     (var) = *(uint16_t *)(&memory[var]), \
     indirection -= 1); \
} while (1)
@Mr.Xcoder Does chat still look like Vi?
Nope, it was due to caching.
Yay! shouldiblamecaching.com hasn't let me down yet.
But it was weird :D
@MartinEnder Better yet, Avada Hexdavra!
@Mr.Xcoder Hexcrucio is more painful.
^ this. Avada Kedavra seems to be fairly painless.
Yeah, you don’t even get to feel the pain ;-;
I found the bug in the C I posted above.
I needed to cast rand() to char ((char)rand()).
That way the macro would have a consistent prototype.
I think it will auto convert...?
Because the only place it's used in memrewr, and memory[index] is char.
@user202729 MEMREAD is used places other than MEMREWR.
Does TIO have short link?
@user202729 not yet.
@user202729 tio.run seems short to me.
I meant shortlink as in permalink. Anyway... there are plenty of external URL shortener services.
Can Pyth use Python features?
@user202729 yes
How long is it typically?
It has Python literal, but cannot be ran inline
@user202729 what?
OMG chat is borked on mobile... the keyboard covers the texg field
I meant... let's say Python has a function sys.stdin.readline. (Assume Pyth doesn't have raw input builtin w). How would it be called?
@user202729 I think $sys.stdin.readline$
Let me get to a computer and test it
merry christmas y'all
15 hours ago, by Riker
@Mr.Xcoder enjoy your christmas :)
@Mr.Xcoder I am sleepy af don't just me
I am currently being harassed by 3 cats who want food but they just had some and they don't seem to know that or care
I didn't judge you, it was just a friendly reply :D
Oh yeah... Pyth!
@user202729 Ok, I must admit that Python statements with imports are tricky for Pyth's $. So far so good, I managed to write $print("Hello World")$ and got "Hello World"
@user202729 Ok, that's it: $__import__('sys').stdin.readline()$. And then you can use your normal Pyth code. Let's say you want to reverse it and get the tail: t_$__import__('sys').stdin.readline()$ does the job.
@user202729 Sorry for the multiple pings, but tio actually no longer runs Pyth in safe mode. Yay! Try it online! or Try it online!
I turned off notification anyway, so the only thing I notice is (1*) The Nineteen... on the title.
If you want any help with Pyth-y things, feel free to ping me.
Checks a user's profile... They have 22222 rep :O
Or you wanted onebox?
@Mr.Xcoder No, just for posterity.
Wow. How did you get this so high-quality?!
@wizzwizz4 Huh? Good old Macbook screenshot
And then cropped
@Mr.Xcoder Now I want a Macbook. :-)
That screenshot is taller than my entire screen.
Rly? Huh :)
Use a virtual machine...
and then you'll be able to set the screen size.
@user202729 And have to pan around it.
And have to deal with $1 - (1 - \text{windows_10_lag})^2$.
@HyperNeutrino Pyon broke
Uh...? I don't seem to understand it.
I don't think HyperNeutrino is around...
@user202729 The VM process lags because it's in Windows 10. Then Windows 10 lags the processes in side the VM.
@NieDzejkob Yeah because function scopes aren't properly implemented... probably
Anyway... just use Linux as the host OS.
@user202729 I can't, because my laptop won't cope.
So use Linux as the emulated OS.
(Funny bug...)
It's got Windows 10, which overwrites boot partitions.
Also, I'm getting a new machine soon, which should be able to cope with VMs.
@NieDzejkob If you're working for next OEIS, you can use Hy.
But... probably let's wait for a few days first. Not sure.
@user202729 wait for what?
Probably not a very good idea.
why did I get stars my sleepy brain isn't ready for this
besides you might as well warn me I've got typos on the starboard
@user202729 what's not a good idea? I got it to work in Pyon, BTW
The 'wait for a few days'.
@EriktheOutgolfer You can add string compressor to JHT reference page... now. I posted the optimal string compressor.
Uh... seems to be broken.
:( The compressed version is 29 bytes — caird coinheringaahing Oct 16 at 15:47
@cairdcoinheringaahing How could you get it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing No problem.
(I just accidentally left some trailing spaces)
@PhiNotPi hi
user image
merry christmas!
@Downgoat is this your goat or a stock photo?
*is this you or a stock photo?
*is this stock photo you?
I genuinely thought for a moment that you have a pet goat but I'm unfortunately wrong
@NieDzejkob :( yes unfortunately I am selling my goat
turns out HOA is not so happy about goats
(not actually my goat)
<_< can't tell if you seriously have a goat
why would a goat own another goat that is like goat slavery
you are clearly a human that likes goats, what follows is "this human is somewhat likely to have a pet goat"
@Downgoat crisp moose indeed
mmm crunchy
(that was a reference to flatterland btw)
@PhiNotPi you take neuroscience, right?
> The new goat will also be called William Windsor, beginning as a fusilier while being trained for military life.[24] He will receive a ration of two cigarettes per day, which he eats, but will not be permitted Guinness until he is older
Britain what
Cool project (unfortunately made in electron): github.com/railsware/upterm
@Downgoat seems nice, but does not allow the customisation that iTerm2 allows, for instance, in my iterm, I mapped tab to esc for vim, but I can't seem to do that in upterm
why not map a more useless key e.g. caps lock to esc?
caps is mapped to ctrl
I have shift+tab mapped to tab
@NieDzejkob Functions are broken for some reason. I don't know why. (Also, Pyon was never not broken :P)
@user202729 I am around, I'm just really bad at remembering to reply to things. Sorry.
@Cowsquack I did inoremap jk <Esc> and inoremap kj <Esc>, then it's like a single keystroke right in the home row
I used to use jk but I think that tab feels better than jk
@HyperNeutrino Hi! Btw rip Advent series :(
Next year we should really schedule a series of Advent challenges as a community, and make sure we don’t miss any day.
I think advent would work a little better if they didn't all have to be christmas themed
Take a little stress off of the question writer(s)
@WheatWizard I definitely agree.
But if you had multiple writers you might be able to get a holiday theme going, which would be nice
Also s/question/challenge/ IMO
yeah, I agree I'm just bad at being consistent
On a completely unrelated note, out of all your profile pictures this is just the weirdest :P
It is pretty weird, but you can't see it if you zoom in, so I don't know how effective that is
1 hour later…
@Cowsquack yes, why?
Speaking of Advent challenges, have you guys seen this challenge? mscroggs.co.uk
@PhiNotPi recently I have been interested in (computational) neuroscience after discovering neural networks and playing around with them. Since I am in my last year(s) of school, I have been considering choosing a path with neuroscience/machine learning in university. Since you take it, I'll ask you, how is it?
@Cowsquack computational neuroscience is really cool, in my opinion. As far as coursework, some of it is more relevant than other parts.
are you going for a biological path or a computational one?
It draws from a relatively wide array of topics... first off it's a "hard science" in that despite being closely linked to psychology, you don't operate like a psychologist.
There's a pretty heavy emphasis on math and statistics.
I'm okay about the math bit, my other option is to take math instead for uni
what are you planning to do after you finish your course, what sort of careers?
Grad school, get a PhD and go into neuro research, although I'm also looking into PhD-MD programs.
What kind of neuroscience program does your college (or, whatever colleges you plan on going to) offer?
Oh and college = uni, for non-Americans
My school doesn't have a neuro major, I'm doing biomedical engineering with a neuro minor.
@WheatWizard nice one
I haven't chosen my unis yet
@Cowsquack Not going for a Dyalog internship when you're done with school?
Dyalog shill alert
in APL, Mar 15 at 19:30, by Kritixi Lithos
Where can I find more information about the internship?
well my future is very undecided and unplanned
@Cowsquack TBH you just have to try a couple things out (like, find/apply for research projects, etc) to find what you like.
Q: Make me an upside-down Christmas tree!

Christian DeanChallenge We all know about normal Christmas trees - but how about an upside-down Christmas tree! This is a fairly easy, Christmas themed challenge. The objective of this challenge is to make me an ASCII upside-down Christmas tree. Here are the rules for this challenge: Accept a postive, whole...

@NewMainPosts ⍒
@PhiNotPi thanks for your advice, btw do you know what the difference between theoretical neuroscience and computational neuroscience is?
@dzaima How in the world did you get 37 bytes?!?!?!
@Cowsquack There's a fuzzy line, but I would say "theoretical" means most of your work is mathematical, vs. "computational" most of your work is programming.
@Mr.Xcoder There's not much to do - the 1st line of code creates a tree line from a number (5 -> <--->), 1st 7 bytes of the next line are the "base" compressed, and the rest is math & the star
Although computational neuroscience can be a pretty broad label and includes the application of programming / data analysis to any aspect of neuroscience.
I would say, I like the neuroscience that is both theoretical and computational.
I really feel like that math should be shorter, but I have no idea how
Like, there's computational neuroscience where you actually do 3D modeling of a neuron, but I'm not really interested in that. On the other hand, you have theoretical neuroscience which is just graph theory, which isn't particularly fun by itself either.
@dzaima What formulae do you use for the math? I might help you shorten it :P
Generating the support of the tree is twice as long as the whole SOGL code for me in Python
ah, what sort of things do they cover in your uni?
here's an explanation, not sure you could do anything with it though :p
@Cowsquack It's kinda a mess of several different things... like I said, there's not a true neuroscience program, I just gotta go with the closest major / take relevant classes when I can.
Biomedical engineering has pretty large chemical engineering component at my college, as well as some mechanical / materials science stuff. Only a couple classes, like electrophysiology or bioinstrumentation, are directly relevant, but I would say that it's the closest to a neuroscience major that's offered because it is a difficult STEM field.
My neuroscience minor involves taking some psych classes, including an "intro to neuro" course which was a pretty solid intro to brain anatomy. Then I've taken one other psych class, which was sensation & perception.
My computer science minor has been... a compsci minor, nothing special. On one hand, I feel like a math or stats minor would be more useful, but it kinda comes down to what you have the time to complete.
Is there any way to revive frozen rooms, given you are a RO? (just curious)
You gotta get a mod.
what is your major?
@Cowsquack Biomedical engineering.
Apr 17 at 14:42, by Kritixi Lithos
A school/university for code-golf would be awesome
@FlipTack Your Python answers are so cute that I cannot wait to contribute to them ;D
@Cowsquack I have a hard time imagining how code-golf could be a productive endeavor these days. (It was once...)
@Adám isn't learning APL practically learning code golf (plus some other might-come-handy skills)?
@Uriel No, not at all :-D Our production code is very very far from golfed. Most of it looks mostly like C#.
@NewMainPosts wat
Q: Hilbert's binary Hôtel

Wheat WizardIn this challenge you will be asked to implement any function (or full program) that fulfills two properties. Those properties are Your function must be an injective (reversible) function from the integer polynomials to the integers. This means no two unequal inputs can map to an equal output...

@Mr.Xcoder 'cute'? I can't tell if that's a compliment or not... :P
@FlipTack It's a compliment.
'cute' as in creative and short-ish.
For instance, I had 130 bytes before you posted
@dzaima Ohhh, SOGL got outgolfed consistently by Neil
@Mr.Xcoder Just like with the ASCII Key Signature yesterday, I posted, you golfed a bunch, then I golfed a bunch
We make a good team
I still think the maths part is golfable
goes back to the drawing board
@FlipTack Indeed
@Mr.Xcoder I was thinking whether charcoal would be better than SOGL or not as the problem wasn't very linearly drawable. It's hard to decide :p
yeah, looking at it now, Charcoal has quite the advantage
internet drivers are so slow :P
45 min to download my new headset drivers
i have enough speed to download the file in 18 seconds
the only thing slower then Mr. Xcoder's typing right now is the driver :P
hint hint
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ I am not typing slow, just sandboxing (trying out) something in chat
Let's go through this: ~-i//2+i%2. ~i//2 gives n/2-1 for even N and n//2 for odd n. (so n // 2 - (n is even ? 1 : 0)). Then +i%2 -> +1 for odd and 0 to even. Therefore, we have n // 2 + (n is even ? -1 : 1). So n//2+((n%2)|-1) should do it.
:c it doesn't work
oh s/n/i/
@Mr.Xcoder precedence!
You got anything?
@Adám all those pain related hex-es are getting hexasperating D:
@flawr Ah, real-hex man!
@Mr.Xcoder 2*(~-i//2+i%2)) - if i is odd, i+1, if i is even, i-2
Yeah I noticed I made a mistake
That should allow some shaving
Currently battling with syntax errors though
I think I have -2 bytes.
Yep, I have 100
That might be further golfable
Will update too soon
@FlipTack My version is 100 bytes too
That one seems more elegant :)
I'll add this too:
> and discussing golfs with me in chat
I am so annoyed that | doesn't work instead of or :(
Yeah, it's nice that we each have an answer so we each get rep
For me it doesn't really matter that much, at nearly 20k you start to care a lot less about rep :P
But that's a good point.
So Proton is essentially a golfier version of Python?
I might have to start using it...
@FlipTack Somewhat, yeah
There is also some nice specific syntax but I don't really use that
Speaking about rep, mine's palindrome: 20002 :D
Nothing interesting about mine, 8582
Although I like the fact I got that bytecount down to exactly 100
CMP: What does your rep graph look like?
That’s better suited as a CMP (chat mini poll)
@Mr.Xcoder messed up the acronym :P
Mine's like some sort of x ^ 3 graph
I like to think mine looks a bit like a mountain
little bit better when I inlcude non-ppcg tho
that's pretty sharp lol
@Riker Not really... It's by year
cool though
still pretty sharp
This one is a better visualisation of mine
^ my lit.se rep went up pretty dang quick
I smell HNQ
private beta
@Mr.Xcoder That looks like the factorial graph
maybe WW was referring to his latest challenge, not your graph?
my rep looks like HNQ too :p
@Riker So did my English rep:
@Mr.Xcoder and no it's not HNQ at all :p
@Adám O_O
No definitely not my latest challenge (rip no answers). I was refering to the graph.
ok, just a guess
Its not on my graph but I have a similar curve that is just a right angle beacause I earned all of my rep on security.se in a single week.
@WheatWizard lol
I should take a nap... CMP: PPCG, language development, lurking in chat or sleeping (1 AM)
yeah my steep one was private beta
repcapped like 6 days in a row or something
Q: How is y’all’dn’t’ve pronounced

AdámAccording to Wikipedia, y’all’dn’t’ve is a valid contraction. I am having difficulty pronouncing the L-D-N-T-V consonant cluster, especially since there is no vowel at the end (silent E). Y’all’dn’t’ve any advice or audio samples would you?

haha that's amazing
@Mr.Xcoder I'm going back to my family in Serbia in a few a days... Then I'll be right in the same timezone (and right nearby!)
Oh wait, Romania is +2 (derp)
Well, I'll just be one border away ;)
Ha :P Nice
I'd say language development, for your CMP
@Mr.Xcoder Are you develpoing a particular language?
... what is it?
But I've created the project today
@FlipTack go visit
have a PPCG (not-so-re)union
@WheatWizard Kingolf
Ah a golfing language. GL
I have been meaning to start one of my own
me and 0' had a few ideas we wanted to throw around.
Is it stack based?
@Riker We would still be ~700 km away
@WheatWizard Will be, yes (it's really like nothing yet)
I don't know much about Golf langs, I ought to learn one some time.
So far I have the codepage, the vectorising engine and basic functions.
Gtg! o/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Simply Beautiful ArtNth Pascal Prime code-golfmathnumbersequenceprimes It is well known that primes will appear in Pascal's triangle exactly twice. However, not all numbers that appear exactly twice in Pascal's triangle are prime. We'll call these numbers Pascal primes. The first few Pascal primes are 4, 8, 9, 12...

@Adám That actually sounds really cool, would it require moving to somewhere in Europe though?
@Pavel No, we've had a couple of internships on your side of the Atlantic too. Recently one only 2.5 hours from you.
wait idk how I didn't notice previously but why did Webdriver Torso stop uploading 7 months ago?

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