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ttROh/ then - 5 bytes
Q: javascript code into a twig template

user55373i have this code into topic.html.twig {% block myJavascript %} <script type="text/javascript"> alert("test"); </script> {% endblock %} and dont work. help me please need write code in javascript into twig template Symfony2

This is so fucked up
Around 20 people are dead and 42 injured at a gay nightclub in Orlando Florida
what? D:
I try to tolerate and level with gun lovers but the fact that this kind of thing is possible is impossible to swallow
Sorry to rant in here, but it just does bug me :/
I don't try and tolerate gun lovers - I think we have a different kind of attitude in the UK but I don't know many Americans
there's also a singer that got killed by a fan yesterday isn't it?
@Fatalize Yes, that was incredulous too
if it werent so sad it would be funny
here with the Euro there were mass hooligan violence in Marseille yesterday
I think one english supporter is critically injured but no one died
even though there were many more retards per square meter than in those 2 other events
No gun => no easy kill
@muddyfish Idk. I can understand that guns are interesting from a historical perspective or an engineering perspective, or as a necessary tool to hunt for food. But when someone can legally buy a semi-automatic rifle and walk into a crowded public place and start shooting with ease, something is wrong.
@HelkaHomba a tool to hunt food - surely that's unnecessary in this age. I agree about the other points though
When guns were invented we already didn't need them for food
@muddyfish For most people, yes. But say for some remote person in Alaska it seems reasonable enough.
@Fatalize I'm not a gun lover by any means, but this statement reeks of ignorance to me. If you're north of the Artic circle in some remote place, you pretty much need guns to hunt.
@El'endiaStarman This is relevant to about 0.000001% of the population, ok
Alaska != Florida
pretty sure guns weren't invented to hunt
And that's in this day and age. What about settlers in what would become the USA, in the 1700s?
Yeah how would they hunt the natives without guns!?
@Fatalize There's a good chance that bows and arrows weren't invented for hunting either.
@Loovjo yes
@Fatalize You know that's not what I was talking about.
Guns have their uses, no doubt. I don't mean to start an argument about them though.
It's just a really bs thing to happen to those people.
they have specific uses and are dangerous, so they have no place in the hands of the random stupid Joe
 (b+1) * (b+2) / (b+3) = (b^2 + 3b + 2)/(b+3) = b + 2/(b+3)
  a + b - (b+1) * (b+2) / (b+3)
= a + b - b - 2/(b+3)
= a - 2/(b+3)
@LeakyNun =0 if b=-1 and a=1
@flawr = 0 if a = 2/(b+3)
a(b+3) = 2
for every a, the solution b=2/a - 3 satisfies the equation
@flawr It treats "I am gone" as a passive sentence...
Still I think they are quite a damn good job=)
^ please watch
@flawr Does it use Parsey McParseface?
@mınxomaτ dang it. i thought its all client side.
@flawr Before I click, is this relevant globally or to a specific nation?
@El'endiaStarman Good point. You don't need an arms race with creatures without arms
@flawr Rossman is going popular really fast.
CMC: given positive integer n, count the number of occurrences of 3 from 1 to n (33 counts twice) without any string operations or base-conversion function...
Chat mini challenge: go have a nice cup of coffee.
Don't mind if I do.
@LeakyNun test cases?
@Fatalize 3 -> 1, 13 -> 2, 33 -> 8
Brachylog, 14 bytes: :1:efc:{e3}fl.
@MartinEnder broken
i only get {)_oSo,:)s as code
which doesn't work
Feb 6 at 22:29, by El'endia Starman
Chat mini-challenge: produce a 100MB number (preferably in Python). You have a little bit of leeway, like, say, +- 20 MB.
@LeakyNun Brachylog always beats Pyth (excluding when it loses)
@Fatalize How does it work?
@Fatalize No, that was not directly the challenge (try to run it)
@Fatalize ugh, these annoying permalinks. cjam.tryitonline.net/…
@Fatalize Both links work for me
anyway, Mathematica, 28: Tr@DigitCount[Range@#,10,3]&
@MartinEnder How does that work?
:1:ef Find all numbers between Input and 1
c Concatenate into a single number
:{e3}f Find all occurences of 3 in that number
l. Unify Output with the length of that list of 3
@LeakyNun create list from 1 to n, count the number of 3s in the base-10 representation of each of them, sum them all up with Tr
Should I just lift up the restriction?
@LeakyNun Wouldn't change anything for me
Oh, nobody is following the restriction anyway. Restriction cancelled.
how are we not following it?
hey, I was following it :P
@MartinEnder base conversion.
there's no base conversion
just a built-in :P
@Fatalize What is concatenate?
@LeakyNun a builtin that concatenates integers into a single integer, when the input is a list of int
no conversion to strings
reduce, perhaps
in fact you can set constraints to the integers and then concatenate them, so you get a concatenated constrained integer variable which you can unify later
which can't be done on strings
@Fatalize T'es mort si j'peux trouver une operation des chaînes dans la source code.
"une opération des chaînes" wat
thanks for reminding me I can't speak French
also why is everyone speaking in French to me here
no one is speaking german to Martin afaik
@Fatalize chaine = string
@LeakyNun Still doesn't quite make sense :p
@Fatalize a string operation.
But there's two different rules for concatenate, one for int and one for strings
you can check that the one used in this program is the int one :p
if you're really suspicious
@Fatalize I don't speak prolog. Which sentence concatenates two integers?
@LeakyNun integer_value transforms an integer into a list of digits (using only arithmetic constraints) in either direction, append line 157 is the thing concatenating those lists of digits
you reconstruct the concatenated integer using integer_value too
> transforms an integer into a list of digits
Alright, my intention was for you guys to use some arithmetic approaches
instead of the traditional approach
since I thought it would be more fun
it does
it's built-in :p
look, you know what I mean.
@Fatalize Essayer cela:
Feb 6 at 22:29, by El'endia Starman
Chat mini-challenge: produce a 100MB number (preferably in Python). You have a little bit of leeway, like, say, +- 20 MB.
en utilisant Brachylog
does it have to return it in a reasonable time?
@Fatalize comme tu veux.
@Fatalize Show me.
@LeakyNun Sorry, I don't get it
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 It means "as you like".
If you replace $M by 1, it returns 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000‌​000000000000000000000 (100 digits)
$M is 1000000
@Fatalize J'aimerais voir une explication (parce que je ne parle pas brachylog)
(you can actually get all 100 digit numbers by pressing ; in the interpreter repeatedly)
@LeakyNun Explication? o_O
,$M:100*I I is 100*1000000
,0<. Output is an integer bigger than 0
lI Output has I digits
,.= Assign a value to Output
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 "explanation".
@Fatalize Nice.
Prolog has arbitrary integers, so it will work
it will have a hard time returning it though
Already takes 8 seconds for a 500 digits number
@Fatalize The golfiest approach is currently 2^10^8.
that's less elegant, cause mine can return any 100 Mb integers :p
@Fatalize T'as raison.
@LeakyNun why speak French though
@Fatalize because you're French?
@Fatalize because france + canada + some of america
I speak English though
I mean I don't care but since mods don't like noise, probably best not to use something other than English :p
Sprechen wir in Deutsche :D
Ich habe Deutsch für 9 Jahren lernen, aber mein Deutsch is sehr schlecht
(pretty sure there's incorrect grammar/conjugation here)
*Jahre gelernt, *ist
otherwise looks good
@Fatalize Wie viele Sprachen sprichst du :o
@LeakyNun "Deutsch" and "auf" or nothing is more common than "in"
@MartinEnder Gibt es eine Zeit, wenn du nicht hier bist?
@MartinEnder Danke.
@LeakyNun Drei: Französisch, Anglisch und Deutsch
@LeakyNun nachts? ;)
@MartinEnder Es ist Nacht fuer mir.
"fuer" cringe
"mir" cringe :P
mich isn't it
Je ne hablo europeo Sprache :/
@Sp3000 You speak English...
I was just gonna say...
@Sp3000 "Je ne": French, "I do not". "hablo": Spanish, "I speak". "europeo": non-existent. "Sprache": German, "langauge".
@trichoplax This USA based, but might also be a relevant topic for other countries.
So you're a polyglot.
europeo seems to exist in spanish
It was meant to be Italian, but close enough :P
@Fatalize Oops, nice.
@Sp3000 Replace o by i, then it's Italien
@mınxomaτ omg :D
@Fatalize Quite sure "Sprache" is singular.
@Fatalize *Italian.
Oh, is that how it works? tbh last time I did Italian was 12 years ago, so I only remember "arrivederci" by this point
@Sp3000 -o = masculine singular, -a = feminine singular, -i = masculine plural, -e = feminine plural
(there are a lot of exceptions)
I went to rome in March, only knew how to say hello good bye thank you please and french fries
Oh, another gender noun language, right...
All Romantic (French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, etc) languages are gendered
@Sp3000 Buongiorno?
@Fatalize Sí.
Okay, maybe a few more but nothing substantial
germanic languages also are
also russian
@Fatalize English is a rare exception.
also nordic
@LeakyNun yes
Why don't English speakers understand that chairs are girls
@Fatalize because they aren't
they're obviously guys
@MartinEnder In your languages girls are neutral, so you're not qualified to judge the gender of nouns
@Fatalize young girls*
@LeakyNun why only young ones?
@Fatalize we're just gentlemen enough to use a diminutive for girls, and diminutives should be neuter so all is well...
@MartinEnder "gentlemen" "diminutive for girls" wat
it's only polite
@Fatalize You do have weird fetishes.
(I'm obviously only bullshitting... languages don't make sense, full stop)
@flawr you don't like sitting on chairs? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@MartinEnder Eh you just insulted PHP!
hides in corner with English and miscellaneous knowledge of other languages
Kids aren't people in Germany
-1 for -ment neuter.
@Fatalize In my area when a child was born, older people used to ask (in all seriousness) whether it was a boy or a child.
@Fatalize Now I'm so glad I never had to learn german as a foreign language=)
(French is bad enough)
@MartinEnder How do you pronounce "das Baby"?
baby is pronounced the same as in English
Does anyone here learn Chinese?
although some people with less of a grasp on English might pronounce it more like "Behbie" (German pronunciation)
@flawr Interesting (and worrying). I can see what you mean about maybe relevant to other countries - could affect customers worldwide
@trichoplax It just opened my eyes on how bad the current state really is.
@flawr PHP deserves to be insulted.
Feb 25 at 11:51, by Adnan
Chat mini-challenge: , output the following exact string: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
@LeakyNun Brachylog: @Aw@A@uw0:9:e:fcw
Output this exact string: "kolmorogov-complexity"
@LeakyNun Pyke, 5: ~l~u+
@LeakyNun Or 2 if 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ is allowed: ~J
@muddyfish It's obviously not allowed.
just rotate it.
18 bytes: @Aw@A@uw0w1:9:efcw
@trichoplax Pyth, 23 bytes: "kolmogorov-complexity.
Thats gonna take more than 3 bytes
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 that's 23 bytes
@trichoplax Pyke: 20 bytes "kolmogorov-".d᝘+
Output this exact string: Output this exact string
13 bytes: .dׄ ൉؞l5
Are the badges meant to look like that?
@muddyfish On Arqade, yes.
But those are PPCG badges
The badges take the CSS from the site you're visiting.
I think it's just where you're viewing from
Thats a bit weird
Well, darn. Ninja'd by Dennis.
otherwise you have to include every site's CSS
I know but why not have badges in their own one - they're doing it for site identicons
@Lynn oh, thanks for the bounty :) ... I totally forgot that I submitted an answer for that :D
@Upgoat that is a pretty nice website template.
> template
style, template, whatever
You’re welcome, @Martin!
Strange how that question didn’t attract more answers. I’m not sure why @Leaky deleted his Pyth one, but I guess it was invalid?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ just pointing out that templates are lame
@Lynn which question?
that lambda calculus ASCII art
Oh, that was invalid.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

m654Implement this cipher (I'm not sure what to call this cipher, I created it myself) Goal Use the algorithm (explained in the Algorithm section) to implement a certain cipher. The program must read input from STDIN or the closest available equivalent, use the algorithm to generate the ciphertex...

Ah, yeah, I see now, the spaces are off.
I feel like you could have probably fixed that in only a few bytes, and beat Martin!
Q: ಠ_ಠ: (Replace 'o' with ಠ)

CrazyPythonReplace "o" with ಠ in the mಠst creative way pಠssible. This is popularity-contest, so the mಠst upvಠted questiಠn wins. ಠ_ಠ

only -3 to get it off the homepage, but -5 should do
-4 I think
-7 now.
I think we're good now.
Votes shouldn't be based on the score a post already has.
It's not like there's much to read before making your own decision
@MartinEnder I clicked after reading the whole text of the question in the onebox. >_>
@MartinEnder Do you speak Jelly?
@LeakyNun not really
what should it do?
@LeakyNun Nope, but @Dennis does.
It should output "Output this exact string"
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 He knows that.
Looks like he didn't really want to ping dennis, but martin was already here.
You win then
@muddyfish I don't win. Dennis wins.
I tried :(
@trichoplax 15 bytes
@MartinEnder I do agree, but sadly this is not reflect the reality, partly blame to the system of the high visibility of the votes.
The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm-setting and signaling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. The theory states that maintaining and monitoring urban environments to prevent small crimes such as vandalism, public drinking, and toll-jumping helps to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious crimes from happening. The theory was introduced in a 1982 article by social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. Since then it has been subject to great debate both within the social...
@LeakyNun Impressive! I thought about specifying it with a space instead of a hyphen, but when I typed it I wasn't seriously expecting it to be treated as a challenge...
@trichoplax Oh, it's a hyphen
it outputs kolmogorov complexity?
@LeakyNun Interesting, I didn't know this effect had a name=)
@LeakyNun I knew about it but didn't bother to look up the wikipedia page
@trichoplax 16 bytes
I wonder if just "kolmorogov" would be more compressible, with all the os
It isn't in the jelly dictionary. :/
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ nor is any substring of it (except maybe go or rog)
It’s Kolmogorov.
But I doubt that helps :)
@flawr In >>SPEED<< again
@Lynn How embarrassing... I've typed this name enough times I should be able to spell it by now! Thanks for the correction :)
@trichoplax 15 bytes
uses the fact that mog is in the dictionary
which means that @Lynn should fix add some features to the script
I thought Jelly was Dennis's?
May 22 at 16:41, by Dennis
A: Tips for golfing in Jelly

LynnString compression A compressed string looks like “...», where the dots are a chunk of base-250-encoded data. The decompression algorithm is a bit complicated: the chunk is interpreted as a “mixed-base” integer, with divmod breaking off various parts of this integer and constructing a string out...

@mınxomaτ >>SPEED<< is full D:
@flawr Lemme switch...
Destyno it is
@LeakyNun I'm not doing well today. I've already upvoted that and still didn't pick up on what you meant...
@flawr afk 10min though
@Lynn Side note, been wondering this whole time - where's your new avvy from?
1041uuu on Tumblr
So... it's an original image then? (because I found that but wasn't sure if there was more context behind it)
Not much context. I liked the style a lot, and it looks a bit like me in real life!
Ah k :)
Chat mini-challenge: UNICODE -> UTF-8
@Lynn are you that person on tumblr?
@LeakyNun Which Unicode?
I’m not. I wish I were that good at pixel art.
UTF-16 big endian?
@LeakyNun so output UTF-8 if the input is UNICODE?
First VTC as unclear.
Second: Fuzzy Octo Guacamole, 7 bytes: "UTF-8"
@LeakyNun Unicode is not an encoding.
code-point -> utf-8
@LeakyNun "Code-point" applies to all encodings.
Python 3, 3 bytes: chr
Testcase: 1114111 (U+10FFFF) -> F4 8F BF BF (or similar format, whatever base)
bonus if you do it in pyth (i'm always interested how to do it in pyth)
@Dennis Thanks
in fact, -100% if you do it in pyth
Why is the many memes post locked?
(cc @Dennis)
Many Memes was supposed to be a place where newcomers can figure out wth the regulars are talking about. Instead of that, it kept a lot of memes that should have been retired a long time ago on life support. It was doing more harm than good.
@Dennis Okay, that makes sense.
I also have the impression that many people tried to artificially construct memes just to add another entry there.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ totally not an overused bind
@Quill ಠ_ಠ so is using babel-node
@flawr You have to afk before the map ends, not before the showroom ends.
@quartata okay
I never saw this before, so idk.
@Upgoat you spelled precision wrong on vihan.org
@Fatalize nailed it
@mınxomaτ Oh, thanks=)
I somehow do not like many of those tracks on the destyno server, most of them aren't really full speed.
Hardly a real fullspeed server left.
I just really dislike tech or mini
I do like the FreeZone >>TM<<Fullspeed 1
@flawr Uh, lemme go there then
bah, I'm not gonna make it
@mınxomaτ I'm there right now, you can follow.
Distributed happening right now? @aditsu
yeah, 5 min left
@aditsu From what to what?
Ah :/
rank 212 currently
there's a bug in the scoreboard, some guy has 127 points lol
(out of 100)
jeez, "Judging the Larges will take at least a few hours"
> <@joosa> how do you say float in java? just 1.5f?
<@Gliptic> FloatFactoryFactory.getInstance(FloatFactoryFactory.defaultInstanceDescriptionString).getFactory(Locale.getLocale("en-US")).createBuilder().setString("1.5").getResult()
both are wrong
correct way is
System.out.print(new String(new byte[]{102, 108, 111, 97, 116}));
@LeakyNun haha
Class cache = Integer.class.getDeclaredClasses()[0];
Field c = cache.getDeclaredField("cache");
Integer[] array = (Integer[]) c.get(cache);
System.out.print(new String(new byte[]{array[230], array[236], array[239], array[225], array[244]}));
because reflection
> #8537
<jackal-> someone guess what my cat will type when i drop it on my keyboard
<jackal-> hello i'm a very intelligent cat, save me from my cruel master and free me from this prison
<jackal-> omg
<jackal-> bad cat
definitely a cat
> I am a normal cat typing with my cat paws.
On the off chance that anyone is actually interested in how a non-trivial Stack Cats program works, I've substantially golfed (and now also explained) Hello World:
A: "Hello, World!"

Martin EnderStack Cats, 134 + 3 = 137 148 907 bytes I'm happy to give a 500-rep bounty to the first person who can bring this down below 100 (+3) bytes. -*(:^-_-_:-_:-_:-_:-_-_:[:^]]:^!-*!->[!_>[!_>[{]>[^-_-_:]]<<<}>[!-:^[[\\>]:^[[>:[>:^[<<]]\\>[*>+:^:-_]:^[[-_*[>>>[-_[/<]>+^[>[<<]]*>[) Needs to be r...

definitely suffers from a severe case of TL;DR though
link to stack cat documentation?
oh god. i am too old for this stuff now.
Makes sense. Llamas usually only live to 20-30.

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