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Malachi has unfrozen this room.
Q: How much context is the required minimum?

hoffmaleThis question got sparked by a recent discussion in the 2nd Monitor about this question: Golang Map-Reduce Master - Channels. The problem is: How much context is needed to actually review the code in the question? How much should the reviewer assume about functions/types/object states which are ...

your question has to tell us what your code does, it also has to provide the code that does it, and it has to do what it is supposed to do.
A: How should we revise the standard off-topic reasons, if we can have up to five?

200_success Code Review is a community where programmers peer-review your working code to address issues such as security, maintainability, and performance. Questions about code that has not yet been written, code that does not work as intended, or code that the author does not understand are off-topic, as...

A: My question was closed as being off-topic. What are my options?

200_successIf your question is not real codeā€¦ Unlike other Stack Exchange sites, which encourage general reference questions and offer broadly applicable answers, Code Review aims to offer customized advice specific to your code. To make that work, we need to see real code. If your question was asking ...

@Malachi But it doesn't have to provide all of it, does it? If you have a 30-file project and you want the top-layer reviewed, you can't always include all the required sub files. A link to a repo would fix that.
But links rot.
Now you have 2 problems.
@Malachi That answer was never implemented.
A: How should we revisit our standard close reasons?

200_successAs I see it, some of the problems with the existing close reasons are: Ambiguity of "broken code". Some users seem to think that anything that compiles is not broken. Accusations of "not real code". Sometimes, it's hard to tell whether code is real or not. Occasionally, we misjudge, and the ...

@Malachi We also have more problem that just this one raised. If you change the close reasons because of just one reason, it will mean the other issues won't be addressed.
I'm planning on writing a '6 moths on' question that will allow us to discuss and fix the problems we've raised since we changed the close reasons. I'll write it much like my previous question.
5 messages moved to Trash
@Peilonrayz sounds great :)
@Peilonrayz sorry, I had that one opened because of a link in the question.
I have a meeting to get to. I will be back later
@SamOnela o/

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