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somebody star @BloodPhilia
@studiohack I believe I missed your reply to:
24 mins ago, by TomWij
Let's say you've just been elected as a new moderator, what initial approach would you take? Will you immediately go moderate the site? Will you start bookmarking important pages? Will you talk with the other moderators? ...?
@Moshe It's no different to noise on IRC
@Moshe what @RandolphPotter / @BloodPhilia says
@TomWij did you answer your own question I just quoted above?
@Moshe: Good one, as this is an organized group of users, you might not be able to ban them in a reasonable time.
@Moshe It really depends on the type of attack. If it was obviously a coordinated attack (especially if we could find posts elsewhere indicating that), I'd consider banning IPs, esp. if many are coming from the same IP or IP range
@Moshe again banning is a very serious thing.... I wouldn't just start banning things right away. If it's spam though... it's outta here.
@Josh Yes, one moment.
@Josh: I answered a similar question by @IvoFlipse, which pretty much covered the same ground, but I'll write another answer
@studiohack no need if you don't want to, I am just making sure I didn't missi it for the digest
@KronoS Sound's like @TomWij was talking about something coordinated. "A group..."
@Josh I would start out gradually, observing other mods and learning more about what should be done for various actions. I would, of course, bookmark important pages such as /review, /tools, etc, and visit them often.
@TomWij Depends on the size of the group, but that's me being pedantic.
But well, it's a fun question as it's most unlikely to happen, but you would never know...
@Josh: thanks for putting the Digest together for all of us! :)
@Moshe ah I see... in that case i pretty much second @RandolphPotter's statement that if there's enough evidence then I would opt for that... but probably talk to @Jeff and other mod's first
@studiohack sure thing -- I'm happy to help where I can!
Alright, that brings us to the top of the hour, so let's let the candidates finish up answering, and then we can get a quick final thought from each candidate.
Well, it it's anon, I think it 'd be best to do nothing and wait till the storm passes :P
@TomWij There was some chatter of 4chan sending over users in the MSO chat, but it might have been a joke. We were discussing some of the degrading quality on SO.
finally reached his starring limits :)
Final thought: I'm a good janitor
@TomWij thanks!
@KronoS welcome to the party!
Haha @Randolph
@Moshe reddit ?
Can we keep the comments relevant please? @Josh needs to clean up after us, thanks.
@Sathya possibly. It was around when that was mentioned.
@RebeccaChernoff final thought? good luck to all of the candidates and may the best nominees win! :-)
Thanks @studiohack, I know you will =P
@studiohack What you said.
Final thought ? boy I suck at final thoughts
@studiohack Good call
Closing statements: thanks everybody for your support and thank you to everyone for the great questions and feedback. I believe we have a bunch of great candidates here, and wish everybody the best of luck in the election. :)
In final thoughts, I just want to say that I will continue doing what I already do. If I become a mod then I will have greater tools at my disposal... if not I'll just keep being @IvoFlipse slave and doing his bidding and maybe @Sathya's as well...
I want more stars
please everyone: don't vote for @KronoS, else I'll have to find other slaves...
@BloodPhilia agreed for the millionth time
And finally, I'd like to quote something I said before which people seemed to appreciate:
@IvoFlipse LOL...
in Root Access, Jan 25 at 19:26, by nhinkle
I'm not really nervous. I figure, if the community decides to elect me, that's great, and I'm happy to serve them. If they don't, then whoever wins will surely be great moderators, and I'll still be happy to give them a hand while doing all the stuff I usually do
@IvoFlipse needs to be dethroned.
darn... I miss my star power
That still sums up my stance on this whole thing. Good luck to everybody!
alright everyone... I'm 5 mins late to class... (just to show my dedication :P ) so I gotta leave
I? and? @KronoS? :P haha
Final thought: There are great candidates, not everyone will win this time but I'm pretty sure everyone will stay active. May the best ones win! And perhaps the others win another time... This was a very nice Town Hall Chat.
@KronoS do you think he fell off?
see ya @KronoS!
Okay, I'm off now :D Time for another brew
bye @KronoS! Have fun in class, catch ya later :)
Alright, thanks everyone for participating. I'll get a summary put up on the meta question today.
Thanks to @Josh for the digest room.
gotta go feed three dogs! I'm off for now!
Good luck to everyone!
Thanks all. I'm going to sleep now.
Good luck
Thanks @RebeccaChernoff for organizing this and @Josh for your help :)
@RebeccaChernoff Final thought: best wishes to everyone. And yes, actions of most active users are noted by all :) Diamonds and users alike
@RebeccaChernoff thanks for setting this up, we appreciate it!
A big thanks to all the candidates!
Big thanks to everyone here ;)
Oh, and... "World peace"
Good day/night/evening to everyone here
Thanks @Josh for taking the effort in compiling this. I know it's not an easy job.
Good luck everyone, peace, have a nice day and see you on the flip-side. :-)
@RebeccaChernoff, make sure @Josh gets to post the answer with his transcript so I can give him a bounty for it. Assuming bounties work on meta, which I think they do :)
@Sathya @nhinkle @RebeccaChernoff, I am happy to help! :-)
time for dinner
@nhinkle they should :) else I'll pitch in some
no bounties on child metas.
Right, sorry, probably rushed in here a little early before was ready to actually join in (was being harassed by my daughter), guess I'll quickly work through as many questions as I can...?
@RebeccaChernoff aww
@RebeccaChernoff Well darn
they do work on MSO though.
@DMA57361: I guess you could take your time, it took an hour for us so I guess it won't be a problem to wait an hour before posting up a summary for you.
Alright, time for breakfast. See you all later, and good luck!
Bye folks
For those still in the room, how do you feel about comment moderation? This would involve editing and deleting comments. (having to post this from my phone) -- or messing with people's post on chat (hi @Troggy)
Everything looks like a nail
@Troggy Haha! Well I think that comments should not be moderated... With the exception of abusive/harmful/spam comments. I think comments are a way of expressing opinion, where most answers clearly are not.
@RebeccaChernoff if the reason is clear, then I'll just vote immediately and deal with the question. Otherwise let the community have some input first (ie, a few votes).
@Troggy delete all the belongs on / should be posted on x crap ( my flags should indicate my stance )
@DMA57361: I think it might be handier to post the question and answer together in one message, making the question bold, so it's easier to follow your answers. Unless Josh does it for you.
Exactly. Haha. @random ...and your a giant hammer?
@TomWij possibly, but I'm using the backlinks so you can always follow those - it was requested by a few guys to take this approach as well
@Troggy As BloodPhilia said. Comments are personal and I shouldn't be improving them in the way I would improve questions.
@Troggy Stack of coins, which not only can you buy a hammer, but if you group them together, can drive through most nails
@DMA57361 ah okay :)
@Sathya That is 90% of the time the reason I get rid of comments or migration cleanup.
how do you handle off-topic discussions in comments that get 'heated'?
Yes, for example, edit wars.
@IvoFlipse wait and watch. Drop a comment to cool it down / take it to chat. Edit/clear up irrelevant comments
@Troggy Leave it the way the owner intended it, there is no point editing someone's post three times to get an edit done. Let me quote the edit page: always respect the original author
@Troggy yep, I'd imagine that would account for 99% of my comment flags
@IvoFlipse Try and calm the comment "warriors" down at first. When the blaze continues at a disturbing/offensive rate, remove the violating comments and leave a comment why
Q: Add a way for moderators to cast a normal, non binding vote

KopI think moderators should have the ability to cast a normal, non binding vote like if they were a normal user (while of course retaining their ability to cast a binding vote where necessary). This can be used in "grey areas" where a moderator can choose to give his or her opinion but not make a ...

Would you have wanted a soft vote or do you want the mod to have a binding decision always? Why or why not?
@IvoFlipse As for a more general response about the comments, I would take @BloodPhilia approach to either calm one or both. Depends on the situation...
@random I would like to see a moderator softvote yes
I would rather the mods let the community handle it initially. If they need to then step in with the hard vote. If you;re not sure enough to cast a binding vote then best to leave it. IMHO
@IvoFlipse Because as i mentioned before, a moderator is a part of the community and should only interfere where direct action is neccesary.
In grey areas, I'd like to see the community handle the closing
but you are part of the community too
@BloodPhilia Yes, in which case you just step out, rather than softvote.
someone has to cast the first vote
@random If I want the community to sort it out and I have a feeling it should be closed but am not 100% sure I could wait to be the 4th/5th voter.
@IvoFlipse I know, but if you're in doubt as a moderator, your vote would immediately close the question
@random Moderators should have the binding vote. Moderators are supposed to direct the community in what's acceptable or not. A binding vote generally does have the authoritative vote
@BloodPhilia that's why I say when in doubt, don't do anything. Whether a mod or not.
And that waiting would be part of my organization, as in setting up a bookmark system to track questions/answers/comments/users/votes/...
@Sathya That is true, however I do think the community eventually sets the on/offtopic frame
@BloodPhilia if we let the community set the tone, we'd still be having shopping reccos and best-program-for-x questions :/
Sometimes the community can't help but let too much fluff in. Mods help with that if they see the tone go in the wrong direction without a serious course correction. That diamond really is imposing, but helpful
Few binding votes by a diamond will set the trend that this is not allowed. Then the coomunity will follow the lead.
but @BloodPhilia after one year, surely I don't need the community to decide Android questions don't belong here? ;)
@IvoFlipse Haha, no of course not ;)
@Sathya Yeah, but there are those situations where following the guidelines for closing results in very subjective opinions on whether it should be closed, so you can't direct based on that subjective opinion because you aren't 100% sure either.
What is this? Saving all the hard-hitting questions for after the town hall? q:
But I've seen quite old questions that would be off topic now, because there is another SE site available for them
Haha @Rebecca
@MichaelMrozek if someone's a valuable asset in terms of content we want to keep them, ideally, but at the same time if they aggravate and drive off other users this does more damage (in terms of reputation, etc) than the positives they bring. Initially, we should attempt to quell the bad behaviour, while being clear that they are an asset (the old bad news sandwich manoeuvre), if that fails then escalation with support of the wider moderation team is probably required
no, we're practicing moderator discussion
and if I tell you almost any moderator action is reversible, is it then still a problem to cast a binding vote?
@IvoFlipse let me get things straight, I don't see a problem
I just think a soft vote might be more appropriate in some cases
@random I'll carry on as I currently do, can't see any reason to do otherwise
But, I really SHOULD get going now ;)
Have a nice day everyone
bye @BloodPhilia :)
Cya @BloodPhilia.
@Ivo Filipse Would that not stop other users casting their votes. then you wouldn't get a feeling of what the community wanted.
mods are picked from the community, so they represent the community by the time they are elected
and I don't see every question, but if I do spot one, I don't (always) need peer-review to judge what to do
For a minute I thought @IvoFlipse was arguing for non-binding mod votes. I thought maybe the universe had inverted
@IvoFlipse Yes, but moderators should not make decisions based on subjective things for the community, but instead let the community discuss/decide it.
what foul words you speak @MichaelMrozek? :P
Moderator casts binding vote. It's very effective.
why @TomWij? what problem does that solve?
@Rebecca. I kind of keep the discussion going. I just got logged in through my phone just so I could get a couple questions in.
Representing someone doesn;t always mean you know what they want though. Plus I aggree that certain questions are obvious but there will be ones that are unobvious too.
@Troggy No worries, just joking around. (:
well I'm biased anyway @JoeTaylor, because I'm on chat nearly all the time I'm around
if I doubt I'll ask it in chat and make my decision after that
and that's not to say moderators can't leave flags for other mods
Thats what I would do too. Flag it and see what people say, thats why I like the chat room where people post things they think should be closed.
@IvoFlipse I'm just saying, they can't represent what hasn't been discussed yet.
but we get to see every flag from the community, so I wouldn't make the mistake of thinking that we don't know what the community thinks :)
brings it to others attention and they can give their views
Speaking of humor, how do you guys feel about humorous content on Super User? Comments are where you see most of it.
> Get a Mac, problem solved
> I thought Mac's always worked
@studiohack my take is that suspensions are for when users intentionally break or subvert the rules, or refuse to learn them, and need a reminder that they don't have free reign of the site
@IvoFlipse Not if you want to use them. ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!!111!!
@random Macs are art: you're supposed to look at them, not use them
@Troggy Depends in which way it is humorous and how much. If they aren't making fun of someone it should be fine, as long as they aren't too funny. There are situations where you would have to stay serious. There is no point in an answer getting upvoted because of a lot of funny comments...
@TomWij find and use the communication channels between moderators (new and old) - the worse thing for the site is a moderator team that doesn't work together (or even worse is if they work against one another)
@Troggy A little amount of humour is always nice. Trouble is what's "a little" for someone might be too much for others.
@DMA57361 Yeah, looking at the past weeks I think we're doing that already. But the moderator channel will improve that more... :-)
@IvoFlipse I've had a reasonable level of communication with moderators via chat and meta, and have a (hopefully) quite good idea of how they operate, but this is a slight concern - but refer to my previous answer about communication, anything that I lack clear understanding of I'll defer to other moderators for advice
@random Hang over, more space between paper and wall.
@DMA57361, trust me when I say that I don't doubt your moderating capabilities
gah, people responding to me when I'm still like an hour behind... :/
@random over
@random Over. Always over.
@random If both tags suck, both need to be removed. But, if there's no obvious path on what to change them to (or maybe just delete) it's time to ask meta.SU and see what the community thinks - a moderator isn't meant to be an expert in every topic the site covers, and a more expert user could have the right answer.
@RebeccaChernoff It'll be my primary action when I'm on the site; my answering has become slower as of late (except a little resurgence after the holiday period :) and most of my time is spent "browsing" the site - commenting, flagging, chat - so this'll become "moderating" instead.
I am closing you all as Subjective and Argumentative.
votes to reopen
@MichaelMrozek I said in my nomination text "they [moderators] are a representative for the site and have a responsibility to be an ideal citizen", and the diamond is part of that, and I think I can live up to this responsibility.
@TomWij Start cleaning up ASAP. If it's very severe, send messages to other moderators and/or even the team for assistance.
right... up to 16:00, hopefully haven't missed much... on to the post-event extras ;P
edits all nominations to be objective or good subjective, then votes to reopen it :P
@RebeccaChernoff Good luck to all the candidates, and I'm sure we'll come out the other side of the election with a stronger moderation team, and I'll be here to help whether I'm part of it or not.
(Just to mention to anyone reading @DMA57361's answers: I am posting these to the digest along with the questions, for easier reading)
@Josh ah lovely, thanks, was going to @ you when I'd finished :)
@DMA57361 thanks, please do anyway, I am going to post the "wrap up" after your answers even though it happened chronologically before
goes to dinner too and waves
@Troggy from what I know comment moderation doesn't have the same sort of audit trail available to users as other forms, and therefore editing should be used sparingly. comment deletion is less rare for the removal of "belongs on" and other unnecessary bits like that.
@DMA57361 I think the final question in the digest was:
in Town Hall Digest, 18 mins ago, by Moshe
in Super User Election: Town Hall Chat, 50 mins ago, by Moshe
To add to @TomWij's question - would you ban/suspend the users? IP addresses?
@Josh just a note:
ah, missed that one, thanks
1 hour ago, by Sathya
@studiohack Suspensions. suspensions IMO should be done as a last-ditch attempt. Ofcourse, if the user makes no attempt to change their ways, what must be done, must be done
is linked to
1 hour ago, by Ivo Flipse
Why should we pick you (over those who got more votes than you in the primaries AKA @Sathya)?
@Sathya did we misquote that one? I will include that correction, thanks!
yep, that should be linked to a later question
to this:
in Town Hall Digest, 1 hour ago, by Josh
in Super User Election: Town Hall Chat, 11 mins ago, by studiohack
How do you, the potential moderators, feel about suspensions? in what cases should it be used? and not?
@Moshe if it's been an organised group "attack", then yes, suspending or removing the accounts from the site would form part of the clean up efforts
@IvoFlipse drop in a comment warning people; a "behave yourselves" note from a moderator may calm things down - if not, the conversation should be removed if it's off-topic (with another warning left behind)
right, I'm done
if I've missed any questions someone left me know :)
@DMA57361 Final thoughts?
1 hour ago, by Rebecca Chernoff
Alright, that brings us to the top of the hour, so let's let the candidates finish up answering, and then we can get a quick final thought from each candidate.
@DMA57361 thanks! Sorry, I just missed it :-)
@Josh no problem, I've been a little awkward by making everything out of order so the effort's appreciated :)
hmm... guess I should go vote now :)
@DMA57361 I tried to make your answers as clear as possible
@Josh Thanks. Also, SU has three places going, not two, IIRC.
As a final reminder, there is a digest of this chat available. This contains all the questions and answers, sorted chronologically.
@DMA57361 oh, oops!
2 hours later…
oh bugger, did I miss it all? :( I wanted to ask "what are you going to do to bring about world peace"... :(
@Wil: I'm sorry.
@Wil to answer your question:

I will make sure that we bring more spy's like you into SU
lol, well, already voted anyway! lol, oh well, got a lot of work done today! my own fault for not thinking about this!
@KronoS lol... thanks!... :P
no prob my UK buddy...
spy?! gasp! @Wil, @KronoS
@studiohack you didn't not know this... i thought that this was common secret knowledge
My profile has said "looking for work" for the past year or so.... I wish I was a spy!
there is no such thing as common secret knowledge @KronoS
anyway... don't want to side track/ get rid of the focus of this room, so am just going to read and leave, for spy talk, lets go back to root access!
good job @Wilspy

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