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4:33 AM
@Jutschge I'm never playing Kayle top again.
4 hours later…
8:05 AM
@Yuuki :(
What matchup?
5 hours later…
1:08 PM
@Jutschge Heimerdinger.
@Yuuki Yeah ok that's a weird matchup... who the fuck plays Donger?
@Jutschge Who plays Donger? Two matches in a row last night.
I mean you could simply outfarm/outscale him but as soon as you go in for the kill you'll die
Can't outfarm him if you can't farm early.
Also it's somewhat boring to simply farm all day
1:10 PM
Until you get a lot of ranks in E, you're basically a squishy melee.
Hmm you can farm under your turret as Kayle
He can harass you under turret by putting down his own turrets and connecting with grenade.
It's just a really rough match-up.
I mean the grenade is somewhat easy to dodge though
The matchup is pretty even tbh but it's super boring and you rely on your team to win
Whoever engages loses
That's the worst kind of matchup imo... I really like to play aggressive and that really takes the fun out :(
@Jutschge The other problem is that kind of match-up tends to be snowbally.
Once the other guy gets a kill, it's a lot easier for him to actually win engages.
@Yuuki Usually yes but somehow not vs heimer... he's a somewhat special opponent in that case
same with Illaoi
Those champs just benefit so much from getting attacked
Also a thing with Kayle: You get back into the game pretty fast
But yeah... Kayle doesn't really have an effective tool to clear his turrets
2:20 PM
Maybe I should've played Quinn.
I haven't played Quinn top in forever.
She's pretty strong from what I've seen in the past few games
Although against heimer it's about the same problem
IIRC, she has an easier time of clearing his turrets though.
Depends... You could use your Q to kill his turrets but that costs a lot of mana.
With Kayle you usually kill his turrets by hitting an enemy next to it
With Quinn you can pretty much oneshot heimer after a certain point though
Really, the champ I have the most problems with is Tryndamere. I can shut him down early and get 6 kills up but I can never leave lane.
Thinking back, maybe I need to force duels to get him killed and then immediately join my team and force objectives.
But that's difficult without Teleport.
By the time I get there, he's already respawned and running back towards lane.
2:37 PM
@Yuuki In general or as Kayle/Quinn?
@Jutschge In general.
Last night, I played a game as Camille.
Shut him down super hard early to the point where I could stand between him and his own minion wave without really worrying.
But we still ended up losing because I just couldn't be anywhere near my team and they couldn't 4v4.
Well the easiest thing to do is playing something that outscales him. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of champs that can do that.
You can also bully him super hard but then you have to know how to abuse your advantage
And that takes forever to learn
It feels like Teleport is required to play against Tryndamere.
Yup always
Unless you're Kench or Panth maybe
But still... TP is super strong on toplane in general
I've chosen to take Ignite more recently because I just can't find good Teleport plays (it's hard to teleport to wards that don't exist) and at least Ignite will help me win my own lane.
2:42 PM
@Yuuki Don't take TP looking for plays. It's also a great tool for wave control
If I fight against a toplaner without TP I often win because I can force him out of lane
Also ganks have a huge impact. If you're unexpectedly sent back without TP you'll lose a huge chunk of gold/experience.
TP plays are nice but they don't happen too often in non competitive games.
If I have a good duelist with Ignite though, I can typically force other toplaners to go back right after TPing in.
So really, the pros for TP is mostly pushing map advantages.
If I can get a kill in, then I can TP bot and force a 5v4 at dragon.
I mean ignite does give you stronger duels but usually a lane isn't won by duels but by lane control
If I see a toplaner with ignite I usually avoid fighting him unless I can see an advantage
TPing to other lanes is mostly done if you already have a huge advantage or if you 100% know that you're getting 2+ kills or a turret out of it

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