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2:44 PM
Since there's a chroma for each ranked queue, I decided to get placed for ranked in Twisted Treeline. It was a very frustrating experience. Every single game had players who were Platinum or higher in "normal" ranked (in fact, I played with Diamonds in 6 of my 10 placements). I placed in Silver 3.
I get that each queue has separate MMR, but come on. This is preposterous. A Plat/Diamond player is going to have at least Gold/Plat skills in a different queue. Riot needs to seed the starting MMR from other queues, it's complete BS that I have to play against people who are in the top 10% of players just to get placed in S3 (which is the top 65-ish% percent).
Twisted Treeline has never been really popular and its matchmaking queue suffers a lot when Riot does these promotion events.
Since the only people willing to grind Twisted Treeline for stuff tend to be the kind of people that are pretty dedicated to the game, the queue becomes rather top-heavy during these events.
2:59 PM
If the only time people are willing to play TT is when Riot "pays" them to do so... perhaps they need to look at having it go the same way as Dominion. I know I wouldn't miss it, it feels pretty unbalanced to begin with. There's a whole bunch of characters that are very lackluster on the map, and the meta hasn't changed much since last year.
And that's despite all the changes to runes/champion balance changes.
3:11 PM
It's a shame that both TL's possible options for next season are in top lane (Viper and TFBlade), where Impact is already pretty good.
3:23 PM
I'm not a fan of roster changes to fix problems, but Pobelter needs to get better.

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