The variables aVal, hVal, raVal, rmaVal, etc. are the calculated hits that attacking/healing/rangedAttack/rangedMassAttack/etc. would deal.
If you are talking about console.log("ra" + (timer1) + ", act" + timer2 + ", role" + timer3 + ", upg" + timer4 + ", gath" + timer5) then just ignore the words. They used to be meaningful, most probably aren't anymore.
also I would use more functions later on but introduce them slowly
it gives v8 more opportunities to optimize code if they are reused a lot
if they are only used once or twice, the code would probably spend most of the time being compiled
under 10 times (? maybe 5, maybe 20 didn't benchmark it) you'll get closer to compile par compared to code compiled once (unless v8 doesn't like to optimize the code)
above 10 uses I guess the code runs faster if reused (by putting them in a function)