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Is it possible to rename modules?
I don't know how to.
2 hours later…
@TheNumberOne Your screeps symbol looks like a snake.
@TheNumberOne I found out what a Room Controller is.
@PhiNotPi I chose it that way.
@PhiNotPi I wonder if that would make it PPCG proof ...
No, I doubt that will make it PPCG-proof.
Besides, I'm not even certain how much extensions really help anyways. I think it's about the total number of parts, not having a high number of bots or a high number of parts per bot.
It means you can have bots that do over 2000 damage per tick.
It means you can have super-bots.
Personally I think a swarm of creeps sounds better.
Actually, this sentence may be the most important benefit: "Besides, high RC levels will unlock more new building and features, and there will be more bonuses as well. For example, the ramparts maximum hits also depend on the RCL."
A fully upgraded mass-ranged-attack-bot would destroy armies of swarmlings.
I looks like we get to choose where to put our initial spawn.
So teaming up is a possibility.
All we need now is Sp3000
Here's a note... it looks like May 20 is private Early Preview.
I suggest filling out the application form.
What should my explanation be?
I don't know.
"I don't know."
I feel like I should just ask a gaming.SE question about whether or not there is actually any room left in private beta.
or "Early Preview" or whatever it's called.
Should I?
What should I say?
@TheNumberOne ^ ping-just-in-case
You'll get a response faster.
sorry, I'll be gone for the rest of the night.
I'm trying to throw together an email
I'll probably include a link to this room.
I'll try to avoid being too pushy, hopefully
Well, I've sent an email.
I really should say "don't get your hopes up"
because there is a decent chance that the answer is "we don't have any space left"
Also, I was doing a little bit of analysis, looking at the question of how much healing vs attacking an army should have.
Basically, if there are two armies without any supply lines (no regeneration, or waves, or rest breaks between combat) at all, then you should go all offense with no healing.
Because dealing 30 damage to them is more effective than healing 12 of yourself.
However, I don't know how realistic that is, because there are always breaks in-between combat.
Because not every bot can attack at the same time, some must be "idling"
On the other hand, if one side has a supply line, then the other must have healing in order to counter it, because healing is basically a supply line.
I was also wondering how we could apply a genetic algorithm to it, since that's been all the rage for he past few minutes in the other chat room.
I figure we could write something that monitored which creeps are more effective at their roles and produced more creeps based off of that creep's "genes"
I was once trying to do a re-write that split each role into as many modules as possible, and then gave each creep a list of roles modules to use.
I think that could be another area for genetic algorithms.
I will not rest until it's sentient!
See you tomorrow.
7 hours later…
Here is the email response:
Thanks for your interest to our project!

Actually, we don't limit game space. Both the settlement zone (highlighted on the map) and the borders of the game map itself will constantly expand with new automatically generated rooms. We have temporarily limited the private free Early Preview mode due to server capacity limitations for computing players' scripts, and this limitation has more to do with players' activity than their quantity. It is only after the launch that we'll be able to give more details about when we'll start inviting those who did not participate in our Indiegogo campaign
6 hours later…
@PhiNotPi They added a say method to the creeps.
I noticed that.
The messages are only visible to the owner, right?
I kinda want to make creeps say stuff to other people.
Or make a swarm of 100 creeps spam the screen.
If you had really big messages you could do it with one creep.
I wonder, is there any way of communicating with other players in the game?
You could drop energy as messages.
For example, if a player drops an energy pile of exactly 53 energy within my borders, he is a friend.
More importantly, is there a way to mark a specific layer's creeps as not harmful?
aka modifying the FIND_HOSTILE_CREEPS thing?
*specific player's creeps
You can't do ranged heal and heal at the same time :(
I thought you could?
Okay, I guess not.
@TheNumberOne No, you can't, they use the same body part. — artch 9 hours ago
I just saw that.
1 hour later…
I just advanced in the leaderboard.
you can only write code for Screeps in javascript, right?
I will take that as a yes
3 hours later…
@PhiNotPi Disadvantage of swams of creeps: Large amounts of cpu time
@PhiNotPi How do we profile out programs for screep?
2 hours later…
@TheNumberOne "profile out"?
Err: How do we profile our programs for screep?
As in figure out what is taking up the most CPU time?
I don't know.
Or tell where the program is timing out?
Completely unrelated, but the rooms W2N2, W1N2, W2N1, W1N1, and E1N1 are almost completely isolated except for a small opening in W2N1, which makes them a very good place to build a hive.
I tried to see if any errors appear when code times out. Nothing seems to happen.
I put an infinite loop in my code, the CPU bar insta-maxed-out, and nothing else happened.

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