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Just one day for voting, wasn't expecting that (though I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised given the extra primary). Wish it wasn't on a day with sick kids so I could've posted my answers sooner though :) On primaryless elections, you might want to post those questions sooner than the end of nominations if it's only 1 day of voting...
2 hours later…
Fellow Joe, the election runs a full week.
2 hours later…
I think the statement on the front page hasn't been updated for the extension of the nomination period
will be interesting to see what happens when the time expires there but not in the election :-)
I feel that @Joe should introduce some disambiguation to his name. "OtherJoe" and "JoeTaxavoider" spring to mind.
I think JoeTaxxxxxx would be worse that just Joe, in my opinion.
Both my suggestions were entirely serious and I'm expecting him to choose one forthwith.
@GaneshSittampalam I've used Joe M on Cooking and other sites with another actual "Joe" who has more rep/history with the site.
If I needed to pick something more interesting than that, it would probably be "Joe Cool" ;)
2 hours later…
I think Joe Cool is perfect.
And if another Joe shows up, he could be Joe 2 Cool

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