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I wonder if there are any rules about making a new account, getting it to 300 rep asap (without cheating by cross-voting) just to make up the third candidate.
If you see a NoneOfTheAbove account appear on the site, it's not me, honest :-)
12 hours later…
@GaneshSittampalam That would be a "sock puppet" account and no it isn't allowed. I have to say there are many other highly qualified people like @BenMiller who should throw in. Even if they don't happen to win an election, the sense of community and accomplishment is fun too
@MrChrister - I believe you are explicitly allowed to have multiple accounts, as long as they don't interact with each other, e.g. by upvoting each other's posts.
you don't think that sock puppeting a candidate to facilitate the election is interaction? What if the sock puppet won and went full Manchurian candidate and wiped out the leadership?
@GaneshSittampalam a real PR hassle for the SE folks. =)
I think it's debatable whether it's interaction, if they didn't actually vote for each other. Anyway, just a thought experiment prompted by what I think are rather silly rules :-)
And yes, absolutely, I'd be very happy if we got some other candidates who want to serve. But if they don't, and there are two adequate candidates that are willing to, then it seems a bit silly not to just take them.
4 hours later…
So we need someone who says "I'll nominate myself simply to expedite the process. But don't elect me, 'cause if you do, I'm not serving."

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