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Q: Tag name for "speech used by/understood by young children"?

JasperI think it would be useful to have a tag for speech that is meant to be used when talking to young children. For example, "How to tell a child that he did something wrong" could benefit from such a tag. This tag would be similar to the dialect tags, in that it describes a specialized form of En...

3 hours later…
How does rewriting something help anyone other than the original asker? If there were a reference book that consisted solely of rewritten sentences, would you buy it? While there might be helpful information as part of the rewrite, it's not something easy for other learners to use. — ColleenV yesterday
Good point! Would I buy it?
Only if it was organized in a meaningful and useful way, perhaps.
@StackExchange ?
(Sounds a bit like Parenting.SE :-)
Hi, @Jasper!
I'm thinking about the tag you mentioned in your meta post.
@DamkerngT. Thanks! I look forward to your suggestions.
I don't know if I can come up with anything useful!
I've seen a few questions related to this kind of language, because the OP is a kindergarten teacher, or maybe a babysitter or a nanny.
Oh, we don't have either!
(I thought perhaps using Simple English is already enough for talking to children.)
Hi all. could some please tell me which one of these wordings is better? "How does changing this also changes that?" & "How does changing this, changes that too?"
Oh, hi! @GATA Long time no see!
I think either also or too is fine, but you need change in the place of changes.
@DamkerngT. Hi @DamkerngT. :)
Or, I don't know if this is the meaning you want, you could use How come: "How come changing this changes that, too?"
@DamkerngT. Since phrase-requests are on-topic for ELL, I asked a question on the regular site.
Thank you @DamkerngT. I will go with the "How does changing this also change that?" it sounds more polite or formal :) Thank you again.
@GATA You're welcome!
@Jasper I thought it was a good question. I don't know why it got a downvote.
@DamkerngT. My parents used Complicated English.
@DamkerngT. Guess what? We're restarting the election on Japanese.SE!
This time we hope to get more than 3 candidates so we can have a real election :-)
Q: Restarting the Election Nomination Phase for 2015 Moderator Election

Grace NoteWe sorta had a snafu with the election - namely we let the election persist into the election phase without enough candidates to actually have an election. The normal process, as happened over on Personal Finance, is to extend the nomination phase for an additional week to attempt to gain enough ...

I don't know if this has come up yet, but what happens in the event there are no additional nominations and we don't make it to N+1? Do you give another weeklong extension? — Troyen 26 mins ago
First, we cry a little bit, @Troyen. But then, yeah, probably. — Shog9 ♦ 24 mins ago
Poor little site.
@snailboat Hehe!
@snailboat Huh?
@DamkerngT. I know, right?
But having only 3 candidates isn't enough for a real election.
Apparently the process isn't automated, and the folks at SE who started the election didn't notice we only had 3.
So a new nomination period is beginning tonight. All three of us candidates will already be nominated.
The hope is to get some of those folks who were thinking about nominating themselves but didn't to step up :-)
@snailboat I don't know what it's called in English, but in Thai it's literally called [face-horse] (or perhaps "horse face"). You could've told me to run as a "horse face" candidate (just to make it more than 3). :P
@DamkerngT. Do you have enough reputation?
@snailboat Oh, right! How much reputation do we need to run? 500?
I'm not familiar with the concept of a horse face candidate!
@snailboat It's just a word for "fake" audiences or people who attend an event.
You need 300.
Oh, like . . .
In Thai, I mean.
A shill candidate?
@snailboat Aww... That's too high for me.
I think there's another term.
@snailboat A-ha! I think shill may work.
@DamkerngT. Well, you should only nominate yourself if you actually want to be a moderator :-)
We want more nominees, but not horse-face nominees!
@snailboat I know. :-) I was just thinking that the three candidates are actually perfect for the task. (In other words, why the re-election?)
What if people want to vote against me? You know, people who aren't happy with my iron fist or my $600 toilet seats?
Apparently they're thinking of doing the same thing in New York.
@snailboat I wonder if you have a $7,000 coffee pot. :D
Oh, Email-a-tree! I've never heard of it.
@DamkerngT. If only I could purloin such funds!
It's a kinda cute idea.
@jimsug I can't wait for the trees to start writing back!
> To: Green Leaf Elm, Tree ID 1022165

29 May 2015

Dear Green Leaf Elm,

I hope you like living at St. Mary's. Most of the time I like it too. I have exams coming up and I should be busy studying. You do not have exams because you are a tree. I don't think that there is much more to talk about as we don't have a lot in common, you being a tree and such. But I'm glad we're in this together.


29 May 2015

Hello F,

I do like living here.

I hope you do well in your exams. Research has shown that nature can influence the way people learn in a positive way, so I hope I inspire
It's pretty funny.
I like the letter from Al to Oak.
> I’m about 350 years old and live on a small farm in N.E. Mississippi, USA. I’m about 80 feet tall, with a trunk girth of about 16 feet. I don't travel much (actually haven't moved since I was an acorn). I just stand around and provide a perch for local birds and squirrels.
@jimsug They are pen friends!

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