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After several months I saw merit in your answer. Thank you! :) @D
@KinzleB I finally saw the movie last month. It was pretty good!
So, thank you for the movie!
Tom is not as popular as before, but he plays quite well.
I wish I had one of those power suits!
Tom Cruise
Are we talking about mission: impossible?
Edge of Tomorrow
"Half of the week have gone/ have passed. But still you haven't returned my laptop" what is correct one?
not as cool as ironman's :)
@KinzleB Haha! True!
@DamkerngT. @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M No they're a troll: ell.stackexchange.com/questions/65992/…
Sorry for wasting your time
@Araucaria Ahh
@Araucaria It's okay. At least we've tried.
@Araucaria If they're 12, they shouldn't be in SE.
looks like you are a fan of chemistry, right? @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
Because of SOPPA or SOPA or whatever that is.
@KinzleB Yes I chemistry regularly. :)
properly removed.
COPPA it is @Arau. See this.
I have been busy with my job; I'll visit more of this site and ask lots of questions on modal-verbs. :-)
@JudeNiroshan How about: It's been half a week already, but you still haven't returned my laptop to me.
@KinzleB That's what I expect from you. :D
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Ahh... I'd already forgotten what COPPA is from.
Hmm. The question's been deleted, but I don't know if they're going to destroy the user.
They shouldn't. The user has a legit answer.
Do they>?
The question, you mean?
I mean legit question.
Sorry, I was distracted.
Yeah, but COPPA
I think they're fine if they ask on the supervision of their parents.
This is an unregistered user created today, seemingly to post than question alone. There may be other matters.
There's no way for SE to capture parental permission.
I think if you explain this to J.R., he will understand.
> ... website operators must: ... Obtain verifiable parental consent, with limited exceptions, prior to any collection, use, and/or disclosure of personal information from persons under age 13
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) is a United States federal law, located at 15 U.S.C. §§ 6501–6506 (Pub.L. 105–277, 112 Stat. 2681-728, enacted October 21, 1998). The act, effective April 21, 2000, applies to the online collection of personal information by persons or entities under U.S. jurisdiction from children under 13 years of age. It details what a website operator must include in a privacy policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent or guardian, and what responsibilities an operator has to protect children's privacy and safety online including...
We can't confirm the info in the OP's comment is true or not.
Yeah, but that's not the point. If they've made that claim, then it's up to SE to prove otherwise.
If they'd said that they were 18, and were actually 12, then SE has no exposure.
Well, in any case, someone upstairs decided they weren't worth it.
It's a shame though, because the answer was pretty legit.
You mean the question?
The question was... legitimate, but poorly-phrased. I'd wonder whether it was another sock.
It was clearly meant to inflame, and the comments were clearly meant to waste time.
WHOA! Bluefeet deleted that question.
I need caffeine.
Yeah you do. Teehee.
@jimsug I'm pretty sure it was the same guy that's been trolling for the last day and a a half or so. Same pattern of mock-innocent query about edgy matters, adopts the same adolescent posture.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Actually, that was because I flagged it upstairs.
Normally I'd just flag the question and move on, but edgy/offensive question + possible sock + apparently underage
@jimsug You've already got all the powers :(
@Catija If I were a mod on ELL, I'd have shut down the sock much faster.
If that is, in fact, what it was.
Oh, I saw you all were taking about me earlier... my answer got downvoted, too... I had three upvotes, last night.
@Catija :( yeah, I think I'm at +4/-1
... But apparently whoever did that voting likes @jimsug... because he took the top "not J.R." slot.
I'm at +1/-1.
I think I'm +4-2?
And I got a downvote after I commented on Maulik's answer. Such a shame.
I lied... +5 -3
I would not take voting on position statements to be exact proxies for voting on candidates. One can vote on howsoever many positions statements as one pleases. With candidates, there can be only three.
So... apparently some people really like my answer and some don't.
@tchrist This is true.
@tchrist Oh, I know... there's 200 votes in the election and most of them occurred before we even answered the questions... well, except for @NathanTuggy
However, I wonder how much questionnaire visibility affects voting patterns.
@jimsug We can't really tell when someone changes their vote, only when they make it initially.
@Catija I had planned to have answers prepared to everything that I could just copy-paste, but I also have an exam in 10 hours that I want to pass.
@Catija Yeah, but I wonder if there's a skew toward the three most upvoted questionnaire answerers, for instance.
I'm not really sure if everyone's voting wisely.
@tchrist And no doubt there are lots of folks like me who never noticed that the answers could be voted on -- and never would do so even if they did notice.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Prolly not; the important thing is whether the stupid answers are all stupid in the same direction.
@jimsug I doubt it... the views count is lower than the votes count... I know that the views count ignores subsequent views by the same person but I'm not sure if that's across all devices or a per-device count.
@Catija isn't it per 15 minute window?
@jimsug I don't know... if it is, I've been the reason for at least... 20 of those views, probably more.
Q: How are the number of views in a question calculated?

andrerpenaI saw it's not just a page views number, because, if I press F5 several times, it won't increase the number of views. They could store my IP address in a table, but wouldn't that make it slow? They would need to query a database one more time for each request.

@StoneyB That mirrors my thinking.
Yeah, I'm sort of surprised that you're allowed to vote on the answers... but I suppose that a highly-downvoted answer might give the potential moderator pause... If the answer is disliked by the community, that means they need to reconsider how they think about the role of a moderator.
Well I haven't voted on any of the answers, but one of the candidates doesn't have the reasoning a mod should have. No doubt.
@Catija My guess is that no particular thought went into it; Meta was the most readily available medium for posting, and voting's built in to Meta.
@StoneyB They really could have built it into the election page, though.
@StoneyB Sure. And the only place that doesn't have voting is on the election page, which isn't actually a question page... it's a specialty page that's not on Meta or on the main site, really.
I'm not trying to be trigger happy with this troll... but another possible one from him:
Q: what does "deep-throat" mean? Is it offensive

Nathan Contwhat does "deep-throat" mean? can you explain in quick way ? some people here use it differently I think

@jimsug Yeah, but that would mean creating a new kind of input function.
@StoneyB Eh, another tab on the election page, like the one you have for nomination. But anyways.

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